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Kimishima: "NX is neither the successor to the Wii U nor to the 3DS."


These two quotes on NX later were more interesting:

Kimishima said:
It’s something very new. The hardware, the software lineup, all of it is something I’d like to play for the first time myself.

Kimishima said:
When people finish the launch titles, they will want things to buy in spring, on summer break, at Christmas. As such, it’s not simply a question of when the hardware’s ready; rather, we need to ensure our software lineup is also in a good place.


I'm gonna laugh if the NX ends up being a streaming service and the NX hardware is just a simple Nintendo version Fire stick.


They are gonna drag this fucking reveal out for months arent they?

I think the quote above indicates that we only will hear more about it when the hype for Pokemon's launch is going strong, since then they believe it won't hurt the 3ds much.

Honestly, I'm really tired of hearing this shit just reveal some info on the thing already. It is well past 'hype' building, now it's just annoying.
You need to have two standing pillars before you can claim you have a third. By the looks of it Nintendo has one standing but it's rusty, old, and looks it could crumble any minute and the ruins of the would-be second one with nothing but rubble on the floor.


Another console with a "standard" controller like the PS4 and XBO would be redundant and boring...

Not if the 1st party games were good. I'm done with extra plastic accessories and fisher price controllers. If they keep reinventing the wheel every damn time they aren't going to be able to bring their historical titles forward for new audiences to experience which thins out their library offering.
I think you're underestimating the Xbox brand. Besides, I think Nintendo is going to need a lot more than just a standard controller to push itself into a comfortable position. Show us the games.
The Xbox brand is on PC! But I agree, they'd definitely need a strong first party lineup.


Not if the 1st party games were good. I'm done with extra plastic accessories and fisher price controllers. If they keep reinventing the wheel every damn time they aren't going to be able to bring their historical titles forward for new audiences to experience which thins out their library offering.

okay but reinventing the wheel with the ds and wii is what allowed them to bring their historical titles forward for new audiences.


okay but reinventing the wheel with the ds and wii is what allowed them to bring their historical titles forward for new audiences.

Yeah but those historical titles didn't require additional accessories or input methods. Thats my problem with it and only recently has it really dawned on me that the blue ocean strategy is great for short term benefit but horrible in the long term.

Its probably because I'm getting older and my optimism and enthusiam for Nintendo is starting to hit all time lows but when I think of games from the Wii/ds and Wii U/3ds and 10 years from now, how can new gamers experience and continued gamers re-experience them without the correct control methods? Nintendo going to support 5 different control methods and technologies with each new generation. I just don't see it sustainable anymore.


IT's Japan. Language/customs/culture don't translate 100% over to US so you gotta realize that when you parse the CEO's words.

He's just saying it isn't a straight up sequel. They are making another movie but it isn't Wii U 2.0.



IT's Japan. Language/customs/culture don't translate 100% over to US so you gotta realize that when you parse the CEO's words.

He's just saying it isn't a straight up sequel. They are making another movie but it isn't Wii U 2.0.
I don't need to be a Japanese culture expert to know that this is a whole load of nothing.
I mean I'm not gonna blame Kimishima for trying to keep interest in the NX right as E3 is around the corner (considering they're really not attending E3 in any significant capacity), but at the same time I'm kinda done listening to all the elbow nudging and the winking with no real info.


They said the same thing about the DS when it came out like Gameboy would continue.

Then it clearly replaced the Gameboy.


An interesting piece of info from GoNintendo:

- Kimishima doesn't imagine the NX will negatively impact 3DS sales due to Pokemon on the way...
- sales numbers for the NX are still tentative
- Kimishima also has high hopes for its smartphone games, which should help compensate for the drop in Wii U revenue


So, it looks like the reason why NX won't have an impact on 3DS sales is because of Pokémon, specifically during this year, and after the it will have an impact on 3DS sales.

To me it seems like they actually except NX to impact both 3DS and Wii U sales next year, thus being a "successor" to both of them.


These two quotes on NX later were more interesting:

don't let me add this quote to the list, kimishima.

zelda at launch, smash for nx 3 months later, pikmin 4 3 months after that, galaxy 3 3 months after that.

there's your launch window


remember when Iwata said the DS was a 3rd pillar and not a sucessor to the GBA?

i'm getting flashbacks from that with this statement.


don't let me add this quote to the list, kimishima.

zelda at launch, smash for nx 3 months later, pikmin 4 3 months after that, galaxy 3 3 months after that.

there's your launch window

You're forgetting Splatoon, Mario Maker and whatever Retro's working on.


I am so sick of all this BS talk about NX. They've done nothing but flaunt ambiguous teases about what this thing is since the day they announced it was in development. A whole bunch of vague non committal crap that adds up to zilch. Either reveal the thing already or just shut the hell up about it.

TLDR: NX talk what is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again!


You're forgetting Splatoon, Mario Maker and whatever Retro's working on.

I feel like Retro is early 2018. Maybe holiday 2017, but 3D Mario will certainly be there.

Splatoon and Mario Maker... those will probably be summer 2017 games to fill in some gaps. Gonna be interesting to see how they spread those releases out, or even if they just drop them all at once.


It's going to be great (read: awful) when the NX flops and is not anywhere near as revolutionary as Mr. Kimishima is hyping it up to be.

Put up or shut up, Nintendo. This bullshit is getting really old, really fast.


He stressed that out so much by now that I really feel they want to burry at least WiiU together with certain Atari 2600 cartridges...
Bury the Wiiu and wii brand names, along with those silly controller shells in a deep dark pit... erase all history from the pages of the sacred Wiki...Wiiu never happened and for NX reasons moving forward I couldn't agree more.


The more they talk about what it is without telling us what it is, the more concern I am. I have the feeling that they don't trust the hardware or idea enough to tell us about it.

Just tell us what it is, stop it with the secrecy. 6 months more of this "it's going to be different" until you tell us anything?

As someone said, it's becoming tyring and the hype is fading away.


Gold Member
So it isn't a replacement, Kimishima? I take your word for it and look forward to the new Wii U games that will entertain me in the coming years.

Don't believe his lies.


I don't think it's fair to always bring up the DS during the third pillar talk.

The DS was actually meant as third pillar, it's the market that decided to make it Nintendo's second pillar.

With that said, the NX is a successor to both, but not in one. Rather with two different devices.
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