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I'm starting to think that Microsoft has already done too much to "lose" the next generation of gaming


so a port, another port, and I really doubt GT7 will be available at launch. We might get a game from GG but they are supposedly working on horizon sequel, SMS released a game last year so shouldn't the next game not release until 2022 . I seriously doubt were getting anything from ND right after they have launched launched TLou2, we might see a trailer but will have to wait 2 more years for the game to come out.

Your list looks great for 2022 but how about at the launch day of the PS5.
I listed quite a few games for the launch window or my best guess, maybe not you cup of tea...but they do have a ton of games in the pipeline.

As far as the console wars, that crap is basically moot at this point, imo. Good luck taking dar hill.


Neo Member
On the backwards compatibility, I <3 backwards compatibility for at least two major reasons.

1. It allows me to play older games without having to have 5-10 consoles in my entertainment cabinet, flipping one off and another on, digging out the disc, etc. Like how recently I've started playing Fable 3, since in the past I only played 1 & 2, and without backwards compatibility, I'd need to dig out an old console, hook it all up, get a switch box for the TV since all 4 HDMI ports are full, etc... just to play ONE game. Which in this day and age, acting like there should be some huge barrier blocking the convenience of easily playing older games with modern tech is just ridiculous and silly in comparison to the tedious alternative which would routinely instead only keep and detour people from playing older games. (Also bizarre that we always seem to hear claims that supposedly "nobody wants it", yet they still obviously get enough demand to make it happen AND be profitable, because if not profitable they wouldn't keep doing it -- *basic economics of supply and demand*.)

2. When a console first releases and doesn't have many game options, it's nice to have an alternative option to having piles of indie games shoved down our wallets in being able to play older games either with download or with already owned disc.



The problem is that Halo Infinite will also be available on Xbox One consoles. I believe a lot of people will hold off purchasing a new Xbox because of Halo.
And Microsoft doesnt mind. they will even offer those players the series x version for free when they finally upgrade.
You see it as a problem. They don't.
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The Alien

Win the generation? Doubtful. I'm sure Sony will sell more consoles. Microsoft just wants to increase profitability.

Microsoft earns over $2B annually from gaming alone. Let that sink in. For as "shitty" as they are pervieved to have done....they are sickeningly profitable.

They will be fine next gen. They sscrewed up at launch and have been clawing their way back ever since. They are positioning themselves to have a great gen. New studios....new games...so far a good console.
They'll do good.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
And Microsoft doesnt mind. they will even offer those players the series x version for free when they finally upgrade.
You see it as a problem. They don't.

Who said it's a problem?

You're not getting it.

If the majority are buying Halo for Xbox One, then having a huge AAA title for the PlayStation 5 at launch is not a problem since these games are cross gen releases.


Win the generation? Doubtful. I'm sure Sony will sell more consoles. Microsoft just wants to increase profitability.

Microsoft earns over $2B annually from gaming alone. Let that sink in. For as "shitty" as they are pervieved to have done....they are sickeningly profitable.

They will be fine next gen. They sscrewed up at launch and have been clawing their way back ever since. They are positioning themselves to have a great gen. New studios....new games...so far a good console.
They'll do good.
Microsoft does not break down profit numbers for individual product lines, generally speaking... certainly not for gaming.


Neo Member
Who said it's a problem?

You're not getting it.

If the majority are buying Halo for Xbox One, then having a huge AAA title for the PlayStation 5 at launch is not a problem since these games are cross gen releases.
Uhh, unless I'm completely misunderstanding this, every console launch has had, and WILL have, cross gen releases on ALL consoles because the designers know full well that not everybody is going to buy new console at launch either due to cost or waiting for bugs to be worked out. o_O

EDIT: It's not like new console comes out and support for current console instantly ceases. :p
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Uhh, unless I'm completely misunderstanding this, every console launch has had, and WILL have, cross gen releases on ALL consoles because the designers know full well that not everybody is going to buy new console at launch either due to cost or waiting for bugs to be worked out. o_O

EDIT: It's not like new console comes out and support for current console instantly ceases. :p

Ryse, Killzone, Dead Rising 3 were not cross-gen titles on console.

They were a selling point for their respective consoles.

IF people wanted to play these games on console, they were required to purchase a next gen console. With Halo, you're not required to do that, which means it gives people less of a reason to jump to the new Xbox.

The Alien

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You said you're more worried about Sony for next generation. They have already made successful new IPs that will sell consoles.

We already know they're working on a TLOU multiplayer title and rumored Killzone muliplayer game.

The only releases day one for MS next gen is Halo and a possible Forza.

We don't know anything about what games will be released on the PS5 until around E3 or the beginning of 2020.

Based on what we know now, Sony has a more impressive lineup that will attract gamers based on how well their games old this generation.

Are you really trying to tell me that the multiplayer of a game that released earlier that year and a game that was pretty much disliked at the launch of the ps4 is what is going to hype folks enough to go and buy the PS5. That those two multiplayer portions/games will beat out halo and whatever first party games Microsoft might also throw out at the launch of the xbsex.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Are you really trying to tell me that the multiplayer of a game that released earlier that year and a game that was pretty much disliked at the launch of the ps4 is what is going to hype folks enough to go and buy the PS5. That those two multiplayer portions/games will beat out halo and whatever first party games Microsoft might also throw out at the launch of the xbsex.

Killzone: Shadow Fall sold 2.1 million in about two months and they could ONLY play it on the PlayStation 5.

Halo will no doubt sell well when it's released, but you can't ignore the fact that people will choose to just play the game on their base console or an newly purchased Xbox One during the 2020 Holiday season.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox one could be as low as $129.99 next year during the Holiday. Do you know many people are going to buy a PS4\Xbox One instead of upgrading?

TLOU, GoT, FF7 will likely sell well during the Holidays. Do you think they will not be bundled with the PS5, especially if they're enhanced?

You guys are shouting doom and gloom at what we know about Sony's lineup during the Holidays. Enhanced version of the games released next year, which are highly anticipated can still sell consoles along with the launch lineup.


Where is this idea Microsoft will have the more powerful console coming from? I don’t think Microsoft knows how to gauge the market and deliver games that appease its interests. The company lucked out when Sony botched last gen, releasing a system that was arguably more powerful than the 360, but saw the vision of its developers constrained by an esoteric architecture. Since then, Sony has killed it, learning from the abortive design of the PS3 and giving developers a friendly platform with which to create the best selling games of this generation. I don’t see that changing next year. If Sony can revamp PSNow, which the departure of Shawn Layden would suggest is in the cards, Microsoft doesn’t stand much of a chance to recover from its poor showing this gen. Get rid of the shovelware, welcome more quality 3rd party offerings, in addition to more of its inhouse releases, and PSNow will guarantee Sony repeats its phenomenal standing this gen.
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I’m just not that sold on having more subs. I don’t think game pass and I don’t think streaming is as big as people think or as game changing as people think.

It’s also not old enough to prove anything. Game pass may not be the same 5 years from now. First party stuff maybe but third party I can easily see pulling stuff off the service.

I think defining winning a generation is stupid anyway. I’m happy to get my PlayStation to play the games that matter the most to me. Xbox hasn’t shown me that with the Xbox one at all. I’m happy to be proven wrong but I don’t care about crackdown, halo or Forza.


Neo Member
Ryse, Killzone, Dead Rising 3 were not cross-gen titles on console.

They were a selling point for their respective consoles.

IF people wanted to play these games on console, they were required to purchase a next gen console. With Halo, you're not required to do that, which means it gives people less of a reason to jump to the new Xbox.
Never said any by name, but you originally implied that because XBox would have the one title of Halo as cross-gen, PS5 could nail a AAA without a problem.

When point remains, each console will have cross-gen games, it happens every generation for reasons I already stated. o_O

PS - There's more to XBox than just Halo... I prefer my XB1 and have yet to play a Halo title.
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Never said any by name, but you originally implied that because XBox would have the one title of Halo as cross-gen, PS5 could nail a AAA without a problem.

When point remains, each console will have cross-gen games, it happens every generation for reasons I already stated. o_O

PS - There's more to XBox than just Halo... I prefer my XB1 and have yet to play a Halo title.
Every console will have cross-gen games... Except, Microsoft would not have Violet exclusives. While Sony will have PS5 exclusives as a near certainty. That's the difference between doing "Xbox family" vs having a clean break between generations.

That's what it boils down to. That people who want Microsoft games have no serious incentive to upgrade in the near future because all the new games will still run on Xbox One. Sony will not offer that option for PS5 1st party titles.
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Neo Member
Every console will have cross-gen games... Except, Microsoft would not have Violet exclusives. While Sony will have PS5 exclusives as a near certainty. That's the difference between doing "Xbox family" vs having a clean break between generations.

That's what it boils down to. That people who want Microsoft games have no serious incentive to upgrade in the near future because all the new games will still run on Xbox One. Sony will not offer that option for PS5 1st party titles.
That'd be a first because they've done it before, and considering launch is a year away and I haven't seen any news of that... o_O

EDIT: Even just did a search on it, and everything that states as such is labeled as "rumor". -_-
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Never said any by name, but you originally implied that because XBox would have the one title of Halo as cross-gen, PS5 could nail a AAA without a problem.

When point remains, each console will have cross-gen games, it happens every generation for reasons I already stated. o_O

PS - There's more to XBox than just Halo... I prefer my XB1 and have yet to play a Halo title.

I never implied that. You guys just choose to interpret. It doesn't surprise me you liked his initial comment about Sony possibly being in trouble or have a problem next gen because of their lineup. Anyone can see that post was ridiculous.


Neo Member
I never implied that. You guys just choose to interpret. It doesn't surprise me you liked his initial comment about Sony possibly being in trouble or have a problem next gen because of their lineup. Anyone can see that post was ridiculous.
You talk about interpreting then go on to interpret why someone might like a post? o_O

My reasons for liking it is no secret, as I've stated several times this gen drove me to buy my first ever XBox and I'm still mind blown by how much more I like it.

I'm not going to take rumors "fake news" fed on a gaming forum of one console as gospel fact, while going along with shoehorning other unknown "facts" on rival console, when it's a year away, everything is speculation, and lots can change between now and then.

Because seriously, anybody that would be toxic enough to do that would have to be a real Grade-A king-size asshole. :messenger_beaming: *wink*

(And yes that completely applies to BOTH consoles, preachimg rumors and speculation as concrete facts.)

PS - And don't think I didn't notice you shifting goalposts. Pot calling kettle, come in kettle!
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
You talk about interpreting then go on to interpret why someone might like a post? o_O

My reasons for liking it is no secret, as I've stated several times this gen drove me to buy my first ever XBox and I'm still mind blown by how much more I like it.

I'm not going to take rumors "fake news" fed on a gaming forum of one console as gospel fact, while going along with shoehorning other unknown "facts" on rival console, when it's a year away, everything is speculation, and lots can change between now and then.

Because seriously, anybody that would be toxic enough to do that would have to be a real Grade-A king-size asshole. :messenger_beaming: *wink*

(And yes that completely applies to BOTH consoles, preachimg rumors and speculation as concrete facts.)

So an entire post talking about how Sony lineup next gen might be a problem? There was already a list of games posted to show how that's not the case. If a game is really successful this gen for Sony, then they're no dobut going to make another one.

But wait, you IGNORE that lineup and still continued to agree with him.

It's clear what you are doing and there's no reason to deny it.

Your personal taste doesn't matter because it still doesn't change the fact that Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man etc sold 10+ million copies and new one next gen would do very well for them.

It's easy to spot fanboys or those who just simply don't want to acknowledge facts.


All I know is that Phil made me buy an X-Box One X, despite the fact that Windows will now get every single Xbox exclusive. That's saying something.

Basically, it goes like this: Via an X-Box one, I can play every single first party MS game with 15 bucks a month, while in the PS ecosystem I have to buy what I want, but at regular sales which makes the purchase much more feasible. Both ecosystems have their ups and downs and both convinced me to invest in them.

It's all good. I don't need MS or Sony to 'win', but I do need them to stay on their toes and make sure they're at the top of their game in order to provide me with what I want: quality entertainment.
They have done at least that much, to ask myself the first time ever if next gen I will go for the Microsoft console instead of the Sony or Nintendo one.

I like Phil Spencers attitude, plus they have done some amazing aquisitions with Double Fine, Obsidian, Inxile and Ninja Theory.
If this pays off in the way I suppose it will, I will be much more inclined to give microsoft a try here.
I am more into those quirky games, and it seems MS is going to give me that.
It's not just the holidays, every single generation, the same people show up with the same FUD: "PlayStation has no games!"

Every. Single. Time.
Idk where they get the idea from anyways. The PS software lineup is precisely what keeps them selling console units. It just seems to go over some people's heads.


Ryse, Killzone, Dead Rising 3 were not cross-gen titles on console.

They were a selling point for their respective consoles.

IF people wanted to play these games on console, they were required to purchase a next gen console. With Halo, you're not required to do that, which means it gives people less of a reason to jump to the new Xbox.
Halo infinite will sell Xbox s, Xbox x, series X AND Xcloud subscriptions. MS doesn’t care where people play. You want Infinite at 4K/60 and the ability to stream it from your Xbox? You know what to buy.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Halo infinite will sell Xbox s, Xbox x, series X AND Xcloud subscriptions. MS doesn’t care where people play. You want Infinite at 4K/60 and the ability to stream it from your Xbox? You know what to buy.
And you're still not getting it. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


NaughtyDog Defense Force
How do you know mate? :)

Because you keep repeating what I've been saying.

I'll try to make this simple once again.

Read what he posted.

I'm honestly more worried about Sony for next gen. They really don't seem prepared for next gen in comparison to Microsoft. I'm mostly talking games when I talk being prepared for next gen. If Microsoft has forza, halo, and that hellblade at launch I can easily see them dominating the conversation at launch. Sony will probably not have a launch lineup anywhere near as strong as that.

He talks about Sony probably not having a launch lineup anywhere near strong as Microsoft's.

Hellblade is probably 2 years from being released.
The main Forza doesn't sell huge numbers.
That leaves Halo, which will be available on Xbox One consoles, too.

So, let's say a small portion buys Halo for Xbox Series X because the majority bought Halo for the Xbox One S\X.

If that's the case, how much will the lineup hurt Sony when launching next gen consoles?


Yet history has proven time and time again that backwards compat means jack shit for the majority of console users. Very few people play a game more than once. The people trampling each other in stores when PS4 came out (was it Germany? Can’t remember) are proof enough that having the latest shining hardware to boast and having the system your friends will play on is more important than any specific game. People who could afford the new toy ditched their PS3s soooooo fast when PS4 came out.

I believe a poll about how many people play a game more than once (if they ever finish it, that is) and how many people keep a digital game on their console’s HDD after being done with it would quickly reveal just how much backwards compat really means in the grand scheme of things. I doubt people are gonna rush to buy a PS5 to replay Uncharted 4. True, whoever missed a PS4 until now could theoretically get a PS5 and a bunch of used PS4 games for peanuts... but those are usually the people who’ll buy the previous-gen console for peanuts, too.

Me, though? Gimme dat backwards compat any day, and MS already have more games than I could ever play, spanning three generations.

The thing is, at this point consoles are all about ecosystems and it’s extremely unlikely a lot of people would jump ship just for a game or two because the most important thing is what your friends play on and what you’ve been more invested with in the 7th and 8th gen. FIFA is on everything (well, Switch is kind of an exception there, LOL) so most of it boils down to what most people have been playing FIFA on so far.
Yeah it was Germany . Mediamarkt stores.
The dumbness is strong in Germanistan.


Gold Member
We've talked a lot about the first-party game catalog issue, but another area where Sony is well-positioned is in the hardware differential. I'm not talking about PS5 vs. XSX, but rather about the difference between upgrading from X to XSX vs. upgrading from Pro to PS5.

The leap from PS4 Pro to PS5 will be significantly greater than the leap from Xbox X to XSX. MS positioned and marketed the X as "the most powerful console in the world," charged a premium for it, and it worked. Meanwhile, the Pro was the weaker system by a substantial margin, and everyone knows it.

What you get then, going into next gen, are PS Pro owners with a weaker system, hungry for a power upgrade. They've also had to wait a year longer (since Pro came out a year earlier). Compare that to Xbox fans, who've relatively recently been graced with the X, are pretty satisfied with its power, and who are, therefore, less motivated to spend the money for an upgrade.

Of course, there will be plenty of hardcore Xbox gamers who will spend the money regardless, but the motivation for PS Pro owners to upgrade is stronger. So you'll see more PS Pro owners getting PS5s than Xbox X owners getting XSXs.

That's the way I see it shaking out, anyhow. Seems logical. MS benefited from the greater power of the X this gen, but it's going to dampen console sales next gen, because of the greater leap from Pro to PS5.
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
We've talked a lot about the first-party game catalog issue, but another area where Sony is well-positioned is in the hardware differential. I'm not talking about PS5 vs. XSX, but rather about the difference between upgrading from X to XSX vs. upgrading from Pro to PS5.

The leap from PS4 Pro to PS5 will be significantly greater than the leap from Xbox X to XSX. MS positioned and marketed the X as "the most powerful console in the world," charged a premium for it, and it worked. Meanwhile, the Pro was the weaker system by a substantial margin, and everyone knows it.

What you get then, going into next gen, are PS Pro owners with a weaker system, hungry for a power upgrade. They've also had to wait a year longer (since Pro came out a year earlier). Compare that to Xbox fans, who've relatively recently been graced with the X, are pretty satisfied with its power, and who are, therefore, less motivated to spend the money for an upgrade.

Of course, there will be plenty of hardcore Xbox gamers who will spend the money regardless, but the motivation for PS Pro owners to upgrade is stronger. So you'll see more PS Pro owners getting PS5s than Xbox X owners getting XSXs.

That's the way I see it shaking out, anyhow. Seems logical. MS benefited from the greater power of the X this gen, but it's going to dampen console sales next gen, because of the greater leap from Pro to PS5.

I think you make a good point here. the new gen will be a much bigger leap for the PS5, finally offering native 4K/60fps, HDR etc. -- no more checkerboard in the majority of games. If Infinite wasn't a launch title it's possible I'd just stick with my 1X for a while. It will probably be okay on the X, but for Halo I want all the powah,

OTOH I think most 1X owners are the type who tend to jump on the latest, greatest and most powerful right away.


Because you keep repeating what I've been saying.

I'll try to make this simple once again.

Read what he posted.

He talks about Sony probably not having a launch lineup anywhere near strong as Microsoft's.

Hellblade is probably 2 years from being released.
The main Forza doesn't sell huge numbers.
That leaves Halo, which will be available on Xbox One consoles, too.

So, let's say a small portion buys Halo for Xbox Series X because the majority bought Halo for the Xbox One S\X.

If that's the case, how much will the lineup hurt Sony when launching next gen consoles?
People who want a next gen console and look for a heavy hitter on launch day will have Halo Infinite tilting them towards Xbox. Also it’s not like both consoles are releasing on the same day and people are only allowed to pick one. Hardcore gamers will have a good reason to pick either of them or both. May be a greater reason to pick the Series X if they can only afford one at launch, because of Infinite (they’re hardcore gamers, so they are likely to trade in their X for a Series X the same way they got a X when they could have sticked with the fully compatible S).
I hope that clarifies it.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
For the last three gens they have started the generation with a left foot..And they're still here.

For the most part they were able to turn it around somewhat. Frankly, I don't care as long as the product is good.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
People who want a next gen console and look for a heavy hitter on launch day will have Halo Infinite tilting them towards Xbox. Also it’s not like both consoles are releasing on the same day and people are only allowed to pick one. Hardcore gamers will have a good reason to pick either of them or both. May be a greater reason to pick the Series X if they can only afford one at launch, because of Infinite (they’re hardcore gamers, so they are likely to trade in their X for a Series X the same way they got a X when they could have sticked with the fully compatible S).
I hope that clarifies it.
And still, if it doesn't do huge numbers for the new Xbox, then that means it didn't make a big of an impact to to Sony has he was trying to say, neither did they have to worry about it.


The problem is that Halo Infinite will also be available on Xbox One consoles. I believe a lot of people will hold off purchasing a new Xbox because of Halo.

same has been said a lot of times in the past, but this is bullshit. just look at the switch for example, zelda botw sold much much more units on switch compared to wii u


For the last three gens they have started the generation with a left foot..And they're still here.

For the most part they were able to turn it around somewhat. Frankly, I don't care as long as the product is good.
How’d they start last gen with a left foot? Microsoft’s second console hit the ground running and was easily the favorite among gamers, thanks to the botched design of the PS3 and how that made 3rd party efforts on it inferior to their counterparts on the 360.

That said, I think Microsoft has squandered the goodwill they shored up last gen, releasing an underpowered Xbox One and failing to match the output of Sony’s design houses. Might be wrong, but I suspect next gen will be their last. Gamepass isn’t enough and people are greatly overestimating the appeal of Halo at this stage.
I think the one who has more mind share wins. The wii u had a lot of good games same with game cube and n64 but nobody cared because of how everyone viewed it. Nintendo now has the worst performing system that plays the worst version of games and people love it because nintendo is everyone baby. people love them. 360 had most of the mind share last gen. Sony probably got more at the end and as this gen started but all last gen 360 was in all the gameplay videos. had all the sponssers was default for everything. This gen it was sony because they are viewed as the best. I think microsoft is making the right moves to do well next gen. They wont sell more consoles but will have more people playing xbox though x cloud and pc. They already have been makeing great moves. Everyone is talking about series x and they will be for a while. If they are more powerful next gen than ps5 even just a little they will run with that and it will help them but the number one thing thats going to to help them is the same thing that helped them on the OG xbox. Awesome games. If they come out next gen with some bangers mood will shift. However iv always had the belief that a great game from microsoft wont be recognized as well as one from sony. Gears 5 and Quantum break were examples of this( my opinion) Pardon my spelling. Doing this from my phone


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
How’d they start last gen with a left foot? Microsoft’s second console hit the ground running and was easily the favorite among gamers, thanks to the botched design of the PS3 and how that made 3rd party efforts on it inferior to their counterparts on the 360.
I was here the whole time, so I remember. You're talking strictly about the 360 right? It didn't go so well at the beginning. There were many problems. Not only with the hardware, but also in terms of marketing and manufacturing. That first E3 was awful, remember that "wall guy" meme? I do, I was there. They turned it around by the second year and it only went up from there. Every single time there have been problems in the beginning.

In 2005, people were gushing over the PS3 because of their fake demos.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
same has been said a lot of times in the past, but this is bullshit. just look at the switch for example, zelda botw sold much much more units on switch compared to wii u


Look at all the multi-platform titles and see that they sold better on last gen consoles compared to current gen consoles.

Zelda: BotW sold just over 900k with a very high attach rate on the Switch (which released in March) and sold around 400k on the WiiU.

Here is what you're saying:

You expect Microsoft to sell around 4 million Xbox Series X units and have a very high attach rate for Halo Infinite for the Xbox Series X just like Zelda (Ha!) and push massive numbers.

What I'm saying is not bullshit.


Neo Member

Look at all the multi-platform titles and see that they sold better on last gen consoles compared to current gen consoles.

Zelda: BotW sold just over 900k with a very high attach rate on the Switch (which released in March) and sold around 400k on the WiiU.

Here is what you're saying:

You expect Microsoft to sell around 4 million Xbox Series X units and have a very high attach rate for Halo Infinite for the Xbox Series X just like Zelda (Ha!) and push massive numbers.

What I'm saying is not bullshit.
Goalposts shift yet again. Quit pretending thath mathematical numbers hide the fact that you're wrong.

- You imply cross-gen Halo will cause lesser sales of new console. (Even though more to XB than Halo.)

- You're then given example with BoTW.

-Then even after supplying you're own proof that debunks what you've been claiming, you still declare it false trying to pretend it has to be exact ratio and you already know exact sales numbers for 1+ years from now.


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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Goalposts shift yet again. Quit pretending thath mathematical numbers hide the fact that you're wrong.

- You imply cross-gen Halo will cause lesser sales of new console. (Even though more to XB than Halo.)
Seems like you just upset.

I said that it COULD, I never said that it will. I also clearly said that it will not have an impact as some may think BECAUSE it's a cross-gen title.

If you want to criticize anyone, at least take a minute to comprehend what people are posting.

Secondly, you don't know much it will sell for the next generation and it's possible that the majority of the sales will be on Xbox One.

Since you don't know these things, don't pretend like you do, because you don't.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
- You're then given example with BoTW.

-Then even after supplying you're own proof that debunks what you've been claiming, you still declare it false trying to pretend it has to be exact ratio and you already know exact sales numbers for 1+ years from now.



He gave one example of BotW, a console that has generally very high attach rate for their exclusives, unlike PS and Xbox.

I gave several examples which are shown on the list, but considering you're fanboying, you ignore it.

I post arguing using evidence.

You're a fanboy choosing to overlook it.
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Neo Member
BTW, meh, sorry for typos in last post -- browser glitched and posted early, so was racing the 5 minute edit clock.

Anywho, to elaborate, claim was only that new XBox would sell less supposedly because Halo is cross-gen. (Even though there are still several that buy XBox for reasons besides Halo.)

Since there's ZERO way to know any sales number comparisons between Sony and MS a year+ from now, all that should be needed is an example of a first-party title that sold more on new system than old (which there are actually quite a few).

Then, with one provided in BoTW, the sales differences between systems get boiled into a ratio and then somehow projected into an arbitrary number like 4 million, which again, no way of knowing Sony's sales numbers for 1+ year from now to compete against, and is that 4 million supposed to be first day? Week? Month?

Totally zero logic to their argument and debate. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

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NaughtyDog Defense Force
BTW, meh, sorry for typos in last post -- browser glitched and posted early, so was racing the 5 minute edit clock.

Anywho, to elaborate, claim was only that new XBox would sell less supposedly because Halo is cross-gen. (Even though there are still several that buy XBox for reasons besides Halo.)

Since there's ZERO way to know any sales number comparisons between Sony and MS a year+ from now, all that should be needed is an example of a first-party title that sold more on new system than old (which there are actually quite a few).

Then, with one provided in BoTW, the sales differences between systems get boiled into a ratio and then somehow projected into an arbitrary number like 4 million, which again, no way of knowing Sony's sales numbers for 1+ year from now to compete against, and is that 4 million supposed to be first day? Week? Month?

Totally zero logic to their argument and debate. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

You're clearly a fanboy who hates facts.

There will likely be Halo Infinite bundles for Xbox One S and Xbox One X.

That means people will buy Halo and choose not to upgrade to a next generation consoles.

November 2013 NPD

1. Playstation 4
2. Xbox One: 909, 132
3. 3DS (Estimate): 770k
4. Xbox 360: 647k

More than half bought bought a 360 in the US.

Think many people are not going to sick with current gen consoles to play Halo? People are STILL going to buy Xbox One during the Holiday and choose to wait.

Just give up. lol

Don't get upset because you hate facts.


You're clearly a fanboy who hates facts.

There will likely be Halo Infinite bundles for Xbox One S and Xbox One X.

That means people will buy Halo and choose not to upgrade to a next generation consoles.

November 2013 NPD

1. Playstation 4
2. Xbox One: 909, 132
3. 3DS (Estimate): 770k
4. Xbox 360: 647k

More than half bought bought a 360 in the US.

Think many people are not going to sick with current gen consoles to play Halo? People are STILL going to buy Xbox One during the Holiday and choose to wait.

Just give up. lol

Don't get upset because you hate facts.

DForce, it seems to matter more to you than to Microsoft whether people upgrade to the Series X play Halo. MS wants people to play Halo Infinite. MS wants people to have a wide choice of where to play it.
MS will release it on PC day one. MS believes that as games become more demanding and more features become absent from the lower end consoles, people will upgrade to Series X. Ms believes that many may actually become happy enough with Xcloud to just ditch consoles. If selling Series X was their paramount goal, they would clearly not allow that. You're thinking within Sony's paradigm.
Why deploy so much energy to prove that something that MS is clearly not pursuing as a goal will or may not happen?
Phil has said many times: "I don't make money based on how many boxes I sell". If you don't believe people who tell you they don't care about selling more Series X's than Sony PS5s, believe Phil Spencer. And if you don't, believe that the game will be out on Game Pass PC on day one. You can trust the words, the facts or... bias.
The whole point of this OP was to discuss how they seem to have managed to create a business model that doesn't rely primarily on console sales and still establish themselves as a dominant player in the industry if not the most dominant. And you have to think beyond new console sales to realize that.


Gold Member
I think you make a good point here. the new gen will be a much bigger leap for the PS5, finally offering native 4K/60fps, HDR etc. -- no more checkerboard in the majority of games. If Infinite wasn't a launch title it's possible I'd just stick with my 1X for a while. It will probably be okay on the X, but for Halo I want all the powah,

OTOH I think most 1X owners are the type who tend to jump on the latest, greatest and most powerful right away.

Good point. So that would cause them to upgrade to the XSX. However, many of the people who bought the X were not necessarily hardcore Xbox fans. Some were PS4 Pro owners and PS-leaning gamers who bought an X because they fit your description. When next gen comes, ASSUMING there isn't a big difference in power between the two consoles (like we have now), I'd expect a lot of those people to choose PS5 rather than XSX.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Force, it seems to matter more to you than to Microsoft whether people upgrade to the Series X play Halo. MS wants people to play Halo Infinite. MS wants people to have a wide choice of where to play it.
AGAIN, you're still not getting the point.

I'm literally shaking my head.

I have to explain it 30 different ways for several people to understand.

For whatever reason, you guys are struggling to comprehend such a simple subject.
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AGAIN, you're still not getting the point.

I'm literally shaking my head.

I have to explain it 30 different ways for several people to understand.

For whatever reason, you guys are struggling to comprehend such a simple subject.
Or maybe it’s everyone else who comprehends the subject :)


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Or maybe it’s everyone else who comprehends the subject :)

No, you guys are just getting offended because I'm talking about Xbox.

I'll try again to make this VERY SIMPLE.

Halo will sell.

There's no denying that.

IF (Key Word: "IF" ) Halo has a little impact on sales for the NEW XBOX (next gen Xbox) because the majority decided to buy the game for the Xbox One, then that means Sony NOT having a big triple A launch title to sell people on the new PlayStation to compete with MS becomes less significant.

Again, pay attention to this point.

He said Sony is in trouble because they will NOT have a title as big as Halo to sell consumers on the next generation hardware.

I specifically pointed out that Sony probably doesn't need to have a title just as big to launch alongside the PlayStation 5 because its possible that a small portion of those Halo sales will be for the Xbox Series X.

If this happens, that means Sony NOT having a big title to compete against Halo to sell people on the next generation PlayStation hardware becomes LESS significant.

I used charts from November and December NPD to show that the majority of cross gen titles were made on last gen hardware and not the PS4\Xbox One and it's not out of the realm of possiblity (it's a likely scenario) that the majrotiy of sales will be for the XboX one, debunking his POINT.

If you don't understand this, then yes, you do have reading problems.
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