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Explain Your Top 5 Soulsborne Bosses (DkS3 bosses Spoiler tagged)


Tragic victim of fan death
I thought it'd be worth noting what the best designed Soulsborne bosses are for you. Let's NOT make a simple ranking thread like people usually end up letting it be but if you're going to post your top 4 list then please write a short post on why they're the best for you. Feel free to describe using subjective or objective criteria.

For obvious reasons please spoiler tag the Dark Souls 3 bosses as some people have not completed the game yet.

I haven't beaten the DLC for Dark Souls 2 or Bloodborne so my list might be missing something down the line. In terms of what I enjoyed from Demon's Souls, I didn't. Sorry DeS

1.) Gehrman, The First Hunter - I think this one is fairly obvious for me. For a combat system as refined as Bloodborne I think it's fitting that the last boss of the game is also the one that is most mechanically complex and one that will use everything in your arsenal while letting you do the same. Gehrman is fast, can riposte you like no other, has a diverse movement set, while looking like one badass fucker. The game's bosses were great but none were as satisfying as the one that came out of nowhere and took many unprepared hunters to the ground. This one stands tall

2.) Artorias of the Abyss - I love this boss for the exact same reason as Gehrman. In fact I found Artorias to have a much neater moveset than Gehrman. The only reason this comes in second is because I feel that the boss doesn't necessarily feel like it's designed for all builds. That's the limitation of the game (or ironically the expansiveness). The game allows for too many styles of play and the boss is just too quick for many. That being said if Artorias of the Abyss existed in Bloodborne. Well... shiiiiiiiit.

3.) Ornstein and Smough - This one will be a no brainer for many as well. The neatest part of the boss isn't that you're fighting two distinct bosses at the same time but the fact that depending on which you defeat first will have the remaining boss go super saiyan on your ass. It's a neat fight for those that encounter it the first time (while giving you a serious case of the "broken controller" syndrome) but it's one that stands out the most because there was just nothing like it leading up to the one of the game's greatest moments.

Nameless King - I honestly think I have a sucker for two human-based bosses. Nameless King starts out as a fairly easy Big Dragon boss that is typical of the Souls franchise. However I think it does approach it a bit differently. First you see this fucker come flying in from far away with a badass dude riding on it. Not only that but the environment around you is this majestic but empty grey landscape. It honestly feels like one of those mythical tales of old where it's "god/dragon vs the little man". It's great. The boss itself is easy as I noted prior but the second the dragon is dead the King itself goes ballistic on your ass and the fight is kicked to 11. The boss is no pushover either. Excellently designed.
Abyss Watchers - This one holds a special spot for me because it's the cutoff spot but also because it's totally deserved. Up until this point the bosses of Dark Souls 3 were fairly disappointing and was rather mundane. However, the moment you enter the room of the boss you find one of the Abyss Watchers killing another. It's eerie and creepy. The boss will come at you with a blind rage and like some of the other bosses that preceded it, there are multiple Abyss Watchers that will want your head. However it does throw in a weird mechanic where the Abyss Watcher will attack each other. If you're with other players it feels like a mini-war in the room where everyone is literally at each other's throats. It's really cool. The second phase is awesome. 'Nuff said.


( ≖‿≖)
1. Storm King - Demon's Souls
People hate gimmick fights but I love them. The special weapon mechanic / boss area / enormous beast thing / nostalgia makes this my favourite. I was waiting for them to reuse a gimmick weapon mechanic, and glad they did in 3, though it could have been a bit more original :v

2. False King Allant - Demon's Souls
This is also probably mostly nostalgia but in terms of 1v1 humanoid battles in the series, I like this the best. His grunts are cool.

3. Sif - Dark Souls 1
I don't actually enjoy many Dark Souls 1 bosses but I liked Sif. Just aesthetically he is a great boss and the fight itself isn't annoying.

4. T
- Dark Souls 3
I don't actually know why I like this so much. Something about him teleporting makes this battle seem more fast paced than it actually is, but it's still mechanically fun for me. And aesthetically cool, like Sif!

5. Living Failures - Bloodborne
Keeping with the theme of aesthetics, Living Failures doing their meteor summon is maybe my favourite moment of Bloodborne. Easy boss and I actually don't enjoy it that much save for that one attack, but it's so cool that it makes up for the rest.


I certainly wouldn't have Ornstein and Smough in my top 5, in fact I would argue that they are the worst boss fight in the entire Soulsborne series.

I have never had any issue with any difficult boss in a From game. Supposedly difficult bosses like defiled Watch Dog of the Old Lords and Fume Knight can be beaten fairly easily after you learn their move set by heart. Every death you get against these bosses is because you haven't learnt the correct timing for your dodges.

Ornstein and Smough though, are just something else.

Yeah I know that the supposed tactic is to keep them in a line behind a pillar, but what happens when Ornstein decides to randomly fly at hypersonic speed and pin you to a wall, whilst Smough waddles along and joins the fun. Together they pincer grip you and prevent you from even standing up.

I swear to God Ornstein and Smough ng+ prevented me from getting Platinum on DaS, and they also go against everything a souls boss should be because they simply aren't fair.


I've only played through Dark Souls so far, but Ornstein and Smough is definitely my favorite, with Artorias being a close second.

I certainly wouldn't have Ornstein and Smough in my top 5, in fact I would argue that they are the worst boss fight in the entire Soulsborne series.



Here's 5 I really like:

-Orphan of Kos
Nameless King
Soul of Cinder

Same reasoning for all 5: high tension throughout the entire fight, feeling of satisfaction from learning boss' patterns and going from underdog to even match, boss looks awesome AND has an awesome frickin' moveset

Probably more I could list, don't think I have a top 5.


1. Artorias the Abysswalker: Loved the entire lore behind him and the fight was really good with how fast he was.

2. Fume Knight: The hardest Souls boss in my opinion. I never died on other bosses as much as I did on him but once you learn his moves you realize what a great designed fight it is and you can pretty much kill him on one try from then and onwards.

3. The Pursuer: I love this fight and it is really fair but why I put him here is because I love how the pursuer pops in various places across Dark Souls 2 SotFS it feels like a real menace that hunts you.

Nameless King: I liked the visuals of this fight but for me he wasn't that hard downed him after 3-4 tries but it was epic as fuck.

Prince Lothric: Really hard but fair fight which became even more hectic and fast in the 2nd phase.


Neo Member
In no particular order,
Nameless King
, Old King Allant, Manus, Burnt Ivory King,
Soul of Cinder
. Much as I love Bloodborne, none of the bosses really stood out for me as much as these five. Honorable mention to Tower Knight for scaring the shit out of me the first time I played Demon's Souls back when.
Having not beaten DaS3 yet.

1: Artorias. It's a perfect fight that boils the souls series combat down to it's best, one on one combat

2: Sif. He's a giant wolf with a sword, that's pretty much it.

3: Ornstein & Smough. Peak point for the base game of DaS1, no other fight in the base game puts up as much of a challenge

4: Gwyn. Pretty standard one on one fight that is elevated to greatness by the music and atmosphere

5: Tower knight. 60 foot tall knight coming out of nowhere is a pretty big shock to the system
My criteria generally come down to the bosses that are the most fun to fight with no shield and feel like its a contest of skill between the player and the boss(es).

1. Ornstein and Smough: There are just so many variables to this fight, and none of it feels unfair. Always down for some slam jam.

2. Artorias: This is the first fight in the whole series that really made me use rolling. You mess up and get punished, hard. The obvious allusion to guts only makes the encounter so much better. I love his character too.

Abyss Watchers: Take Artorias, add in another one, add a second phase, and the result is Abyss Watchers. Everything about this fight is just so good. If this boss had high poise it would bump him down, but the fact that both of you have low health and its a battle do get the perfect hit in makes it all the more tense. This is under Artorias because I feel he is much more iconic.

4. Fume Knight: This boss almost retroactively redeemed Dark Souls 2 for me. Using a shield of any kind in this fight is a quick way to get demolished. Rolls have to be perfect, and there is almost no margin for error. Unfortunately his difficulty is what bumps him down.

Nameless King: Phase one is an alright fight. But phase two? Now that is a great duel all the way. Again, any mess up and the fight is over. My gripe lies with the camera in phase one leading to some bad damage on the lunges he does before landing due to not being able to see the dive.


1) Gehrman/Moon presence. Bloodborne. Such a mechanically complex fight in the first half and the follow up was just awesome, gave me an oldschool gaming feel with a secret final boss, although it was much easier than gehrman. The setting for this fight was absolutely beautiful, especially in the second half, and its so awesome how its right next to the hunters dream.

2) Burnt Ivory King. Dark Souls 2. An awesome spectacle to enter the fight and finding all the knights to help you was fun too. The entire plot behind Eleum Loyce was awesome and this bossfight was challenging and fun. I really appreciate the DS2 DLC's and hope the BLoodborne and DS3 DLC can be as good.

3) Gargoyles. Dark Souls. What i consider the turning point of the game. Awesome build up going through the church and undead chapel fighting your way through. I feel like once you beat this boss you are truly into Dark Souls and all it means, and if DS was your first in the souls genre like it was me, it was extremely satisfying to defeat this boss.

4) Moonlight Butterfly. Dark Souls. Such a beautiful fight. Although its the easiest fight i love the music, even though it was featured later. Seriously for anyone who hasnt heard it check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5dTeRroCZI

5) Darklurker. Dark Souls 2. Although not an official boss this fight signified me 100%ing ds2 and getting the platinum. Also a truly difficult fight imo.

Bonus. Bloodborne - Ebrietas and Gascoigne. DS2 - Pursuer, Sinh, and Fume Knight.
DS - Artorias, sif, Gwyn, and O&S. DS3 -
Abyss watchers
so far only at


Jesus this is hard. So many good bosses.

1.) Fume Knight: This dude is a dodge simulator. Very punishing, but insanely rewarding.
2.) Gwyn: Best Souls final boss. He lost everything for what he believed in.
3.) Ornstein and Smough: Incredibly challenging fight at the time.
4.) Ludwig: Good lord what this dude a machine. Tough and that second phase was epic.
Lorian & Lothric
: This fight isn't so much difficult as it is epic. Probably my favorite fight in DS3 for atmosphere and design.

5 isn't enough. There's wayyy too many good bosses.
Nothing from 3 made the cut.

1.) Kalameet for the perfection.
2.) False King Allant for the feels.
3.) Ivory King for the most production value in the series. (Shoutout to Lud and Zallen and the frigid outskirts for being so rediculously difficult)
4.) Artorias for the pleasure of the fight.
5.) Orenstien and Smough for the most satisfying victory on a SL1 run in any game.

Honorable Mentions:

Best Setting: Sir Alonne

Most Intimidating: Four Kings

Most Harder-than-I-remember-it-being-the-last-time-I-played-this: Nito

Most cool design that turned out to be not that bad after all: Flamelurker
1. Dark Souls 1: Artorias
The ultimate sword fight between you and the legendary figure you've heard so much about. Success in this battle comes down to just one thing: your mechanical skill. If you're good enough, you can win this fight without ever being touched.

2. Bloodborne: Orphan of Kos
In my opinion, the hardest boss in the entire series. Facing him at the end of the Bloodborne DLC, it feels like the ultimate test of your abilities. Whereas the Artorias fight felt fair in that both fighters were on an even playing field, the Orphan of Kos will simply throw everything the game has at you. Melee, spells, speed, close range, long range - surviving this fight means mastering all types of ways the Souls bosses have tried to beat you.

3. Bloodborne: Gehrman
Like the Artorias fight, it's a mano a mano battle that feels fair, but with both of you having the ability to zip around using the Old Hunter's Bone, it also feels like you're both at the peak of your power levels. An intense fight with three phases, set against a field of white flowers and the burning building in the background, combined with the tragically beautiful makes this fight unforgettable.

4. Dark Souls II: Guardian Dragon
Stepping into the dragon's cage right before entering the Aerie is a fantastic surprise. The lighting in this area is gorgeous, harkening back to what some of the pre-release DS2 footage looked like. The fight feels epic as the dragon flies around, gripping on the sides of his cage to shoot fire down on you as you struggle to avoid his attacks before getting in close for a hit or two. My favorite fight from DS2.

5. Dark Souls III: L
& L
The warp mechanic. It's fucking awesome. Many fights in Dark Souls 3 try to introduce new mechanics to keep things feeling fresh even after 5 games, but the warp mechanic in the L&L fight is awesome, forcing you react at moment's notice when Lorian disappears and reappears in another location.

Honorable mention:
Dark Souls III: A
Because it's basically a Shadow of the Colossus boss battle. While it isn't much of a "fight," the whole experience of coming out to this wide open area and being attacked by this giant dragon who your weapon barely hurts, and therefore being forced to run was a harrowing experience. The inhabitants of Archdragon Peak take note of you and try to subdue you, but get caught in the blast of the dragon's fire as he tries to torch you, and eventually, by the skin of your teeth, just making it up as you go, you climb high enough to drop down and plunge your sword into the dragon's head. The whole experience felt natural and exhilarating and unlike any other fight in the Souls series.
4. T
- Dark Souls 3
I don't actually know why I like this so much. Something about him teleporting makes this battle seem more fast paced than it actually is, but it's still mechanically fun for me. And aesthetically cool, like Sif!

Prince Lothric: Really hard but fair fight which became even more hectic and fast in the 2nd phase.

Jesus this is hard. So many good bosses.

Lorian & Lothric
: This fight isn't so much difficult as it is epic. Probably my favorite fight in DS3 for atmosphere and design.

5. Dark Souls III: L
& L
The warp mechanic. It's fucking awesome. Many fights in Dark Souls 3 try to introduce new mechanics to keep things feeling fresh even after 5 games, but the warp mechanic in the L&L fight is awesome, forcing you react at moment's notice when Lorian disappears and reappears in another location.

The music is friggn' awesome too:

I find it hard for Souls games to compare to Bloodborne because of the shield and slower movement makes the bosses cake in comparison. Bloodborne is such an intimate battle between you and the boss and you really have to memorize their move sets as they can kill you so much easier.

Its much more learn as you go vs just whaling on the opponent.

Definitely some exceptions though like Gaping Dragon, Artorias and Manu.

Laurence, Ludwig and Kos are ridiculous on the difficulty scale, hardest bosses ever.

Maria is easy but one of the best 1v1s and one of the most entertaining.

Gah I can't do a top five.
I haven't beaten the DLC for Dark Souls 2 or Bloodborne so my list might be missing something down the line.

Do yourself a favor and play Bloodborne DLC. The bosses are absolutely superb.

1) Ludwig, The Accursed & The Holy Blade (Bloodborne): this first one is easy, Ludwig looks really cool, it has tons of attack patterns that drastically changes in his second phase, the area where the fight occurs is gruesome with blood splashing everywhere, the soundtrack is perfect. The best one easily.

2) Orphan of Kos (Bloodborne): another amazing fight in the DLC, it also has a lot of attack patterns, and his second phase is absolutely chaotic, the fight gets really crazy. My only (minor) complaint is that if you don't want to take damage, you have to wait for very especific attacks, because the majority of the moves he uses in its second phase are very risky to try to take advantage of. And once again the music is perfect for the fight.

3) Gehrman, The First Hunter (Bloodborne): this one I have to start with the music, no words. The scenario is gorgeous, and the boss is extremely cool to fight. Very fast, but since it doesn't have that much variety of attacks (compared to the first two), it's more predictable. It's still hard to dodge some of them though (my fight at lvl 4).

Outside of these 3, I can't really choose between the others:

Knight Artorias (Dark Souls)
Manus, Father of the Abyss (Dark Souls)
Watch Dog of the Old Lords (Bloodborne)
Abhorrent Beast (Bloodborne)
Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (Bloodborne)
Champion Gundyr
(Dark Souls III)
Lothric, Younger Prince
(Dark Souls III)
Nameless King
(Dark Souls III)

All of these are amazing. Doing a top for this series is very hard since there are so many great ones.


1. Alonne
2. Manus
3. Burnt Ivory King
4. Fume
5. C. Gundyr

Ds3 is really quite disappointing on the boss front, honestly. Super surprised to see AW mentioned at all in this thread, as of all the bosses in DS3 I'd say that one by far is the most disappointing.

Also, because I know it's coming, I didn't do a line by line explanation of the bosses because I feel the list speaks for itself. I'd just be explaining the same boss 5 times as all of those fights have the same design type in fast moving-hard hitters that require almost perfection to clear. I like the rush of the bosses and the exhilaration provided once completed, and I feel those are the bosses of this type in the series that make the best match of health bar, combos, and damage dealt.
I don't really want to make a numerical list. There are too many good ones to leave out.

Vicar Amelia
bloodstarved beast
Moon presence
Defiled watchdog (lol)
Gaping Dragon
Moonlight butterfly
Orinstien and smough
Abyss Watchers
Curse rotted great wood
Nameless king
Soul of cinder
Pontiff sulyvan

Imo Bloodborne has the strongest boss roster in the entire series.


1. Ludwig – I love bosses that are both horrific and dignified, and come at you relentlessly. Ludwig is one of those bosses that doesn't give you a moment's relaxation. If you wanna beat him, there's nothing to do but be better than him. The mid-fight cutscene where he looks defeated, then picks up his Moonlight Greatsword was for me the best story/narrative moment I've ever experienced in a game. The dialog after, where he talks about the thin thread of light and asks you if his holy Knights are fighting valiantly was icing on the cake. Everything about his fight is just incredible to me.

2. Gehrman – Music makes a big difference in these boss fights and Gehrman's is some of the best. Most of the Souls games end with a one on one duel against an enemy of similar size and stature to the player (Allant, Gwyn, Gehrman, Soul) and of them all this one is my favorite. Gehrman's arsenal of moves and the way he fights isn't cheap, he's just really really good. And that music... Honestly it was a hard call between Lady Maria, Gehrman or Gascoigne for this. But I gotta give it to the OG.

Twin Princes
– IMO the best fight in any of the three Dark Souls games. The spatial awareness required for this fight gives it a very different dynamic to most others. The mid-fight cutscene and the voice acting are so good, and the way the prince fights on his knees make it feel like a tragic struggle.

4. Ornstein & Smough – Of course this one has to be in here. Can I really say anything about it that hasn't already been said? Awesome boss, awesome music, awesome fight.

5. Garl Vinland and Lady Astraea – The dialog, the self-questioning, the repulsion, the pity, the helplessness, the regret. It's an emotional roller coaster of a boss and makes you really wonder what is going on in the world without you there and if you're really saving anyone.


No particular order because I like them for different reasons.

- Gaping Dragon, best co-op fun. A bit of a joke difficulty wise, but his huge hp pool lengthened the fight. Probably the boss I killed the most times as a result.

- King Vendrick, best reveal/atmosphere. The whole reveal, when you finally descend into the final room of the undead crypt after a tough boss, only to be met with this chilling music, darkness, and this hulking shadow pacing about, barely holding this gigantic sword behind him, his mind seemingly gone. At first you might not even understand who this is supposed to be. As a character you expected to meet this powerful king, as a player you might have expected a grandiose fight, and all that stands in front of you is this pathetic creature. Loved it.

- Sir Alonne. Best duel without the hefty dose of anime bullshit moves that next entries added to the formula. Really epic music theme too.

- Adjudicator, single best boss theme in the whole series. Great atmosphere too, with the darkness, the cramped room, the bird noises. Love that grotesque fat fuck.

- Old Monk, most interesting boss fight in the series.

Honourable mentions to Tower Knight for earliest "holy shit I'm supposed to kill THAT?" and Gwyn / Aldia / True King Allant /
Soul of Cinder
for the "this is it, this is the end of the road uh..." feeling. Each with fucking masterful themes too. While I'm at it, a last mention to all the Demon's Souls bosses for best soundtrack in the series.


For those who love Souls bosses and haven't played Bloodborne DLC, you are doing yourself a disservice. There is one reused boss, but the others are glorious.

1) Ludwig the Accursed

This boss is the most visceral, disgusting, frustrating, amazing boss fight in the series for me. I beat it, and then I helped people beat it and watched it over and over, never getting tired of it. Best character for a Souls boss by far. Should have been in the main game, I think.

2) Orphan of Kos-

This fight just felt really intense, and was a beautiful fight with the effects and how relentless he is.

Champion Gundyr

This boss just feels like Souls Boss incarnate. He's also one of the most aggressive bosses in the series. He's really hard to face unless you are great at parries.

Twin Princes Lothric and Lorian

Seeing this fight for the first time was pretty amazing. The design concept is really cool, and it is also quite a challenge, although it seems entirely fair. The boss is basically anit-estus in most cases.

Soul of Cinder

This is a really fun boss, and I like the implication of it. Also, the 4-5 hit combo he does on you in one moveset is just insane, and feels like it's from a different game (in a good way.) Also, dat ninja-flip. And, his boss soul transposes into one of my favorite weapons in the game. Also, this boss has great music. I actually took a moment to notice the music during the fight, it's that good.

Honorable mention: Ornstein and Smough. Definitely the iconic boss of Dark Souls. It was such a long time ago that I fought them, so I don't know how I would place them in the list. I would probably say they are equal to any of the bosses from 3-5. They marked the place where you say, 'holy shit, I need to git gud.'

Most Demon's Souls bosses were cheesed by magic, so none of them place here, although some of them are quite interesting. Very few Dark Souls II bosses register in my memory. I haven't beaten the DLC, though.


Quality OP; no surprise that the meijin has excellent taste in bosses.

I'll try to finish up the rest of my thoughts tomorrow, but as for my favorite...

1. Manus, Father of the Abyss (DS1)

Manus remains my favorite Souls boss for one simple reason: His complete lack of chill. Manus is absolutely ferocious; he sports incredible speed for a boss his size and matches it with impressive reach on almost all of his attacks. Success requires a perfect balance of patience and reflexes as his strength makes tanking his hits nearly impossible.
If you do survive long enough to whittle his health bar down a modest amount, Manus adds an incredibly lethal set of humanity-based magic attacks to his arsenal and gets even faster.

In addition, the art design for Manus is top notch. Manus himself is a twisted amalgamation of granite and desecated flesh; an ever shifting miasma of humanity envelops his limbs while a set of eye-like red orbs that pierce through the darkness of his arena adorn his head.

Artorias is usually the pick for best boss in the DLC and not without merit, but to me Manus is an almost perfect culmination of the mechanical and visual design the entire series is built upon.


aka IMurRIVAL69
1. Ornstein and Smough - Dark Souls was my first Souls game and this was a brick wall for me for a while. Most satisfying win in the entire series, especially considering the reward for beating them was the lordvessel letting you warp between bonfires which I had no idea was coming. Not that hard or interesting on subsequent playthroughs once you know what to do but that first time beating them was great.

2. Sif - Cool, interesting fight. Great visual spectacle. Neat lore implications that carry through to the DLC. The limping animation. It's a really cool moment in the series.

3. Gwyn - The dreamlike atmosphere of the entire game coming to a head with the walk up to his room. The piano. When you realized you could parry him. Really cool and memorable fight. The damn piano, man.

4. Abyss Watchers - The first DS3 boss that felt like a real boss fight. Second form was pretty tough. The music was dope. The arena was dope. After I beat them I sunbro'd here for a while just because it was a fun fight.

5. Father G - Easily the toughest 2nd boss in the series for me. His cutscene was nice. The transformation was cool. The arena was really well done. Easily the most memorable boss from BB for me.


I haven't played enough of DS3 but if Ludwig ain't in your top 5 you're either lying or haven't played Bloodborne DLC.

I didn't play enough of Demon's Souls either, so for me right now:
1. Ludwig - Most well executed fight in Soulsborne. Artorias on crack
2. Ornstein and Smough - How could you not?
3. Maria - Fairly easy fight but animayyy as fuck. Most people love the Gehrman battle but I'm more partial to Maria because I find the remixed Gehrman soundtrack amazing.
4. Sif - Only slightly behind Maria
5. Gascoigne - I didn't feel bad for Sif. But Gascoigne's story wrecked me. Plus the music was kickass


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I've only played Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and now finishing up Dark Souls III.

Dark Souls III has some of the finest bosses in the series. My list would look like:

Dancer of the Boreal Valley
- Sublime character art and animations set this boss apart from many. Love to watch it attack.
Nameless King
- Probably the hardest boss in the whole series for me. But an absolutely grand battle with one of the coolest looking characters in the Souls universe.
3. Old King Allant - Nostaglia.
Abyss Watchers
- An instant classic. A haunting and somber character/story with an awesome moveset, and the best boss music I've heard in YEARS.
1. Knight Artorias - Unforgettable fight then and now. Hits all the right notes and makes Dark Souls' DLC just that much better.

Yup, FROM fucking nailed it with the bosses in Dark Souls III.


Have not played Bloodborne yet, And I'm halfway through DS3, but here's how I'd rate the rest:

1. Ornstein and Smough: The moment leading uo to that fight, the music, the epicness of the bosses themselves, and the thrill of beating them in Coop with 1 friend, each one against one, made this one the most memorable for me, no comparison.

2. Flamelurker: One of demons Souls finest bosses, music, mechanics, and the cutscene at the start made me sweat so much as it was the first time I was so challenged in a Souls game

3. The four Kings: Mainly because of the setting, fighting in the Dark of the abyss and rushing to kill the first king before the next one arrived? First time I hadto actually need to summon 2 friends and we barely made it, and that's on NG Plus Plus

4.The Old Hero, it was such a change of pace from other battles, it's about patience. the fact that I didn't realize he was actually blind until I almost died made me beg for my life like a b***, specially because I had no bow

5. Sir Alonne, felt like a pretty epic Duel, O refused to summon someone because I wanted to beat him on my own

I've yet to fight a boss on DS3/that wows me, feels like, been there before.
Yeah, if you like serenading old dead kings with a sad piano love song.

Here's one that fits fighting, instead of making love - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3bityYL1G8

Lady Maria's theme is soooo gooood.



Top 5 is honestly really hard to choose. The difficulty comes from juggling sentimental favorites, emotional/story driven choices, vs raw mechanical heart pounding thrills.

I just spent a bunch of time typing stuff and then re-ordering it, and then eventually giving up.


Honorable mentions:

6.Burnt Ivory King:
Just remembered how amazed I was by this fight, although you really need someone to beat this fight. The scene where he comes out of the portal is god like.

7. Executioner charriot: It was very original, I was also surprised by the fact that the actual enemy is the horse.


Old King Allant

Are my locks for Top 5

The ones that are really close are Flamelurker, Sif, Father Gascoigne, Manus, Artorias, Gargoyles...any of them worthy.

Haven't played Dark Souls 2 or 3 just yet.
Every 6 months, this thread comes back XD

1. father gascoigne (Bloodborne)

2. Ornstein & Smough (Dark Souls)

3. Old King Allant (Demon’s Souls)

4. Flamelurker (Demon’s Souls)

5. Tower Knight (Demon’s Souls)
1. Old Monk

This is the revolution kids. Doing this (with proper funneling of people into the role) and facing this is level upon level of cleverness. So well conceptualized, that game, to be first.

I don't have a 2nd thru 5th (I do have a crapton of crappy ones which either revolve around a cocktail of constant stamina, skyhigh poise, and constant horizontal swings or Bed of Chaos).




Come at me bros!


Oh man top 5 in this series is tough man.

I am going to do top 10 instead.

Flamelurker - Tough as hell boss, great setting/intro and mechanics.
Artorias - This boss defied the speed and mechanics of DS1 at the time. Great build up and story, music and setting too.
Ornstein Smough - Loved the dual aspect of the fight and then the power up when you beat one of them. Very hard for new players and build dependent difficulty (like most Souls bosses.
Nameless King
in DS3 - Dat intro, dat atmosphere, dat difficulty, dat bad assery.
Manus - Hard as hell, chilling atmosphere and some crazy surprises in the middle of this fight. One of those few bosses that is both big and aggressive.
Ludwig - Starts off as a tough as hell monster boss that is aggressive and hits hard with great music/setting. Then the transformation happens and your mouth hits the god damn floor! "Ah.. you were at my side all along!"
Gehrman - Perfect combination of setting, mechanics, music... phenomenal final boss to a phenemonal game.
Gascoigne - The background story to this, the numerous transformations, the various elements to the fight itself, that top tier music. The final phase has you on edge the entire time.
Abyss Watchers
of DS3 and Lady Maria - Surprising mechanics to the fight coupled with a god tier soundtrack. Though unfortunately it's kinda similar to another boss in BB Lady Maria. I feel like you will like one or the other depending on which you played first.
Last boss of DS3 - The most mechanics heavy boss in the entire series... this boss has like 30+ moves! In many ways, it's the perfect final boss for the series. Also that area looks like the ending to the Berserk... god damn swords all over, messed up upside down building structures, ash all over, god damn eclipse that is bleeding down. Absolutely insane!

Can't wait for the DS3 DLC.. the bosses in the DLC are crazy!

When that piano beat starts in the second phase of the final boss of DS3... I legit got chills.
1. Ludwig the Accursed/Holy Blade - This is pretty much my perfect boss in all respects, design, music, lore, and even a fantastic weapon you get from finishing it. Ludwig is just terribly grisly looking, and when he begins to fight more like a skilled swordsman rather than a beast in the second half of the fight, it really makes it more apparent what he's fallen from to become such a gruesome monster. Both versions are very different and a lot of fun to fight and the Holy Moonlight Blade is probably the most fun weapon in Bloodborne, not to mention it has significant lore implications in this game beyond just being From's trademark weapon.

2. Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower - The Old Hunters really nailed its bosses (mostly anyway). Here's another fight that is just great in all respects, I enjoy it even more than Gherman because the way Maria moves feels more natural whilst remaining challenging.

The Nameless King - Hands down the best, most challenging and most visually gratifying battle in Dark Souls 3. Not to mention it answers a lore question from Dark Souls 1 in a way that doesn't feel like needless fanservice.

4. Gherman, the First Hunter - Although I liked Maria more Gherman is still a great boss, and my favorite 'final' boss in the series. Not to mention I think the fact that you can choose to either avoid fighting him, end the game after him, or go beyond him into the true ending to be a brilliant endgame choice.

5. Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos - This boss makes it in largely based upon its visual design and the lore associated with it. While I do think it's still a very fun fight, it's certainly not one of the absolute best, though it is quite challenging which is a nice bonus. But I just can't deny putting such a brilliantly alien creature onto the list.

Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 really brought the series' bosses to a new level I think, they're largely just much better in terms of boss fights than the previous games.

I'm gonna post right now that at the time of me writing this the above post said "lady Mario of the Astral clock tower" Which made me giggle.
Goddamit, lol. Fixed it.


Junior Member
I don't really have a top 5...so here's a top 3. In no particular order though. I'm also not at the end of Dark Souls 3 yet, but close (at Grand Archives).

Ludwig - Awesome music in both phases; the first one is catchy while the second one set an even more epic mood. Ludwig has a good moveset and his second form is visually great. Tough fight that really keeps you on your toes. Just a very well done boss.

Orphan of Kos - Crazy boss with a crazy moveset. I like how berserk he is. The fight itself is really fast paced and felt like the most traditional action fight in the series. A really well done one though, and while lots of people struggled against him I also thought his difficult was fair. So props here, and a good final fight to the DLC.

Nameless King - Great background visuals and the design of the boss is awesome. This is a pretty well done example of a "rider on huge monster" type of fight. I kind of wish they made the dragon part longer, but also made it so when you beat this phase, you start the boss off with phase 2 if you die. Starting with phase 1 over and over dampens the boss a little, but he's still a very good boss. Damn challenging so it feels like a good accomplishment when you beat him. Good music too.

I'm looking forward to the final fights in Dark Souls 3 and what they have in store for the DLC.
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