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GQ: If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You

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Sure, I agree with this.

After Colin Kaepernick started exposing people, that was the last straw for me. I don't know why it was the last straw, but it was.

Vote Trump?
Say "All Lives Matter" and mean it seriously?
Dump on Kaepernick for not supporting the flag?

You're out of my life as far as I'm concerned. I just don't have the capacity for loving my enemies at this point in my life. Go be racist and shitty away from me. I'm perfectly fine with shunning people and just giving up on them.


We can expect increasing lashing out like this as November approaches, Hillary continues to founder, and our liberal friends begin to realize that what was once considered unthinkable is now certain.


What if I told you that it doesn't matter who we/ you/ they vote into office. Our government is on the path to self destruction and our great nation will one day meet the end of its reign just like every powerful country/ dynasty in history.

Our foundation was once strong but has become weak due to unfit politicians makings decisions that are not in our countries best interests. This is nothing new, its just history repeating itself.

Look at Clinton and Trump... They both preach about this and that and making America better and then they insult the other person. They don't improve anything and in fact drive the wedge further into the American people.

I hear this tired old hyperbolic bulshit all the time and it's ALWAYS from people who are just now old enough to vote and think they're an expert on all of this. Same sort of people who have never had a job and yet think everyone should start paying more than half their income in taxes. Grow up a little and then get back to us.


vaccines cause autism though

I walked into that one.

I hear this tired old hyperbolic bulshit all the time and it's ALWAYS from people who are just now old enough to vote and think they're an expert on all of this. Grow up a little and then get back to us.

It's also utter fucking Bullshit on a scale that's staggering.
It's just an excuse for being a lazy bum who want other people to enact change on their behalf.
Open a history book once in a while and go look how things differ depending on people at the head and their choices.
Do we need another world war caused by a bumbling buffon to put that through their thick skulls?
I've booked a getaway for my wife and I the weekend after the election. I hope we're celebrating Hillary becoming President, but if not at least we'll be free to drink our sorrows away. Man I hope the later doesn't come to pass, please don't let me down America...


This is the sort of counterproductive attitude that lead to brexit in the UK. Talking down and attacking the other side won't help.


Trump voters are not rational, you can't reason with them. They are voting with their "guts". They believe voting for this dipshit will change reality into what they want it to be.

It's like weird cult or something.

Did you guys check the water for some CIA chemical shit??
I hear this tired old hyperbolic bulshit all the time and it's ALWAYS from people who are just now old enough to vote and think they're an expert on all of this. Same sort of people who have never had a job and yet think everyone should start paying more than half their income in taxes. Grow up a little and then get back to us.

well you obviously don't know as much as you think you know.
If you vote 3rd party which outcome do you believe you are making (the tiniest bit) more likely?

At know where you are going with this, but it does not matter. Call it a wasted vote if you will, but that is how I feel, and if I feel that the 3rd party candidate is better then that is who I will vote for.


This is the sort of counterproductive attitude that lead to brexit in the UK. Talking down and attacking the other side won't help.

Fuck that.
the other side is throwing feces and making you choke on it and you want to have a conversation with them.
his supporters are too far gone anyway, they will not hear any reasons why their choice is going to fuck them up (most of them don't even give a shit that their local representatives are fucking them up already).

Also I think it's the 1rst politician I know who has no idea what his flag stand for.
That is stupidity on a level I have no idea how to express.


May I have a cookie?
At know where you are going with this, but it does not matter. Call it a wasted vote if you will, but that is how I feel, and if I feel that the 3rd party candidate is better then that is who I will vote for.
If I thought it was a wasted vote I wouldn't care. I think it's effectively a vote for Trump.

Robot Pants

I dunno.
At this point I'm gonna say, we know.
We all know. Trump is awful, voting for him
is gonna be disastrous, etc. We get it.
Not trying to discourage conversation here but we've had these threads over and over for months.
There's enough out there, and has been, to tell any intelligent person that voting for him is a bad idea.
In the end?!? What end are you talking about?!? When is this end happening??? Is it my lifetime or yours, or our children's?

And if you really think that the destination is the same no matter what we do, shouldn't that just put MORE emphasis on making the journey to get there as good as it can be?

No. Calling someone a racist or ignorant is not simply an insult, it's an attempt to accurately identify a person's state of mind, no different from identifying them as liberal or conservative. It's a diagnosis, like telling someone they have cancer. It's not something you want to have to tell them, but it is what it is.

In some peoples minds.. they make the journey as good as it can be by choosing to separate themselves from these types of debates. A thread title calling you an idiot if you vote for Trump has to be one of the worst ways I have ever seen people try to garner attention for the candidate of their selection. You don't have to be for Trump or against Trump to see that.

Also, calling somebody a racist or ignorant is an insult. Saying somebody is ugly is an insult.
If I thought it was a wasted vote I wouldn't care. I think it's effectively a vote for Trump.

Yeah.. I know where you are going with it. I have heard the reasoning. While it may be true it doesnt change my mind. I would still vote 3rd party over Clinton or Trump because I dont trust either.
I dont fuck with ANY Trump supporters. Thats it. Flatline, Family or not.

You're voting to make millions of people's lives worst. Fuck them.
There's enough out there, and has been, to tell any intelligent person that voting for him is a bad idea.

There are no intelligent people voting for him. If there were a Venn diagram of "Intelligent People" and "Trump Voters" the circles would be so far apart from each other that it would look like a scale diagram of the solar system.
Please tell us more about how McCain would have expanded healthcare coverage or how Al Gore would have sent American troups to Iraq.

They are just like every other politician. They say what they think you want to hear. Trump is pandering to certain groups... and Clinton does the same things. ALL politicians are full of shit.


Honorary Canadian.
I was only kind of enjoying the parts of the piece mentioned in the OP, but then I clicked the link and saw it was a Drew Magary piece and I was all in.

That dude is an obnoxious prick most of the time, plus he's a Vikings fan which means he may literally be brain-dead for large portions of his adult life, but by and large when he gets on a "holier than thou" rant it's really an enjoyable ride on which to go along.

And obviously he's right with this article.

Caja 117

They are just like every other politician. They say what they think you want to hear. Trump is pandering to certain groups... and Clinton does the same things. ALL politicians are full of shit.

Because you have chosen to ignore my post 2 times now, again: Trump has a History of this way before he was running, this is not just his political agenda.


You can't convince a Trump supporter to switch candidates anymore than you could a Hillary supporter. They made up their minds in the beginning of the general. And any "fence sitters" who read the attacks and take any offense onto themselves to the point of voting Trump were probably gonna vote for him anyway; they just didn't admit it. True fence sitters, the dummies who still haven't made up their mind because they're not sure whether or not they should vote for the white supremacist or establishment Democrat, would understand they're not being talked to with Trump supporter attacks because they're not Trump supporters. All of the concern over this article's helpfulness is wasted energy.

Subsequently, the people trying to equate the deeply entrenched psychological and systemic systems that work to the detriment of people of color to generalizing voters of a white supremacist as agreeing with white supremacy need to kick rocks along with the Trump supporters this article is attacking. Go cuddle them yourselves if their plight weighs on your heart that much.
It also needs .gifs of him from chopped.

No article will convince Trump supporters to rescind their support for the anti-american neo-nazi, true. But that's not where it could be useful. It could be most useful in activating the people who have at least caught a glimpse of the obvious but have been handicapped by apathy or their own ego.

Donald's supporters are a lost cause, for now.

And that's because the sociopath's supporters, more appropriately referred to as a cult, appear to be reason-impaired, defiantly ignorant, or morally corrupt enough to want to push an unstable conman into the White House. If you want to hurt America and its people -- if you want to invite global chaos around the world, vote Trump: this is your best shot at doing so. If you love our country and want to defend it, vote Hillary. She is the only American choice between them.

Donald Trump is nothing normal and should never be given the respect he has worked to destroy every day.

Consider the depths of his depravity: calling for the assassination, deportation, and beating of political opponents; questioning the outcome of the elections based on zero evidence; undeservedly decrying the bias of a judge because of his ethnicity; stealing from people through criminal charity fraud, refusing to pay employees, and creating a fraud university; discriminating against prospective minority renters; refusing to disavow the Ku Klux Klan until pressured into doing so, and retweeting white supremacist propaganda while hiring neo-nazi Steve Bannon; inviting foreign intrusion into our elections simply to benefit his campaign; regularly vomiting lies and conspiracy theories like Obama's supposed Kenyan birth, rotting political discourse even further; promising that he will force the military to commit war crimes like killing suspected terrorists' spouses and children; slurring out a proposal to devastate freedom of the press; and advocating for the spread of nuclear weapons.

And that's not all: you can click the link to see other ways that he has proven himself as someone beneath contempt.

Anybody voting for Trump or collaborating with him by refusing to support Hillary are doing their best to change our world for the worse. If your hand trembles when asked to join a coalition against a neo-nazi, what does that say about you?

When France faced a choice between Chirac and neo-nazi Le Pen, the left joined with the center-right to defeat the monster. Because when the choice is between a conventional center-left or center right candidate and a fascist, the choice should be obvious for anyone of sound mind and character: "When the house is on fire, you don't care too much if the water you put it out with is dirty." That is something to admire and replicate in the US.


I realize it's the title of the opinion piece, but "If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You" is not something that's going to lead to any kind of useful conversation. And there's nothing new here, just some rando's opinion with a clickbait title. We get enough election threads just from the news cycle, please consider if a thread you are considering posting adds something or is just more angry noise.
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