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GI.biz: "Wii U less powerful than PS3, Xbox 360, developers say"

It's been reiterated time and time again, but if the Wii U can't even match the capabilities of a machine that 6 years old... I don't just find that disappointing, but actually pathetic. We have seen massive jumps in hardware capability in that time. What is Nintendo's excuse? Unless the Wii U is $199 I don't think it has one.

But it probably does just come down to that tech/price ratio.


I don't know, one on hand it feels like bullshit. On the other hand, they keep pushing this kind of info...

"I suppose you don't need sophisticated physics to make a Mario game."

If they don't have anyone who's actually trustworthy telling them this shit, then man. Rough.


I just can't believe this news. Considering that early reports suggested an improvement over this generation... I just don't think this is true.

I'm still betting on the Wii U to be twice as powerful and more capable than the current generation.

i can't wait for e3 to come... all the speculation and even blind faith on my part is annoying.


They have to port in order code to an out of order CPU that might or might not have the brute force of Xenon, which has somewhere around 90 gigaflops.

For comparison, core i7 is capable of 107 gigaflops.


Does anyone here actually expect Nintendo to make games competitive with Ultra-level Battlefield 3, Crysis2, Samaritan, etc?

Because that's what next-gen will be at minimum. The early games will look like that and we'll think they're dated in 2016.

Going from this:

To this:

With no intermediate step? What internal team at Nintendo can do this?

Uh like every developer did? ...
wsippel talked about this days ago

I find this to be plausible.

EDIT: I still wonder what the job titles of these sources are, because "YOU DON'T NEED PHYSICS FOR MARIO HERP DERP" isn't the sort of response you'd expect from a technical expert playing with a fairly new devkit.


And Mirror's Edge was still very modern for its time. PS2->Wii could not possibly run it. We don't know in April 2012 what the next-gen equivalent will be to Mirror's Edge in 2016.

So I still think you need to recognize that improved hardware leads to unpredictable gains in game design.
I think that's fair but it wasn't what I was talking about.

What I was trying to say is that when Nintendo makes games for a system that can do Uncharted or even Samaratin level stuff, they might not go that route and it isn't necessarily for a lack of talent.


Gold Member
Did they ever say something about allowing two of those tablet controllers yet? Or do devs still need to 'innovate' around that problem?

I am sure the power it has is fine.I think even the next Microsoft and Sony systems will be less about processing power and more about app stores and social networking.


Trucker Sexologist
Did they ever say something about allowing two of those tablet controllers yet? Or do devs still need to 'innovate' around that problem?

I am sure the power it has is fine.I think even the next Microsoft and Sony systems will be less about processing power and more about app stores and social networking.
Why would they need new hardware for app stores and social networking? I think at least one of the two is going to try to fit a 2012 mid range PC in a console case.

I think, graphically, Wii U titles will be comparable to output on the PS3 and 360, and discussions about relative power are purely academic.


I saw some talk earlier about the PS2 and its profitability, but were any numbers posted? (i dont want to read through hundreds of posts, sorry).


I find this to be plausible.

EDIT: I still wonder what the job titles of these sources are, because "YOU DON'T NEED PHYSICS FOR MARIO HERP DERP" isn't the sort of response you'd expect from a technical expert playing with a fairly new devkit.

Well you really don't in the context of these articles. I mean if Wii is capable of producing the Galaxies, U should have no problem handling the same thing in HD--which is what most people are expecting. Are you suggesting they're going to turn Mario in a PhysX playground or something?
I really hope Nintendo isn't pulling a repeat of the Wii where the specs just get worse and worse as more info comes out.. I mean, you would at least hope this thing was as powerful at the 360/ps3, but I was hoping for something more powerful, to bridge the gap between next gen. If they are having some issues getting current gen games running, then next gen will be the same issue with the Wii U mostly getting abandoned by third parties. =/


I really hope Nintendo isn't pulling a repeat of the Wii where the specs just get worse and worse as more info comes out.. I mean, you would at least hope this thing was as powerful at the 360/ps3, but I was hoping for something more powerful, to bridge the gap between next gen. If they are having some issues getting current gen games running, then next gen will be the same issue with the Wii U mostly getting abandoned by third parties. =/

That's already happening and the thing isn't even out yet with people like Kojima saying they'd have to make a Wii U-specific version because of the new controller or some such bullshit.
That's already happening and the thing isn't even out yet with people like Kojima saying they'd have to make a Wii U-specific version because of the new controller or some such bullshit.

On top of which, the new controller may scare away some who were attracted to the wii's simplicity. Don't get me wrong, I am sure this system will sell and make Nintendo money, but I really think it having enough juice is important for its long term health.


The number of unsubstantiated reactions to this news is ridiculous.

So much has to do with optimization of hardware.

We have someone on these boards (wsippel) who has direct behind-the-scenes knowledge of middleware support the Wii U is receiving, and wsippel specifically mentioned that after initial optimization, the current Wii U CPU in devkits alone performs at the very least "on par" and in some areas "much better" than Xbox 360's CPU. With more optimization, this will only end up becoming better. The Wii U CPU is not the same as the 360 CPU even though they may be different. When a developer cuts and pastes the code from a 360 title to a Wii U title, it is not accounting for optimization. This can easily create a "slower" game because the 360 incorporate audio and I/O functions into Xenos. The Wii U has its own dedicated audio DSP and I/O ARM processor to handle those tasks. So, that alone is a big problem. If developers are making ports and not ground up games, they are not going to reconfigure every single line of code just to get a port up and running. The quick and easy way will always win out in the end.

Yet, according to wsippel, the CPU could have initially appeared to be worse. But once optimized it ended up becoming at least as good while outperofming the 360 CPU in some areas. Outperforming DOES NOT EQUAL "worse" than 360. It means Outperforming! lol

Optimizations alone can account of this. The tools Nintendo gives developers keep getting better and better (that is, accounting for more optimization of hardware) and there are insider reports (legit insider reports) that the hardware is still being more and more optimized.

Mix this with at the very least RAM that is twice as much as the 360/PS3 (as confirmed by multiple insider sources such as lherre who is a developer with access to Wii U kits...Purportedly Nintendo is targeting above that range however) and a much newer, more capable GPU (early devkits had an RV700 level GPU in likely to set an expectation level) than either the 360 or PS3 can handle,

and all that any logical sane individual can say is that if a developer says the Wii U is weaker than either the 360 or PS3, or even simply "on par" on a technical level (not what you see on the screen), they are doing a poor job developing for that system. Period.

Optimization is huge when it comes to porting.

And first party or exclusive efforts, generally, will show a system off the most.

Many Gamecube games looks "on par" with PS2 titles, in some cases worse due to compressed audio and video cutscenes. But when built from the ground up, a game could really shine on that system: case in point was Resident Evil 4.

This generation of HD consoles, we had titles like Killzone 2 and 3 which were optimized for the PS3, God of War 3, Uncharted 2/3, etc... on PS3 and Gears 2/3, third party tools that showed the best multiplat titles, that were all optimized on the 360.

When a game is optimized on the Wii U -- or any other next gen console for that matter -- it will look better than what is currently out there on the PS3/360

But in this day and age, where HD graphics have their set their own standard, it doesn't mean much. The average gamer can tell the difference between a PS2 and PS3 game, but no matter how much better the graphics on PS4 end up looking, the difference won't be as large simple because of the HD effect.

I can't believe how little understood this basic concept is. This is a video game enthusiast forum, right? So why don't people take the time to understand something as simple as this? Here we are zoning into 2000 posts on some reporting (I used to be a news editor; I know how little work can go into reporting news) that can be easily explained by something as simple as developers porting with un-optimized code??

Its ridiculous!

In the end, the Wii U system likely is only 2-3x more powerful than the Xbo 360/PS3 (the GPU alone will be much newer and capable of more effects) but its not going to be a powerhouse. That much we know. But the Xbox 360 was many, many times more powerful than the Xbox 1, yet developers only "cutting and pasting" their games resulted in titles like Gun at launch.


The average gamer can tell the difference between a PS2 and PS3 game, but no matter how much better the graphics on PS4 end up looking, the difference won't be as large simple because of the HD effect.

Can you tell the difference between NES and SNES games? How about Xbox360 hooked up to SD vs Xbox1?


This generation of HD consoles, we had titles like Killzone 2 and 3 which were optimized for the PS3, God of War 3, Uncharted 2/3, etc... on PS3 and Gears 2/3, third party tools that showed the best multiplat titles, that were all optimized on the 360.

When a game is optimized on the Wii U -- or any other next gen console for that matter -- it will look better than what is currently out there on the PS3/360

But in this day and age, where HD graphics have their set their own standard, it doesn't mean much. The average gamer can tell the difference between a PS2 and PS3 game, but no matter how much better the graphics on PS4 end up looking, the difference won't be as large simple because of the HD effect.
Oh I may not see the differences in terms of graphics, but I can definitely feel the difference in terms of performance.

Seriously, optimisation used to be so key with games programming, especially with closed systems, but with this current generation (thanks partly to the myriad of multi-purpose middleware solutions available for developers, and also partly due to a lot of low-level processes being handled automatically by higher-level APIs), a number of games developed for one console as lead platform haven't transisted well to the other console. This is sounding like it's the case, especially if third parties are just simply porting over their code from either current-gen system and expecting it to run smoothly...

What this means is that *gasp horror* companies can't be lazy with the Wii U and will actually have to do some optimising for once in their lives with their games, be it ports or from the ground up. If companies want to squeeze every gram out of this console and make half-decent games, they're gonna have to do it the old-fashioned way - robust coding, efficient memory management and effective optimization.

That is, if companies can be bothered... ;P But I don't like the idea that they're all too ready to blame the hardware when they haven't had enough time to tap into it fully...


EDIT - Though, to be fair, Nintendo are throwing the developers a bone by constantly updating their own devkits to help optimise said middleware solutions. If they keep doing revisions, this should help them out tremendously...


I really hope Nintendo isn't pulling a repeat of the Wii where the specs just get worse and worse as more info comes out.. I mean, you would at least hope this thing was as powerful at the 360/ps3, but I was hoping for something more powerful, to bridge the gap between next gen. If they are having some issues getting current gen games running, then next gen will be the same issue with the Wii U mostly getting abandoned by third parties. =/

If true, it's shocking they would go this route, it's not like the Wii is still at the top of sales. I guess they better hope this tablet controller will start the same craze that the original Wii did. I'm surprised they wouldn't up the power over current gen consoles. I guess the strategy is to differentiate via the controller and not try to compete in hardware power with Sony/MS? It's smart in one way not to take a bath on the hardware costs, but I'm not sure how they're going to continue to compete with this strategy down the road?


Can you tell the difference between NES and SNES games? How about Xbox360 hooked up to SD vs Xbox1?

I think you're missing the point entirely if you're looking at it from this point of view.

If a developer says the Wii U is weaker than current HD consoles or "not as powerful", never mind the fact that final kits may not even be out yet or the fact that the tools are still evolving (which has been confirmed by other insiders or people with access to inside information) then they simply have not optimized their code to run on the Wii U.

What is ridiculous is how this thread launched to the stratosphere based on these claims alone.

No one who knows or has inside information regarding the Wii U is claiming it to be a powerful behemoth. But no one who knows or has inside information regarding the Wii U is saying the system, on paper, is weaker either.


Oh I may not see the differences in terms of graphics, but I can definitely feel the difference in terms of performance.

Seriously, optimisation used to be so key with games programming, especially with closed systems, but with this current generation, thanks partly to the myriad of multi-purpose middleware solutions available for developers, a number of games developed for one console as lead platform haven't transisted well to the other console.

What this means is that *gasp horror* companies can't be lazy with the Wii U and will actually have to do some optimising for once in their lives with their games, be it ports or from the ground up. If companies want to squeeze every gram out of this console and make half-decent games, they're gonna have to do it the old-fashioned way - efficient coding and effective optimization.

That is, if companies can be bothered... ;P But I don't like the idea that they're all too ready to blame the hardware when they haven't had enough time to tap into it fully...


Exactly. It is actually very understandable as to why devs would claim it may not be as "powerful"

It may literally not have the raw performance that say the 360 CPU has. It may be clocked much lower for example.

With optimization one can account for the fact the CPU will have 3 times the cache; it will have a newer more modern architecture, it will be capable of utilizing more threads because it has its own audio DSP and I/O processor (which each can take 15-30% of resources away from the CPU!)

These things are just as important to consider. We know the Wii U CPU will be a Tri-Core, 2 SMT IBM based CPU, similar to Xenos but yet very different and customized under what Nintendo wants. It will have 3 MB of L2 cache, asymmetrically distributed.

Its not exactly the same CPU as Xenos. The fact that the Wii U isn't even out yet means its not optimized for porting nor performance.

Never mind the little fact that final dev kits have not been shipped yet, or that only the biggest of big companies (we're talking Activision, EA, Ubisoft, Square Enix, Capcom) in house devs have the latest kits. Smaller guys like Vigil don't have the latest kits.

All of these thing matter. But many posters (actually most posters) don't consider these things, either because they are uneducated about them or the facts behind them, or, they are simply being ignorant. Which makes the ridiculousness even more ridiculous.


Until you know the exact specs and what is being attempted on the console assuming that getting worse performance automatically means "lazy devs" is a bad path to go down.


Until you know the exact specs and what is being attempted on the console assuming that getting worse performance automatically means "lazy devs" is a bad path to go down.
Oh definitely, I won't automatically assume at this point, and teething problems are natural at this early stage for those who are unfamiliar with new hardware.

However, we have seen a few examples this generation where various multi-platform games performs seamlessly on one console, whilst the port to the other console performs poorly in comparison (I believe Skyrim would be one of the more well-known titles to suffer from this). And the developers surely haven't had enough time to know the real ins and outs of the devkits they've received to take as much advantage as possible on what's on offer.

My post wasn't necessarily a stab at trying to defend the WiiU's lack of performance, and more at the fact that now, more than ever, developers should aim to optimise better and make all versions of their ports play to the strengths of the particular consoles for a great experience, no matter what console you play the game on.


John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Nintendo, most profitable game console manufacturer with the Wii.
GAF: Damn, I hope Nintendo doesn't do what they did with the Wii again!
Until you know the exact specs and what is being attempted on the console assuming that getting worse performance automatically means "lazy devs" is a bad path to go down.
wsippel already mentioned at least one middleware was horribly unoptimized and through pipeline improvements they improved processing performance by about 400%, and there is a still faster pipeline that isn't taken advantage of by the middleware since PS360 lack it.

I'm noy going to say lazy devs, but there is an issue with unoptimized middleware which is indeed a software issue.
So that's multiple devs telling GI.biz and multiple devs telling CVG the same thing.

And add Gearbox comment that the Wii U is "a bridge to the next generation" which is a diplomatic way of saying its not truly next gen.
So that's multiple devs telling GI.biz and multiple devs telling CVG the same thing.

And add Gearbox comment that the Wii U is "a bridge to the next generation" which is a diplomatic way of saying its not truly next gen.

"I think it's a really nice bridge to the next generation. I think people will be surprised. I don't know off the top of my head how many of the specs they've released, so I want to be very careful not to jump the gun, but we're very pleased with the hardware. And even since they gave us our first alpha kit, our very first 'pre-prototype' development hardware that they kind of let us play around with, they've done so many things to make the platform better. So it's getting better for us as developers."

It doesn't sound so much like he's trying to deliver a backhanded compliment as much as he's simply saying, actually, they're very happy with it.


Nintendo, most profitable game console manufacturer with the Wii.
GAF: Damn, I hope Nintendo doesn't do what they did with the Wii again!

The people here have different taste than the general population. The Wii was the most successful console this gen but it had an underwhelming library as far as most people here are concerned.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So that's multiple devs telling GI.biz and multiple devs telling CVG the same thing.

And add Gearbox comment that the Wii U is "a bridge to the next generation" which is a diplomatic way of saying its not truly next gen.

And consumers will most likely eat it up like they did with the Wii and are currently doing with the 3DS. Why? It'll probably be affordable.

I'm still puzzled as to who actually believes it was ever going to be a "generational leap." I firmly believe Nintendo has found their niche--putting out a stopgap system that will be focused on a new method of control/playing. This time, it's the tablet and the streaming to the tablet. I think we'll see another system from Nintendo in 5 years. If Sony/MS wait another 6-7, that puts Nintendo firmly in the middle of the console release cycle.


wsippel already mentioned at least one middleware was horribly unoptimized and through pipeline improvements they improved processing performance by about 400%, and there is a still faster pipeline that isn't taken advantage of by the middleware since PS360 lack it.

Let's look at what he said shall we? (at least according to guek above)

"Evidently middleware has been struggling with the CPU for awhile now due to optimization issues. The document states that they've very recently improved performances by 400%, bringing CPU usage at 360 levels in most areas and superior to 360 in a few. Imagine if your middleware was performing 4x less than optimal, that would explain CPU troubles some devs have been talking about."

So he said that EVEN AFTER A 400% INCREASE it is now AT 360 LEVELS in MOST areas and superior in a FEW.

So to recap: unoptimized it was bad. Optimized it's still worse than 360 in some areas.

So yup, keep quoting wsippel. Apparently he's been trying to tell you it's just another this gen console for awhile now.


Literally a Wii HD

Not a true next gen console

Maybe WiiU and Vita will have a symbiotic relationship going forward. We saw a little bit of this with Wii/PSP. But because Wii was so tightly identified with the "everybody" audience, the relationship didn't fully develop. If WiiU is more of a core platform, its goals may be closer to Sony's portable this time.
Let's look at what he said shall we? (at least according to guek above)

"Evidently middleware has been struggling with the CPU for awhile now due to optimization issues. The document states that they've very recently improved performances by 400%, bringing CPU usage at 360 levels in most areas and superior to 360 in a few. Imagine if your middleware was performing 4x less than optimal, that would explain CPU troubles some devs have been talking about."

So he said that EVEN AFTER A 400% INCREASE it is now AT 360 LEVELS in MOST areas and superior in a FEW.

So to recap: unoptimized it was bad. Optimized it's still worse than 360 in some areas.

So yup, keep quoting wsippel. Apparently he's been trying to tell you it's just another this gen console for awhile now.

At or above = Worse



Let's look at what he said shall we? (at least according to guek above)

"Evidently middleware has been struggling with the CPU for awhile now due to optimization issues. The document states that they've very recently improved performances by 400%, bringing CPU usage at 360 levels in most areas and superior to 360 in a few. Imagine if your middleware was performing 4x less than optimal, that would explain CPU troubles some devs have been talking about."

So he said that EVEN AFTER A 400% INCREASE it is now AT 360 LEVELS in MOST areas and superior in a FEW.

So to recap: unoptimized it was bad. Optimized it's still worse than 360 in some areas.

So yup, keep quoting wsippel. Apparently he's been trying to tell you it's just another this gen console for awhile now.

Wow trolling hard while trolling...lol


Not to mention Nintendos official response to this was, we're not about numbers, just the experience line since the Wii days

Nothing has changed in that mindset


The people here have different taste than the general population. The Wii was the most successful console this gen but it had an underwhelming library as far as most people here are concerned.

While I agree that from a gamer perspective, you're right, there's a lot of gamers out here acting like business people too saying some insane things. What would have made that quote more accurate:

Nintendo, most profitable game console manufacturer with the Wii.
Revisionist-history-no-business-acumen-GAF-poster: Damn, I hope Nintendo doesn't do what they did with the Wii again otherwise they'll fail!
Let's look at what he said shall we? (at least according to guek above)

"Evidently middleware has been struggling with the CPU for awhile now due to optimization issues. The document states that they've very recently improved performances by 400%, bringing CPU usage at 360 levels in most areas and superior to 360 in a few. Imagine if your middleware was performing 4x less than optimal, that would explain CPU troubles some devs have been talking about."

So he said that EVEN AFTER A 400% INCREASE it is now AT 360 LEVELS in MOST areas and superior in a FEW.

So to recap: unoptimized it was bad. Optimized it's still worse than 360 in some areas.

So yup, keep quoting wsippel. Apparently he's been trying to tell you it's just another this gen console for awhile now.
And wsippel mentions the middleware does not take advantage of a hardware pipeline that's even faster. Also, you're making one hell of an assumption that that middleware is perfectly optimized, and 360 performance is the end of the line.


"in some areas."

But how does that equate to automatically worse than 360, you just kinda slipped in your own assumption.

After those optimizations everything could be equal or greater, why do you assume weaker in some areas, it was not even said in that quote at all... I mean since they're already talking smack about the system's power, why hold back there?
So he said that EVEN AFTER A 400% INCREASE it is now AT 360 LEVELS in MOST areas and superior in a FEW.

So to recap: unoptimized it was bad. Optimized it's still worse than 360 in some areas.

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