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Explain Your Top 5 Soulsborne Bosses (DkS3 bosses Spoiler tagged)

Really hard to list only 5...

1. Lady Maria: Lady Maria is #1 for how fucking stylish she is. Her moveset is incredible and the blood/fire is ridiculously cool. The music is also top-tier. The interesting lore behind the character and the build-up throughout the Research Hall is icing on the cake.

2. Artorias: Artorias is such an awesome character in the lore, and the fight lives up to it. He's a joy to fight, and the arena/setting is fantastic. We're lucky he couldn't use one of his arms.

3. Ornstein & Smough: Just an incredibly fun fight, plain and simple. The dynamic between O&S is great. Very fun to co-op as well.

4. Gehrman: Easily the most epic boss arena in the series. The flowers, the tree, the burning building, the moon. So good. And man oh man the music. And of course the fight is fun as well.

Soul of Cinder: The concept of the final boss of DS3 being a combination of all the people who have linked the fire + Gwyn is great. I love the phase 1 moveset changes. And dat phase 2 music.

Honorable mentions:

Maiden Astraea
Orphan of Kos
Abyss Watchers
Nameless King
Oh, god, it's like trying to pick a favourite child. A favourite child who relentlessly tries to kill you over and over and over and over and over and ov -

1. Tower Knight - Demon's Souls was my first Soulsborne game, and a combination of the scale of the Tower Knight, the ominous accompanying music, and the incredible art direction still makes it my favourite boss after all the years.

2. Maiden Astraea - the suffocating atmosphere, the story relevance, and the heartbreaking conclusions depending on whether or not you take out Astraea or Garl Vinland first. Fantastic.

3. Lady Maria - the lore relevance, the blood, and the incredible elegance of the entire fight, not to mention the tension in the cutscene before the boss fight. Bloodborne bringing some Utena realness. I may have swooned.

4. King Allant - it wasn't much of a boss fight - at all - but the beauty of the arena that came before him and the irony of it all did make him quite memorable for me.

5. Ornstein and Smough - those. mother. fucking. assholes.

It feels sacrilegious to not give the following some sort of mention: Storm King, Old Hero, Artorias, Manus, Gaping Dragon, Nito, Father Gascoigne, Ebrietas, Gehrman, Amygdala, Defiled Watchdog of the Old Lords, Ludwig, Orphan of Kos...


it has a bunch of cool bosses, but if I had to pick I guess it would be these

1.- Lady Maria - I love Bloodborne Hunter Bosses, they feel fair, Maria was so damn good, the moveset, her phases, her theme, and the very first time I fought this boss, she changed to second phase the exact moment her theme goes into transition and did her jump attack just as the chorus kicks in, goddamnit, it was beyond awesome.

2.- Maiden Astraea - Storywise it was great, it made me feel like an asshole for killing these two, but it had to be done. Her theme is one of my fav from all souls games too

3.- Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon - imo, this is the best 'slay the dragon' fight in the whole series, it feels epic, huge and so good when you get throu this fight

Aldrich, Devourer of Gods
- even thou it's not a hard boss, the lore, part of it's apparance, the attacks, the arena, the theme, everything fits perfectly

5.- Storm King - I hated this level, so getting to the boss, and it being a giant flying nightmare ray just like those annoying minion rays made me thought just what freaking pain in the ass this boss was about to be, then finding the Stormruler and slashing that mofo with a mighty air slash was so good
The fight is just epic, a damn dragon soaring in with its rider shooting ligtning bolts and smacking you around.

I loved when you beat the dragon the king pets it on its head to say "youve done enough"
The atmosphere of the fight was made alot more stronger when you ring the bell and shit just starts breaking apart like woah :0 the fight is even better when you know the lore and story behind him

orian Elder Prince
& Lothric Younger Prince

This fight was just really cool, mostly cause it was one of the very few boss fights in DS3 where the boss spoke. It gave alot personality to lothric. I love when he said "oh dear,another dogged contendor" as if hes just tired of it all. Again another fight which is enhanced by its lore when you know of the fate which befell both brothers.

3) Orphan of Kos BB
This a boss i feel just obligated to put on my list. He kicked my ass so much harder than any of the other in the Soulsborne series that hes deserved my respect of being here.

His attack pattern was absolutely relentless and something which i could just not get down. No boss has ever made me as frustrated as OoK.

2) Lady Maria BB
Absolutely beautiful and stylish. So much character and personality from her attacks and dialogue. The way her attacks flow elegantly yet still have that oomph in her animation.
"Only an honest death will cure you now,
Liberate you from your wild curiosity"

1) Maiden Astraea DeS

Just no words for this boss

Astraea Theme

Leave us, slayer of Demons.
This is a sanctuary for the lost and wretched.
There is nothing here for you to pillage or plunder.
Please, leave quietly.

Honourable mention to Gherman having literally the best final theme and location


Tears in the rain
1. Gerhman the First Hunter : The most atmospheric battle of any game I've played. Only fights that can compare to me in terms of emotional weight, are The Boss in MGS3, the final boss of Persona 3 and Zio from Phantasy Star IV
2. Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower: Incredible one on one fight with an opponent of equal skill, in a gorgeous arena, with sumptuous music. She's elegant, powerful and downright terrifying.
Twin Princes: Incredible atmosphere and weight. The last of the Lord of Cinders, and he's hanging onto his crippled, but incredibly powerful and angry brother. Haunting.
Aldrich Devourer of Gods: Not only does it takes place in the boss room of O&S, but the lore being this piece of shit is just phenomenal. A twisted psychotic cannibal who ended up so grotesque, he fed on the old gods of Lordran.
5. Burnt Ivory King: Best intro, and perhaps best theme of the whole franchise. A icy knight buried underneath his kingdom. I am sucker for tragic villains with love stories so this guy (and Alsanna) hits me right in the feels.

Honorable mentions:

Ornstein and Smough
Artorias the Abyss Walker
Manus Father of the Abyss
Maiden Astrea
Tower Knight
Ebrietas Daughter of the Cosmos
Ludwig the Holy Blade
Fume Knight
Sinh the Slumbering Dragon
Lost Sinner
Sir Alonne
Pontiff Sulyvahn
Nameless King
Oceiros the Consumed King
Abyss Watchers
Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Dragonslayer Armour


1. Sif
As an actual fight, this isn't too difficult. But the feels! The first time you do this fight, he's a terrifying wolf with a huge ass sword. And then you get his health so low and he's limping and whining. And you realize that you're the asshole here. And then if you play the DLC first and Sif recognizes you as the one who rescues him! He doesn't want to fight and the battle becomes even more sad. Tears ahead indeed.

2. Ornstein and Smough
Oh come on. The original bros. after fighting through Anor Londo, getting knocked off ledges and parapets by those stupid Knights. The glorious hallways leading up to the fight, with the added bonus of the Solaire summon sign. And then you walk through the fog door and its two golden warriors that hold nothing back. Ornstein's armor is still some of my favorite, and his fighting style is terrifying. There's a reason he was brought back for DS2. The lore behind Smough is great as well.

Twin Princes Lorian and Lothric
This is such a great fight, both mechanically and lore wise. The idea that the royal family was breeding and hoping for a lord of cinder, only for Lothric to be born cursed and broken. So Lorian takes up the curse himself, intertwining their fates and becoming his brothers shield and sword. There music is fantastic, the warping mechanic is so frustrating for that first run. And when Lorian dies the first time and Lothric enters the fight... Oh man, so sad but also so incredible.

4. Artorias
The man himself. The warrior who fought back against the abyss. The loyal knight of Gwyn whose grave you defile to defeat the four kings. Or so we thought. Seeing the weakened, cursed Artorias is gut wrenching. The battle is incredible. While actually one of the easier fights, Artorias fights with style. Flipping around and being so aggressive. And then, after the fight, the small grave and Ciaran. She just wants to let him rest in piece after all he'd done. And of course, finding Sif in the abyss, protected by Artorias as his last act before losing himself to the abyss.

5. Ludwig
Ludwig's holy blade was the weapon everyone used while playing Bloodborne. So it's no surprise they chose to feature Ludwig in the DLC. And boy oh boy is it exciting. The monstrous beast that was once leader of the church hunters. And then his holy blade. His erstwhile ally. And the fight completely changes.

I'm less impressed by the Bloodborne lore, so only one boss made it for me on this list. But mechanically, Lady Maria and Gehrman both deserve spots. And of course a special shoutout to Gwyn. Lord of sunlight who sacrificed himself to extend the reign of gods and stability. Reduced to a mere shell of his former self.
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