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HEY! C'MON C'MON: It's the Giga Powered Neo Geo Appreciation Thread


from NG

Here is a list of a few of the protected games I have tested so far. Metal Slug X is the only game failing the crc32 check so far due to patching into the P ROM. NeoSD did mention about this in the thread pages back and he plans for this to be fixed as soon as the protection mechanics of the game are understood.

I don't have the fasted SD card on the market so some of these times can be improoved apon with a better card. It's worth keeping in mind these are the biggest NeoGeo games though. I have not yet fully checked sound but so far it feels spot on.

Game Abbreviation   UniBios CRC32   SOUND   Flash Time
-----------------   -------------   -----   ---------- 
KOF 98              PASS            GOOD    4:02
KOF 99              PASS            GOOD    4:14
KOF 2000            PASS            GOOD    4:30
KOF 2001            PASS            GOOD    3:54
METAL SLUG X        FAIL (P1 ROM)   GOOD    2:58
METAL SLUG 3        PASS            GOOD    4:30
METAL SLUG 4        PASS            GOOD    3:20
SAMURAI SHODOWN 5   PASS            GOOD    4:28
SAMURAI SHODOWN 5SP PASS            GOOD    4:26
GAROU               PASS            GOOD    4:38
MATRIMELEE          PASS            GOOD    3:55
ROTD                PASS            GOOD    4:15
SUPER SIDE KICKS    PASS            GOOD    0:34
FATAL FURY 2        PASS            GOOD    0:51

some of those are definitely on the long side, but as was said over there, i tend to agree that if loading times are your highest priority, the 161-in-1 might be more ideal. me, i'm hoping an AES one down the road just lets me play everything 100% faithfully, as i intend to use said loading times to go fetch more whiseky


Last Resort AES goes for over 1000 dollerydoos these days?

I don't know where you've seen this travesty, but that's not common with either US or JP AES in this one.
JP is routinely selling out in the open for ~$400 while US can be had for even less.

some of those are definitely on the long side, but as was said over there, i tend to agree that if loading times are your highest priority, the 161-in-1 might be more ideal. me, i'm hoping an AES one down the road just lets me play everything 100% faithfully, as i intend to use said loading times to go fetch more whiseky

The big draw here is definitely accuracy + flexibility. The end result plays exactly like a real cart. The 161-in-1 may be fast, but it's also full of issues and even more full of duped bootlegs. Worth noting once more that the loading time only plays out when flashing a game. After that's done, it behaves functionally like a real cart. No more loading, even after power down.


The big draw here is definitely accuracy + flexibility. The end result plays exactly like a real cart. The 161-in-1 may be fast, but it's also full of issues and even more full of duped bootlegs. Worth noting once more that the loading time only plays out when flashing a game. After that's done, it behaves functionally like a real cart. No more loading, even after power down.

exactly - which is how every everdrive i own behaves. the slowest one is the Super Everdrive 2, but once you've a ROM in particular loaded, you just boot up, press start & off you go.

so for my drunken game hopping there's some wait, but agreed that it's looking to be quite worth it!


The NGCD arranged soundtrack of Last Resort is not bad at all on its own, but I think the original soundtrack fits the tone of the game better.

To generalize, I would say the level tracks are better in the cart version and the boss themes are better on GCD. But obviously you hear much more of the former than the later, so...


Speaking of Last Resort's soundtrack, I noticed the ending theme is named "The Sunset Sky Part II" and then a bunch of the fighting games have their ending named "The Sunset Sky Part__" (Fatal Fury 2 is III, KOF '94 is Part IV... etc). I wonder which game has The Sunset Sky Part I?
Hey guys. I picked up an AES Gold system, US version and in good condition. When I was inspecting it yesterday, I looked in the cartridge flap doors and noticed a blue wire attached the PCB off to the right side. The seller advertised the unit as unmodified. It plays just fine and there seems to be no problem with it but I'm curious to know if any AES owners here notice the blue wire just in side the cartridge slot off to the right?
Ok. So if anyone remotely cares or was curious. I got an answer on another well known forum from a very helpful member. He also has a low serial number AES and said that the earlier production run of AES's were a bit of a "mess" inside and did include some wires soldered to the PCB. He also referenced a pic. This was a good enough response to where I will be leaving my new AES sealed shut


^can't help you there, but congrats! hope you got it for a good price.

also i still don't know why man puncher's gone =/

Puncher will be back on the 13th


ahahaha, damn

still amazed this is happening! wonder if it'll drive the price of the MVS one down any, really doubt it though
Hey guys, been too busy to post but have a lot of NG love to share as of late!

First off: Went to PSX last year utterly unaware Yasuyuki Oda would be there. This time I didn't make the mistake again. Super stoked to have his signature on one of the best fighters of all time! He was pretty shocked to say the least when I lugged it out, never seen a Japanese developer smile like that. (P.S. sorry for the Sony blue lighting)

Took four years to track down but finally got a copy of The Last Blade 2 Arranged Trax! IMO not only the best Neo Geo Arranged traxs but some of the greatest compositions in video games.

Just listen to this!

I have some other pickups I'll take pics of as well when I get the chance!


puncher of bans i love you and tolerate your blasphemy

but one day i'll have an AES & a proper flashcart and play all your favorites here and review them in this very thread next to crazy taxi and it's gonna be all your fault
Anyone tried any of the Arcade Archives Neo Geo games on PS4? Wondering how they stack up with the old Neo Geo Station/PS3 releases in terms of options and accuracy.
Guh, I was dumb and didn't pull the trigger on a US AES system, controller, and Magician Lord in box for 300.00. Guy had very low feedback though and was a new user so who knows how that transaction would have went.


speaking of, what's a good price on an AES these days? still hoping career stuff works out next year and i can finally join the baller club.

ive got that (presumably low quality) stick that came with the Neo Geo X Gold, it's a USB one ive not actually used yet. i was hoping to find a system with one of those, and buy another with a rapid fire option as well, no idea what those go for either.


The Neo Geo PSP emulator is awesome.
Would love a AES but it's crazy expensive, as are the carts.
I can't justify it at the moment.

This will likely never change for us mere mortals. I can't see this scene ever getting more affordable and there's always something better to spend money on than dropping (sometimes) four figures for a cart. Neo Geo AES will test the limits of your dedication to retro gaming.


Thing is, there are quite a few games, that are as good as anything else on the system and can be had for a not too crazy price - SSII, FFS, FF3, early Jpn KOF, AOFII etc.

Getting a home cart system with the above is all that you really need, whilst it is desirable to have some Neo heavy hitters sitting in a UV protected cabinet, there is no point aside to boast that you own the things. I've got a nice little collection, but find myself not touching my carts anymore, so what's the point?

Some of the Neo's Crown Jewels are perhaps justifiably expensive, but you get some real turds that attract a premium, just because they are rare (not that they are any good), this is especially the case with regards to some early titles.

I also think that those expensive consolised MVS devices are over priced junk, and I really think that some of the people that make those are making a killing from a lot of mugs.

Just get yourself a cheap 1 slot and a supergun, -yes it all adds up, and it's more messy, but you will have a more flexible setup and will be able to play other non MVS stuff.

If you really want to throw money around I would rather spend more money on a Japanese supergun to put into that equation, than to put it into some shitty mock up of a HC system that plays MVS carts.

Finally, one thing that really grates me is the term 'AES' to refer to home carts - this term was not applied exclusively to the Home Cart system, and was coined by a rather notorious individual that thought he was an authority on things Neo Geo, -just because he was a reseller and distributor.


This will likely never change for us mere mortals. I can't see this scene ever getting more affordable and there's always something better to spend money on than dropping (sometimes) four figures for a cart. Neo Geo AES will test the limits of your dedication to retro gaming.

yeah, doing my own research, it seems some nice AES bundles w/sticks and even a memory card go $200-300 on ebay, which doesn't seem too terrible bad once i can afford it.

still curious about good sticks with rapid fire! i imagine it'd be a good option to have for drunken arcade action.


I am trying to buy a Neo-Geo Aes for me, for quite a long time, but it is very hard to found a low serial one (Matching the serial number on the console, box and manual, complete and in good shape for good price.


aw what? and i'm planning on RGB alla way, damn something else to look for now....damn

looks like anything before 39k should be good though

That is what I am looking for.

Collect AES stuff is quite complicated. Sometimes I need to drop 4 or 6 figures for a game, or 8 figures for a console, ot thousands of dollars.

And the worst part is to explain to my wife, why I paid U$1.200 in a game, if I could buy it on Steam for U$ 10,00.


i mean
i'd not mention steam
and if she sees it, ask WHO CAN PUT A PRICE ON AARTTTT


This is always my explanation.

"But this is the real deal, the other are just inferior ports, this is the only way to play this"

Other horrible aspect of collecting AES stuff are Bootleg and dishonest sellers.

I bought 3 AES consoles where the seller showed me several pictures, confirmed all that was the real deal and when the console arrived here in my home, it is completely different. And here in Brazil, things take ages to be delivered and the customs hit us hard and send the item back and start a dispute to recover the money, always ended up in a loss. This is also very hard to explain and it is quite a frustration.
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