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IGN: Knack 2 acknowledges where the first game fell short, fixing a lot of problems

Man I Hope when knack 2 is reviewed they just don't give it a bad review because it's knack and it got a sequel and other games didn't. I loved knack but that's just showing bias already lol

Lady Gaia

A lot of people seem to enjoy hating games more than playing them.

Indeed. I've been tempted to start a poll thread asking what game draws the most irrational hate on GAF. Knack? Metal Gear Solid 4? Dragon Age: Inquisition? Metroid: Other M? It's a fascinating phenomenon but it gets old pretty fast.


needs 2 extra inches
It's really odd that a tech demo where the team was told to aim for a 70 metacritic at best, (and didn't even reach that), is getting a sequel. Who even remembers Knack besides the ironic propping up of it's quality on GAF?
Is that true?


Knack does still have the aforementioned punches and kick, but he’s also learned a few new tricks. He can switch between a small version and large version of himself at any point (which comes in handy for platforming sections) and he has a shield for deflecting incoming projectiles or generally blocking damage. His other abilities include a dash, body slam, multi-punch, jump kick, and a few other basic combat moves.

This is very good.

These moves also help in the platforming sections, which often involve switching back and forth between large and small Knack to get by, and also offer several hidden areas, where you can find extra Relic Energy or parts to build devices to earn new abilities or augments. The linear paths from the first game are now reserved for Easy difficulty, while the Normal and Hard paths are a bit more complicated. You’ll actually pass blocked off sections where the Easy path would be as you play through on higher difficulties, which is a smart way to literally divide the game into a version for younger or less experienced players versus one for people looking for a challenge.
Huh interesting.


GameInformer calls Knack 2 one of the nicest surprises of PSX: http://www.gameinformer.com/games/k...e-of-the-nicest-surprises-of-psx-knack-2.aspx
The original Knack focused mostly on combat, but Knack 2 seems to emphasize exploration a bit more. I didn't get a strong sense of the story that will unfold in this sequel, but the gameplay is vastly improved, and if the remainder of the game showcases the level of variety I saw in two demo levels, Knack 2 could be a nice surprise for PlayStation 4 in 2017.

"One jumping exercise may simply ask you to time your jump to land on a moving platform, whereas the next challenge may require a double jump and spinning glide (a la Jak & Daxter) to land safely on a ledge before a door closes and blocks your passage

The platforming is nicely varied and paced in this stage. Knack's ability to transform into an average-sized or smaller being is also used for a variety of platforming and navigation puzzles in this area. Some doors don't open fully, which requires quick thinking on the player's part to hit the R1 button quickly enough to shrink down to squeeze under the small gap. Little Knack is also used for a variety of secrets, such as jumping through small windows or scurrying across tiny ledges to reach new areas."​

Is this a joke? A tutorial level of platforming challenge is meant to impress me about a new game? I've played indie platformers with newer ideas than this.


Indeed. I've been tempted to start a poll thread asking what game draws the most irrational hate on GAF. Knack? Metal Gear Solid 4? Dragon Age: Inquisition? Metroid: Other M? It's a fascinating phenomenon but it gets old pretty fast.

Other than Metriod(haven't played), I played and liked all these games so it's really hard to find decent conversation about these games without people jumping on the hate bandwagon and not actually allowing decent discussion.


Another positive preview

I loved the game, one of the few game my wife played for a long time.

http://www.gamereactor.eu/previews/487203/Knack 2/
We'll also get to play around with new elemental abilities, including a metal Knack. One of its abilities is dropping small pieces of metal on the ground, which can be used to lead electricity. An ability that might come in handy when encountering an elevator with no power, closed electrical doors, etc. Variety seems to get a lot of focus this time around, and not just in terms of platforming and puzzles, but combat as well.
Both Knack and his enemies have improved their combat skills. Knack will now do different attacks depending on if you're pushing or holding the different buttons, and combining these will deliver different results. This will come in handy as different enemies have different strengths and weaknesses. One of the examples we came across was a Knack-looking creature that was able to block any attack, except the power attack. This is done by holding down the circle button. If you just were to push it, Knack would kick instead. Another example is the projectile throwing enemies. You now have the ability to shield yourself by holding the L1 button. Timing this perfectly will reflect incoming projectiles right back at them. If you find it to difficult it's also possible to just dash out of the way with the right analogue stick.
We thought that the original Knack had some problems in level design and variation, but those seem to have been fixed now. The level design is more detailed and open, which gives room for exploration and more varied activities. Throw in the implementation of co-op, a deeper combat system, an upgrade system, and more replay value and you have yourself a game that will please fans, while also pulling in the doubters.
I would take the claims of people saying it looks improved over anyone saying it looks the same as the first one. Knack's a very easy punching bag for some reason I have never understood, the dislike for it is hilarious and hyperbolic. A pretty OK game that was neither terrible or great but which has room for improvement in a sequel. I can think of plenty of other games on PS4 I dislike more which receive nowhere near the same hate Knack does.
I'm guessing a buncha sour Nintendo fans because of:


It's a charming quirky little B-game that doesn't try to be anything it's not (the kind of "b-title" that Gaf clamors for.) And we finally get a colorful adventure brawler platformer B-game, and gaf proceeds to shit on it.



So happy this was finally announced. Knack grew on me since launch.

I just hope to god they tone down the AI's movement tracking. They would track split second movements with an unnatural efficiency.
I shit on knack because it's not on ps+
The game is 3 years old, I'm not buying it when you put garbage on PS+ that can easily be replaced by this game

Free the knack


The previews are really good.

It was one of the best exclusive launch game for me (way better than Killzone and Ryse at least).

If they can fix most of bad feedback it can be great.
A lot of people seem to enjoy hating games more than playing them.

Oh my god... This needs to be put on a plaque, and hung on display in a prominent place. It lines up with my anecdotal experience of browsing gaming forums (including GAF).

I probably won't be adding the first game to my backlog anytime soon, but I'm curious to see what this second game brings.


Really, cause that trailer was literally indistinguishable from the first game.

Hell I even saw like, 10-15 repeated environments in there.
You know that you have to open you eyes when you watch the trailer. The trailer was full of new moves and capabilities.


You know that you have to open you eyes when you watch the trailer. The trailer was full of new moves and capabilities.
Even if you put a complete different game into the trailer he will say it is the same... you know that.
when i saw the trailer i though they were announcing Pro patch for Knack, but then i was really surprised that it was Knack 2

i can't tell any difference between them, the game flopped so hard, why did they even make a sequel to it ?? maybe the sales were good but it's suppose to be because it's a launch title

It sold pretty well by my understanding, more than 1million sold.


Man I Hope when knack 2 is reviewed they just don't give it a bad review because it's knack and it got a sequel and other games didn't. I loved knack but that's just showing bias already lol

Maybe you love Knack too much, given that you are so defensive.
You have outlets here publishing positive first impressions, "despite" it being a Knack sequel.


I really hope they do something better with the plot. The story of the first game sucked. No explanations. Bad decisions by most characters. No real danger or consequences. My kid turned 7 in June and he loves the game ( meaning we BOTH love the game, lol ), even he skipped he cutscenes on his playthrough.


The only thing this IGN preview tells me is that the first Knack was even more basic than I thought. Am I supposed to be impressed by the inclusion of skill trees and upgrades?


The only thing this IGN preview tells me is that the first Knack was even more basic than I thought. Am I supposed to be impressed by the inclusion of skill trees and upgrades?
The whole point is improving the base game, not sure whats hard to understand here.


Game of the gen is getting even better?

Really, cause that trailer was literally indistinguishable from the first game.

Hell I even saw like, 10-15 repeated environments in there.

haha yeah.
Was watching a bit of the Easy Allies stream of the event today and until the 2 appeared none of them were sure if it was a new game or some sort of expantion/DLC.

Not to write off an entire game just because of one trailer. But when even people on sites like GAF and people working in games media aren't sure if they are being shown a sequel or the original game then that's pretty bad. Just ask Nintendo how it went with the WiiU reveal


The whole point is improving the base game, not sure whats hard to understand here.

It sounds like it's barely getting to where the first God of War game was 11 years ago.

The co-op stuff sounds new I guess, but the trailer looked so similar it's really hard to believe the game is some sort of major improvement.
Until the logo spun around showing "2" I thought the same thing.

Nothing about that trailer indicated "this is a sequel" or "this is better".

Well now you can put your mind to rest. These people OP quoted actually played the game unlike the rest of us, and were pretty upbeat about the game. No reason to continue being so pessimistic when the game has at least a chance to be a significantly better game than the first.
Who am I kidding though? Haters be hating on this game till Sony cancels it, lol.


No I didn't see any noticeable improvements and still can't believe this shit is actually happening. A slap in the face to projects that actually deserve a second chance (like Puppeteer).

Knack stands as one of the worst games I've ever had the displeasure of playing. Fuck. I have tried and tried and tried with it as I love and grew up on 3D plafformers.


Visually it looked the same, but gameplay I noticed a LOT of gameplay variety in that trailer that didn't exist in the first game.


I'm guessing a buncha sour Nintendo fans because of:


It's a charming quirky little B-game that doesn't try to be anything it's not (the kind of "b-title" that Gaf clamors for.) And we finally get a colorful adventure brawler platformer B-game, and gaf proceeds to shit on it.


It's a bad video game. Yes, it's quirky, yes it's colourful but it's also a brawler that has a single combo and level design so linear it puts FF XIII to shame. It's not a little B-Game, it was one of the most advertised launch games develoepd by Sony In-House.

It's not a misunderstand kid's game, it's a bad one. Not "Gaf" proceeds to shit on it, everyone does. Its Metacritic of 54 is entirely deserved. If the second game will be better: Great! But a bad game doesn't turn less bad because it's colorful and it's a platform exclusive launch game.

Trailer looked like it would be a re-release of an upgraded version of the main game because many of the levels and scenarios looked like they were copied exactly from the first game. Not a great sign.
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