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Far Cry 4 Reviews Thread

Hmm, when will the PC version be unlocked in other countries? In Finland it will be in 3 days and I already saw pirated PC version being uploaded around the web. :/
Fun game but a lot like FC3. Got it!

Should be a 7.5 for offering no innovation, doing the same as in previous games, too many filler bullshit quests.

Story is good and the freedom to take on missions your way is great.

Thats what I think by looking at the footage.


7.5 at the most. Talk about repetitive.

Another thing I noticed is the absolute awful ai - what a pile of shit.

Add the bullet sponge bodies of the enemies which show no 'wounding' or blood, this is about as numb a game can get in terms of connection - this makes it feel extremely dated to me. Extremely dated.

Other things which say how uninspiring this game is:-

- padded out rpg elements that make little to no difference
- side missions, fetch quests in templates of not only this series but games for the last 'x' amount of years = fucking boring. Is this really the best imagination a developer has?
- repetition, repetition and more repetition...

All this shit is to make the game appear it has value with its content when really it boils down to lack of effort, inspiration, imagination, desire to make a great game from the developers/publishers who just want to cash in on those gamers who appear to not care to want those things from their games. i.e. Copy>Paste>Copy>Paste>Copy>Paste...Are these developers not bored as fuck making games like this? Is this the reason they went into gaming? Pfffft.

I can't think of another game with such little inspiration and so much 'me too' and 'gaming tickboxes' - might I add with 'none of the best bits from classic games over the years as it's gaming tickboxes. What a waste of AAA budget and a waste to what games could be made with this amount of money.

Its very clear what market Ubisoft sees a bigger profit......but is this a good thing in the long run for their business? I really think not and I also hope not. Amazes me the stupidity of those higher up but I'll need to wait and see the coming years if I think I'm right or not.

I could go on and on...

Thank fuck there are so many other developers out there who don't think like these guys cos if they did, that would be me done with it.

Just to clarify, this is just my opinion about this particular game series, Ubisoft as a whole in their Philosophy on gaming/gaming business and is no way meant to offend anyone who loves this series/publisher.


Gold Member
Game looks beautiful but I'm disappointed that the weapons seem to have almost no recoil. I don't know how vanilla FC3 played but on PC with mods, the gunplay was actually rather good for an open-world shooter.


Just preordered the standard edition on psn, and when it lists the items you can download the season pass was there as well. Is that supposed to be there?

The description for the standard edition only mentions the harpoon gun, machete and the hurk missions.


Very nice reviews on the game so far.

Edit: Does every sequel need to innovate everything? FC3 was a solid game and even without much improvements, FC4 can still be a great game. Too much innovation will lead to devs implementing some things that aren't good in the grand scheme of things.
Parity? The game couldn't run on a higher res on PS4 because the game is CPU limited.

As far as my knowledge for tech goes, resolution is not affected by CPU. An example would be Planetside 2's where the game is CPU bound because of high player count on a single map and it bogs down the fps during large conflicts. On the other hand, it's res is at 1080p and the devs have explicitly stated that they could reach 1080p very easily but it's the CPU is the one giving them problems.



7.5 at the most. Talk about repetitive.

Another thing I noticed is the absolute awful ai - what a pile of shit.

Add the bullet sponge bodies of the enemies which show no 'wounding' or blood, this is about as numb a game can get in terms of connection - this makes it feel extremely dated to me. Extremely dated.

Other things which say how uninspiring this game is:-

- padded out rpg elements that make little to no difference
- side missions, fetch quests in templates of not only this series but games for the last 'x' amount of years = fucking boring. Is this really the best imagination a developer has?
- repetition, repetition and more repetition...

All this shit is to make the game appear it has value with its content when really it boils down to lack of effort, inspiration, imagination, desire to make a great game from the developers/publishers who just want to cash in on those gamers who appear to not care to want those things from their games. i.e. Copy>Paste>Copy>Paste>Copy>Paste...Are these developers not bored as fuck making games like this? Is this the reason they went into gaming? Pfffft.

I can't think of another game with such little inspiration and so much 'me too' and 'gaming tickboxes' - might I add with 'none of the best bits from classic games over the years as it's gaming tickboxes. What a waste of AAA budget and a waste to what games could be made with this amount of money.

Its very clear what market Ubisoft sees a bigger profit......but is this a good thing in the long run for their business? I really think not and I also hope not. Amazes me the stupidity of those higher up but I'll need to wait and see the coming years if I think I'm right or not.

I could go on and on...

Thank fuck there are so many other developers out there who don't think like these guys cos if they did, that would be me done with it.

Just to clarify, this is just my opinion about this particular game series, Ubisoft as a whole in their Philosophy on gaming/gaming business and is no way meant to offend anyone who loves this series/publisher.
The fact of the matter is this. If it sells, who cares what people like you think. People will eat it up because its mindless entertainment and thats enough for Ubisoft to make it.

The side-quests are optional so indeed they're there for people who want more stuff to do in that world, if you don't like them because they're boring.. don't play them?

In the end these people have to make a living, and they try to put in as much creativity as they can but with restrictions. Once you grow up and realise these are real people and not mindless drones you may come to terms with the fact that alot of effort does go into these games. People have no idea about game development so stop harping on about repetition etc... these lot have deadlines. If there's anyone to blame its the people that buy the games. If people didn't buy them, they wouldn't sell and so wouldn't be made. Sadly thats not the way it is so why do you give a toss?

Speculations on the long-run benefit of games like this have no grounding. Sequels have always been made, sequels will sell, end-of-story, thats what matters. The higher-ups are businessmen - they want money, this game will sell, put into production - done.

Eventually people will get tired of it just like they do with COD and other series', Ubi will move on to another IP to milk. It's not a fault of the gaming industry, it's a fault of capitalism. The sooner people like you realise that, the sooner we see reasoned discussion.
What's going on, games journalism?

Seriously, maybe they haven't received code to review. For reasons.

Well, many of the reviews do mention at the bottom of the review that they played the PS4, and/or they played the game at a "review party" type deal with Ubisoft.

However, most of the reviews are listed as if they are for all versions of the game, listing all the platforms the game is available on..and not even hinting that they are going to update the review when they play other versions. I know, most reviewers only play one version of the game, but they do have access to both versions.
haha this is the correct attitude to have for any far cry game... I mean the story of FC3 was so bad I almost didn't even play the story at all... the story missions were actually a chore to play, but I still enjoyed the game due to the great environments and the world was well done... Far Cry 4 is a no brainer for me and i have a system for anyone like me:

Conquer all the bases, collect skins, side missions, arm yourself to the teeth - then complete story in 30 minutes with rpg's and heavy machine guns blazing.


I read the outposts are take over by enemies after you best them, is it same for fortresses ? Is there anyway to stop them from taking over outposts over and over again?


I loved Far Cry 3 but even with the reviews for this I'm not excited. Will probably give it a play when it is cheaper.

If I didn't log more than 200 hours between the PS3/PC version. I'd be all over this.
It features everything I loved about FC3, but the timing is all wrong. It's going to be crowded week/month, and I doubt I'd find the time for it.

I am recommending that my friends get it though. I know quite a few people who have never played a Far Cry game and are interested; a few of them liked Just Cause, and I said this would be perfect for them.


This is a good question, just looking at metacritic, it appears there are no xbox one reviews, which is worrying.........

Initial review shipments were all PS4 debug discs. That's why you only see PS4 reviews.

I wouldn't be worried about the XB1 version. Some of the reviews are for both PS4 and XB1, but Metacritic don't update the page just as they didn't with the PC, 360 and PS3 versions. Polygon even said that both versions (PS4/XB1) were sent out to reviewers. The game is cross gen and they were targeting 1080/30 so it should be fine. Wait on Digital Foundry if you have any doubts though.

Polygon was assuming. All of the reviews that popped on MC on Friday were based on PS4 debug discs. Ubi just started sending retail code to reviewers on Friday.

What's going on, games journalism?

Seriously, maybe they haven't received code to review. For reasons.

Pretty much this. Sony is incredibly picky about which press it gives PS4 Test Kits to. Outlets w/o a PS4 Test Kit have to wait for retail code.

Well, many of the reviews do mention at the bottom of the review that they played the PS4, and/or they played the game at a "review party" type deal with Ubisoft.

However, most of the reviews are listed as if they are for all versions of the game, listing all the platforms the game is available on..and not even hinting that they are going to update the review when they play other versions. I know, most reviewers only play one version of the game, but they do have access to both versions.

Typically companies just send out one version of the game to reviewers, unless multiples are specifically requested. Some sites review each version individually. Others only review one specific version and then make note that the game is available on other platforms.

I am recommending that my friends get it though. I know quite a few people who have never played a Far Cry game and are interested; a few of them liked Just Cause, and I said this would be perfect for them.

Make sure said friends try Blood Dragon. ;)


I loved FC3 so I don't mind if this is more of the same in a different setting. Probably gonna buy this day one, but seeing how DA:I comes out two days later I'm torn. So many games, gah.
Definitely buying this and LBP3 on day one. I have played enough remakes this year, GTA V will be picked up used next summer.

I read the outposts are take over by enemies after you best them, is it same for fortresses ? Is there anyway to stop them from taking over outposts over and over again?

From what I got from the GB Quick Look, taking over a fortress prevents enemy takeover of outposts in that zone.

7.5 at the most. Talk about repetitive.

Another thing I noticed is the absolute awful ai - what a pile of shit.

Add the bullet sponge bodies of the enemies which show no 'wounding' or blood, this is about as numb a game can get in terms of connection - this makes it feel extremely dated to me. Extremely dated.

Other things which say how uninspiring this game is:-

- padded out rpg elements that make little to no difference
- side missions, fetch quests in templates of not only this series but games for the last 'x' amount of years = fucking boring. Is this really the best imagination a developer has?
- repetition, repetition and more repetition...

All this shit is to make the game appear it has value with its content when really it boils down to lack of effort, inspiration, imagination, desire to make a great game from the developers/publishers who just want to cash in on those gamers who appear to not care to want those things from their games. i.e. Copy>Paste>Copy>Paste>Copy>Paste...Are these developers not bored as fuck making games like this? Is this the reason they went into gaming? Pfffft.

I can't think of another game with such little inspiration and so much 'me too' and 'gaming tickboxes' - might I add with 'none of the best bits from classic games over the years as it's gaming tickboxes. What a waste of AAA budget and a waste to what games could be made with this amount of money.

Its very clear what market Ubisoft sees a bigger profit......but is this a good thing in the long run for their business? I really think not and I also hope not. Amazes me the stupidity of those higher up but I'll need to wait and see the coming years if I think I'm right or not.

I could go on and on...

Thank fuck there are so many other developers out there who don't think like these guys cos if they did, that would be me done with it.

Just to clarify, this is just my opinion about this particular game series, Ubisoft as a whole in their Philosophy on gaming/gaming business and is no way meant to offend anyone who loves this series/publisher.

I completely agree... When the gaming community starts to see how three franchises are sharing the same damn concepts ubisoft needs to rethink some shit. Why are the antenna towers back? Why are the strongholds back. Why do watch dogs, assassin's creed, and far cry all have the same gameplay mechanics of towers to open up an area... Its absurd.
I completely agree... When the gaming community starts to see how three franchises are sharing the same damn concepts ubisoft needs to rethink some shit. Why are the antenna towers back? Why are the strongholds back. Why do watch dogs, assassin's creed, and far cry all have the same gameplay mechanics of towers to open up an area... Its absurd.

Have you played the last 3 Rockstar games?
Have you played the last 3 Rockstar games?

I would love to know what GTA V and GTA 4 have in common. Or Read Dead and Max Pain and or LA Noire. Please, enlighten me?



Played already 20 hrs and still only at 40% completion rate.

Game is absolutely gorgeous looking. I am amazed people dont seem to care, but after Assassins Creed Unity fiasco, this is the complete opposite.

The graphics are full 1080p and spectacular looking, the framerate is 99% rock solid without any drops whatsoever, texture work is immense, lighting and shadows are amazing , LOD issues are so minimal that 90% of the time you just dont notice and that draw distance is absolutely amazing... vegetation stretches as far as the eye can see.

Pop in? Not even worth mentioning, there is none, at least you wont notice it. Oh and the AA implement is also great, no jagged edges, without sacrificing IQ. Game looks clean and even objects in the distance have no alliasing. Anisotropic also rocks.

And as far as the gameplay goes, the game is pure fun to play. Sure it aint gonna win any awards for character design , and I dont know yet about the story part.

All in all it is an amazing game, well crafted without all the problems that POS ACU thing is.

To me it is very impressive to see such an open world game, without any issues, and dare I say FC4 looks way better than ACU, sure it doesnt have crowds or the building density of ACU, but the land is massive, diverse, with mountains , forrests lakes, and the density of vegetation is spectacular.

This is a solid fucking game and people should give not a single dollar for ACU and instead buy this one.

Support the games that are well crafted, ignore rip-offs like ACU.
Played already 20 hrs and still only at 40% completion rate.

Game is absolutely gorgeous looking. I am amazed people dont seem to care, but after Assassins Creed Unity fiasco, this is the complete opposite.

The graphics are full 1080p and spectacular looking, the framerate is 99% rock solid without any drops whatsoever, texture work is immense, lighting and shadows are amazing , LOD issues are so minimal that 90% of the time you just dont notice and that draw distance is absolutely amazing... vegetation stretches as far as the eye can see.

Pop in? Not even worth mentioning, there is none, at least you wont notice it. Oh and the AA implement is also great, no jagged edges, without sacrificing IQ. Game looks clean and even objects in the distance have no alliasing. Anisotropic also rocks.

And as far as the gameplay goes, the game is pure fun to play. Sure it aint gonna win any awards for character design , and I dont know yet about the story part.

All in all it is an amazing game, well crafted without all the problems that POS ACU thing is.

To me it is very impressive to see such an open world game, without any issues, and dare I say FC4 looks way better than ACU, sure it doesnt have crowds or the building density of ACU, but the land is massive, diverse, with mountains , forrests lakes, and the density of vegetation is spectacular.

This is a solid fucking game and people should give not a single dollar for ACU and instead buy this one.

Support the games that are well crafted, ignore rip-offs like ACU.

What are the HUD options like?


What are the HUD options like?

You can remove pretty much everything. Good thing is that you have options to eliminate whichever HUD element you want. Its hugely customizable.

For example I play without mini map, but the minimap itself has options, you can make it opac, or increase transparency etc.

You can run it with everything on your screen, or nothing at all (not even reticule).

Really good options. The Camera one sounds especially good for us who like to take screenshots.

I also thought camera would be great to take pics, but the thing is that the camera applies itself a fixed depth of field setting, which kinda messes up some types of photos you want to take, for example distance shots. But you can run the game hud free so there is that as well :)


Glad to see this game shine. They deserve some GOTY nods. We can't be having remasters snap up GOTY now.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
This is a good question, just looking at metacritic, it appears there are no xbox one reviews, which is worrying.........
They had a marketing deal with Sony for this game, so the majority of review copies if not all of them must were probably of the ps4 version.


Got the game within few days of its release. played for few hours then left it and moved to other games. Btw let me tell you I too have platinumed far cry 3 & have completed it twice 1st on pc then on console.

Anyways started playing the game again & I am liking it more now.

I think if you play far cry 3 & far cry 4 within a short interval of time then you may end up liking the former more.


Got the game within few days of its release. played for few hours then left it and moved to other games. Btw let me tell you I too have platinumed far cry 3 & have completed it twice 1st on pc then on console.

Anyways started playing the game again & I am liking it more now.

I think if you play far cry 3 & far cry 4 within a short interval of time then you may end up liking the former more.

did you really just necrobump a review thread for this?


Got the game within few days of its release. played for few hours then left it and moved to other games. Btw let me tell you I too have platinumed far cry 3 & have completed it twice 1st on pc then on console.

Anyways started playing the game again & I am liking it more now.

I think if you play far cry 3 & far cry 4 within a short interval of time then you may end up liking the former more.

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