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How many would buy an Arkham Remastered Collection?

I played the three of them on PC (and on top of that I played Arkham Asylum three times). I'm kind of sick of the formula and really hope Arkham Knight does wonders with the franchise again.


This collection, Uncharted Collection and a Mass Effect collection are all things I would buy. I can pack away my older consoles if they come out.


No. I don't think those games need it as much as others do. The absolute worst would be an Assassin's Creed remaster

I'm pretty sure we'll see an Ezio remaster trilogy and an American (or whatever they want to call it) remaster trilogy (3,4,Rogue) this gen


Unconfirmed Member
not really needed, only Asylum has true replay value i think and i'll just wait for new Batman games. And i just hope that after Knight they could move away from the "Arkham *.*" setting.

So many good Batman/Gotham locations and events they could cover instead of all being joker thugs in a "prisonlike" setting.

(and make that Turtles game with the same fighting engine!)
Yeah, I've played through AA and AC but AA is the only one I would want to play again. No need for a remaster for me either as I picked all 3 up for a few bucks during a steam sale last year. On the other hand, if anyone hasn't played the series and has no access/desire for PC I could see them enjoying a rerelease. And if so, more power to 'em.

Side note, a TMNT game from rocksteady would be killer.
Really wouldn't buy it until it went on sale and/or my save file in city carried over.
Played asylum enough, and origins was so glitchy that I was done with trying to complete it.


I had a real bad craving to replay the Arkham games this morning but, as I only have a PS4 and no PS3, that craving soon got pushed to the side. But then I got thinking - wouldn't it be great if Rocksteady released an 'Arkham Remastered' collection for PS4 and Xbox One? I'd be all over that shit on day one.

Who else would love to see this happen, and what are the chances of Rocksteady making this a reality?

Day one. Don't care about "resources should be for a new game", i want it...make it and i'll pay you a full $60 no problem. And no, i don't think there is anything wrong with this logic.


Nah. The PC version of Arkham Asylum holds up really well in 1080p with good AA, and the IQ when using 3D vision is insane... Definitely no need for a PC remaster.

Mass Effect needs one, though. It's definitely aged a lot worse.
I really don't want any more remastered collections from last gen.

There are a couple I want from the PS2 era but I really don't need last gen stuff. A lot of it looks good the way it is.

The only reason I really wanted MCC was to have all that matchmaking under one roof. :/


Junior Member
Since I never played Origin and enjoyed the first 2 games, and I'll probably not play the new one until a ''GOTY'' with all DLC's, yes I would like an HD collection.
I think it's a good idea, but I wouldn't buy it only because I own the three games on Steam and my PC runs circles around current gen.


Junior Member
I loved Asylum and liked City, but neither of them invited me back after finishing the story line.

I also think the games looked good enough, so upgraded visuals won't do much either.

Verdict: No, but i will but the next game


you speak so well
I like the games but I don't have a huge urge to replay them. A new one coming out in a few months is good enough for me.


This may not help you a ton, but all of the games are on Steam, they're usually dirt cheap and all of them are playable on controller. Plus, they still look great. Arkham Asylum at least ran on my older PC, too.

But I image a console collection will come around at some point. Might be a long wait though.

This is the solution to all our problems today. All these "remasters" already exists on PC. At least for some of them they throw in gameplay tweaks like in DmC now. Still, you could play them all already looking better than you remember, for the price of a fancy coffee, with a controller, on your TV. But I guess PC ports of games from 1-5 years ago on a disc for the latest console are what everyone loves to play these days while waiting for actually worthwhile new games. I find this incredibly depressing.
The PC versions work great, and playing three Arkham games in a row before Knight comes out is a great way to get burnt out on the formula


Neo Member
Seriously, give these things a rest. You can get these games for a few bucks on a Steam sale if you really need to go max res. Personally I thought they looked pretty good on PS3 anyway.


Eh, probably not. The console versions didn't really have any technical issues that I remember. Nothing like a terrible frame rate or anything on top of looking pretty solid. I also already own the PC versions, so if I want to play better versions I can.

I feel like remasters of last gen games should only happen to console exclusives or games that would really benefit from it.
Certainly not at launch, although I plan on replaying Arkham City before Knight comes out. When they became cheap though, sure.


After playing through Asylum and City I already had played enough of the formula to the point where I am struggling to gather hype for the new one so not me. And I did absolutely love Asylum and City.

But for new players I guess it would make sense.

This is how I feel. We have origins in the house buuuut I really can't bring myself to play it.
I'd buy if they ran at a smooth 60fps. I have them all on Steam but I seem to get an inconsistent framerate no matter how low I put the settings.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
This always gets brought up like it's either one or the other

Remasters require a fraction of the effort a new game requires and bring back a decent return for the cost it takes to produce them, and if you don't want to buy them, don't

They don't stop new games being made so why on earth would you want others to lose the opportunity to play them?
Personally I wish people who complain about remasters using this argument would get banned.

I'm not a mod though.
This collection, Uncharted Collection and a Mass Effect collection are all things I would buy. I can pack away my older consoles if they come out.

There is only remastered collection I could ever see myself truly replaying, and that is Mass Effect. I love Uncharted, but once I beat an Uncharted game I am done with the single player.

Only other games I could think of I would buy a remastered version is Fallout 3 and Skyrim. It's just normally I don't have the time to play a game I already beaten.
I don't think I would. At least not anytime soon.

If they released it in 3-4 years with no new games other than Arkham Knight, then i'd probably bite to get my fix.
I might have to build a PC just for these types of scenarios. So I can go back and play good games from last gen in 1080p, at least. I'd like to play AC2 and AC:B at least.


I would. They don't really run all that hot some of the time on PS3. To get them all with 1080p/30 with AA would be insta buy.
No? Why does this game even need to be remastered? I'm getting tired of people clamoring for remakes of games that came out less than a decade ago; you're part of the reason why these publishers cash in on rehashes instead of creating new IPs.
I'm playing Origins and although they may use the same formula, I am still enjoying the game. I don't know what put me off from playing Origins. I wouldn't have even mind if Knights was the exact same game. But, no I probably wouldn't.


Can modern consoles do physx? Probably the best implementation of that tech in games yet.

Wonder if its possible for a current gen port at 1080p 30fps with physx at high settings. Seems unlikely.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
No? Why does this game even need to be remastered? I'm getting tired of people clamoring for remakes of games that came out less than a decade ago; you're part of the reason why these publishers cash in on rehashes instead of creating new IPs.


I find it funny how you think that would change all of the sudden if they didn't release remasters.



No? Why does this game even need to be remastered? I'm getting tired of people clamoring for remakes of games that came out less than a decade ago; you're part of the reason why these publishers cash in on rehashes instead of creating new IPs.

New IP costs a lot and is a huge risk, it's why its easier to just make sequels, remasters again are cheap to make, and bring back a decent return, its also not mandatory to buy them, if you don't want a remaster of a newish game, don't buy it

No dev is saying we could make new IP/new games or remasters, and just picking to go with remasters, if we have less remasters we wouldn't have more new games and we wouldn't have more new IP

Unless you're forced to buy remasters, you have no reason to complain about them, and if a game you missed out on or was on a different system gets remastered, you'd soon stop complaining about them

They're more often than not made for people who missed out on the game the first time around, think of all the people who went from owning a 360 to a PS4, how many of those people do you think are pissed off about TLOU remaster?

I went Gamecube/Wii to PS3, so I brought a lot of the PS2 HD Collections, I didn't buy Okami HD or Beyond Good and Evil HD because I played them on older systems, but I couldn't fathom a situation where I'd be angry about those 2 being remastered
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