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Gametrailers interview: Kojima answers EVERY question on Metal Gear Solid V


How can you be happy they're changing a character's voice that has already been well established? If you do that, it isn't the same character anymore. How can ANYONE support that bullshit?
Because it could be better? Games change, characters change too. If it's a positive change, that's great, if it's a negative one, that's a shame.
People still arguing about VO ? some of you should watch the behind the scenes videos from MGS4 special edition, one can totally see how Hayter's voice becomes too forced and dreamy...


Hayter will be back as Solid Snake. Big Boss just needs a different VA now. He can't lead into telling the ending story of Big Boss after this game with both of them sounding exactly the same. He's just easing you into it.
So guys, from now on I will headbutt everyone who dares to shittalk Geoff Keighley.

This guy is spot on, asking all the right questions.
Hayter will be back as Solid Snake. Big Boss just needs a different VA now. He can't lead into telling the ending story of Big Boss after this game with both of them sounding exactly the same. He's just easing you into it.

the japanese snake voice is still the same
People still arguing about VO ? some of you should watch the behind the scenes videos from MGS4 special edition, one can totally see how Hayter's voice becomes too forced and dreamy...

If only there were some kind of voice director that could direct him to do things with his voice. Shame they don't employ people like that in game development.
Snake might be david...but man, tbh, he hasn't done a better job with the voice acting since MGS1 IMO...

It happens sometimes in anime, in TV shows, sometimes actors just have to move on. If Snake is an improvement, I'm all for it....

Not too keen on two games at full price though, so hopefully one is for current gen and one for next.


Neo Member
Can anyone confirm that Akio Ōtsuka is out as the Japanese voice of Solid / Naked Snake as well? I never played with Japanese VO so I don't have an ear for it. If Kojima is still sticking to the original Japanese voice for Snake, shouldn't that confirm that there went down some kind of beef between Hayter and Kojima during or after MGS4?

I agree that Hayter overacted in recent MGS titles, but people seem to overlook that MGS's story and characters went equally insane after the first PSX game. I'm wondering how much of Snake's corny voice is actually Hayter's vision or just bad voice direction.


Can anyone confirm that Akio Ōtsuka is out as the Japanese voice of Solid / Naked Snake as well? I never played with Japanese VO so I don't have an ear for it. If Kojima is still sticking to the original Japanese voice for Snake, shouldn't that confirm that there went down some kind of beef between Hayter and Kojima during or after MGS4?

I agree that Hayter overacted in recent MGS titles, but people seem to overlook that MGS's story and characters went equally insane after the first PSX game. I'm wondering how much of that is actually Hayter's fault or just bad voice direction.

I am pretty sure Otsuka Akio did snake's voice for every MGS games, except for BB in MGS4

And he is doing VA for MGSV as well


Can anyone confirm that Akio Ōtsuka is out as the Japanese voice of Solid / Naked Snake as well? I never played with Japanese VO so I don't have an ear for it. If Kojima is still sticking to the original Japanese voice for Snake, shouldn't that confirm that there went down some kind of beef between Hayter and Kojima during or after MGS4?

I agree that Hayter overacted in recent MGS titles, but people seem to overlook that MGS's story and characters went equally insane after the first PSX game. I'm wondering how much of that is actually Hayter's fault or just bad voice direction.

We know that Otsuka is the voice of Snake in Ground Zeroes, because the trailer/demo was in Japanese. We know that Hayter is not the voice of the character in The Phantom Pain, because the trailer/demo was in English. Beyond this aside from general comments by Kojima and Hayter, we don't actually know anything for sure.


Neo Member
We know that Otsuka is the voice of Snake in Ground Zeroes, because the trailer/demo was in Japanese. We know that Hayter is not the voice of the character in The Phantom Pain, because the trailer/demo was in English. Beyond this aside from general comments by Kojima and Hayter, we don't actually know anything for sure.

Man I really hope this isn't about a petty ego thing!
Kojima confirmed Phantom Pain takes place in 1984. That means Solid Snake could be a 12 year old boy during this time. Not sure if Hayter would voice Solid Snake if he shows up (I imagine he must since Miller takes Solid Snake under his wing at some point). But if not in this game, the next game (which would probably be a remake of MG1/2-- theres not much runway left for anything else involving Big Boss) would have Hayter voicing Solid Snake and whoever this is (Keifer Sutherland?) voicing Big Boss.


A new VA won't make kojima's writing make any more sense or be any better. I find it pretty easy to stick to my principles, and I'm going to pass this time around.
I suppose it's a testament to how great of a game developer KojPro are that i'm still very excited for MGSV despite all the changes. Open world, no more voice of Snake - it would be a disaster for any other game (Splinter Cell, Hitman partially), yet I have full confidence that they can pull this off while still retaining the MGS spirit.


Hayter will be back as Solid Snake. Big Boss just needs a different VA now. He can't lead into telling the ending story of Big Boss after this game with both of them sounding exactly the same. He's just easing you into it.

The fact that we aren't getting the Solid Snake sword in Rising either makes me think that they are dropping Hayter from the franchise completely. Maybe something happened between Kojima Productions and David Hayter since the release of Peace Walker that we don't know about.

I never had an issue with Hayter's voice work like some people seem to have had, but even so, dropping the voice actor after 15 years seems kind of strange.

Changes like this always bother me a bit. A few people mentioned already about not bringing back Cam Clarke in MGS4 which was also kind of disappointing considering they had already established in MGS2 that Ocelot had Liquid's voice anytime Liquid's arm took over. It made a lot of his scenes kind of weird since we were supposed to believe that Liquid had taken over Ocelot completely, but it just felt like Ocelot was doing a bad Liquid impersonation for the whole game.
I've been tired of MGS since Kojima decided to continue Big Boss's story after MGS3 (what hacky bullshit), but this thing with Hayter really pisses me off. What possible reason could they have for getting rid of him?

Just forget Big Boss/Snake and start afresh with a new character if you're going to get rid of the series's most iconic voice actor. (I'm looking at you too, Splinter Cell.)


And the problem wasn't really Hayter alone, honestly all of MGS's dubs are horrible, anime quality shit that pales in comparison to the Uncharted and whatever western gme you have relying heavily on cinematics.

This is false. MGS2's voice work blows away most game's voice work.

And Western games relying heavily on cinematics? The average quality of the voice work there is below pretty much any of the MGS games.
How can you be happy they're changing a character's voice that has already been well established? If you do that, it isn't the same character anymore. How can ANYONE support that bullshit?

Because things can improve, assuming they want to push the series in a different direction. Judging by the trailer material, it has a lot of Metal Gear's idiosyncrasies but the tone looks more similar to MGS1. The overall story looks to be very serious and grounded but there's still enough of that spiritual and technological mumbo jumbo for it to be a "Metal Gear" game.

A lot of the voice actors in the series aren't particularly good if you revisit them without nostalgia goggles. Particularly any time Otacon needs to cry, the voice actor literally cannot display grief. Yes, the writing is a bit shoddy a lot of the time but if they're going to reboot the series, better voice actors is probably a good idea.


A lot of the voice actors in the series aren't particularly good if you revisit them without nostalgia goggles. Particularly any time Otacon needs to cry, the voice actor literally cannot display grief. Yes, the writing is a bit shoddy a lot of the time but if they're going to reboot the series, better voice actors is probably a good idea.

That's pretty much what the voice director is for; to tell the VA "hey, that's not going to work. Try it differently and do it this way," not to just be like "sounds awful, but eh, whatever, next line." Good voice direction can make even less experienced voice work sound pretty good, bad voice direction can sink even a cast with renowned actors.


People still arguing about VO ? some of you should watch the behind the scenes videos from MGS4 special edition, one can totally see how Hayter's voice becomes too forced and dreamy...

Doesn't matter, it's not a real MGS game without Hayter. Might as well be a shitty gameloft ripoff without him.
Doesn't matter, it's not a real MGS game without Hayter. Might as well be a shitty gameloft ripoff without him.

Says the guy that champions the gameloft version of Diablo.

No Hayter is a bummer, no doubt, but there are many great voice actors out there, and I have faith that whomever with KojiPro and Konami is doing VO direction is taking their role very seriously.

Having a mancrush on Kiefer Sutherland helps.


Crystal Bearer
I'm not too keen on the voice change either...
Actually after watching that trailer the excitement really wasn't all there like it was for MGS3/4/Peacewalker for me.

I don't know... I guess it didn't have the same feel... coupled with the fact that it's current gen with no confirmed PC version isn't helping to inflate my hype much. I need to see more after some of the stuff Kojima pulled in MGS4 I suppose. Fire whales and burning unicorns(?) Okay then...


I look forward to the day where we'll be able to talk about the game instead of obsessing over a voice actor who got progressively worse with each new MGS game. Did you guys actually play 4? It was like someone doing a parody of Snake's voice on youtube and Kojima used it.


I look forward to the day where we'll be able to talk about the game instead of obsessing over a voice actor who got progressively worse with each new MGS game. Did you guys actually play 4? It was like someone doing a parody of Snake's voice on youtube and Kojima used it.

Sounds true to the game though. Snake was a parody of Snake in MGS4, just like MGS4 was a parody of MGS. I'm sure it was all part of Kojima's masterplan.
i'm very satisfied by this interview ..because it touches nearly the right questions ..

i'm also happy that they will release ground zeroes early so that i can see by myself if they gameplay is still good.

I'm also happy that kojima considers peacewalker good eough to be mentionned again with the "peace" theme.
I'm still skeptical on whether Kojima is telling the truth or not with regards to Hayter. It's probably wishful thinking, but then again he is a masterful troll...

I'm also curious what he might plan to do next if his stab at "episodic gaming" actually works. A setting like ZoE could be perfect for regularly scheduled episodes...
How can you be happy they're changing a character's voice that has already been well established? If you do that, it isn't the same character anymore. How can ANYONE support that bullshit?

He obviously has some kind of grudge against Hayter. Why else would he act like an utter cunt towards him?

Danny 117

He clearly can't do old Big Boss well so they're gonna bring him back as young Solid Snake with a more natural voice ala MGS1


extra source of jiggaflops
I'm not a huge MGS guy but I think the newest one is looking pretty good. I wish it was next-gen, just like any game that doesn't have an announcement date before November 2013 but I'll take it anyway.
Because he is Snake and has been for 15 years. Replacing actors is usually a terrible idea, especially with someone with as distinctive a voice as Kiefer.

Keifer Sutherland's acting voice is really not far off from that of what we're used to. It just lacks the...silliness of Hayter's made up character voice which went off the deep end a few games back. Solid Snake is no longer featured in these games and it's clear they want Big Boss to be taken more seriously at this point in his story. He can't be taken seriously with Hayter's cartoon voice.

Otsuka is still voicing Snake because he voices the character like a real human being. I dunno if it was Konami USA or Kojima who seemed okay with the direction Hayter was taking the voice acting over the years but it created a real gulf between how the character is portrayed in the two language versions.
Sounds true to the game though. Snake was a parody of Snake in MGS4, just like MGS4 was a parody of MGS. I'm sure it was all part of Kojima's masterplan.

Heh, what does that make for the craziness with Johnny Sasaki, though? Is he like an anti-parody element, or is he even more of a parody in MGS4?


Neo Member
Not sure if this has been suggested, but anyone else think GZ might be included with Lords of Shadow 2 (assuming it ships this fall)? I think it might be a good way for Konami to drum up sales and there's definitely precedent.
Not sure if this has been suggested, but anyone else think GZ might be included with Lords of Shadow 2 (assuming it ships this fall)? I think it might be a good way for Konami to drum up sales and there's definitely precedent.

I haven't played Lords of Shadows, but I admit that'd be one way for Konami to get me to pick up a 3D Castlevania.

I'm not sure they'd do that, though, with Kojima sounding like he really wants to push forward on episodic releases, and I imagine Konami is also very interested in testing out the idea of "smaller" game episodes being sold seperately.


Not happy at Hayter being left out. He's Snake/Big Boss, I don't care what anyone says. If they're keeping the Japanese actor, Hayter should be back too. Its not going to be right without him.


I remembered Hayter criticized MGS4 ending. That episode must have been brewing and Mr Kojima is so ego-butt hurt that he finally decided to dump David? The part about moving the series a new direction sounds like a hidden swipe at David. If you didnt like where i went with MGS4, then will you are not tagging along with MGSV. I guess these things happen often in the media/art industry.

I thought David played Snake with lots of passion every time. I dont get the hate against his gravel voice, why is that phoning it in? It will be sweet revenge for Hayter if the new "professional" A-list voice actor taking over BB/Snake phoned MGSV in.

Hayters gonna hayt.

day 0

PC version p;lz
How can you be happy they're changing a character's voice that has already been well established? If you do that, it isn't the same character anymore. How can ANYONE support that bullshit?

Hayter was always one of the weaker voice actors in the games. Yes, he was Snake, but Richard Doyle did an amazing job playing old Big Boss.
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