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Forza 5: The monetization is even worse than you think.

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Neo Member
They shouldn't?

It is well within their rights. No one is forcing anyone to purchase anything. It is always up to the consumer to make a choice of whether they think it is worth it or not. You don't like the price? Don't purchase it. If someone wants to pay that, hurrah for them, but it affects no one but the consumer who decided to purchase this content.

Te sheer fact that it exist shouldn't bother you at all if you are not going to pay for it.

I agree with that on some capitalistic level, but the real answer here is a little more subtle than that.

Reputation matters, and it should bother people. Why? Because the pricing is so far beyond anything they have ever had to do in the past to "make money" that it is disrespectful to gamers and shows Turn 10 is in it for the wrong reasons. It also shows that they think their customers are idiots who won't realize they've lost content from previous games and are now being asked to pay for it tenfold in DLC. Signs have been there all along ... but it's something more and more people are starting to realize.
Where in today's game reviews do they discuss "value for money"?

What version of the game did the reviewers play? The version we all get prior to microtransactions? Or do they just get everything for free? Or are they using the company credit card for the DLC etc. I really think there needs to be some transparency here. They should be saying 'we ended up spending an extra $50 on top to get maximum enjoyment out of the game' and then pundits know that if they want the best experience in a certain game they should be prepared to spend that extra $50.

They don't care. A few outlets mentioned it and I am glad they did but the ones giving them 9's and 10's (yes 10/10) did not glance over it at all. I'm not kidding when I say sometimes games journalism can be a joke.

How is it even legal for them to promote the 2700 token pack as "Great Deal" when it is literally the worst deal there? You can't even justify it as marketing spin, this is a flat out mathematical lie.

I cannot believe this is real. MS and Turn 10 are disgusting for straight up ling to the consumers.


I'm sure reviewers get everything for free.

Don't have forza, but got a weird taste in my mouth when I saw the buy gold option in ryse. Like gta, you just know they are tuning things for these transactions now which is bullshit.
Shocking news - the next generation of consoles is mainly designed for direct living room access to your credit card. Buy some subscriptions which will allow you to rent movies, music. Not interested in playing a game for hours? Just buy the next chain-attack or horse armor instead of grinding it free.
Why do you play games with your console, when it's designed to sell you stuff while you are sitting on your couch and being bored of Xbox routed cable TV? Buying a car in Forza is so easy now and you are again entertained for at least 1 hour!


Get the game for free to review it, purchase a Token pack or two to test out the Premium model for research, write off the microtransaction on your taxes for a work related expense. You got yourself a pretty nice Forza experience for $0.

Writeoffs don't make it a 0 net loss but I doubt they had to pay for the token packs anyway.

Daffy Duck

It does piss me off what T10 have done.

Even the "buy xp to level up quicker" shit at the top of the screen just screams F2P game.

You don't even get your day one dlc cars free. I get buying car DLC and then buying it in game.

Also no prize cars is an awful decision. If Forza 6 is like this I'm done with the series and I've played and enjoyed them right from the start.
Imagine how much money Activision will make when they allow you to quickly buy a killstreak for $1.99 with the press of a button in a fire fight or pay $$$ to artificially increase your KDR and impress your friends!


343i Lead Esports Producer
My biggest problem with Forza 5 is the massive amount of cars locked in the rental section of free play. It just screams, "just buy some tokens bro!"
One of the annoying things about this is that 95% of the games media didn't cover this aspect of the game other than just a passing reference to it. I had no idea it was not only stripped back, content wise, but also how blatant and absurd the microtransaction prices were. Jesus.


One of the annoying things about this is that 95% of the games media didn't cover this aspect of the game other than just a passing reference to it. I had no idea it was not only stripped back, content wise, but also how blatant and absurd the microtransaction prices were. Jesus.

Don't worry they'll know now to focus on GTs ;)


Seriously M$ is doing its BS again! Geez! Horrendous business practice, worse than ever, on top of $500, on top of a $60 yearly subscription. Now this?! An XB1 is just as expensive as keeping a built PC up-to-date on a graphics card.


Neo Member
Question for you guys - what is the most profitable race in the game for in-game credits? And what is the fastest race time on that race?

I'm trying to get a realistic idea of just how long it would take to play the game enough to earn the 6m credits to buy the F1 car.


This is disgusting.
T10 has always been douchebags but this is a new low.

I really hope that Dan and the rest go bankrupt.


In the good old days, progression in racing games (and in other genres) followed similar progression paths as FM5 does, where you played the game to earn credits and/or XP which over time gave you access to new stuff or upgrades. Casual players sometimes saw this as a grind, whereas hardcore players savoured the experience and revelled in the fruits of their labour. Horses for courses. However, casual players looking for a quick fix could often use free cheat codes if they wanted instant access to locked content. The developers obviously recognise this requirement, otherwise they wouldn't build cheat codes into their game. OK, players might be shitting all over the careful progression path that the game designers had laid out and cheapening the experience in the process, but so what: their game, their choice. They might get instant gratification but they lose the satisfaction of having earned their rewards in the process. Casuals are happy, hardcore players are happy, developers are happy. Everybody's happy.

So how on earth did we ever get to the point where these free cheat codes now have to be bought, with real money?

How the hell did Joe Gamer let a situation develop whereby he pays more money simply to gain access to content he already owns in a game he has already paid for?

It's utterly ridiculous when you think about it. And we are all guilty of letting this happen.


I'm actually very worried about GT7 right now. If this model proves to be successful we're all fucked. Look at online gaming paywalls as an example.
Sony is offering all multiplayer maps for Killzone SF for free, I'd hope that kind of thing would continue for their own PS4 games in the future instead of being a one-off thing. I wouldn't expect them to try anything of this level, even if they do decide to put some cars as non-free DLC.


I bought the game, but will avoid buying any 'credits'. I'm curious to see how far that will take me.

I've never paid for progression in any game, and admittedly a heartless part of me likes the idea of somebody getting fleeced for the act of doing that (paying to win). Still, this policy should have been scrutinized much harder prior to implementation. It was a bad idea. My copy of FM5 is still sealed until next week, but I will not be buying the privilege to avoid grinding away at the track or the livery editor.

While the monetization part is many levels of scumbaggery, the removing of features is more vile. Maybe it was a time issue but this does not look to be a 60 $ game to me.


Neo Member
This is pretty gross. Hard to believe they think there's enough people interested in dropping tons of cash on nice cars (in addition to the price of the game itself) to justify pissing off fans that just wanna race fast cars and make cool decals.
Forza 5 is a blatant offence that I simply cannot deal with. In general, Gaming has never looked so unattractive to me with Microtransactions. I haven't gotten a next gen console yet, but this makes it really easy for me to simply hang it up.

Hopefully it won't be that bad with GT6, which I preordered, but now I'll cancel that and wait for the consensus on the gameplay redesign due to microtransactions.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Your loss Microsoft, Forza was the only reason that I wanted your box.

You know it's funny, Forza is honestly the only game on the X1 that would actually tempt me to buy one too, other than a new Halo whenever that comes out. But with these kind of practices, no way in hell can I justify spending my money to support it. I'll wait and see how GT6 turns out instead.


Not only that, but the token price tiers are fucked up. Evidently the people over at T10/Microsoft who sorted the token prices didn't do the maths properly or they just thought that no one would notice. Christ, this is screwed up.


Not only that, but the token price tiers are fucked up. Evidently the people over at T10/Microsoft who sorted the token prices didn't do the maths properly or they just thought that no one would notice. Christ, this is screwed up.

I think they've already apologised for this and said it was a mistake.
One of the issues I have with this is how this monetization affects young gamers who really have little or no concept of money. Sure it may be their own fault for being like that but games should not be tapping into that to create extra revenue. Yes, parents are responsible for their childrens buying habits etc, but this is just another example of companies not giving a fuck abot the affect this has. All considered I find it morally repugnant.
If i wanted to buy a service I wouldn't be doing it on a console exclusive game near launch...

Forza + Xbox One + Online sub...

I'll be quite happy with a PS4/WiiU this gen instead thanks.


I think they've already apologised for this and said it was a mistake.
Link? Have they changed the prices?

Funny thing is I doubt it was originally a 'mistake' on T10's/Microsofts part when the two most expensive tiers have 'Recommended' and 'Great Value' tags on them.


I don't understand this 'grinding' bullshit.
Have people in this thread actually played Forza 5? The car physics, driver AI, feedback through the new rumble triggers, soundtrack, sense of speed are all sublime.

In terms of gameplay this is the best console sim I've ever played.
If I've got to actually play the game to unlock content then so be it, the game is fucking fun... It's hardly a crime to have to, you know, actually play the game to unlock stuff, that's how it used to work back in the early GT games!

I've only played for a few hours. Have owned and raced 5 different cars. I don't get the big deal.

So you have to spend a little time with each car, they handle so differently anyway that it doesn't get boring (at least for me).

Game could probably do with a few more tracks but this is a launch game and the tracks that are here are quality.
I'd rather have fewer tracks of a high quality (lazer scanned etc.) than lots of tracks of a lower quality.

Obviously in an ideal world we'd have loads of tracks all of a high quality, but this is a launch game we're talking about.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Can you imagine MS had kept the draconian system in place, not did all those 180's

A lot of players wouldn't even have the fucking option of returning their game back to recoup some of the losses

Holy Shit, shit is going APE Shit

If this was a F2P title it would bomb so fucking hard, you want me to pay how much to unlock this car? 50? then grind more in game credits to get the option to unlock said unlocked car...



To play the Devil's Advocate: You can still unlock all the vehicles through gameplay right? Its just a way to unlock every car sooner.

Personally I don't like it, but I would rather have it this way than through DLC where I have to pay for locked content.


I don't understand this 'grinding' bullshit.
Have people in this thread actually played Forza 5? The car physics, driver AI, feedback through the new rumble triggers, soundtrack, sense of speed are all sublime.

In terms of gameplay this is the best console sim I've ever played.
If I've got to actually play the game to unlock content then so be it, the game is fucking fun... It's hardly a crime to have to, you know, actually play the game to unlock stuff, that's how it used to work back in the early GT games!

I've only played for a few hours. Have owned and raced 5 different cars. I don't get the big deal.

So you have to spend a little time with each car, they handle so differently anyway that it doesn't get boring (at least for me).

Game could probably do with a few more tracks but this is a launch game and the tracks that are here are quality.
I'd rather have fewer tracks of a high quality (lazer scanned etc.) than lots of tracks of a lower quality.

Obviously in an ideal world we'd have loads of tracks all of a high quality, but this is a launch game we're talking about.

then you haven’t read the math involved. Yeah, the racing physics are fine. that’s not the point.

the point is that there are high end cars in the game that would be accessible via 50 hours of fucking grinding or token purchases worth 150 US dollars.

the time needed to pay more high end cars has been made longer than in previous games to entice players to pony up real cash for playing.

that, plus XP boosts - another freemium monetization technique - to reduce the grind.

sorry, but the problem is real and just because you’re liking the first few hours of the game doesn’t mean you understand the problem,

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
To play the Devil's Advocate: You can still unlock all the vehicles through gameplay right? Its just a way to unlock every car sooner.

Personally I don't like it, but I would rather have it this way than through DLC where I have to pay for locked content.

Yes, you can 'grind' the currency with ingame play.


To play the Devil's Advocate: You can still unlock all the vehicles through gameplay right? Its just a way to unlock every car sooner.

Personally I don't like it, but I would rather have it this way than through DLC where I have to pay for locked content.

I agree with this sentiment, however the line being drawn is when they cater the games balance in such a way that favours the microtransactions over natural game progression.

Which is why I take it on a game by game basis instead of labelling the mere existence of microtransactions as evil.


I don't understand this 'grinding' bullshit.
Have people in this thread actually played Forza 5? The car physics, driver AI, feedback through the new rumble triggers, soundtrack, sense of speed are all sublime.

In terms of gameplay this is the best console sim I've ever played.
If I've got to actually play the game to unlock content then so be it, the game is fucking fun... It's hardly a crime to have to, you know, actually play the game to unlock stuff, that's how it used to work back in the early GT games!

I've only played for a few hours. Have owned and raced 5 different cars. I don't get the big deal.

So you have to spend a little time with each car, they handle so differently anyway that it doesn't get boring (at least for me).

Game could probably do with a few more tracks but this is a launch game and the tracks that are here are quality.
I'd rather have fewer tracks of a high quality (lazer scanned etc.) than lots of tracks of a lower quality.

Obviously in an ideal world we'd have loads of tracks all of a high quality, but this is a launch game we're talking about.
Clueless people like you are the reason why this shit is happening.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Any other outlaws other than Eurogamero who picked this up?

Edit: lol, thanks autocorrect. "outlets"
I don't understand this 'grinding' bullshit.
Have people in this thread actually played Forza 5? The car physics, driver AI, feedback through the new rumble triggers, soundtrack, sense of speed are all sublime.

In terms of gameplay this is the best console sim I've ever played.
If I've got to actually play the game to unlock content then so be it, the game is fucking fun... It's hardly a crime to have to, you know, actually play the game to unlock stuff, that's how it used to work back in the early GT games!

I've only played for a few hours. Have owned and raced 5 different cars. I don't get the big deal.

So you have to spend a little time with each car, they handle so differently anyway that it doesn't get boring (at least for me).

Game could probably do with a few more tracks but this is a launch game and the tracks that are here are quality.
I'd rather have fewer tracks of a high quality (lazer scanned etc.) than lots of tracks of a lower quality.

Obviously in an ideal world we'd have loads of tracks all of a high quality, but this is a launch game we're talking about.

Playing to earn is what we all like so long as it is fair. GT5 was a super grind until they upped the ante on seasonal event earnings, and earnings in general. Wen't from very unfair to fair.

You should focus on...
1. How the game-play was redesigned, and ultimately cheapened to entice you to spend extra money.
2. How they handled micro-transactions; it's design, offerings and intent.

To many, the implementations are unfair and undesirable.


Sony is offering all multiplayer maps for Killzone SF for free, I'd hope that kind of thing would continue for their own PS4 games in the future instead of being a one-off thing. I wouldn't expect them to try anything of this level, even if they do decide to put some cars as non-free DLC.

GT6 already has microtransactions.
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