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Getting too old for lewd anime games to support publishers

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Gives all the fucks
Like I said, fanservice type games where the girls look of questionable age is understandable, but at the same time with games like Hunie Pop that are pretty much porn games, I feel there should broad discourse for all games and cut out the middleman.
One could argue that everyone in HuniePop is of legal age (I just checked & everyone is between the ages of 18 & 36, with most in the 20s range), hence why it's fine.

>Game confirmed to be censored for US

>"Well damn, that sucks"

>Discussion of censorship, possibly involving violence vs. sexuality

>insults start happening, people start or assume are taking "sides"

>all-out war, name-calling, avatar prejudice, flaming, etc.

>thread gets locked

That tends to happen when the topic of censoring sexual content is discussed. See: Bravely Default, Criminal Girls. That's why I'm very, very careful with what I post in these types of threads.


I'm really questioning myself for purchasing future games in the Kiseki series after Sen no Kiseki. I definitely want a lengthy multi-arc story JRPG, but why am I allowing myself to play games with such deliberate attempts at pandering to such a sick crowd?

Did not know Kiseki series had this kind of fan service treatment .
But then again not much of the series was released in English ...


My only exposure to this kind of games was the demo for Conception... II? On 3DS. Nnnnnooope, deleted immediately. It's just not my thing, I find it tacky and cringe-worthy personally.


I wouldn't say I'm too old for it, but the constant anime titty parade in japanese games is starting to annoy me as well.

The green haired tit girl in the SO5 screens bothered me way more than everyone else was apparently bothered by the pink haired girl.

I thought the SMT x FE trailer was atrocious in part because of all the anime tits (the music was also horrible).

While I didn't find Cidney from FF XV as offensive, it is still hard to deny that it's the same.

Why did Hyrule Warriors need that one character that's basically just a big cleavage?

Digimon Cyber Sleuth has a couple not all that incospicuously placed anime boobs too.

So does Disgaea 5... the list could probably be continued forever.
For me it all comes down to how much fun the games actually is. If I'm having a blast playing the game and there's lewd in the game as well, then so be it. I've never been one to buy a game only for the lewd factor and nothing else nor have I ever refused to buy a game just because there's lewd stuff in it either. To be honest most lewd games out there wouldn't get a chub out of me anyway but at the same time I don't think of myself as a better person than those who do play a game for the lewd either.

I think the only game where this is not 100% the case is Senran Kagura. But that's because I absolutely love the artist behind the games, the battle system itself and the lewd.

Li Kao

For a game that doesn't interest you anymore, you show that screenshot of Moe Chronicles an awful lot. I think I have seen it three times already, could be wrong.
Just an observation, you are totally free to dislike it and not buy the game, like a good majority of gamers will.
One could argue that everyone in HuniePop is of legal age (I just checked & everyone is between the ages of 18 & 36, with most in the 20s range), hence why it's fine.

>Game confirmed to be censored for US

>"Well damn, that sucks"

>Discussion of censorship, possibly involving violence vs. sexuality

>insults start happening, people start or assume are taking "sides"

>all-out war, name-calling, avatar prejudice, flaming, etc.

>thread gets locked

That tends to happen when the topic of censoring sexual content is discussed. See: Bravely Default, Criminal Girls. That's why I'm very, very careful with what I post in these types of threads.

I guess I understand but am interested in why someone would try to defend that game linked in the OP that has underage girls in it. Maybe CureVylash didn't check that specific bit of info on why that game was banned here?


Ok, so I was curious to see why that game was banned, because I don't know really what these games are about other than fanservice. Saw that post linking pics, saw the second one and was like NOOOOOOOPE *close tab*!

No wonder it was banned.
Yikes. It sure does seem like a pure H game (I understand that it's not). Personally I wouldn't have cut off discussion on this game (or any game for that matter) but I get it.

Too lewd


I remember playing FFIX for the first time recently and thinking what a fresh of breath air it was playing a game that wasn't solely meant for a modern Japanese animu audience a la FF13. I really hope the "moe" fad in Japan is toned down for the future. Their videogame industry possess an immense amount of talent and passion. Yet so much is thrown away because of cheap fan service. There's nothing wrong with making sexy characters. But atleast do it with taste and maturity.

But hey, one can say that the same applies to western games but in the form of violence instead.

Even games that WERE only meant for a Japanese audience didn't look like this just a few years ago. I have to imagine there are plenty of folks in Japan sick of it as well at this point. Nobody like this much repetition. It's just a lack of effort. Look at the recent Atelier games. They have a moe-ish artstyle, but the effort the creators put forth really shines. This crap just comes across as pandering and lazy.

Final Fantasy IX was the RPG that got me into RPGs so I totally agree with you on that front. I'm not saying everything has to look like FFIX, but look at the difference between that, Xenoblade, The Last Story, Dragon Quest, Child of Light, Rogue Galaxy, Shin Megami Tensei 4, Persona 4, etc. They all look unique and that's what catches my eye and helps them each stand out and be memorable. I miss that so much.


Its funny how American audiences can get cringy with sexuality, much less those bordering on the underage, and yet completely abhorent violent stuff gets a pass.

I'd say I think it's appropriate that if things are getting banned from forums for such reasons, then they should introduce an age gate for those topics, rather than outright banning them. But that's just my opinion.
>Game confirmed to be censored for US

>"Well damn, that sucks"

>Discussion of censorship, possibly involving violence vs. sexuality

>insults start happening, people start or assume are taking "sides"

>all-out war, name-calling, avatar prejudice, flaming, etc.

>thread gets locked

That tends to happen when the topic of censoring sexual content is discussed. See: Bravely Default, Criminal Girls. That's why I'm very, very careful with what I post in these types of threads.
Same. In the end, it's gonna really be up to the distributors. Besides, you can always just import said games if you really REALLY want to see those scenes that much.
Ok, so I was curious to see why that game was banned, because I don't know really what these games are about other than fanservice. Saw that post linking pics, saw the second one and was like NOOOOOOOPE *close tab*!

No wonder it was banned.


What the literal fuck...

I mean this is actually animated cp...

Its funny how American audiences can get cringy with sexuality, much less those bordering on the underage, and yet completely abhorent violent stuff gets a pass.

I'd say I think it's appropriate that if things are getting banned from forums for such reasons, then they should introduce an age gate for those topics, rather than outright banning them. But that's just my opinion.

there is no age where cp is ok to view/discuss


Ehh, for me as a general rule, I accept that there will be content created (not just games, all media) that does not interest me or I want no part in, but I'm not about to say that they don't appeal to some people and that they can't enjoy that if it suits them. No one is forcing it on me.

As for the site here, I don't own it or run it, the rules can be whatever the powers that be set them.


What the literal fuck...

I mean this is actually animated cp...
Welcome to lolicon Japan. I feel this topic in itself requires a thread that is outside the Gaming General/Community discussion, since it entails both political/ethical/moral views and it would be presumtuous to assume everybody has the same ideology.

In short, it's a messy discussion.
there is no age where cp is ok to view/discuss
Is it cp though? And when did I say it was okay? Again, such technicalities that perhaps are better suited to be discussed somewhere else.
I'm more concerned about the advocacy for mystic ephebophilia under the pretense of "core gameplay." I have to wonder if the first thing that's being sought out is solid mechanics and then fanservice being gravy, or vice-versa.

There are surely people who fall into both groups, in Japan apparently there's enough of the latter that companies can include pandering in fairly middling titles and still do well enough in sales and merch. Personally I'm a gameplay first kind of person, although I have steered clear of some games that were supposed to have solid gameplay because I didn't like the content.

Wait the game is actually called Moe Chronicles? I thought it was a derisive nickname.

It was actually called Moero Chronicles originally. :p You know what you're getting with that one.
See, personally I draw the line at somewhere around the etrian games, but it does make me sad that we apparently can't talk about what is apparently a good dungeon crawler due to the sheer prevalence of this shit.


Gives all the fucks
I guess I understand but am interested in why someone would try to defend that game linked in the OP that has underage girls in it. Maybe CureVylash didn't check that specific bit of info on why that game was banned here?
Again, goes into the whole censorship/leaving things in their original state/real life vs. fantasy/cultural differences/sexual vs. violent content arguments that happen when this sort of thing is brought up.

That's when the thread will start turning into an all-out war, because each "side" starts getting extreme. Hopefully, it won't happen here. I've already stated my opinion and just plan on getting out as soon as possible if this thread does take a turn for the worst.



What the literal fuck...

I mean this is actually animated cp...

there is no age where cp is ok to view/discuss

You may find those pictures disgusting but it is NOT porn. People use that word as a catch all for anything remotely sexual without actually knowing its definition.


Its funny how American audiences can get cringy with sexuality, much less those bordering on the underage, and yet completely abhorent violent stuff gets a pass.

I think you would get a similar response if a game had gratuitous depictions of violence against children.


See, personally I draw the line at somewhere around the etrian games, but it does make me sad that we apparently can't talk about what is apparently a good dungeon crawler due to the sheer prevalence of this shit.

Well Etrian Odyssey really is a genuinely great dungeon crawler to begin with. Many people might comment on the art but I'll give Yuji Himukai some credit since he also balances the cast rather well with a fair amount of old(er) dudes/heroines.
Wonder how many people who get freaked out about fan service games have recreated sexual assault in GTA and had zero problems with it. I know GTA is old hat but you can actually sexual ly assault people in it.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Its funny how American audiences can get cringy with sexuality, much less those bordering on the underage, and yet completely abhorent violent stuff gets a pass.

In pretty much all games violence is at least contextualized in a way that people can "accept" (they're fighting in self defense, they're rebels against an oppressive regime, the bad guys killed his family, etc). Now I've got plenty of criticism on that front, but sexual content in games is often very different. For starters, the sexual content is rarely contextualized even as much as that (hell, in a lot of modern japanese games it seems to get downright meta, pandering to an invisible presumed audience despite having wafer thin basis in the game's fiction) and when it comes to sexualizing children? Yeah there's really really no way to contextualize that in an acceptable way other then as a really critical piece of art, of which these games are certainly not.


Ok, so I was curious to see why that game was banned, because I don't know really what these games are about other than fanservice. Saw that post linking pics, saw the second one and was like NOOOOOOOPE *close tab*!

No wonder it was banned.

Yeah, no thanks. I like my anime games, they're a comfort food, but this really is too much.

Its funny how American audiences can get cringy with sexuality, much less those bordering on the underage, and yet completely abhorent violent stuff gets a pass.

Actually, I'm not playing MKX either because I find the violence crosses a line I'm not comfortable with. I really don't need to see the inside of someone's brain when I'm playing a game.


The irony of people being scared by virtual pedoshit but are happy to herald virtual ultraviolence will always be hilarious.


Maybe a bit off-topic, but you brought up Xenoblade in your OP.

The obvious fan-service games have definitely started to be more common. But there is something about the later female armor and breast physics for Sharla in Xenoblade that had me asking, "Why?" more-so than games like Senran Kagura. Maybe it's because they gave those visuals to the higher level armor, basically "forcing" you into using it? All I know is that it strikes me as worse than SK. Kagura is very obvious with what it's doing. Xenoblade wasn't supposed to be.


Wonder how many people who get freaked out about fan service games have recreated sexual assault in GTA and had zero problems with it. I know GTA is old hat but you can actually sexual ly assault people in it.
You can? Like how? By beating them with a dildo? Cause that's the only thing that comes to mind (San Andreas).


Ok, so I was curious to see why that game was banned, because I don't know really what these games are about other than fanservice. Saw that post linking pics, saw the second one and was like NOOOOOOOPE *close tab*!

No wonder it was banned.


Yeah, too far. Wouldn't touch it if I was dared to.
What annoys me is that fans of these underage smut games act like they get censored or banned for discussion because they're of sexual content and you know... Not underage sexual content.

What do you expect though? They don't care about the underage aspect. They just want an axe to grind on the mods tactics when it comes to stuff like this.


Wonder how many people who get freaked out about fan service games have recreated sexual assault in GTA and had zero problems with it. I know GTA is old hat but you can actually sexual ly assault people in it.

This is a pretty big strawman I see come up around these games.

Don't like 12 year old titties? Well I bet you murder/rape all day in GTA.

Maybe there are a lot of fans of the "you can take a prostitue and then beat her up for your money back" thing that Fox News has been repeating for a decade, but I can't say I've ever seen many people discussing this aspect of the game like it is something enjoyable or positive. I mean this is by far one of the most common criticisms of the game series.


One of the most hype-killing moments in that most recent Fire Emblem trailer was the little anime girl running up and shrilly saying "onii-chan."

I get it, Japan. Pedophilic sister complexes are common. But they're so overdone that the cliche is more annoying than anything else at this point, at least to people without pedophilic sister complexes.
That paragraph was specifically talking about the games that have been banned

I do realize Senran Kagura attempts to have character development in addition to the beat em up action

Well, from first impressions how is anybody going to know that a game about boobies is going to have character development without diving into it first? And by that point, they're already turned off. This seems like an inherent problem in the scantily clad female characters.
Link related:
I didn't know that these games were banned or that legitimate publishers allowed content that questionable in their games.

I agree with them being banned from discussion for the simple reason that unsuspecting and unaware forum members can enter a thread and instantly have evidence of the images in their temporary files/browsing history.
You can? Like how? By beating them with a dildo? Cause that's the only thing that comes to mind (San Andreas).

If you sleep with a prostitute then beat the crap out of her or murder her and walk away with money in hand. Tell me are you going to be charged with just murder or just assault or will it be rape and murder or sexual assault?

Again I'm all for people playing the games they want to play. I don't judge. I played GTA, but again I feel ratings are around for a reason. I haven't played any of the "games that shan't be named" but feel we don't need to talk down about other people enjoying the games they do.
Umm, some of those pictures are of naked little girls. How is that not porn?


Full Definition of PORNOGRAPHY
: the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement
: material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement
: the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction <the pornography of violence>
— por·no·graph·ic
\&#716;po&#775;r-n&#601;-&#712;gra-fik\ adjective
— por·no·graph·i·cal·ly
\-fi-k(&#601;-)l&#275;\ adverb
One of the most hype-killing moments in that most recent Fire Emblem trailer was the little anime girl running up and shrilly saying "onii-chan."

I get it, Japan. Pedophilic sister complexes are common. But they're so overdone that the cliche is more annoying than anything else at this point, at least to people without pedophilic sister complexes.
This is the most ignorant comment in the thread.

Onii-chan is japanese for brother not I want to fuck you. Fucking educate yourself.


Wonder how many people who get freaked out about fan service games have recreated sexual assault in GTA and had zero problems with it. I know GTA is old hat but you can actually sexual ly assault people in it.

Is there an example of "sexual assault" in gta games? I didn't think you could do this, and i'm a big gta fan myself.

If you sleep with a prostitute then beat the crap out of her or murder her and walk away with money in hand.
That's not considered sexual assault.


I have no problems accepting I'm more tolerant with violence in games (to some degree - I don't play "gore porn" games, I'm playing MKX right now and even with the silly cartoon-ish violence I find some fatalities too gross) than with freaking pedo fanservice. Feel free to call me out on my double standards, I guess.

Gunstar Ikari

Unconfirmed Member
I can almost always overlook the fanservice if the game is good...but man, those CGs that were posted were something else. It's a far cry from something like Neptunia or even Conception II.

As usual, I'm amused by GAF's reaction to Etrian Odyssey's Dancer. I wouldn't have even thought of her as a fanservice object if not for this place.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Wonder how many people who get freaked out about fan service games have recreated sexual assault in GTA and had zero problems with it. I know GTA is old hat but you can actually sexual ly assault people in it.

What kind of weird strawman is this? I see it come up all the time in these threads

"yeah but I bet you do nasty stuff in those western games too, who are you to judge"

No, no I don't particularly enjoy assaulting people in GTA games (or really GTA games in general, for various reasons)


I didn't know that these games were banned or that legitimate publishers allowed content that questionable in their games.

I agree with them being banned from discussion for the simple reason that unsuspecting and unaware forum members can enter a thread and instantly have evidence of the images in their temporary files/browsing history.

It wouldn't be hard to institute a "discuss gameplay/characters" rule. These games are niche and the communities for them are small. Small communities are easily self-policed for the most part.

A blanket ban is ridiculous to me. No one had issue with the DT2 thread until someone posted like eight lewd images. Suddenly the entire thread is locked and discussion banned instead of the individual, and now we can't talk about the game anymore, which is apparently very, very good. I want to discuss experiences and strategies.

That's the problem. You can have discussion about it without delving into the risque parts. Well, you could.

This'll be my last post on the subject, sorry for the derail.


This is a pretty big strawman I see come up around these games.

Don't like 12 year old titties? Well I bet you murder/rape all day in GTA.

Maybe there are a lot of fans of the "you can take a prostitue and then beat her up for your money back" thing that Fox News has been repeating for a decade, but I can't say I've ever seen many people discussing this aspect of the game like it is something enjoyable or positive. I mean this is by far one of the most common criticisms of the game series.

The age old sex vs violence derailer... never gonna get past that one in a million years. (I've got personal feelings on it but this is gaf and that doesnt work well enough to discuss here, i've tried on the off topic discussion half of gaf and it derails easily there too. anime too(aka if you like certain stuff you are a pedophile(not the condition, the stigma that you'd actually touch kids one)


To the people bringing up western games loaded with violence:

I don't really play western releases much and I find GTA sickening

However, I can understand the draw of the game in that it seems to be a very extensive game with loads of content.

This thread is about Japanese games that are localized and my issue is with these copy and paste hackjob games that just have high quality yet questionable art tacked on to sell them.

obviously this is just my own opinion but this is a forum for discussion so I felt like sharing

also, please be nice
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