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Former Naughty Dog employee says he was sexually harassed by a lead in late 2015


Naughty Dog is a joke with their progressive, especially as two of their ethic characters being voiced and mo-cap by white folks.

I mean, in Nadine's case, they cast the actress before deciding that the character would be black (which, if you ask me, is better than not having a black character in the game at all). And I'm pretty sure that they retconned Chloe's background to make her Indian because I don't remember that ever being mentioned or hinted at before The Lost Legacy came along.

My biggest problem with ND up until this point have always been the reports of how bad crunch supposedly is at the studio. I mean, it's a huge problem at most AAA studios but it seems to be particularly bad at ND.


Holding an entire company accountable, as some here are doing, isn't the right way to go. The kind of behaviour described in the op is disgraceful, but maybe only a handful of people were likely involved in the decision making process that led to (assuming everything said is true) an awful decision being made.

Rather than making hyperbolic statements like "fuck nd" or "fuck sony", perhaps reflect and realise that a) most people at nd and sony likely had no idea this was going on and b) most people at these companies are just going about their lives earning just enough to get by and any boycott would hit them way quicker than the people involved in making this decision.

People are right to be angry, and with the recent revelations it is easy to feel that everyone in the entertainment industry is scum, but--so far as recent evidence suggests--most people are actually decent. Not to mention if you're going to boycott every company where harassment takes place well... probably best to start programming your own games, writing your own books and growing your own food.

Of course they know what's going on if HR is involved offering hush money. What are you smoking? You think HR acts on their own?


Holding an entire company accountable, as some here are doing, isn't the right way to go. The kind of behaviour described in the op is disgraceful, but maybe only a handful of people were likely involved in the decision making process that led to (assuming everything said is true) an awful decision being made.

Rather than making hyperbolic statements like "fuck nd" or "fuck sony", perhaps reflect and realise that a) most people at nd and sony likely had no idea this was going on and b) most people at these companies are just going about their lives earning just enough to get by and any boycott would hit them way quicker than the people involved in making this decision.

People are right to be angry, and with the recent revelations it is easy to feel that everyone in the entertainment industry is scum, but--so far as recent evidence suggests--most people are actually decent. Not to mention if you're going to boycott every company where harassment takes place well... probably best to start programming your own games, writing your own books and growing your own food.

Nah, this is the difference between one person harassing someone, and the department designed to protect a victim instead joining in the victimization. Nobody is saying every employee at Sony or ND is a bad person, and anyone saying they'd boycott the entire company because of one person's actions is perhaps going a step too far, but when the company becomes complicit (which is the allegation here) then you're perfectly fucking right to blame the company. It forces the company to fix the systemic issue and not tolerate this shit in the future when you give them ACTUAL consumer outcry over their mishandling.


Neo Member
I never cared for any of Naughty Dog's games so this doesn't affect the probability of me buying them but I think it's hilarious that a company that was pushing diversity and equality is hit with something like this. I guess it shows they were only promoting that stuff to try and look good while not really believing it themselves.

True Fire

Here's my question to you: how do you actually know?

Do you think this news would come as a shock to Naughty Dog employees who had no idea? Who would vouch for their company and the work environment?

The whole point of coming forward and telling your story is because people had no idea what was happening, whether it was a termination, coverup, etc.

I guarantee my HR department isn't secretly funneling thousands of dollars into hush money. Of course, it's possible that there's harassment going on under the radar, but I can assure you it's not ratified by the company. That isn't normal.


A Sheep
It's in the OP.

In late 2015, I was sexually harassed at Naughty Dog by a lead. My work environment became extremely toxic afterward.

What’s sexually harassing to some people doesn’t bother others. Some people are just to damn sensitive.
Did he ever say stop or just kept taking it and go to HR?
Not enough info to bash the whole company.


Here's my question to you: how do you actually know?

Do you think this news would come as a shock to Naughty Dog employees who had no idea? Who would vouch for their company and the work environment?

The whole point of coming forward and telling your story is because people had no idea what was happening, whether it was a termination, coverup, etc.

This is on the money. My company is about the same size as ND (different industry) and I really have no insight into what HR does aside from send fluffy event emails once in a while. I would guess that's the same for most ND employees as well. I doubt anything nefarious goes on at my company (as far as sexual harassment), but everyone doubts that until they actually become aware of it. Many of us live in safety and don't have to think about how common it really is.


Hearing the ease with which HR (supposedly) pushed this to the side instead of actually addressing the complaint is infuriating. If this is true, I hope there are serious consequences at every level that matters. I can't pretend to imagine this was isolated.
In late 2015, I was sexually harassed at Naughty Dog by a lead. My work environment became extremely toxic afterward.

What’s sexually harassing to some people doesn’t bother others. Some people are just to damn sensitive.
Did he ever say stop or just kept taking it and go to HR?
Not enough info to bash the whole company.

Sony offering him money to stay quiet is certainly enough information. You don't fire people for making sexual harassment claims.


I think it's important people recognize that the blame for the harassment goes on the harasser - not the company. HOWEVER the blame for trying to cover it up and fucking bribe someone for bringing it to HR is solely on the fucking company. Disgusting.
I think people do. The reason I am so angry about this is that such behaviour by the company creates an environment where doing this is okay and reporting it is not okay. That is a terrible situation which needs to be shot down.


I never cared for any of Naughty Dog's games so this doesn't affect the probability of me buying them but I think it's hilarious that a company that was pushing diversity and equality is hit with something like this. I guess it shows they were only promoting that stuff to try and look good while not really believing it themselves.

This is just stupid. Do you really think the many woman, POC etc there don't believe they are diverse or pushing diversity in their games?


Is there any updates which make this situation not as bad, cause holy mother of lord that's bad.

Don't tell me people are defending sexual assaults.


I never cared for any of Naughty Dog's games so this doesn't affect the probability of me buying them but I think it's hilarious that a company that was pushing diversity and equality is hit with something like this. I guess it shows they were only promoting that stuff to try and look good while not really believing it themselves.

Don't go crazy now, the 'company' didn't do that, a person at the company did. There is a difference. It's almost certain that the people doing most of the inclusion in these games are people that do feel that way, heck I thin kits' fair to say MOST people in gaming are pretty OK with diversity and inclusion, and things like 'not sexually harassing people'

Blanket statements like "ND ARE TERRIBLE" are absolutely ridiculous.

Things you can actually conclude from this are: One person at Naughty Dog is a scumbag, and whoever had their hands on this HR complaint at Sony HR are scumbags.

That's it. Anything else is you pulling your jumping to conclusions mat out and going ham on it.

I think people do. The reason I am so angry about this is that such behaviour by the company creates an environment where doing this is okay and reporting it is not okay. That is a terrible situation which needs to be shot down.
People don't. Look at the post I quoted just above yours. That's not the only one like it in the thread. People can boycott the games and I'm all for it, demand better of the companies and call them on their shit, but don't just blanket throw vitriol at every employee there as people.
Gonna tell you right now. No one is going to be doing that. At least not mass consumers at large.
Definitely not the mass market, I'm more talking about the sentiment around here and other places. Yooka Laylee and A Hat In Time were crucified by many for having one bad voice actor whereas this seems like a more serious cultural/systemic problem with ND/Sony.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
In late 2015, I was sexually harassed at Naughty Dog by a lead. My work environment became extremely toxic afterward.

What’s sexually harassing to some people doesn’t bother others. Some people are just to damn sensitive.
Did he ever say stop or just kept taking it and go to HR?
Not enough info to bash the whole company.
Fucking hell.


Neo Member
This is just stupid. Do you really think the many woman, POC etc there don't believe they are diverse or pushing diversity in their games?

I'm a POC, are you trying to put me down because I have an opinion? Because that's how that post came off to me. Anyways, it clearly shows that the higher ups only care about their bottom line way more than diversity.


Neo Member
Of course they know what's going on if HR is involved offering hush money. What are you smoking? You think HR acts on their own?

Where have I suggested this was just HR decision? Of course sometime higher up would have to be involved. Hence why I said this would likely be a handful of people involved, instead of just one department involved.
I hope this is not true. I hope this is not true. Please don’t let this be true. I can’t look at this company the same if true.

Man this hurts...

Naughty Dog too?

Can’t support this if this information is correct.


Junior Member
The issue with capitalism, is that a false or true sexual harassment allegation is really bad press. The ones protecting Sony and ND don't care if it's true or not. That's a huge issue. If it reached the public, it is hard to control the story, even if it is false. And that's all they care about. The image of the company. That means, if it is bleeding obvious to everyone that it is true, the person bringing it up won't hear "oh yeah, we'll take care of it. He's fired. Here's a raise!", they'll fire the person making the allegation, make the problem disappear by throwing money at it, then perhaps firing the guy under different circumstances, all to keep a lid on the truth.

True Fire

A lot of companies don't even have proper HR.

But Sony is a multi-billion dollar empire. How are they paying out hush money? The accountants would know. The auditors would know. The entire HR department would know. I'm betting senior management would know.


Genuinely asking, but would any heterosexual man actually be upset if a woman made sexual advances toward them?
Almost every straight guy I know would just view such a scenario as "suprise sex."

Unless David Hallard is homosexual, I'm going to assume his harasser was a man.


Neo Member
Look at ourselves? You're the one blindly defending a corporation for no reason.

Regardless of the legal system, Sony and Naughty Dog need to address this issue and reaffirm their commitment to having a safe and healthy work environment.

You're presenting as those convicting on the grounds of 140 characters. This thread makes it apparent you're not an anomaly, and whether or not there were transgressions at Naughty Dog in 2015, "blindly" believing every tweet before both sides have been presented is a fad that needs to end. Being measured in your judgment isn't too much to ask, is it?

Genuinely asking, but would any heterosexual man actually be upset if a woman made sexual advances toward them?
Almost every straight guy I know would just view such a scenario as "suprise sex."

Unless David Hallard is homosexual, I'm going to assume his harasser was a man.

This type of thinking is pervasive and frankly, boneheaded. I've been the recipient of come-ons from women I was uninterested in, and while I wasn't pressed into legal action or public smearing or hiding under the bed, I wasn't immediately put in "suprise sex" mode either. This just in - Women are capable of harassment too.


What’s sexually harassing to some people doesn’t bother others.

Some people are just to damn sensitive.

Did he ever say stop or just kept taking it and go to HR?


I never cared for any of Naughty Dog's games so this doesn't affect the probability of me buying them but I think it's hilarious that a company that was pushing diversity and equality is hit with something like this. I guess it shows they were only promoting that stuff to try and look good while not really believing it themselves.

This is really dumb. The people over there are not cackling to themselves about how they tricked people into holding ideals of respect.


In late 2015, I was sexually harassed at Naughty Dog by a lead. My work environment became extremely toxic afterward.

What’s sexually harassing to some people doesn’t bother others. Some people are just to damn sensitive.
Did he ever say stop or just kept taking it and go to HR?
Not enough info to bash the whole company.

This is a disgusting attitude to have, and it's a reason so many people are reluctant to report.
Holding an entire company accountable, as some here are doing, isn't the right way to go. The kind of behaviour described in the op is disgraceful, but maybe only a handful of people were likely involved in the decision making process that led to (assuming everything said is true) an awful decision being made.

Rather than making hyperbolic statements like "fuck nd" or "fuck sony", perhaps reflect and realise that a) most people at nd and sony likely had no idea this was going on and b) most people at these companies are just going about their lives earning just enough to get by and any boycott would hit them way quicker than the people involved in making this decision.

People are right to be angry, and with the recent revelations it is easy to feel that everyone in the entertainment industry is scum, but--so far as recent evidence suggests--most people are actually decent. Not to mention if you're going to boycott every company where harassment takes place well... probably best to start programming your own games, writing your own books and growing your own food.
You don't just sign off on a $20,000 check without the company knowing. Sony knew.


In late 2015, I was sexually harassed at Naughty Dog by a lead. My work environment became extremely toxic afterward.

What’s sexually harassing to some people doesn’t bother others. Some people are just to damn sensitive.
Did he ever say stop or just kept taking it and go to HR?
Not enough info to bash the whole company.



Wow, I'm so sorry for David and someone else who experienced similar situation. What the hell Sony and Naughty Dog? Sounds like the harasser is someone important at ND that Sony offered David 20k to stay quiet.

Well you just lost a customer. I cancelled my pre order for The Last of US Part II and not going to support PlayStation. I can't support this shit.

Hope this story will go out in media, this kind of thing need to stop. Seriously.


They should name the person by name so everyone knows, he deserves to be embarrassed

Doing that without full concrete proof could lead to a very dangerous slippery slope. If the accuser ends up lying then they would be in bigger trouble.

If these claims are true, I sincerely hope everyone involve pays for their crime or failure to do anything about it.


A Sheep
Sony offering him money to stay quiet is certainly enough information. You don't fire people for making sexual harassment claims.

Again nobody knows both sides. How many times has a friend or coworker told you a story about someone and the other person has a totally different story?!

Ray Down

I never cared for any of Naughty Dog's games so this doesn't affect the probability of me buying them but I think it's hilarious that a company that was pushing diversity and equality is hit with something like this. I guess it shows they were only promoting that stuff to try and look good while not really believing it themselves.

What even is this?


But Sony is a multi-billion dollar empire. How are they paying out hush money? The accountants would know. The auditors would know. The entire HR department would know. I'm betting senior management would know.

I have no doubt that a huge HR department like Sony has can assuredly get some discretionary settlement payouts without any questions. It's not all cloak and dagger or some companywide scandal. Yes, accounting would know. They would know that HR used some funds for a settlement. That's it.

You don't just sign off on a $20,000 check without the company knowing. Sony knew.


Junior Member
But Sony is a multi-billion dollar empire. How are they paying out hush money? The accountants would know. The auditors would know. The entire HR department would know. I'm betting senior management would know.

The accountants would know that they settled something. The shitty thing is that Sony doesn't care if it's true or not. It's inflammatory either way. They just want the issue to go away. That way, they don't need to take a stance for these events to happen. They're not complicit in covering it up, they're just complicit in protecting their brand. It's a shitty distinction, but it's important to realize the distinction, because it has nasty implications.


Neo Member
This is really dumb. The people over there are not cackling to themselves about how they tricked people into holding ideals of respect.

I never said they found it funny, but it leads me to believe the people in charge at Sony and Naughty Dog care more about the money they make off of promoting their agenda than actually trying to help the people who are oppressed.


But Sony is a multi-billion dollar empire. How are they paying out hush money? The accountants would know. The auditors would know. The entire HR department would know. I'm betting senior management would know.

It would just be classified as ‘severance pay’


In late 2015, I was sexually harassed at Naughty Dog by a lead. My work environment became extremely toxic afterward.

What’s sexually harassing to some people doesn’t bother others. Some people are just to damn sensitive.
Did he ever say stop or just kept taking it and go to HR?
Not enough info to bash the whole company.

What's wrong with you.


Definitely not the mass market, I'm more talking about the sentiment around here and other places. Yooka Laylee and A Hat In Time were crucified by many for having one bad voice actor whereas this seems like a more serious cultural/systemic problem with ND/Sony.

It's going to be a sentiment held by a very tiny minority.
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