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Halo on Xbox One Wishlist Thread

I just want it to stop chasing COD.
Bring back one-use pickupable powerups.
No more randomized weapon drops.
No more customizable loadouts (If we're forced to have loadouts, do them the Halo Reach way where you can't customize them)

And the big one. A Ranking System!


I don't care about the single player because the Story is trash.

For multi player the primary weapon needs to be a precision rifle. Spray and pray weapons are not starter weapons. Anybody who uses them usually gets destroyed in game and quits. They need this to introduce a learning curve otherwise there is no incentive to get better and a precision rifle does this.

Fewer weapons.

More symmetrical small to medium sized maps which are 4v4 orientated.

There needs to a proper ranking system.

Fewer playlists with more objective/competitive play styles.

Have one or two social playlists for guests.

A Bungie.net style stats system would be great.


Fast movement, weaker aim assist, with a deep and interesting metagame revolving around control and knowledge of the map and strong situational awareness rewards. Balance for the hardcore, not to introduce new players - a good high-level game will bring players of all levels, a game sloped for onboarding newcomers will drive away the players at the top as they reach the mechanical barriers. It results in a game that is either mindless and boring, or wildly imbalanced. Get players invested by rewarding team wins, encourage a competitive community to rise up around well-balanced, thought-out maps and gametypes. Let players choose their rifle if they want as long as those rifles are balanced accordingly (I'm thinking more BR vs. Carbine, not BR vs. DMR just so you get the idea), but plasma grenades, armor abilities, and semi-power weapons like the Plasma Pistol and Boltshot should never be customizable and available to the player on every spawn via a loadout system. Your core competitive game shouldn't operate on the same principles as Regicide did. On that note, disable Join In Progress across the board and treat each premature quit as a harsh black mark against the offending player. This dramatically increases the importance of each individual match. You want each game to be a full experience, not a series of throwaway moments in between lobbies. Players get invested in the outcome of a match by playing the game when the match starts all the way to the end. Take a page from DOTA's book.

Return the investment system to cosmetic-only. It worked for Reach, it works for DOTA, it's the right move. Completely rethink your challenge and commendation systems, because they were prettttty terrible last time around. Follow the rules of good online rewards:

-Be consistent with your expectations and rewards.
-Be reasonable with your challenge parameters.
-Don’t encourage your players to be assholes.
-Avoid repetition of specific challenges.
-Make the rewards worth working for.

Make the maps free (even if there's a few months delay), don't split the community again. Find another revenue source if you want, just don't be gross about it.

Reconsider every single gametype decision made with Halo 4 - they are the single biggest reason I lost interest in playing. Look to Halo 2 and Reach for inspiration on your core objective gametype settings. Return proximity contesting to CTF and Assault (also, don't cut Assault this time only to bring back a half-baked version that contains none of its nuance a year down the line - Assault needs to be a hybrid of the arming and planting mechanics of 2 and Reach, leave 3's awful variant to rot). Return the ability for stealth runs to objective carriers by ditching the waypoint. If a player is spotted, it should be due to their action or the action of the opponent, not because the game just decided it's time for everybody to know where that player is now. Oddball throwing killed that gametype in the competitive scene. It was an interesting idea that didn't work out very well, so figure out where the middle ground is. Dominion is an extraordinarily poor replacement for Three Plots, and isn't even as interesting as the last 6v6 mode Invasion was. Dump it. People want those classic, tense objectives. Don't try to please people who don't like objective modes in the first place by ignoring the people that use those gametypes as their bread and butter.

Be risky with the campaign. That's where you can do some weird stuff and say that you're trying something new, because it's frankly easier to execute on things like loadouts and on-the-fly abilities in a PVE environment - the AI is never going to call bullshit when someone armor locks. Do your open world thing or whatever, as long as the enemies are fun to fight and the encounters are well-designed, you'll probably be okay. Even if it doesn't work out in the long run, there should be a solid, core multiplayer component to fall back on that adheres to the tried and true pillars of Halo design that were simply absent with Halo 4.

More than anything, work on your playlist management. Nobody wanted the Big Team list to be Slayer-only. Nobody wanted paywalled Extraction for months, or a repeat of that with Ricochet. Nobody wanted King and Oddball to be completely unavailable to play for the majority of the game's life because of some asinine "one gametype per playlist" policy that has since been broken over and over again, a policy that resulted in huge numbers of secondary, "impulse buy" gametypes dropping off the face of the earth almost immediately because guess what? Oddball can't sustain a population by itself. Grab bag playlists work when they're managed properly, and yes, that isn't easy, but it's not impossible. When there are core problems, fix them before working on Action Sack. It gives the impression that you just don't give a shit when Fiesta gets into the game before huge playlist issues are addressed. Your sustain team needs a serious increase in their available resources. They need to be agile and respond to issues at an incredible pace, and that takes manpower. We need updates for broken things pushed in a matter of days, not weeks. Gaps in the gametype roster or gametype/map combinations that don't work need to be addressed quickly - you've already lost me a month down the line. That's just the nature of running an online game.

Figure out what vehicles work in what situations and if they don't, why not? Stop putting the Scorpion into matchmaking. Stop putting the Banshee into matchmaking with its fuel rod intact. The Mantis encourages extremely passive play, ditch it. The same policy goes for weapons. The Forerunner weapons were pretty much universally reviled, rethink every single one (and axe most of them). The Spartan Laser has been a consistently awful piece of design, bring back the Plasma Launcher to fill that role.

Make maps that fit your gametype pool, and decide early on what your player counts are going to be. Maps built for 6v6 are not satisfying in either the 4v4 and 8v8 pools, stop using them as a one-size-fits-all solution. "Functional symmetry" is bullshit, stop saying that to deflect poor map/gametype pairings like Daybreak CTF. Here's what's better: plain ol' symmetric maps for symmetric gametypes. You want to make asymmetric maps, great! Put asymmetric gametypes on them instead of shoving a square peg into a round hole, because that hole ends up being where fun goes to die.

Make a return to elegant player feedback systems. Reach's damage-dependent shield brightening in combination with the shield pop sound effect was a piece of brilliant A/V design, and so were the loud, distinct grunts from player characters that had been hit by a grenade. By comparison, hit markers for both shots and for grenade hits are blunt instruments shouting in your face. That information can be conveyed better. As a whole, the UI needs serious work. There are a ton of oversights like objective instructions overriding player gamertags, meaning you never actually get to know who is carrying the ball because it just shouts ESCORT in your face. It's a serious usability problem.

(I missed out on this thread the first time.)

Also with dedicated servers go crazy with big team. Make it 16v16.
I'm almost certain this was always a design decision, not a technical tradeoff. More players mean fewer hero moments for each player. You want to achieve a middle ground between maximizing each player's impact on the match and achieving that feeling of scale. The fact that discrete units of success in Battlefield are usually on a squad level, not individual players, shows this. As you introduce more and more players, the less you can do as an individual player to affect the outcome of the game.

Assault should go back to Halo 2/3 style.
Assault in these two games was very different, and it was markedly worse in 3.
Interested in thoughts from people who don't frequent HaloGAF. I'd like to return to AR/Pistol starts with having weapons on the map that are worthwhile to pick up. Please read everything before you form an opinion because I don't want people thinking I want the CE Pistol in current Halo sandboxes because that would be broken:

  • BR with traits I suggested earlier (hitscan, RRR of a 3x but with 2x zoom, feels like LAN H2 BR).
  • Light Rifle with a 3x scope (no hitscan, burst mode = 3sk, zoom = 4sk but shoots faster).
  • I don't see the DMR being removed, so I guess it could be changed to only appear on large maps.
  • Halo 3 Beta Carbine with slight slow down effect akin to CE PR/PP.
  • Plasma Rifle returns with plasma stun.
  • ODST SMG (scope, better accuracy when shot in bursts).
  • Scattershot changed to function like Unreal's Flak Cannon.
  • Reach Beta Plasma Launcher for anti vehicle.
  • Missile Pod that has 3 shots and you can manually control each shot like Unreal's Redeemer/Strangelove.
  • Grenade Launcher returns, also replacing the Sticky Detonator (Hold RT for Grenade Launcher traits, Press RT for remote activation like Sticky Detonator (press again to detonate))
  • H3 Warthog, Mongoose, CE Tank, Falcon that isn't paper mache
  • H2 Banshee, H2 Wraith w/ turret, H4 Ghost
  • Chopper
  • Two new Forerunner vehicles that look like this:
  • And this badass to replace the Mantis, controlled in first person:

Also, I should note the changes to AR/Pistol starts and the bad rap the CE Pistol gets:

FUNKNOWN iXi said:
To describe it shortly, the Pistol was never really broken. CE's sandbox was very limited because it was the only weapon that was used midrange aside from the Sniper, so the fact that people call it broken is unfair in that respect.

Now compare it to the other weapons in their respective roles:

  • PR/PP vs Pistol -> PR/PP had stun and would dominate the Pistol close range. If the Pistol won, then good job.. Doesn't mean the weapon is broken because there could be many factors that played into that (player skill, out of ammo, low health, etc.)
  • AR vs Pistol -> AR had 64 shots and had an incredibly quick melee, and what made it more useful was that you could use it to activate Camo quicker by shooting a bullet.
  • Shotgun vs Pistol -> Shotgun was an absolute monster. Nothing else to say about it.
  • Sniper vs Pistol -> This is obvious.
  • Rocket vs Pistol -> This is obvious.
  • Needler was useless.

By giving weapons certain traits you increase their uniqueness and viability in the weapon sandbox, but when every weapon pretty much functions the same then sure, the CE Pistol in Halo 4's sandbox would be broken. I still can't understand how people could spout the same bullshit Bungie's been saying for years when it never really made sense in the first place.

Let me ask you, what's the most important factor in a video game?
Let me answer: FUN.

So why are people shitting on a weapon that SOOOO many people found incredibly fun and rewarding to use? Also, I should also throw out there (yet again) that not even professional Halo CE players can land consistent 3sk's on LAN, so obviously the weapon takes some skill to use.

Aside from weapons, another way to balance a returning CE Pistol would be to make a more responsive strafe, increase the movement speed and not have babby level aim assist like in Halo 2. Halo 5 can easily return to AR/Pistol starts granted the rest of the sandbox is balanced properly.

Now onto how to further balance the Pistol and why I think it could be a great idea to return to AR/Pistol starts:

  1. It's a weapon that directly taps into nostalgia, something that Halo needs right now.
  2. So many people love it and it's clearly not forgotten because it frequently appears on those lists of favorite weapons over the years.
  3. It. Can. Be. Further. Balanced. (faster movement, more responsive strafe, a sandbox that isn't watered down/inconsistent, possible default Thrusters, etc.)
  4. 8 shot clip is a crime, make it 12 shots again. And don't dare remove the scope.
  5. One of the most skill-demanding, yet FUN weapons in any Halo game. Fans showing love for it over a decade after its release is proof of that.
  6. It's the perfect spawn weapon we've been wanting, granted the weapons on the map are worth picking up (like a BR with a Red Reticle Range (RRR) of a 3x weapon, but with a 2x zoom (ie: Light Rifle)).
  7. Doesn't take up a big portion of the screen (personal "complaint" about rifles).
I know many people don't respond to these posts, and I think it's because how several people said they don't have the time spent with CE, but I hope that I'm at least making sense here to those who haven't.

343 pls, bring back the colors. Anniversary's art style was quite appealing:

Just give me a singleplayer campaign at the same level or better than Halo 4's with some truly epic and out of this world moments during actual gameplay. The Halo 4 campaign was definitely my favorite of the entire series, so if they can match or somehow top that, I'll be a pretty happy camper.

MP? I'll be a true xbox live gold subscriber for really the first time, so I suppose I'll jump into the MP and give it a real shot this time around, but I'm definitely mostly interested in Halo for the campaign and story. Everything else is just a bonus to that. This one should hopefully touch on the precursors story wise. There's quite a few interesting places they can go with this one after Halo 4 and the latest books, I think. Also, I want to fight that gigantic thing shown in the trailer. I didn't mind at all not fighting something so huge in Halo 4, because I felt the story and the whole setup worked quite well. Most important, I viewed it the same way that I view some of the missions you'll often read about in the books. You won't always have situations where you're fighting and encountering those kinds of things, and I was all around quite happy with the game. The events were epic enough, the structure of the missions made sense and felt really good. There was a decent mix of smaller and larger areas, so I never got that corridor vibe that so many complained about. I thought the locations made a lot of artistic sense, and I feel Halo 4 was the first new Halo next gen game (not counting anniversary titles and I didn't play ODST) that seemed to understand that some of Halo's most memorable moments weren't always happening in these big, wide open areas, but sometimes they took place in smaller, more straightforward levels and locations. I think Halo 4 got that balance just right and better than the other 360 Halo games. I thought Halo 3 and Reach (although Reach is far better than Halo 3) sometimes suffered from trying to appear too big just for the sake of it, and it impacted the fun of actual playing the game. The encounters didn't feel too good. I didn't find a lot of locations to be believable enough, although the games certainly had their moments, but just not enough of them the way I felt Halo 4 did almost to perfection.

I think I've said this before, but I think Halo 4 finally remembered the importance of the environments also helping to tell a large part of the story in a Halo game, and it gave those locations the attention they deserved.
60 fps
Focus on classic Halo fundamentals
Bigger setpieces (h3 Scarabs not Reach Scarabs!)
Cull all weapons except CE pistol
Grenades drop CE pistols instead of exploding
Take advantage of growing dubstep scene for weapon sounds

Top 4 sounds awesome :p

Just don't forget how iconic and good the often smaller and more straightforward moments felt in the games. Those are some of the best Halo moments. It's not always the huge, wide open location battles, although those can be great also. There's a reason why that first level on the Autumn in Halo CE is so memorable. Or that moment when you were driving the warthog through those corridors heading further and further down into the facility until you came across the first Lightbridge that you needed to activate to continue. Along the way down, Cortana was communicating information to the Chief, and it really added to the atmosphere in the first Halo. I thought the playable moment leading up to the Librarian in Halo 4 was quite good as you were being led from one location to the next once you entered that facility and specific doors were being closed off to the player. I also enjoyed those change of pace moments such as when the chief was on that ghost trying to escape after the Didact woke up. I greatly enjoyed the scene and vibe I got from the Forward Unto Dawn crash site. The opening level on the forward unto dawn was pretty awesome and felt just like the opening level of CE, and the way it ended in a more open battle, with all the weapons floating around, was amazing also.

Definitely pull out all the stops for the next game, but don't be so afraid of corridor shooter accusations that you guys limit yourselves to what you're able to effectively convey to the player with something more deliberate and planned out.

Amazing Mic

Neo Member
Improved Matchmaking Experience:
Search by skill- did not work well in H4, perhaps because many people did not grind the appropriate number of games. Works better in H3 despite lower population.
Revised/scrapped JIP- fundamentally flawed in H4. Will join as a team of 2 into a dubs CTF down 2-nil but cannot rejoin dubs game after host booted. Should not be in ranked 4v4 or less games. Should be able to toggle preference at minimum.
Quitting prevention- H4 essentially promotes quitting in attempts to become more accessible. Quitting pre-lobby to protect stats to quitting in game to protect CSR are commonplace and a plague.

Others will probably give better reasons as to how they improve the game and build community. Stay away from a ladder format unless significant effort is made towards enforcement. High level arena was an unplayable mess, and even the current Top 200 CSR has become a joke with such a high percentage using quit exploits to protect stats.

Personally I prefer descope and minimal armor abilities, although not as passionate as many. Loved the Reach ZB DMR, would like to see some of that translate to the H5 precision rifle. Loved H4 hit markers, shot registration. Would not object to lower aim assist.
1) Get rid of weapon drops and return to set locations for weapon spawns.
2) Remove weapon loadouts.
2a) Remove armor abilities, make thruster pack standard.
2b) Bring back equipment.
3) Try to shoot for the concept of the original Halo where its two teams enter, the better team wins. (Remove as much randomness as possible and remove the guessing game)
4) Return classic Halo maps (Blood Gulch, Beaver Creek, Headlong, Ivory tower, Lockout, Midship, etc.)
5) Reduce the amount of weapons in multiplayer (All weapons from single player do not need to be in multiplayer)
6) Bring back the Halo CE pistol in all its glory
7) Player customization is great, keep it, but tie it to achievements not challenges. (Changes play style to get challenges is just awful imo)
8) Focus more on small and medium size maps, with 2-3 new large maps.
9) New gametype allowing for 32 players, scarabs, pelicans.
9a) Capture the flag, neutral flag, multiflag, multi oddball, and territory modes.
10) Implement a good ranking system, remove leveling or make leveling how people obtain custom armor
10a) Disable part chat in ranked games.
11) Xbox One and PC level editor for the game. True level editor (start working on it, does not need to be in the next one)

Single Player
1) Bring back the Arbiter
2) Bring back the flood, and make them fun to fight, with new forms ( Really, I don't see why people hate them so much. Created some of the most tense and atmospheric levels in Halo)
3) Create battles on a grand scale
4) Try to avoid the sense that all I am doing is going to press a Button
5) Remove Spartan Ops, or drastically improve the quality of the missions.
6) Focus on the struggle of Humanity claiming the Mantle and MC's struggle, both internal and externally. (Persisting memories of Cortana giving him orders and advice, even though she isn't really there)
7) Recovery of the Dyson Sphere that the group of spartans are stuck in to overcome a massive threat.
8) The resisting Covenant forces elect new profits, they are working on activating Forerunner army to help even the fight, again their ignorance starts getting them killed.
9) Would like to see more insight into the struggle between insurrectionists and UNSC. MC starts having memories of his childhood, capturing high value insurrectionists targets.Gives more insight into his childhood and when he first meets Cortana. These memories are playable segments breaking the action of the fight going on around him.


Make its SP like Halo 1's.
Make its MP like Halo 2's.

And for christ's sake, forget about COD. Halo should have never been anything like COD, especially its MP.
I actually really liked Halo 4's SP, bigger campaign levels would be nice and SMALLER MP maps are vital. Halo was all about taking a guy's shield down and then meleeing him, now it's DMR/BR long range headshots.


After playing H4 I don't have much faith in 343 anymore.
I hope they prove me wrong but the new enemies are awful and I don't like the story.
I loved H3 but that's were it stopped so give me a Halo3 proper HD.
I just want it to stop chasing COD.
Bring back one-use pickupable powerups.
No more randomized weapon drops.
No more customizable loadouts (If we're forced to have loadouts, do them the Halo Reach way where you can't customize them)

And the big one. A Ranking System!
yep this. Give the halo fans what they always enjoyed. Halo mp was always a team based struggle for a win full of hero moments and points of contention around weapon spawns. The ranking system was great because it was incentive to win matches.
Removal of any and all 3x Scope weapons. Bye Bye DMR. You helped ruin the sandbox.
Play to the strengths of what Halo (Was) good at - arena-esque, skill based gameplay.
60 FPS
Dedicated Servers
Less is more - less weapons, better balance. Less playlists, more players in the ones that matter. Get rid of "infection" (unless you turn it into a co-op survival horde esque gametype)
BTB - Give me Halo Battlefield. Make it 32 v 32. Make it amazing.
Arena Rankings - 4 v 4 skill based playlist.
No weapon drops.
No perks.
The return of on map power-ups.

And the big one.

Make all DLC free. No season pass. No 3 maps for £10 every few months.

This is the flagship franchise for Microsoft. Looks after your players. Make us feel valued. Make Halo the best multiplayer experience it can be. Sell all the decorative emblem packs, armour skins, weapon skins you want to make money. But make the core map DLC FREE. It's for the good of your community, and it'll bring people back in droves.



After playing H4 I don't have much faith in 343 anymore.
I hope they prove me wrong but the new enemies are awful and I don't like the story.
I loved H3 but that's were it stopped so give me a Halo3 proper HD.

I'm willing to give them a shot this go-round to see if they actually listen to our feedback. Frankie's post earlier was promising, but a lot needs to change. Fingers crossed
I just thank god 343i are making this game, and not some of the folks in this thread. :p

Secretly it sounds like some want Halo to become battlefield with aliens.


60 fps
Focus on classic Halo fundamentals
Bigger setpieces (h3 Scarabs not Reach Scarabs!)

Cull all weapons except CE pistol
Grenades drop CE pistols instead of exploding
Take advantage of growing dubstep scene for weapon sounds

Please tell us you weren't joking Frankie...don't play with our hearts dammit! T_T
I just thank god 343i are making this game, and not some of the folks in this thread. :p

Secretly it sounds like some want Halo to become battlefield with aliens.

I can't lie. I WOULD LOVE THIS. But preferably as a spinoff to the standard Halo. Maybe make it as another ODST type title?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
60 fps
Focus on classic Halo fundamentals
Bigger setpieces (h3 Scarabs not Reach Scarabs!)
Cull all weapons except CE pistol
Grenades drop CE pistols instead of exploding
Take advantage of growing dubstep scene for weapon sounds

oh my.
The longest and best story of Halo game. More cohesive without needing to read the books.
The story needs to have the sense that the whole galaxy is in jeopardy not just planet earth.
Like, someone once told me, a giant weapon pointed at the universe.
Soundtrack similar too the original trilogy.


Please improve Forge, don't just try to make it easier for people who want to drop tanks and rockets every where, but also add some advanced tools too!
I just thank god 343i are making this game, and not some of the folks in this thread. :p

Secretly it sounds like some want Halo to become battlefield with aliens.

Not at all, my favourite kinda Halo is 4 v 4 no vehicles type matches. But if we're gonna have a carnage filled BTB mode, then why not go all out? :p
60 fps Halo 2 remake with new maps, forge, and firefight. Untouched gameplay. Bxb, bxr, double shot retained.

Halo 2 is the cs of consoles. Trying to change up from a perfect thing was blasphemy.

Valve was smart enough to just make small alterations to something that worked, why can't 343 do the same?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
How anyone can be excited for this after the abomination that was Halo 4 is beyond me. Halo died when Bungie moved on. I hope it can regain it's form, it's my favourite series but I'm not getting my hopes up.
The longest and best story of Halo game. More cohesive without needing to read the books.
The story needs to have the sense that the whole galaxy is in jeopardy not just planet earth.
Like, someone once told me, a giant weapon pointed at the universe.
Soundtrack similar too the original trilogy.

I think Halo 4 did a really good job with this. It couldn't have been anymore obvious how much of a threat the
composer was in the hands of a legendary enemy like the Didact. He had the knowledge, the wisdom and the power that even the best of the Covenant never did, and so a weapon of that nature was especially dangerous in his possession.
The Covenant as a whole were never totally aware of the risks presented by the firing of the Halo arrays. So, they were largely going based on an idea of a great journey that was never real to begin with. In the case of the Didact, he wasn't just looking to go blindly into some great journey that would end in suicide. He had a very clear target in mind, with the means of carrying it out on a scale that even the Covenant's best efforts might have proven futile against. And, really, a threat to all of humanity, specifically the very birthplace of humanity, is technically -- as far as humanity is concerned -- a threat to the entire galaxy, particularly more so when you take into account how far the Librarian is willing to go to preserve and advance humanity even over her own race.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
Let me try:

Lobby system like Halo 2/3
Ranking System like Halo 2/3
More smaller maps and classic maps
Custom game search (never going to happen)
Pick between BR or DRM as main rifle, not both
Bring back old radar system
No more classes/layouts (map control)
No more weapon drops
Make XP system easier/better (don't confuse it with skill)
Skill based matchmaking (like Halo 2/3)
Don't lock the playlist if I don't buy the map pack ( make it like CoD)
X when I die for call outs
Dedicated Server and 60FPS are a must
Automatic flag pick ups


More SMALL maps. Enough with the big fucking maps 343. It's one of the reasons barely anyone plays anymore. Everyone is sick of those god damn giant maps. Haven and Adrift are two of my all time favourites in the series but I can't play on just those two forever.

Make MP nothing but SWAT. people will come around eventually.

Attempt to make the single player a little more memorable in terms of level design.

Either get rid of, or totally overhaul the prometheans. They're fucking draining to fight. Not in a good way.
More SMALL maps. Enough with the big fucking maps 343. It's one of the reasons barely anyone plays anymore. Everyone is sick of those god damn giant maps. Haven and Adrift are two of my all time favourites in the series but I can't play on just those two forever.

Make MP nothing but SWAT. people will come around eventually.

Attempt to make the single player a little more memorable in terms of level design.

Either get rid of, or totally overhaul the prometheans. They're fucking draining to fight. Not in a good way.
What in the actual fuck...


Make a Halo game, like Halo 1-3.

But this franchise isn't redeemable for me. It use to be my favorite game franchise but I feel like it was destroyed by focus testing and business decisions to maximize profits instead of being happy with a hugely successful franchise with a rabid fan base.

It's a case of greed destroying a great thing and ignoring millions of fans in favor of trying to get millions of other people to buy it.


Let me try:

Lobby system like Halo 2/3
Ranking System like Halo 2/3
More smaller maps and classic maps
Custom game search (never going to happen)
Pick between BR or DRM as main rifle, not both
Bring back old radar system
No more classes/layouts (map control)
No more weapon drops
Make XP system easier/better (don't confuse it with skill)
Skill based matchmaking (like Halo 2/3)
Don't lock the playlist if I don't buy the map pack ( make it like CoD)
X when I die for call outs
Dedicated Server and 60FPS are a must
Automatic flag pick ups

Throw in halo 2 clans and leaderboards and we have a deal.


- go back to its roots
- give us more exploration. While limited, the silent cartographer mission in CE was mind blown. The start with the beach fight, and then given a warthog. It was kind of linear, but it immersed you. Give us more experiences like that.
- for the love of god, whatever U do, don't show us masterchiefs face. If they ever did this, it would totally break everything.
Honest question, what made halo 4 like COD? I'm the exception to the norm and actually liked halo 4 but it wasn't as good as 2 & 3.

On the wish list, I would like some different vehicles and guns.


Honest question, what made halo 4 like COD? I'm the exception to the norm and actually liked halo 4 but it wasn't as good as 2 & 3.

I think it started with Reach.

Loadouts / Classes / Weapon Drops / Perks.

Halo was better when everyone started with the same gun on an even playing field and the power weapons were on the map and teams fought for control of those weapons / positions.

Also the lack of a skill based ranking system in favor of levels / points that mean nothing and unlock perks and upgrades.
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