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Former Naughty Dog employee says he was sexually harassed by a lead in late 2015


This sounds really awful, but I'm not going to jump to conclusions without specificity and proof. ND and Sony need to respond.
They institutionalized crunch at a level far beyond contemporary studios and are known for applying direct pressure to employees to work and to deliver outside the bounds of their actual job responsibilities. The fact that their HR team already works to actively support bad labor practices makes it much less surprising that they would also support a valuable employee over a victim of harassment.

Because women are subjected to dramatically more harassment than men (and conversely, men perform dramatically more harassment than women.) It's proven to be extremely emotionally destructive to both men and women (and the rate for men, while much lower, is still staggeringly high) but men are much more likely to be taken seriously when they report it, so it's good to leverage their examples to draw attention to how widespread the problem is in general.

Not to deviate much from the topic but I really don't understand the bolded. Isn't male victims NOT being taken seriously (especially by law enforcement) a very infamous issue?


Fuck Sony and Fuck ND (glad i don't like their games).

I find weird the "even ND" comments, when ND is kinda famous to treat their employees like shit and having crazy crunch even with gaming dev standards.

And Sony needs to say something asap, embarassing. Fuck them too.


I'm not sure why the surprise.

There are people everywhere in every industry and job that does this. And companies of course want to cover it up to keep their good reputation.

I'm completely not surprised by this. If you get all the victims to come out, you'll be surprised by so many big name companies having this. I'm not sure what can be done about it since people are .... well, irrational on all levels (or can become irrational over time).


Wow, maybe there should be some facts found here before GAF becomes judge, jury and executioner on evidence based on tweets.

Some people get the pitch forks based on what evidence ?

There is a legal system for a reason.

If the allegations are correct then justice will be done, but some people man....look at yourselves.


Yeah. Sony and ND do. But how much you betting nothing happens and people continue to support these companies.

What happened sound terrible but do you honestly expect me to boycott Sony and Naughty Dog products because of a badly handled sexual harassment case? If that is something you do, I expect you wouldn't be able to buy anything from any major company.


Someone earlier in the thread explained the money situation. it's probably not as nefarious as believed. I mean it's still shit, but it seems like standard corporate practice.

Junior Member
(Today, 03:13 PM)
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Just a sidenote: It's not uncommon for large corporations to withhold monetary payouts (like bonuses, etc) unless a bunch of release forms are signed by the person being terminated. I was laid off by a very large company, and my paperwork said I would not receive the large bonus owed to me unless I signed away my rights to sue the company and also signed a non-compete agreement. I decided not to sign those docs, and I didn't get my money.


someone's professional life was potentially fucked by injustice and this is revolting and a very shameful practice by a big company like this. Fuck the harassers


Jeez, and Sony paid him to keep it quiet.


Edit: Upon further reflection, I'm also feeling weird about Naughty Dog's progressive messages in its games (LGBT, PoC characters, etc.) in retrospect. Is this something that a single executive committed and covered up, or is there a wider infestation and shush order throughout Naughty Dog? Fucking crazy.

Naughty Dog is a joke with their progressive, especially as two of their ethic characters being voiced and mo-cap by white folks.

Nah, HR always sides with the company.

I worked at a Microsoft store and Blockbuster (remember blockbuster) in Toronto. Got sexually harassed at both locations. HR was not on my side. Luckily I quit before they decided to fire me.

This pretty much, I got fired at my first job as my boss was not interested in the welfare of his employees and only cared about his bottom line.

There's about to be a lot of cancelled preorders for The Last of Us Part II...

I doubt it.


Not to deviate much from the topic but I really don't understand the bolded. Isn't male victims NOT being taken seriously (especially by law enforcement) a very infamous issue?

The problem is now we got harassment olympics and it becomes so hard to discuss this without someone chiming in "BUT EVERYONE IS".

So drawing the line sucks because it seems the sexes get abused differently (generalizing, but it seems women get harassed more frequently but men simply arne't taken seriously).

Maybe the solution is to talk about it together? Use ads with female and male victims and work towards reshaping attitudes about masculinity that doesn't so strictly praise 'getting laid' as a good thing --- especially since that attitude seems to spill into male victims.


I'm super glad that people are opening up about this stuff, a year ago this stories were really taboo.

There are two villains here: the abuser and the HR team that covered it. It's very possible that neither of those parties are still working there, so talking shit about Naughty Dog or Sony now is pointless. Please, do not forget that, an employee does not represent a whole company. Never.

What we should do, as external parties, is to promote every story of this subject that brave people are willing to share in public, to make sure that everyone read this and understands that this situations should be erradicated.

We don't know if this isn't still happening and someone had to approve the 20K. So talking shit about ND or Sony isn't pointless.


Hopefully there'll be repercussions for the harasser.

Same. People normally laugh when I talk about it as if I should be flattered.

Thay reminds me of a popular Finnish radio guy, who laughed at the idea of men being raped, claiming it would be impossible and the man would enjoy it nonetheless. SMH


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Wasn't HR suppose to be the middle man between corporate and labor

Like their corporates IAB (Internal Affairs Bureau)

Looks like HR culture is more be corporates lapdog and snitch at keeping the company safe than being a presence to keep both sides in check

I mean HR get paid by corporate so yeah...


the piano man
the only way I can see ND getting out of this is them exposing and firing the guy and cuttings all ties, coming out clean.

Sony... they are fucked, that will remain forever as a stain.
Not that I thought Naughty Dog were perfect, but having made some of my favourite titles - including the games I played as a child - this is extremely fucking disappointing to hear. Sort your fucking shit out, Sony, because I don't want to buy games made by scum you're protecting the true colours of.


y'all should be ashamed
I'm not sure why the surprise.

There are people everywhere in every industry and job that does this. And companies of course want to cover it up to keep their good reputation.

I am surprised that this many people are actually surprised. It is such a common occurrence that I just figured everyone understood it to be happening practically everywhere.

The fact that I've gotten numb to these kinds of revelations shows just how terrible it has gotten over the last decade. Gosh.

True Fire

I'm not sure why the surprise.

There are people everywhere in every industry and job that does this. And companies of course want to cover it up to keep their good reputation.

I work for a big tech company with a comprehensive HR policy and a diverse workforce. This is not remotely normal. It's a mark of a toxic company.


Sony tried to cover it up? what the actual fuck. The amount you here about how great it is to work at Sony's studios and the amount of talent they have you would never think something like this would happen (especially at their top studio.) I at least hope the harasser was fired, I hope Sony and Naughty Dog didn't decided to keep him just because he is talented.
The problem is now we got harassment olympics and it becomes so hard to discuss this without someone chiming in "BUT EVERYONE IS".

So drawing the line sucks because it seems the sexes get abused differently (generalizing, but it seems women get harassed more frequently but men simply arne't taken seriously).

Maybe the solution is to talk about it together? Use ads with female and male victims and work towards reshaping attitudes about masculinity that doesn't so strictly praise 'getting laid' as a good thing --- especially since that attitude seems to spill into male victims.

I agree with everything you say.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Jesus Christ man. Genuinely shocked, somehow I didn't expect to read about this concerning the game industry. It just shows it can be any kind of industry. I wonder if all this stuff with Weinstein had him making the decision to come forward or just pure coincidence. Either way absolutely disgusting behavior by human beings.
...Have you been living in a cave in the past few years?
So Sony is a giant Milkshake Duck?

Nope. more like the human race. I'm losing any sense of trust or expectation in our ever increasing sick headed species. The events of 2015-2017 made me not surprised at all how deparaved so called modern civilization is. The good thing is there is plenty of people left fighting the good fight, questions is will those still on the fence ever decide to bother getting of thier fat ass and contribute to what looks like a worseing situation.

About the claim, what awful awful news.

Time for the gaming industry, long seeped in the fucking shit that is/was gamergate, slave like work conditions,emboldended alt right assholes, constant , never ending abuse and harrasment of minorites and women and toxic shthole of communites to get it's ick up the arse. Seems it starts with sony. Get all of those cockaroaches in the sun.
HR is not there to benefit us workers, it's there to protect the company. So many shitty stories this year have made me realise this. I always thought HR was there to help. They can't do shit.


HRs job is to protect the company at all costs. The problem is usually farther up the chain.

Well whoever put those policies in place then. I understand they are looking out for the bottom line, but there is also a moral line to be drawn and harassment is past it.


I think it's important people recognize that the blame for the harassment goes on the harasser - not the company. HOWEVER the blame for trying to cover it up and fucking bribe someone for bringing it to HR is solely on the fucking company. Disgusting.


y'all should be ashamed
I work for a big tech company with a comprehensive HR policy and a diverse workforce. This is not remotely normal. It's a mark of a toxic company.

Here's my question to you: how do you actually know?

Do you think this news would come as a shock to Naughty Dog employees who had no idea? Who would vouch for their company and the work environment?

The whole point of coming forward and telling your story is because people had no idea what was happening, whether it was a termination, coverup, etc.


Neo Member
Holding an entire company accountable, as some here are doing, isn't the right way to go. The kind of behaviour described in the op is disgraceful, but maybe only a handful of people were likely involved in the decision making process that led to (assuming everything said is true) an awful decision being made.

Rather than making hyperbolic statements like "fuck nd" or "fuck sony", perhaps reflect and realise that a) most people at nd and sony likely had no idea this was going on and b) most people at these companies are just going about their lives earning just enough to get by and any boycott would hit them way quicker than the people involved in making this decision.

People are right to be angry, and with the recent revelations it is easy to feel that everyone in the entertainment industry is scum, but--so far as recent evidence suggests--most people are actually decent. Not to mention if you're going to boycott every company where harassment takes place well... probably best to start programming your own games, writing your own books and growing your own food.


HR is not there to benefit us workers, it's there to protect the company. So many shitty stories this year have made me realise this. I always thought HR was there to help. They can't do shit.

Without support from the business side, you are absolutely correct. It's even worse when HR and business are under the same umbrella or report to the same individuals. They need to have support from the other side as well as be autonomous or it's a whole lot of nothing. It's sad, but it is what it is.


We don't know if this isn't still happening and someone had to approve the 20K. So talking shit about ND or Sony isn't pointless.
Again, a person is not a company. There's clearly an abuser, and that's the one that should be pointed at. To imply that either Naughty Dog or Sony are responsible of this situation is nuts.

Of course you don't know if this still happens there, and let me tell you, just going by the stats, of course it's happening. Not just there, but every single game studio (or films, or whatever) has that kind of situations. Not trying to normalize it, I want that every single case of this comes out to the light, but to go witch hunting towards this two particular companies is pointless. What people should be targeting are the culprits.
Wow, maybe there should be some facts found here before GAF becomes judge, jury and executioner on evidence based on tweets.

Some people get the pitch forks based on what evidence ?

There is a legal system for a reason.

If the allegations are correct then justice will be done, but some people man....look at yourselves.
The legal system has failed in dealing with things like this.

True Fire

Wow, maybe there should be some facts found here before GAF becomes judge, jury and executioner on evidence based on tweets.

Some people get the pitch forks based on what evidence ?

There is a legal system for a reason.

If the allegations are correct then justice will be done, but some people man....look at yourselves.

Look at ourselves? You're the one blindly defending a corporation for no reason.

Regardless of the legal system, Sony and Naughty Dog need to address this issue and reaffirm their commitment to having a safe and healthy work environment.


I'd be in the dick
That lead and that exec that attempted the cover up better be gone. Absolutely disgusting behavior that has no place in the industry.


Well whoever put those policies in place then. I understand they are looking out for the bottom line, but there is also a moral line to be drawn and harassment is past it.

Like I said. It's shit, but this is damn near in every industry.

If you're an expendable employee. Like damn near all of the time going to HR won't do shit. If anything they'll get rid of you. A few posts of mine back I recalled a situation.
HR is not there to benefit us workers, it's there to protect the company. So many shitty stories this year have made me realise this. I always thought HR was there to help. They can't do shit.

Even so, firing the guy immediately and then offering him 20k to shut the fuck up seems like a superlative response. Like that's a HR department with a foot on its throat, it's been neutered of purpose. It can't even protect the company considering this story has come out, and in all likelihood was always going to come out.
Wow, maybe there should be some facts found here before GAF becomes judge, jury and executioner on evidence based on tweets.

Some people get the pitch forks based on what evidence ?

There is a legal system for a reason.

If the allegations are correct then justice will be done, but some people man....look at yourselves.
Good thing NeoGAF isn't a courtroom, so none of that is relevant. This is not a court of law, and there's no need to treat it like one or hold it up to smthe standards of one. People can come to whatever conclusions they may.

And the second half of the post is just the just world fallacy in action. No, even if the allegations are true, it's quite likely justice will NOT be done. That's not how anything works. The stats in stuff like sexual assault, harassment, and rape indicate precisely the opposite: that it's uncommon for any of this stuff to even go to court at all, and even when it does, any type of successful verdicts are even rarer. This is one area where justice I'd very rarely served. It just doesn't work that way, unfortunately. Not even close.
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