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Fortnite: Battle Royale |OT| 100 Players on Epic Battlegrounds

Ploid 3.0

For any of you curious about my match earlier, this is how it played out for me all game til I won, lol.

Early in the match:


Late in the match:


Play of the game, play play of the gplay of the game, play of the game!

hah, thanks for the uploads. I burst out laughing. The bottom floor is like christmas. Just needs some red lights.

Edit: Imagine setting up traps by putting purple weapons that you don't care about on top of it to start it off. Heck or a legendary, but those are a bit too hard to see since they are almost white yellow.

A new meta, the mouse trap. You're so lucky that the circle followed that house. I imagine that game being particularly interesting to play out for you.
I would say, for me PUBG is more intense, while FNBR is a notch below that, but I also feel like Im enjoying playing it more than PUBG, which literally at times feels like work...but both are really enjoyable.

Played Fortnite for the first time today and this is my impression. Not as intense but really enjoyable.

How can I check out the whole map ingame by the way? I didn't find the button on my PS4 pad.


So one of those games that the console version will kind of be useless compared to the PC version? Even though I enjoyed Overwatch on the PS4, I always felt like I was wasting my time because the real game is on the PC.
So one of those games that the console version will kind of be useless compared to the PC version? Even though I enjoyed Overwatch on the PS4, I always felt like I was wasting my time because the real game is on the PC.

Outside of the aimbotting, yeah

PC lets you build crazy fast and console has very sticky aim assist


Outside of the aimbotting, yeah

PC lets you build crazy fast and console has very sticky aim assist
The aim assist actually makes it harder to aim sometimes, it's fucking gross.

Maybe lag had something to do with it as well though. It seems to be getting worse in that regard.


Outside of the aimbotting, yeah

PC lets you build crazy fast and console has very sticky aim assist

Ah, I figured. I may check this out just for kicks, but I may just skip it due to that. I appreciate when developers put games like this on console, but I always feel like I'm playing like the kiddie version of the game or something.


So one of those games that the console version will kind of be useless compared to the PC version? Even though I enjoyed Overwatch on the PS4, I always felt like I was wasting my time because the real game is on the PC.
Not sure I'm getting the "useless" terminology here. The game is perfectly playable on console. There are crazy things people can do with mouse but also crazy people that can do crazy things with the gamepad. I'm not sure useless is the word I'd be using here. The game plays great on console in my opinion. The speed of play differential on console vs. PC is going to be a thing forever and always as long as there are console and PC versions of games, but it doesn't make any one version shit compared to the other.

Ah, I figured. I may check this out just for kicks, but I may just skip it due to that. I appreciate when developers put games like this on console, but I always feel like I'm playing like the kiddie version of the game or something.

The game is a ton of fun, it's free, and it's not like you're being matched against PC players to where it would make a difference. Don't deprive yourself of a really fun and tense experience just because some guy on PC can build a staircase while flicking his wrist like a spin doctor. Plenty of cool stuff you can do on console and lots of fun to be had. I say try it out, it costs you nothing but time.


Play of the game, play play of the gplay of the game, play of the game!

hah, thanks for the uploads. I burst out laughing. The bottom floor is like christmas. Just needs some red lights.

Edit: Imagine setting up traps by putting purple weapons that you don't care about on top of it to start it off. Heck or a legendary, but those are a bit too hard to see since they are almost white yellow.

A new meta, the mouse trap. You're so lucky that the circle followed that house. I imagine that game being particularly interesting to play out for you.

I mean you sit there and keep waiting to have to move and it never happens, feels good man.
Friend and I won the first duos game we played! This is the mode that shines IMO. Not as much randomness as solo (guy happened to be behind you, oh well) and no 1 or 2v4 in the end game.
8th win in my pocket. Bush stealth prevails once more. That poor soul didn't even see me until I fired the first burst by surprise. By the time the other player returned fire, I was already on my way to winning.


Inventory system is just unforgivably bad. Every time I see multiple pieces of loot I just cringe.

Is there some way to win a fight when you're unarmed at the beginning? It seems literally impossible if they have a gun and you don't when there's not room to run. Why does the melee do no damage?


I hope it get's "harder" on ps4 as people start to get the type of game it is because squad right now has been fairly easy

Gonna do more solo tho but even then I was 14 and 3rd. This isn't meant to be on some weird stealth brag shit but I always see like 20 people die before the first the map even begins shrinking.
I hope it get's "harder" on ps4 as people start to get the type of game it is because squad right now has been fairly easy

Gonna do more solo tho but even then I was 14 and 3rd. This isn't meant to be on some weird stealth brag shit but I always see like 20 people die before the first the map even begins shrinking.

I'm pretty sure it's like that for PUBG as well. Everyone is making a mad dash for the good loot and when you have that many people going for the same thing....bloodbath.


Tried to get a friend into the game with duos. Every time we landed, someone had a shotgun right there and that was a wrap. Like six or seven games. Jumped early, jumped late, avoided the bus path - didn't matter. Just a horrific spree of luck and they're never touching the game again probably.

I snuck up on one guy shooting and hit him 5 times before he turned around. He panicked after turning and couldn't land a shot while I kept hitting him. Eventually his teammate ran over and got me. I would love to ask the devs why melee is so worthless when getting a weapon early is just randomness. Fuck.
Inventory system is just unforgivably bad. Every time I see multiple pieces of loot I just cringe.

Is there some way to win a fight when you're unarmed at the beginning? It seems literally impossible if they have a gun and you don't when there's not room to run. Why does the melee do no damage?

Melee hits for 11.


Just tried this. Played around 10 matches. The first two I absolutely could not figure out how to switch to my acquired weapons, lol.

Anyway, not my cup of tea at all, from cartoon visuals to the unfinished feeling of everything to the 'weight' of character movement to the nightmarish UI to the fact that hiding for 10+ minutes seems to give you the best chance to win. Just feels like a janky, boring mess right now.


Is there any word of weapon customisation or vehicles being added at some point? Fortnite got me into BR but after playing PUBG i can't go back. I really prefer the art style of Fortnite and it runs way better.
Won my first game, it was my 4th game overall (the first one I ended up on 14th, the other 2 were terrible because I couldn't find a gun and was killed in the first minute). Killed 6 people. The first one with melee (he was also melee). Then normal and fun gunplay. The last guy the circle was the smallest, I saw a building, thought he should be hiding there, threw 3 grenades at it and won.

Overall it's a very nice and interesting mode, but I'd like to try another game with it (can't play PUBG right now as I don't have a gaming PC). Like others said, movement and gunplay are far from perfect, the UI is a nightmare.


Does Epic permaban the computer or only the account? There really needs to be a huge deterrent for hacking since this is F2P
Man... I might just put this game down until they ditch the RNG hitscan. It's just so frustrating when you have your gun on point and shit just misses. Feels like most people have the hang of the game now so the RNG can be the deciding factor in a fight.

Once I got me a scoped AR \ purple Scar, I got the win.

I'm loving but man the time between matches is awful. If I die pretty quick i have to wait a long time to play again.

Yeah they gotta fix this shit. Once the player count reaches 99-100, the fucking game should start. IMO. The little warm-up isn't really necessary. You can't even break down materials to practice crafting.


Got my first win. Took about 15 games with all either top 10 finishes or instant deaths for the most part. Beginning feels so random and my loot houses are usually garbage. Last couple people definitely gets your heart racing though.

Last guy got forced off a cliff he was camping on then I shoot him in the foot just underneath a wall the 3rd guy left was putting up when I sniped him.
Supply drops are a great addition.
One time i won the match because of them and one time i lost.
There's always great loot in them but you have to be careful with your greed.


Struggling in duos more than I thought. Can regularly win solo games and squad games with friends but going pretty poorly in duos, suppose it's easier to organise a 2 and not have randoms grouped together like you will get in squads.

Final 3 last night on solo I ended up walking into the same bush to hide when someone else was already hiding there. Only notice as I bashed into them and they turned around haha, lack of awareness from both of us. Thankfully I was quicker to shoot so got the kill and then the win afterwards.

Supply drops are a nice addition, haven't been killed when grabbing one yet and managed to get an orange bolt action from one.
I just don't understand the reaction to bushes in FORB (I call dibs on that! And FORTB or 4B)? When compared to PUBG all we have is buildings and bushes for stealth. When that also has buildings, bushes, long grass (FORB sort of also), silenced weapons, camouflaged suits and going prone. And clearly the bushes and long grass (which are still good for long distance hiding) are there for that very reason, because they are virtually the only two things in the game you can't destroy.

We need silenced weapons. They would seem to help people in bushes, but they would help "combat" people in bushes far more than the people in them. A simple silenced pistol would mean not revealing yourself as you test a bush.

But there really is no excuse in the final circles. Why wouldn't you expect it? The other day I had someone walk past me 3 or 4 times and it was one of the only two bushes around. It was comical. At least run through a bush. If you run towards a bush with the expectation that someone is in it, you have a much greater chance of success. And the more hidden you are the more you have to move first, because you can't aim for shit in a bush and moving destroys aim. And that's when you're facing the right direction. Being in a bush isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Also, bush :D That word will always amuse.

Anyway, I have a wealth of content to share, including yesterday when I literally teleported many hundreds of metres!? That was some kind of ultra lag right there.


Played a few rounds last night, first session. I don't really play multiplayer games like this much so it took a bit to get adjusted to that multiplayer jank again, but it was really fun! I convinced some friends to download it too so we can all play together- is duo the only way to play with friends?


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
Wait, if you choose solo - everyone is solo? And if you choose squad everyone is in a squad?

I assumed I was going solo against others solos, squads, duos.
Wait, if you choose solo - everyone is solo? And if you choose squad everyone is in a squad?

I assumed I was going solo against others solos, squads, duos.

Well, that should be solo, although apparently solo has a lot of people teaming up anyway. That's bannable though, so report if you see people teaming up in solo queue.

Squads can be anyone up to 4 players though. If you join a match as a squad of 3, you will be matched with squads of any size up to 4. It won't match you with squads of 3.
I didn't see a single team in solo in my last 30 matches or so.
And yeah, silenced weapons would be very nice to have.

I haven't seen any teamers in solo since squads were released.

The purple\orange scar are "silenced."

I think the highest tier of each gun could be a silenced version. That'd be interesting.
Played a few rounds last night, first session. I don't really play multiplayer games like this much so it took a bit to get adjusted to that multiplayer jank again, but it was really fun! I convinced some friends to download it too so we can all play together- is duo the only way to play with friends?

No, there is squads as well.
Wait, if you choose solo - everyone is solo? And if you choose squad everyone is in a squad?

I assumed I was going solo against others solos, squads, duos.

Solo is Solo, Duos is Duos, Squads is Squads.

If you are in Solo and you see people working as a Duo or a Squad, they can actually get perma-banned for it. Same with hacking. Epic has a Zero tolerance policy on it.


Unconfirmed Member
Game seems super laggy right now. You don't notice it though until you see other people but by that point your already into it.


Played a few rounds last night, first session. I don't really play multiplayer games like this much so it took a bit to get adjusted to that multiplayer jank again, but it was really fun! I convinced some friends to download it too so we can all play together- is duo the only way to play with friends?

And squads. Duos = teams of 2, but if you have 3 or 4 people play squads (teams of 4).

If you have 3, then you can pick "Fill" or 'No Fill" , fill will add a random person to your squad, no fill will just let you play with the 3 people and no one else.


Whiffed a shot, hide in a bush - he's like 10m aways - he's looking right at me - he's running to help his teammate - he's dead n__n


Shit, I won.


Just wanted to try it out, and then I won in my third game. I think I love it. Damnit, this wasn't supposed to happen, I don't have time to get addicted to a game right now!
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