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IndieGamerChick: NX more powerful than PS4/XB1, easy to develop for [rumor]

I doubt it, and the way she uses language is obviously biased. "Best tools ever" lol. I think it's just a fanboy's wet dream.

I don't know, I imagine the current consoles on the market are the easiest to develop for already and I think it will just get easier. If the tools are that good it seems like it would mostly be a product of being the latest thing out.

There's lots of things available to streamline development and make development accessible these days, and that's not exclusive to this rumor.
I'm not believing anything about NX until Nintendo themselves announces it.

Okay first the Xbox One and PS4 are a couple years old. Second, NX is competing with Xbox One and PS4. It's incredibly risky to try and create a console that is next gen like more powerful than those two.

Also, it's possible that this gen could last 4 or 5 more years. That wouldn't hurt Nintendo.

As for Nintendo fans neglecting 3rd party offerings...I mean it's such a poor argument considering 3rd party offerings for Wii U were largely crap ports. I mean didn't a couple ports not have features that were in the PS360 versions?

Most of the ports on the Wii U were competent if my memory serves me correctly and if the Wii U was the only option you had, most of those games were definitely acceptable. Imo, there was just no interest in the third party offerings in the first place and the lackluster third party games sales constantly prove that. If third party games sold well on the PS3 despite the X360 versions being superior 75% of the times, I do not see why gamers ignored them on the Wii U. Sadly, I think the same thing will happen with the NX. Nintendo gamers mostly purchase Nintendo consoles for first party games and the occasional exclusive.

Also, I an thinking that the NX will not be as powerful as the PS4 and almost on par with the XBox One. Comparable? Maybe? Just as powerful? Nah.
I'm pretty confident I won't be. You're daydreaming if you think Nintendo is going that high spec. And for what reason would they do that? You honestly think they're gonna waltz in during the middle of the generation and expect core gamers to jump ship to the NX? These people aren't interested in Nintendo and Nintendo isn't interested in them. They wanna fish in that big blue ocean again like they did with the Wii and the DS. You just need acceptable performance for that, anything more is a waste time and money.

I agree.

I think cost is also a primary concern. Getting a cheaper machine out there pays dividends later.

Dropping the 3DS price made the sales shoot up IIRC, and the PS4 price being "not 599" definitely helped.


I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!
Yes I cannot think of a more authentic source in the world than IndieGamerChick. I believe this 200%


If so true, may I just say GOOD BYE to the NX.
PS 4.5 is going to happen. !!
lmao.. You're delusional if you think developers and Sony themselves will completely ignore the 35+ million install base of vanilla PS4 (aka NX direct competition) get real.


The tech in them is older than the consoles themselves. The GPU's are first gen GCN cores which launched commercially in 2011, and the CPU uses AMD Jaguar cores which first came to be around 2013. So the parts range from 3 years to 5 years old--several is the correct term.
Do you think the tech in NX will materialize from thin air on the launch day? lol
The downside of these optimistic claims is that even with skepticism, I'm going to be disappointed when the reality isn't anywhere near as cheery.

It starts with the idea that Nintendo can manufacture a system more powerful than the not-THAT-old PS4/Xbone at an affordable price without the mighty engineering heft of either Sony or Microsoft.

The rest sound like rumors anyone could make up that could be vaguely true.


Like I said in another thread, if it's on par with PS4/Xbone, then clearly the third parties will target PS4.5/Xbox1.5 and point out the NX is still way too weak.

I can see that happening, poor Nintendo finally catching up to Sony and Microsoft in the specs department only to be spotted in the rear view mirror by Sony and Microsoft who then proceed to hit the nitrous.


I'm pretty confident I won't be. You're daydreaming if you think Nintendo is going that high spec. And for what reason would they do that? You honestly think they're gonna waltz in during the middle of the generation and expect core gamers to jump ship to the NX? These people aren't interested in Nintendo and Nintendo isn't interested in them. They wanna fish in that big blue ocean again like they did with the Wii and the DS. You just need acceptable performance for that, anything more is a waste of time and money.
I'm pretty confident Nintendo wants and needs third party support since they learned they can't support their consoles on their own. To do that, they need to at least match the current consoles in specs and support current engines. They've already got Unity and Unreal 4, and are part of the Vulkan initiative. There's still plenty of gamers who haven't upgraded yet, or want a Nintendo console, or are fine owning multiple consoles.

You need to think of the long game here. Nintendo isn't going to win this gen with the NX launching three years later but it will build a foundation. It'll me the first to have online on par with the others, cloud based accounts and gaming, an achievement system, free online, and a message to consumers that can get the latest games on our platforms now. The message might take awhile to kick in, and Nintendo might not reap the benefits until NX2, but you gotta start somewhere.

The NX is going to be at minimum, XB1 levels of power, which should be cheap to make since its 2011 tech and if costs about $350 to make a profit from, while not being tied to TV features and Kinect.
Id be happy to play wiimote nunchuk for fps / 3rd person games forever.

Anyway, this sounds relatively exactly the same as the Wii U to thr PS3 / 360


Most of the ports on the Wii U were competent if my memory serves me correctly and if the Wii U was the only option you had, most of those games were definitely acceptable. Imo, there was just no interest in the third party offerings in the first place and the lackluster third party games sales constantly prove that. If third party games sold well on the PS3 despite the X360 versions being superior 75% of the times, I do not see why gamers ignored them on the Wii U. Sadly, I think the same thing will happen with the NX. Nintendo gamers mostly purchase Nintendo consoles for first party games and the occasional exclusive.

Because Wii U was "next-gen" and got the ports much later for obvious reasons. A lot of Wii owners had a 360 and a PS3. That's where the best version was. And if they had a Wii U...they'd still get the best version of the game and that was on 360 and PS3.. So whether or not the games were "competent" means nothing if gamers had access to a better version elsewhere. It's why I along with many Wii owners got the COD games on 360 or PS3(outside of the friend factor).

I'm not denying poor 3rd party support won't happen with NX. I'd be stupid to think otherwise. I'm just saying that the 3rd party port argument is weak imo.
If you make that addition to years to the PS4 tech, then the same will apply to the NX. Now what is the difference in years?

3 years.

What addition in years? The original statement was that the tech in the PS4 at this point was "several" years old, which is technically correct. The GPU used in the PS4 is a modified HD7850, and that was a cut down HD7970, which launched in 2011. At this point that hardware is now 5 years old (technically 4.33 years but that's still more than 3 which constitutes a "few"). If NX launches this fall and is only on par with the PS4, it will be on par with technology that is several years old. I didn't add anything. If we're going to compare CPU's then it would be less, but if you wanted to get really specific Jaguar was a revision of Bobcat which launched in 2011 as well, but the 28nm variaition was Jaguar which appears in the PS4/Xbox One, and that launched in 2013 after being showcased in 2012.

Regardless of the semantics if NX comes out in Fall 2016 and is on par for the PS4 in terms of power, it's going to playing catch-up just like the Wii U did.

Do you think the tech in NX will materialize from thin air on the launch day? lol

Is it somehow better to imagine Nintendo is going to dip into older hardware for their Next Gen system to take on the PS4/Xbox One? The PS4 launched with a relatively new CPU as I said above--granted a really weak new CPU--and the GPU was only at most a generation behind, but at this point that same hardware is a few generations behind.


to be fair the first thing we heard (correct me if I am wrong) was leading industry chips and high end pcs needed to run the demo and this was not a rumor (as far as I know) the journalist got the info from devs working with the dev kits.
Yes that was legit info. But what that info meant was likely the NX SDK was running a AAA third party game in an unoptimized state where brute forcing with high powered chips was necessary to get it to run at an acceptable level.

Industry leading could be best mobile chips, laptop chips, or newest apu from AMD. Perhaps a customized Puma, which is a second generation jaguar, which PS4 and XB1 use.
Do you think the tech in NX will materialize from thin air on the launch day? lol
Yup. Fresh from the factory. 2016 GPU's and CPU's are gonna make their debut on the NX lol.


I can see that happening, poor Nintendo finally catching up to Sony and Microsoft in the specs department only to be spotted in the rear view mirror by Sony and Microsoft who then proceed to hit the nitrous.

So you expect 3rd party developers to neglect the PS4 and Xbox One in favor of PS4K and XB1.5? That's terrible business sense lol.


What addition in years? The original statement was that the tech in the PS4 at this point was "several" years old, which is technically correct. The GPU used in the PS4 is a modified HD7850, and that was a cut down HD7970, which launched in 2011. At this point that hardware is now 5 years old (technically 4.33 years but that's still more than 3 which constitutes a "few"). If NX launches this fall and is only on par with the PS4, it will be on par with technology that is several years old. I didn't add anything. If we're going to compare CPU's then it would be less, but if you wanted to get really specific Jaguar was a revision of Bobcat which launched in 2011 as well, but the 28nm variaition was Jaguar which appears in the PS4/Xbox One, and that launched in 2013 after being showcased in 2012.

Regardless of the semantics if NX comes out in Fall 2016 and is on par for the PS4 in terms of power, it's going to playing catch-up just like the Wii U did.

Negative. The original statement was that the PS4 and Xbox One are several years old. You are assuming he meant the tech inside when it should be assumed he meant the systems themselves.


Doesn't seem unreasonable, in fact it's very likely little more than an educated guess. Let's say they want to release a console between late 2016 and late 2017 within a typical price range ($250-$400). We're pretty sure they're going AMD so what chips does that leave? Probably something very similar to XB1 and PS4 (which both use basically the same chips) maybe a little bit newer gen as tech has progressed a bit in the last 2 years. So that's about where we'd guess it to be unless they had a concept so huge they pulled a Wii and either went really low on price or bundled it with a very expensive peripheral. In any case I'm not sure it matters that much as the highlight is likely not going to be on that.
Negative. The original statement was that the PS4 and Xbox One are several years old. You are assuming he meant the tech inside when it should be assumed he meant the systems themselves.

Mixed up 2 posts, these things happen. Apparently it was much easier to get hostile for some people than simply point that out.


This is sort of like the mass effect devs telling ppl "our game looks amazing"

Don't mean shit till we see the game for ourselves/we find out what the actual hardware specs are.

Kid Ying

Don't care about third party support. I just want a good console with good nintendo games. I hope this time nintendo can actually manage two platforms.


Sorry but at this point and after last weeks epic fake leaks I'm simply not going to believe absolutely nothing from this point forward about NX rumors until the stupid device is revealed. People everywhere just trying to play with our feelings I can't :(
I can't really fathom why people would think the PS4.5 and a supposed Xbone 1.5 would be anything else than upgrades in resolution and frame-rate. We're not going to be seeing exclusives on either of those, lest they piss off existing owners of the original systems.

As for the NX rumors, to be fair, what she's saying so far is fairly consistent with what we've heard out of the most credible rumors. That being said, I imagine Nintendo is playing more of a long game with the NX, with the console likely going to get a second iteration when the PS5 and Xbox4 come out, with a selling point that the NX2 will play the same games from the NX1 ala iOS.
I was expecting similar/slightly better specs than the PS4/Xbone, I really don't think that's surprising info.

My real question is how it compares to the PS4K.


If NX is not more powerfull than PS4 Xbone , is done. 1080p 60 fps is what I hope it will deliver and more.

I feel like this is what Xbox One owners hope for too.

Okay that was cheap lol. But yes I want this as well. I dont need games to look fantastic. I want them to play and function fantastically. Games can look beautiful all they want, if they are buggy then what the hell is the point. If I want to look at something beautiful, I'll go to an art museum lol. All that stuff is just an addition to me, not the main thing.
It's nice to hear that it's probably going to be powerful, but hopefully it something else going for it. I really don't want Nintendo to push Mario and Zelda almost exclusively, or rely on Wii U ports.

And I hope the rumors about the controller being shaped traditionally w/ a screen surface and clear physical buttons embedded into the screen display are true, because that really would open up for a lot of great game play ideas while still providing an ergonomic solution third parties are comfortable with.


i would be shocked if it was at ps4 level to be honest. Given it would have to be at 16nm or less not to be a huge box.

Seeing that amd hasnt even launch sub 28nm gpu yet just seem very unlikely.


Wow.. I can't remember the last time I owned a Nintendo... I think it was N64... That changes pretty soon..

I honestly am finding it hard to picture what Nintendo games will look like with all that added power.. Zeldasouls plz?


Gotta love it when people state the obvious but doesn't want to spill the beans yet still wants attention. Of course NX will be more powerful than xbone and ps4. My guess is that the gpu will be on par or even better than an equivalent of a 670 gtx.
I really don't like the PS4 and X1 rumors are being brought up...

Can we just talk about the NX rumor only?

Anyways there's NX rumors everyday. This is more of a rumor with what everybody would want. I hope we don't have to wait until April 27th to hear something.
Doesn't seem unreasonable, in fact it's very likely little more than an educated guess. Let's say they want to release a console between late 2016 and late 2017 within a typical price range ($250-$400). We're pretty sure they're going AMD so what chips does that leave? Probably something very similar to XB1 and PS4 (which both use basically the same chips) maybe a little bit newer gen as tech has progressed a bit in the last 2 years.

A 4-core AMD R-Series (Merlin Falcon) APU that packages in a downclocked and customized R7 265 and uses GDDR5 RAM for the whole thing would probably fit the power envelope and and beat out the PS4 while be marketable at $299 at launch. You have 4 Cores rather than 8, but the cores would be much more powerful (Excavator rather than Jaguar cores) and make games a lot easier to develop, and if you could get the GPU beefed up much how the PS4 used a customized 7850 you would probably see gains across the board. All of that is tech developed and released within the last year and a half--so 2 years old at most when it launches. Until AMD starts releasing Zen there's not much on the CPU front, and that's where current consoles struggle.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Assuming this is true, for me, the news is both negative and positive.

Why it's positive: as someone who was still suffering shell shock from Nintendo's decision back in 2006 to make the Wii basically a souped up gamecube, it's very comforting to hear that Nintendo is still pursuing generational upgrades on hardware.

Why it's negative: If we're talking about Wii U > PS3 level power increase, then I really don't see the point. The PS4 is a little under 3 years old, and its successor will arrive shortly after. Nintendo will be immensely lucky if they get any multiplat titles, but I figure even under a best case scenario, developer support will dry up shortly after as they move on to the PS5/Xboxwhatever.
With how Nintendo delayed everything due to the difficulty of HD development, and given how a lot of their Wii U titles are low-effort games, the sound of Nintendo trying to scale up their ambition without retooling or heavy recruitment doesn't sit well in my stomach.


If there's some sort of Gamepad involved in the NX I would hope all current gen games port over so I can play on my bed

🙇🙇🙇 Please 3rd party devs
I highly doubt the NX will be as powerful as either Ps4 or Xbone on the sole fact that Japan seems to be moving away from consoles as the sales figures for both hardware and software are decreasing year on year. Japan's main interest seems to be mobile now so the chances that Nintendo would release a console seems pretty far fetched and an extra expensive one even more so.

It will be a hybrid console/portable and not very powerful but much better than any current handheld.

Also I agree that this article seems to have been written by a fangirl of sorts.

Astral Dog

Sorry but at this point and after last weeks epic fake leaks I'm simply not going to believe absolutely nothing from this point forward about NX rumors until the stupid device is revealed. People everywhere just trying to play with our feelings I can't :(

im just going to assume its going to be significantly more powerful than Wii U and 3DS


If you removed "NX" from those tweets, everything she says was also said about the WiiU before it's reveal. Literally we had rumors and tweets saying it was very powerful, easy to develop for, good for indies, etc.


I mean...would it really be LESS powerful? These systems are already weak af, having it equal is pretty sad but expected I suppose. Would be like if the Wii U was significantly worse than the 360/ps3.


I really don't like the PS4 and X1 rumors are being brought up...

Can we just talk about the NX rumor only?

Anyways there's NX rumors everyday. This is more of a rumor with what everybody would want. I hope we don't have to wait until April 27th to hear something.
You won't if the Reddit leaker is right. Apparently they'll announce an event for late April and it'll be after star fox launches, so post April 22nd.
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