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Here are some issues I have with the Switch launch for us to politely discuss

And if you want them you are excluded from Nintendo platforms and most games on Steam and other platforms. Now what?
The thing is you're really not, you can implement achievements inside your game, it doesn't require to be system based. And Steam has achievs, what are you talking about?


The Switch is definitely missing a lot of features that are considered part of a normal console package but I'm happy with the launch line up and the hardware. For me the Switch delivers on its central premise of a console you can take on the go. After playing with it all day, its elegant and it works. I have no hardware complaints and its fun to play. Its a nice piece of kit.


Steam levels have fuck all to do with achievements. They're gained via buying games and crafting trading cards. Like I said, it is an entirely different meta.
Yes. You get cards via playing games. Does not change the fact that achievements are there and people can see them through comparison regardless of your steam level

The meta exists at all times.
Except you're not, because there are games on every platform that have achievements...?


The Witness has more than 2 achievements on Xbox One because - as you say, even though he only wanted two - there are very specific guidelines that must be followed or a game is not allowed to be released.

Huh. Wasn't aware.

Point stands, though. Nintendo could be just as lax with the guidelines as Sony was in this case. There's no rule that says every achievement system has to be like Xbox's.

EDIT: Okay, turns out I'm talking out of my ass. The Witness has more than two on PS4, as well. I only played the Steam version so I had no idea.

HOWEVER! Nintendo could allow developers to include as many or as few as necessary. Hell, let them opt out if they want to. It would just be nice to have a system-level implementation to see them all in one place.
Can we now discuss

I made something similar once and it was locked due to the Switch not being out. Now that it's out and I and many others have experienced it first hand, I feel it's easier to discuss.

I would imagine the point to having the previous thread closed and said to wait until after the system launched is for the thread to have been adjusted based on how the system actually launched, not to simply copy-and-paste the same OP as before.

For instance, this:

The online service now costs money with no real value proposition.

Is not true.
It does not now cost money
I think I agree with some of the OP points, although my switch is in limbo awaiting delivery so I'm still waiting to get my hands on it.

It's a pretty bad launch lineup overall, and it's expensive. I'm forgoing judgement about the paid online, because I'm sort of used to that from Xbox Gold / PS+ and it may or may not end up being good.

At the end of the day, I never bought a Wii U, and I wanted to play Zelda. The hardware seems pretty slick outside of the weird joycon / scratch issues as well, and I'll have it for Mario and the inevitable re-releases of all the wii u games I never played.

So I spent roughly $450 to play Zelda with a pro controller. I'm fine with that, but I don't think it seems like a real recipe for success.
Switch is definitely a piece of shit console, but like almost all Nintendo systems, they get better with age thanks to hardware revisions and a slow build to a great library.
Loving the new Zelda on my Wii U, will continue enjoying Mario Kart and Smash Bros with no online fee, and plan to pick up a revised Switch in a couple years.
The Switch is definitely missing a lot of features that are considered part of a normal console package but I'm happy with the launch line up and the hardware. For me the Switch delivers on its central premise of a console you can take on the go. After playing with it all day, its elegant and it works. I have no hardware complaints and its fun to play. Its a nice piece of kit.

This, the problem comes when people forcefully compare it to the others when it was never the purpose


The one thing I truly want ate some form of achievements. No point in not having them. They add a layer of fun for completionists and some extra value to the package. I know for me i do things I might not do if it wasn't for them. What is their reasoning for not having themuch?
I mean PS4 was rough too since it was a long fucking time till an actual decent game came along. The game that truly defined the PS4 for me was Bloodborne and it was a long wait.

At least switch has a system seller right off the bat. Plus Splatoon, Mario kart, and Arms are coming soon.

That is factually incorrect. PS4 had third party games galore from day one. And it had Resogun, a more than decent exclusive to go along with it. In the event that someone somewhere had no 'decent' games that appealed to them out of the hundreds released prior to Bloodborne, at least they had Netflix and other media apps to give them reason to switch on their ps4 from time to time.
By the way, Zelda is not a system seller for everyone since it is available on a more affordable system that has currently a more compelling library than the Switch.
No denying it's a super minimal (soft) launch, but Breath of the Wild has been an absolute blast, and that trumps all the other stuff you mentioned in the OP as far as I'm concerned. (Also, free online for a while, and I found the individual joycons to feel damn fine.)

The concerns you raise will have merit, if the issues persist past launch window.

The only thing I've found to be a genuine problem is worrying about the dock scratching the screen. Thats inexusable, especially when the accessory is 90 bucks. Nintendo should be called out on this. But, its easily fixed with a screen protector.


The Nintendo Pass is real, their hardcore fans will rationalize even the most flagrant omissions. There's a lot of potential in the Switch as a concept, the execution was less than ideal as it was clearly outlined in the OP.

My biggest disappointments are the game saves issue and that I can't pair my Bluetooth headphones to it. It's 2017 and some of these design decisions are head scratching.

Even with the execution being bad, Zelda is an instant classic, and a reminder of why the industry needs a healthy and flourishing Nintendo around.
Zelda is fantastic and totally deserves its 98 meta score, but the Switch itself, as a whole, is lacking. The hardware is awesome but there's not much to do other than play Zelda and that paper game.

I'm selling mine after I'm done with those two games. Things might get better this holiday season if they deliver all the promised games (Xenoblade, Mario and Fire Emblem).


Gold Member
The Switch is great once one accepts that first and foremost it's a handheld system. In fact, it's the best handheld on the market atm. Like a giant GBA.

Ninja Dom

Switch is definitely a piece of shit console, but like almost all Nintendo systems, they get better with age thanks to hardware revisions and a slow build to a great library.
Loving the new Zelda on my Wii U, will continue enjoying Mario Kart and Smash Bros with no online fee, and plan to pick up a revised Switch in a couple years.

N64, GameCube and Wii U never got hardware revisions. Wii got a hardware revision a couple of times (removal of GameCube compatibility and then the Wii Mini). And the old NES & SNES got new designs but kept the same functionality. Nintendo revise their handhelds more.


system is clearly a work in progress, launch is obviously for the nintendo hardcore only. luckily it's launching with their biggest game ever so i don't think they're particularly taking advantage of anybody.

still a lot of question marks, like absurd accessory prices, paid online, ect. but this isn't your typical launch where everything's rolled out on a red carpet. see where it stands 6-8 months from now


N64, GameCube and Wii U never got hardware revisions. Wii got a hardware revision a couple of times (removal of GameCube compatibility and then the Wii Mini). And the old NES & SNES got new designs but kept the same functionality. Nintendo revise their handhelds more.
This is a handheld.


We had multiple large threads about the lack of features in the OS, the price of accessoires, the lack of certain games and in particular the sync issues.

I do agree with most issues(I'm not interested in discussing the value of the games) but the "Can we now discuss " premise leaves me extremely irritated.

Did OP live under a rock or something?


We had multiple large threads about the lack of features in the OS, the price of accessoires, the lack of certain games and in particular the sync issues.

I do agree with most issues(I'm not interested in discussing the value of the games) but the "Can we now discuss " premise leaves me extremely irritated.

Did OP live under a rock or something?
This is about the overall situation of the switch. Please link a thread that is talking about everything.


I am very impressed with the switch especially how fucking fast and responsive the OS is. It's pretty spectacular.

I agree, BUT there's really nothing much too do in the OS itself. I've spent 99% of the time I've had it in BOTW. I go back to the OS just to, what, change some settings? I'm positive they willl add features over time and I do love the minimalistic styling of the OS but at the end of the day it serves little purpose other than to switch games and change it to dark mode.


There are certainly issues, some like any other console launch and some on the more significant side in effecting people. Just by how people are so quick to jump on "failures" and trying to paint the Switch as a failure is bizarre.

There is a fine line between trying to hold a company accountable and people hoping for something to fail.

I've been having a great time with my Switch. Zelda is a great game, and again, some people who haven't even played it are trying to sound these alarms as if they are pointing out some sort of hypocrisy and warning others of a broken game when much of the issues of the framerate have been over blown in my 20 hours playing it (while a few drops are noticeable, it's never below 20 fps for me and has never effected me during combat). I haven't even ran into any disconnection issue (sorry for those of you who have).

And while there are missing features that are definitely missed (some more than others), for a games console, I have no real complaints so far. The screen scratching concerns me, but I'll just get a screen protector and be more careful than have have already been. I see no scratches yet.

For every valid complaint, there has been tons of FUD and concern trolling over the past month and a half. I think it's fair to say that people who don't already have a chip on their shoulder and have bitterness towards Nintendo can see how skewed this forum can be. Maybe we can have honest conversations about this without people yelling about a "Nintendo Defense Force" and shit posting about ever potential issue before it even plays out to be seen as a significant issue for even a significant number of people.

Even people that consider themselves fans of Nintendo have gotten into this weird mind state where they seem to feel like they have to be extra critical and they have to play devil's advocate to not be considered a shill or a apologist fan boy or a corporate cheerleader.

Just chill. Everybody isn't an expert on everything so stop trying to be one. Neogaf should go back to being about games rather than arguing about so much about armchair marketing analysis and hardware and all the stuff that 90% of people, including myself, have very little idea about.


I ordered a Switch and I'm still waiting for it, but I agree with the OP.

I purchased this thing just for Zelda, and from everything I've seen and heard the Switch itself seems pretty bad.
I don't think OP is overreacting or making stuff up, but the truth is the system just launched. Let's give a few months for firmware updates, more games, E3 announcements. Also, it's likey there will be an eventual hardware revision that could solve some of the issues that have been reported.

This is just the usual launch window stuff. Give it time. It's good that people are bringing this stuff up though, that way Nintendo might notice and address the shortcomings.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Some of the issues with the Switch at launch are things Nintendo, allegedly, is specifically addressing in the months to come. It remains to be seen how that goes, but it boils down to the Switch essentially being an early adopter product for the hardcore right now and it's literally unfinished.

However, I will say that I am so far very let down by Nintendo abandoning the work they put into services like Miiverse. Miiverse, spotpass, etc, have come to feel like part of Nintendo in the last five years (thanks in part to the 3DS). Seeing them just tossed feels like a waste.
I know when you pay $300+ for something, you expect more than "Let's wait and see." But even taking into account the Wii U's struggles, after the 3DS, I would say give it some time. To me, it was always obvious they just wanted to have some new hardware out by the time Zelda was ready to get the early adopters in to ease in the transition of their future features, so that it would all set up for a big holiday season. Personally, I haven't experienced this much excitement with a console since the GameCube launched. For most, the Switch will probably be a Zelda machine for a couple of months, but quite frankly, that's more than most consoles can say for themselves at launch. I'm loving it, so that's all I can really offer.


I ordered a Switch and I'm still waiting for it, but I agree with the OP.

I purchased this thing just for Zelda, and from everything I've seen and heard the Switch itself seems pretty bad.

Just wait until you get it. Don't let this forum shape your expectations. Launching a system is a massive undertaking.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I am very impressed with the switch especially how fucking fast and responsive the OS is. It's pretty spectacular.

It is not hard to have a snappy OS when it doesn't really do anything. Layer in a few apps and systemwide online functions and we'll see how snappy it is.

Still happy with it a day later, but starting to notice there's no d-pad. Hadn't really cared before, but once it's in your hands.

Also have irrational fear of simply putting it down on the table. Can't quite explain why.


You dont like it in the 1st place then you bought it, who's problem is this? Lesson dont buy what you dont like and whine.
Apologies if this video has been posted before, but it was recommended to me in my youtube feed and I feel it will be making the rounds eventually. Shows how many issues are plaguing switches, and how common they are. Bait and switch
It is not hard to have a snappy OS when it doesn't really do anything. Layer in a few apps and systemwide online functions and we'll see how snappy it is.

Still happy with it a day later, but starting to notice there's no d-pad. Hadn't really cared before, but once it's in your hands.

Also have irrational fear of simply putting it down on the table. Can't quite explain why.

As you and I are avid Halo players, is the right joystick position really hard for you to reach comfortably in portable mode or even detached separately?

I have medium-large hands and I'm concerned that thumb/hand cramps will occur.
It is not hard to have a snappy OS when it doesn't really do anything. Layer in a few apps and systemwide online functions and we'll see how snappy it is.

Still happy with it a day later, but starting to notice there's no d-pad. Hadn't really cared before, but once it's in your hands.

Also have irrational fear of simply putting it down on the table. Can't quite explain why.
Yeahhh, I'm not that impressed that it's fast when it's not doing much. Hopefully they maintain the speed throughout its lifetime.
No denying it's a super minimal (soft) launch, but Breath of the Wild has been an absolute blast, and that trumps all the other stuff you mentioned in the OP as far as I'm concerned. (Also, free online for a while, and I found the individual joycons to feel damn fine.)

The concerns you raise will have merit, if the issues persist past launch window.

The only thing I've found to be a genuine problem is worrying about the dock scratching the screen. Thats inexusable, especially when the accessory is 90 bucks. Nintendo should be called out on this. But, its easily fixed with a screen protector.

Nintendo fans can really, really excuse anything from the company, it's amazing. Any switch critique doesn't matter because "we got breath of the wild, who cares about basic console features".
I bought an xbox one and ps4 at launch and after 3 years I think both felt like early beta tests. The xbox one dropped kinect, streamlined the system, and the xbox one S is far superior in a smaller form factor, no kinect, no power brick, 4k support, and UHD support. The PS4 Pro is far superior for its performance improvement.

I don't see why switch won't go down the same path and in 18-36 months release a Switch Pro or whatever that is 1080p tablet and docked, enhanced power, more storage, better layout, maybe come in two SKUs (no screen, portable only) and i'll be happy to buy one then. Until then, I think its great that people who want to support Nintendo can do so now and hopefully they sell enough software to keep making great first party games. I just don't see much third party support for now, and that doesn't really matter to me since I have every other system to play games on.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Jesus, nintendo defense force on first page. Guys even if you love your system, doesnt mean its perfect for everyone. There are lot of issues with switch, good for you if you love it but let other people criticize
Im curious to see how people feel about it once theyve finished zelda.
Because it honestly really has to be a barebones product when youre buying a 50 dollar street fighter 2 on it.
For people who say theyre enjoying, good for you i guess, but that doesn't address legitimate issues.
For people who are saying give it time, nintendo didnt, i dont see why critics would.
The reviews for this product have been an almost unanimous 'wait'.
Nintendo fans can really, really excuse anything from the company, it's amazing. Any switch critique doesn't matter because "we got breath of the wild, who cares about basic console features".

The person to whom you responded clearly indicated it would be an issue if these problems persist past the launch window which you took to generalize nintendo fans as folks who excuse anything? Why?
Im curious to see how people feel about it once theyve finished zelda.
Because it honestly is a really has to be a barebones product when youre buying a 50 dollar street fighter 2 on it.
For people who say theyre enjoying, good for you i guess, but that doesn't address legitimate issues.
For people who are saying give it time, nintendo didnt, i dont see why critics would.
The reviews for this product have been an almost unanimous 'wait'.

I think most fans would say wait unless you want to play Zelda on the Switch. Its why i own one.


Disagree, OP.

Console launches are almost always rocky with barebones games/features. Didn't PS4 not have a browser at launch and had issues with the controller de-syncing? Also, the famed disc ejection issue. Rockiness is almost expected. Not necessarily excusable, but let's give them more than a day to fix some of these issues.

Anecdotally, I've not yet had any issues with de-syncing or scratches and I actually dig the clean interface. I'll concede there aren't a whole lot of games, but the Nindies stuff and Zelda ought to keep us busy until E3, where we'll get a better idea of the year's outline.

One thing that isn't getting enough praise in discussions of the Switch is the ease of local multiplayer. I played Snipperclips with a friend at a bar who doesn't really play anything but wrestling games. We had a blast and that is a ridiculously awesome and indescribable thing to experience. I played BOTW while on a flight/train yesterday, and that's something that people aren't appreciating enough: the ability to play Zelda wherever the hell you are.

The Switch isn't for everyone, but maybe I'm not everyone? I could care less about Overwatch and Call of Duty and most of the major releases each year, and things like achievements are not my cup of tea, so maybe the bulk of your criticisms don't really hold much sway over me?
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