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If exclusives are counter to what gaming is about; is the PS5 getting future Bethesda games (after Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo)? Poll inside!

Will future Bethesda games (after Deathloop and Ghostwire) release on the Playstation platform?

  • Total voters
To preface lets bring forth the words of wise salesman Phil Spencer when discussing exclusive games and exclusivity in general:

"It's completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy a specific device"


“As a player you are the centre of our strategy,” Spencer said. “Our device is not the centre of our strategy, our game is not the centre of the strategy. We want to enable you to play the games you want to play, with the friends you want to play with, on any device.

“On TV, the Xbox console is going to be the best way to play console games. Xbox Series X is the most powerful console out there and it will have absolutely the best versions of our console games. But that’s not to exclude other people from being able to play.

“Sorry, I am a bit soapboxy with this one. Gaming is about entertainment and community and diversion and learning new stories and new perspectives, and I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it, in order to partake in what gaming is about.”

With that clear philosophical stance in mind do you think; after Deathloop (A PS5 Console timed exclusive), and Ghostwire Tokyo (a PS5 Console timed exclusive) that future Bethesda games will release on the PS5? Games like the rumored Starfield, a future Doom, Elder Scrolls VI or Fallout?

Was Phil simply BSing and lying trying to buy his time by sweet talking his base?
Will Phil hold true to his word and release the games on all systems?
Will Phil do what's counter to what gaming is about and make those future titles Gamepass exclusives?

Interesting to see what the future will hold. What do you think?

For the Sony fans not coping well....... you can at least take consolation, for the time being, in the fact that you'll get to enjoy the next two Bethesda titles, Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo first over any other console. After that well..... betting odds say you shouldn't bet on Phil Spencer's words.... but no one will blame you for holding out on 1/250 odds - never impossible - just improbable.

This article really caught my attention in the mist of the opinion chaos.

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No, Playstation isn't getting anything new from Bethesda from now on it's time to accept it - Elder Scrolls is an Xbox exclusive. It's a shame as a Sony fan, but Ragnarok is coming so I'll soon forget.

Thor's hammer can cure many ill's. I've been witness.

You really think Phil would sit there and lie to us?

Phil doesn't lie, he just humors the truth.
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What device do you have to buy to play excluaive Xbox games again?

Play em on your pc or through your phone or tablet via xcloud.

To quote Phil, you're not even close to being forced into buying a new device.


110 million Playstation users want in on that pie too. Are they lesser on the foodchain? I would dare say they're more profitable stock than both PC and mobile combined considering their buying habits and the type of content Bethesda will put out.


I am guessing that these games will be exclusive to gamepass, so not locked to one device, but locked to service. I wouldn’t be surprised if they release base games on all consoles and platforms, but next game will be gamepass only, or maybe dlc will be gamepass only. Lots of ways ms can do this. Ultimate goal is to get ahead of google stadia, amazon and Apple in the streaming game.
Do we really need yet another thread about this?

You've been enjoying the salt TBiddy TBiddy or am I wrong? Haven't seen a thread specifically about this article or about Phil's philosophy directly being discussed. He was pretty clear too. Ties into this perfectly. It could either be a humorous thread of collective laughter or a serious predictor of Phil's future decision making (if we take his word at face value).
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Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
You've got a mobile phone, right? So if Bethesda games release on xCloud you can play it.


You've been enjoying the salt TBiddy TBiddy or am I wrong? Haven't seen a thread specifically about this article or about Phil's philosophy directly being discussed. He was pretty clear too.

No, you're absolutely right that I'm enjoying it. But it just seems like we've have an endless amount of threads regarding this lately. I could be wrong though - wouldn't be the first time.


How many games has sony brought to other Systems (like the Switch)?

And since when do we count games that get released for PC as exclusives for xbox? Can we at some point please define what type of exclusive is meant?

Exclusives are never good for customers because if the customer want to play something, he must also buy the system he might not have. In an ideal customer world, you would just buy a game and play it on any system you want (as long as it is fast enough). The Playanywhere program was a good start in that direction, but not many publishers followed.

But you know where his words are pointing too, don't you? Cloud gaming & Gamepass. Cloud gaming works more or less on any device ;)
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110 million Playstation users want in on that pie too. Are they lesser on the foodchain? I would dare say they're more profitable stock than both PC and mobile combined considering their buying habits and the type of content Bethesda will put out.
Two things. There aren't 110m PlayStation users. There are 110m people who bought a PS4. There's currently 0 PS5 owners, and that's not a number that has any buying power.

That's why Horizon and Spiderman will be on PS4.

But that's neither here nor there. Exclusives would always sell more copies not being exclusive. That's not what exclusives are for.

And, again, every single person who buys a PlayStation and nothing else will still have access to Xbox exclusives without buying a single new device. You don't even have to buy a game.

If you want the next Doom full price on console, you'll have to buy an Xbox, but that's up to you. That's not the only way to play it.
A better topic would have been "Are PS fans still going to buy Deathloop and Ghostwire?"

They'd essentially just be funding MS. Lol.

Its a little like GameStop selling consoles that are digital only. They're literally funding their own death.


You really think Phil would sit there and lie to us?



You've been enjoying the salt TBiddy TBiddy or am I wrong? Haven't seen a thread specifically about this article or about Phil's philosophy directly being discussed. He was pretty clear too. Ties into this perfectly. It could either be a humorous thread of collective laughter or a serious predictor of Phil's future decision making (if we take his word at face value).
He was pretty clear, and yet not clear enough that daft fanboys don't read his words as "Halo on PlayStation."

"We believe in generations" somehow means "we don't believe in generations" and everybody is fine with that, but "we're not gonna lock our games on a single box" somehow means a Microsoft should give their exclusives to their current biggest rival? Even though they're literally not locking their games on a single box?
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Philip Spencer has had the exclusive rights to bullshit for roughly 7 years now.

As long as he continues to give exclusive interviews and early product access to publications and or YouTube personalities such as Austin "The Turtle" Evans, he'll get away with lying to the public for years to come. Depending on Microsoft's desire to make that $7.5B back, they may or may not publish Bethesda's stuff on competing platforms. I'm guessing they'll make the decision primarily based on how many new Xbox's and Game Pass subscriptions they sell, which would inform whether they need to put those high-budget games on other consoles.


To preface lets bring forth the words of wise salesman Phil Spencer when discussing exclusive games and exclusivity in general:

"It's completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy a specific device"

With that clear philosophical stance in mind do you think; after Deathloop (A PS5 Console timed exclusive), and Ghostwire Tokyo (a PS5 Console timed exclusive) that future Bethesda games will release on the PS5? Games like the rumored Starfield, a future Doom, Elder Scrolls VI or Fallout?

Was Phil simply BSing and lying trying to buy his time by sweet talking his base?
Will Phil hold true to his word and release the games on all systems?
Will Phil do what's counter to what gaming is about and make those future titles Gamepass exclusives?

Interesting to see what the future will hold. What do you think?

For the Sony fans not coping well....... you can at least take consolation, for the time being, in the fact that you'll get to enjoy the next two Bethesda titles, Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo first over any other console. After that well..... betting odds say you shouldn't bet on Phil Spencer's words.... but no one will blame you for holding out on 1/250 odds - never impossible - just improbable.

This article really caught my attention in the mist of the opinion chaos.

If he was lying and he is forcing you to buy a specific device could you explain what the device is, ya know, specifically?
Two things. There aren't 110m PlayStation users. There are 110m people who bought a PS4. There's currently 0 PS5 owners, and that's not a number that has any buying power.

Technically true but the same could be said for the numbers put out there for mobile or for Steam. The point being is that the pool is large, fat and very profitable. And the content that typically comes out of Bethesda is tailor made for that traditional gamer.

That's why Horizon and Spiderman will be on PS4.

Half truth. That's a reason, but not the only reason. Publishers will still take chances by making next-gen only games (Demon Souls et al), without a single oficial PS5 sold. Sales projections are a thing. Which is also why Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo are coming to PS5 (exclusively too for a time I might add).

But that's neither here nor there. Exclusives would always sell more copies not being exclusive. That's not what exclusives are for.

And, again, every single person who buys a PlayStation and nothing else will still have access to Xbox exclusives without buying a single new device. You don't even have to buy a game.

If you want the next Doom full price on console, you'll have to buy an Xbox, but that's up to you. That's not the only way to play it.

For a Playstation or Nintendo only console owner that's simply not true. Not even for a Stadia only user (however rare they may be). You're trying to somehow associate phone ownership (assuming universal attach rate for the specific users discussed, within Android as its OS (and not on Apple), good quality phone, proper internet data plan etc) with some technical wiggle room that clears Phil out of his very concise and clear statement. It's a nice try but way too many caveats to make it work. Not to mention the fact that traditional gaming on phones sucks ass. So much for that choice.

If he was lying and he is forcing you to buy a specific device could you explain what the device is, ya know, specifically?

He can't force me to do anything but it's obvious - Nintendo, PlayStation, Stadia. I don't think it would be necessary but I guess some people do need the heads up. It's quite obvious what platforms Phil was discussing when talking about exclusivity and exclusive games as head of Xbox. It wasn't Android.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
They already said they'll release some games on consoles on a case-by-case basis. We'll only know what that means later, my guess is their smaller games like Wolf, Doom, Prey will become full Xbox/PC exclusives and they'll either release Starfield/TES6/Fallout 5 on other platforms at launch, or make them timed exclusives.

Doesn't affect me, I buy everything Bethesda on PC, but it's gonna be fascinating to watch unfold.


Never trust PR and technico-PR people guys
All is half truth not completely false but surely not true ether.

let's wait and see what they will do...we really really can't be sure
IMO from my ass it will depend on success factor of current strategy, if xsx/s flop hard it will release on ps5. So odds are not that bad
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Technically true but the same could be said for the numbers put out there for mobile or for Steam. The point being is that the pool is large, fat and very profitable.

Half truth. That's a reason, but not the only reason. Publishers will still take chances by making next-gen only games (Demon Souls et al), without a single oficial PS5 sold. Sales projections are a thing.

I'm no debating this with you. It's a fact. You can't say "Fallout 6 will miss out on 110m players if they don't release on PlayStation" because there almost certainly won't be 110m PS5 owners when Fallout 6 comes out. The number that don't have phones or PCs will be even smaller. Take out the group that owns PS5 but HAS to own Fallout, so will buy a device or Xbox to play it and the number gets smaller again. Take out people who buy every console by default and the number gets smaller again.

There is no monolithic PlayStation Power that will force Microsoft to release their newly acquired next-gen games on PlayStation. It's completely false.

For a PS console only owner or a Nintendo only console only owner that's simply not true. You're trying to somehow associate phone ownership (assuming universal attach rate for the specific users discussed, within Android as its OS (and not on Apple), quality of phone, internet data plan etc) with some technical wiggle room for Phil to clear him out of his very concise and clear statement. It's a nice try but way too many caveats to make it work. Not to mention the fact that traditional gaming on phones sucks ass. So much for that choice.

Nintendo and Playstation. I don't think it would be necessary. It's quite obvious what platforms Phil was discussing when talking about exclusivity. It wasn't Android.

ignoring that you're again talking PS and Nintendo console owners as though there no movement, and that you're locked into one device and cannot switch...

I'm glad you said this, because it made me go look at the original quote - the original quote you helpfully cut down for console war reasons. The full quote is this:

“As a player you are the centre of our strategy,” Spencer said. “Our device is not the centre of our strategy, our game is not the centre of the strategy. We want to enable you to play the games you want to play, with the friends you want to play with, on any device.

“On TV, the Xbox console is going to be the best way to play console games. Xbox Series X is the most powerful console out there and it will have absolutely the best versions of our console games. But that’s not to exclude other people from being able to play.”

“Sorry, I am a bit soapboxy with this one. Gaming is about entertainment and community and diversion and learning new stories and new perspectives, and I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it, in order to partake in what gaming is about.”

"On TV, the Xbox console is going to be the best way to play console games. I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it."

Tell me again how he's talking about Switch and PlayStation?

FFS, shut this thread down mods. What a pathetic attempt at trolling.
If Sony allows Game Pass on the PS5 without taking a 30% cut then MS would do it. They might even sell the standalone games on PS5 as a way to promote Game Pass, just like they do on Steam. But I don't see Sony and MS coming to an agreement on this anytime soon.


Do we really need yet another thread about this?
Fair point, but it seems that this thread isn't really about Zenimax or exclusivity, it's about hating on Phil Spencer and crying about how terribly mean the boss of Xbox has been to Playstation customers.

Never mind that the main quote being used against him was really referring to cross-gen games being available for both next-gen and existing XBOX customers. As it turns out, a sentiment that Playstation also heartily endorses for it's own platform. :)

Now some Sony fanboys think it's rather unseemly for those rascals at Xbox to keep their games from Sony. Exclusive Xbox games should be, clearly, shared with Playstation fans. After all it's the only fair and ethical approach!*

*That deal, obviously, only applies in one direction.
I'm no debating this with you. It's a fact. You can't say "Fallout 6 will miss out on 110m players if they don't release on PlayStation" because there almost certainly won't be 110m PS5 owners when Fallout 6 comes out. The number that don't have phones or PCs will be even smaller. Take out the group that owns PS5 but HAS to own Fallout, so will buy a device or Xbox to play it and the number gets smaller again. Take out people who buy every console by default and the number gets smaller again.

Lol is this an exercise in semantics? Doesn't really matter how many Playstation users it misses on. That number was brought up for illustrative purposes.

If Fallout 6 is next-gen only and doesn't release on the Playstation 5 it will not be available to the millions of gamers who solely own a PS5 and use it as their primary and sole gaming device. It's that simple. Everything else is disingenuous BS with whip dressing. It will be "counter to what gaming is about" to make it exclusive to whichever platforms MS deems the "right" platforms - specially considering historical target demographics for this game. We're not talking about some mobile point and click game.

There is no monolithic PlayStation Power that will force Microsoft to release their newly acquired next-gen games on PlayStation. It's completely false.

Never said there was. The very purpose of this thread however are Phil's own words on his beliefs about games exclusivity (or lack thereof). He even went as far as to say exclusives are counter to gaming. Thus it's fair to assume if he were to keep true to his words that he would do the reasonable thing and release Bethesda games on Playstation, Nintendo, and Stadia platforms considering the install bases those platforms/brands command, will command, and the demographic and buying habits of said users (when talking Bethesda games).

ignoring that you're again talking PS and Nintendo console owners as though there no movement, and that you're locked into one device and cannot switch...

Forcing a switch from a user preferred platform is not the intent of games on any device if "exclusives are counter to what gaming is about". The role of exclusives is to force the switch to the publisher cherry picked platform(s) of choice. Specially when considering the demographic target of the games Bethesda makes. That statement is nonsense.

I'm glad you said this, because it made me go look at the original quote - the original quote you helpfully cut down for console war reasons. The full quote is this:

“As a player you are the centre of our strategy,” Spencer said. “Our device is not the centre of our strategy, our game is not the centre of the strategy. We want to enable you to play the games you want to play, with the friends you want to play with, on any device.

“On TV, the Xbox console is going to be the best way to play console games. Xbox Series X is the most powerful console out there and it will have absolutely the best versions of our console games. But that’s not to exclude other people from being able to play.”

“Sorry, I am a bit soapboxy with this one. Gaming is about entertainment and community and diversion and learning new stories and new perspectives, and I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it, in order to partake in what gaming is about.”

Doesn't really add much but I'm glad you quoted it. Specifically where it says "on any device with the friends you want to play with". Now that's mighty specific. Will that device be Playstation 4/5, Switch/Future Switch Pro? Stadia?

"But that’s not to exclude other people from being able to play."


„Phil will hold true to his word and release games on all systems.“

WTF are you talking about? He NEVER said that he would release any games on PS.
expect all games to be exclusive to XBOX and PC. Maybe a small game here and there on Switch. That’s it.

I should have added that part too since it helps further the general picture.... not for console war reasons. Just didn't think it was a point of contention since we've come to understand those statements very well these past few months.

I did fail to grasp the lengths at which some people will go to make disingenuous claims to gloss over bullshit as if we're none the wiser.

"On TV, the Xbox console is going to be the best way to play console games. I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it."

Tell me again how he's talking about Switch and PlayStation?

FFS, shut this thread down mods. What a pathetic attempt at trolling.

Very disingenuous to suggest that those words don't mean what everyone knows they meant. But if this thread serves a purpose, at the very least, is to clarify those statements in detail. And this thread has given you a platform to do it. Now you're just being a poor sport.
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To preface lets bring forth the words of wise salesman Phil Spencer when discussing exclusive games and exclusivity in general:

"It's completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy a specific device"

With that clear philosophical stance in mind do you think; after Deathloop (A PS5 Console timed exclusive), and Ghostwire Tokyo (a PS5 Console timed exclusive) that future Bethesda games will release on the PS5? Games like the rumored Starfield, a future Doom, Elder Scrolls VI or Fallout?

Was Phil simply BSing and lying trying to buy his time by sweet talking his base?
Will Phil hold true to his word and release the games on all systems?
Will Phil do what's counter to what gaming is about and make those future titles Gamepass exclusives?

Interesting to see what the future will hold. What do you think?

For the Sony fans not coping well....... you can at least take consolation, for the time being, in the fact that you'll get to enjoy the next two Bethesda titles, Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo first over any other console. After that well..... betting odds say you shouldn't bet on Phil Spencer's words.... but no one will blame you for holding out on 1/250 odds - never impossible - just improbable.

This article really caught my attention in the mist of the opinion chaos.

By sony fans words from that forum: "Games which release on PC are not true exclusives", "MS has no exclusive games", "I will play MS games on PC".
That means that he still told truth. He is not forcing you to buy specific device. You can always play them on PC. or your phone with xCloud.
By sony fans words from that forum: "Games which release on PC are not true exclusives", "MS has no exclusive games", "I will play MS games on PC".
That means that he still told truth. He is not forcing you to buy specific device. You can always play them on PC. or your phone with xCloud.

By publishers own words:

Console Exclusive
Timed Console Exclusive and PC
First on Xbox
+ many more

All terms used to describe certain types of exclusivity, broken down to device and even time.

No one forces anyone. Just like Playstation doesn't force you to buy a PS5 for Spider-man: Miles Morales. Technically of course.

Jim Ryan is simply not claiming exclusives are counter to what gaming is about. So if we take Phil's words at face value, and assume he's not a liar and BSer, this should mean that it's reasonable to expect Bethesda games on platforms like Playstation and Nintendo which historically have consumed their games as part of their target demographic - before acquisition.
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Lol is this an exercise in semantics? Doesn't really matter how many Playstation users it misses on. That number was brought up for illustrative purposes.

If Fallout 6 is next-gen only and doesn't release on the Playstation 5 it will not be available to the millions of gamers who solely own a PS5 and use it as their primary and sole gaming device. It's that simple. Everything else is disingenuous BS with whip dressing. It will be counter to what gaming is about to make it exclusive to whichever platforms MS deems the "right" platforms.

Never said there was. The very purpose of this thread however are Phil's own words on his beliefs about games exclusivity (or lack thereof). He even went as far as to say exclusives are counter to gaming. Thus it's fair to assume if he were to keep true to his words that he would do the reasonable thing and release Bethesda games on Playstation, Nintendo, and Stadia platforms considering the install bases those brands command, will command, and the demographic and buying habits of said users.

Forcing a switch from a preferred platform is not the intent if exclusives are counter to what gaming is about. The role of exclusives is to force the switch to the publishers cherry picked platform of choice - not the users. Specially when considering the demographic target of the games Bethesda makes. That statement is nonsense.

Doesn't really add much but I'm glad you quoted it. Specifically where it says "on any device with the friends you want to play with". Now that's mighty specific. Will that device be Playstation 4/5, Switch/Future Switch Pro? Stadia? Iphone's?

"But that’s not to exclude other people from being able to play."

I should have added that part too since it helps further the general picture.... not for console war reasons. Just didn't think it was a point of contention since we've come to understand those statements very well these past few months.

I did fail to grasp the lenghts at which some people will go to make disgenous claims to gloss over bullshit as if we're none the wiser.

Very disingenuous is to suggest that those words don't mean what everyone knows they meant. But if this thread serves a purpose, at the very least, is to clarify those statements in detail. And this thread has given you a platform to do it. Now you're just being a poor sport.
Right, if you ignore what's he saying repeatedly and take out all the context, he's saying Microsoft exclusives should come to PlayStation.

I mean, he doesn't say that. He doesn't even hint it. But if you quote one sentence in a three par quote about not forcing people to buy an Xbox, and if you squint a bit, it's almost seems like he's saying Xbox exclusives should come to PlayStation.

I'm done.


Simps for Amouranth
I cant see it, Elder Scrolls 6 will be a system seller, no way would MS put that on a compeditors machine and its a damn fucking shame as i was looking forward to playing a next gen Elder Scrolls game even though they still use the same fucking engine every fucking time... Guess ill be playing it on the PC then


Sony ain’t getting anything after deathloop and the ghost game.

People need to accept it. Microsoft have been reading the forums for years, they know that in every household that has a Sony console, it is complimented by a kick arse pc. They don’t need to waste time on PlayStation ports. A pc port Will still sell to PlayStation owners.
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Someone please tell me why MS first party games should be different (and TBH they already are since they're on PC) to Sony/Nintendo first party.

Why would they put their games on their direct competitors console (excluding Nintendo for obvious reasons) when none of their first party games (including Nintendo lol) are on their platforms/services?

At least you can play those games on PC when they come out for £1. Xbox gamers are locked out of Sony/Nintendo first party games. Is that not enough???


He was clearly referring to 3rd Party games. It's not like he expects Sony to release their 1st party games on Xbox. Bethesda is MS 1st party now.
Sony ain’t getting anything after deathloop and the ghost game.

People need to accept it. Microsoft have been reading the forums for years, they know that in every household that has a Sony console, it is complimented by a kick arse pc. They don’t need to waste time on PlayStation ports. A pc port Will still sell to PlayStation owners.

This is a good point! They'd have to invest money and time into making the game for their direct competition. While I can see this happening in some cases for Nintendo consoles I doubt they acquired studios to make games for Sony. What would even be the point? Sure, makes a stronger case for Gamepass but that's it. Nothing else changes. This way PS gamers can either get it on PC, Gamepass or even buy an Xbox for it.

Mister Wolf

Someone please tell me why MS first party games should be different (and TBH they already are since they're on PC) to Sony/Nintendo first party.

Why would they put their games on their direct competitors console (excluding Nintendo for obvious reasons) when none of their first party games (including Nintendo lol) are on their platforms/services?

At least you can play those games on PC when they come out for £1. Xbox gamers are locked out of Sony/Nintendo first party games. Is that not enough???

They wont. Its no different from how they treat Gears and Halo. Minecraft is a completely different situation given its proven sales potential being greater than any other game including Nintendo's best so it calls for a different business model.
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He was clearly referring to 3rd Party games. It's not like he expects Sony to release their 1st party games on Xbox. Bethesda is MS 1st party now.

Don't think he specified there and talked in general terms. But even in that case Phil has locked a bunch of third party deals for the XBox Series S/X launch. Which you can peruse in the thread below. Or simply rewatch their July event. An unending highlight reel of them.

Xbox launch games thread

Right, if you ignore what's he saying repeatedly and take out all the context, he's saying Microsoft exclusives should come to PlayStation.

I think the context helps me. Considering the timing of his statements, the general mood in the industry etc. I find it helps the argument so much that I updated the OP with it. And I thank you for bring it up. Nothing like clarity. People can make up their own minds.

I'm done.

We can agree to disagree.
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Phil said they will be released on a case by case basis. Doom and Skyrim will probably go multi-platform. How they deliver them is another story altogether


By publishers own words:

Console Exclusive
Timed Console Exclusive and PC
First on Xbox
+ many more

All terms used to describe certain types of exclusivity, broken down to device and even time.

No one forces anyone. Just like Playstation doesn't force you to buy a PS5 for Spider-man: Miles Morales. Technically of course.

Jim Ryan is simply not claiming exclusives are counter to what gaming is about. So if we take Phil's words at face value, and assume he's not a liar and BSer, this should mean that it's reasonable to expect Bethesda games on platforms like Playstation and Nintendo which historically have consumed their games as part of their target demographic - before acquisition.
To play Sony games you need to buy PlayStation. To play MS games you need phone or PC. That's all. Everyone has a phone. It's not available on iOS, but that's on Apple not MS.
They wont. Its no different from how they treat Gears and Halo. Minecraft is a completely different situation given its sales potential being greater than any other game including Nintendo's best so it calls for a different business model.

Minecraft was already on PS3 before the acquisition anyway and of course they're weren't about to remove it. Minecraft Dungeons is an odd one out but probably to take advantage of the Minecraft player base in the platform and sales potential like you said.

I've said in another thread already but take Hellblade's example where it was on PS4 first before Ninja Theory's acquisition and the sequel is console exclusive. Why would it be different with the new studios?

Mister Wolf

Minecraft was already on PS3 before the acquisition anyway and of course they're weren't about to remove it. Minecraft Dungeons is an odd one out but probably to take advantage of the Minecraft player base in the platform and sales potential like you said.

I've said in another thread already but take Hellblade's example where it was on PS4 first before Ninja Theory's acquisition and the sequel is console exclusive. Why would it be different with the new studios?

Phil wanted to avoid an internet tantrum so he gave a "we'll see" type answer like you would tell a little kid.


Hes talking about PC and Xcloud aka phones. I doubt other consoles will see their first party studios unless they allow Game Pass on their platform.
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