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Konami seeking new main staff members for development of new Metal Gear series


I'm most sad that Kojima won't have the same budget like he did at Konami. His games has always pushed hardware to the limits with proprietary engines, but now he's probably going to have to use something like Unreal, and while I loved Evil Within, the game ran like crap.

I feel Hideki Kamiya hasn't made a game better than any from Clover. Hironobu Sakaguchi makes mobile games now, although The Last Story was incredible. I don't know what Yu Suzuki does. Keiji Inafune's Soul Sacrifice is great, but still not as memorable than his work at Capcom. I do love Shinji Mikami's work on Vanquish and The Evil Within though.

There's a mixed bag there, but I feel like corporate money does give a lot of creative freedom to these designers.

I'd say there's still a very good chance he ends up somewhere with a lot of money behind him.


Can't wait to see some Metal Gear theme slot machines next time I visit Vegas


Not too far from where I live...

too bad I'm no a statistical gambling machine genius...

I could animate it though


I'm most sad that Kojima won't have the same budget like he did at Konami. His games has always pushed hardware to the limits with proprietary engines, but now he's probably going to have to use something like Unreal, and while I loved Evil Within, the game ran like crap.

The Evil Within wasn't on Unreal engine I think, it was id Tech 5. Unreal Engine 4 seems to be really good performance-wise.


This story gets more and more interesting by the day. I can't remember the last time a AAA developer came out and announced an open job call for a game that hasn't been announced yet. Let alone 6 months before another installment in the franchise was going to be released.

There has to be some serious bad blood going on right now between Kojima and Konami


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
lol. Now guys, what's the chance of this being an April fool?
Zero the concept of April's Fools doesn't exist in Japan and the Financial Year for them starts on April 1st. Too much negative fire has been lit for a simple troll by Kojima.
I'm happy for him and his group. I'm sure they will land on their feet and start something new. Good news for Konami as well, now they can introduce a whole other kind of Metal Gear.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I'm most sad that Kojima won't have the same budget like he did at Konami. His games has always pushed hardware to the limits with proprietary engines, but now he's probably going to have to use something like Unreal, and while I loved Evil Within, the game ran like crap.

I feel Hideki Kamiya hasn't made a game better than any from Clover. Hironobu Sakaguchi makes mobile games now, although The Last Story was incredible. I don't know what Yu Suzuki does. Keiji Inafune's Soul Sacrifice is great, but still not as memorable than his work at Capcom. I do love Shinji Mikami's work on Vanquish and The Evil Within though.

There's a mixed bag there, but I feel like corporate money does give a lot of creative freedom to these designers.
Evil Within ran on IDtech5. Not unreal.

Beth Cyra

While I'm use to it, I will be in the minority here lol.

The two best Metal Gear games since MGS2 are AC!D 1/2 so I say go for it as I haven't enjoyed a Kojima Metal Gear in a long time.
I don't want to write a game off before actually seeing it for myself, but I don't know how I feel about supporting a Metal Gear title minus Kojima Productions, without knowing what exactly led to the mass exodus.


I'm not sure if it has been posted but I think it is necessary to call out Konami's latest lies.


Is it true that KojiPro's staff have restricted internet and e-mail access?

It is true that the reorganization has resulted in this. This is done in order to provide a greater development environment.

In that case, will Kojima be less available for interviews?
As a result, yes.

via Snake Soup.
I fear that this series will be all over the place quality wise once 5 is out. I also fear for future PC releases. I am so hyped that 5 is actually coming to PC and it will be sad if Konami changes their stance on future PC game releases.

I just hope they can assemble a team that can make future Metal Gear games as good as KojiPro. I want the series to continue but I don't think there should be more than 2 mainline Metal Gears within 5 to 6 years. If they want to release 1 Rising style game between the mainline series fine, but I just hope they don't run this series into the ground. I will support Konami if they release a quality product. They won't be able to fool the fans so they better take their time assembling the right team and take their time to release a quality game.

As for Kojima I wish him the best of luck with whatever he does next. I have a feeling that whatever he creates next will be amazing and I will be there to support him on day one.


Honestly, if they want to go ahead and fuck up MG, whatever.

I'm more concerned that they will, further down the line, find a way to fuck up MGS by trying to rewrite history/reboot the Big Boss/Solid Snake saga.

yeah because Kojima would NEVER do anything like that!


Nope. It isn't Metal Gear without Kojima. You can do the stealth gameplay, you can do open world, whatever... but you'll never have the batshit insane, hilarious, convoluted, amazing stories and over-the-top characters and bosses.


I'll buy it if it looks fun.

I think people will be interested in it, but people's expectations will be way different and not entirely positive. If it goes to a Western dev, well... that's it for me. I'll move on. I feel like a lot of people won't really want to work with Konami after this though. I don't know what happened, but at a glance it looks like they totally shit on Kojima, a developer that works for them.


I do really wish we knew what the falling out was about exactly. Playing devil's advocate, maybe it was something really, really bad Kojima did. I cannot imagine it was as simple as a disagreement about future Metal Gear games.

Or maybe it was but this was debranding was actually Kojima's decision. i.e. He wanted to leave Konami to escape making MGS but also take his namesake with him?

This rubout of all things Kojima seems too insane otherwise...it doesn't benefit Konami to hurt the KojimaPro brand image, unless they want to shame Kojima himself for something.


I do really wish we knew what the falling out was about exactly. Playing devil's advocate, maybe it was something really, really bad Kojima did. I cannot imagine it was as simple as a disagreement about future Metal Gear games.

Or maybe it was but this was debranding was actually Kojima's decision. i.e. He wanted to leave Konami to escape making MGS but also take his namesake with him?

This rubout of all things Kojima seems too insane otherwise...it doesn't benefit Konami to hurt the KojimaPro brand image, unless they want to shame Kojima himself for something.

Bad, Kojima, Bad!

Are you kidding me? Konami is replacing their entire development team and changing their company structure and one guy is the bogeyman? That would be even worse.
This really does reak of "We're going to ruin everything you loved"... Like when Capcom cancelled MML3 after it's demo they said would be used to gauge interest was completed but never put up and just plain cancelled.

Konami in saying they are hiring for a new MGS immediately are basically taunting Kojima before he's even out of the door "We're going to milk this series for every penny it's worth and then leave it as a worthless shell."


This really does reak of "We're going to ruin everything you loved"... Like when Capcom cancelled MML3 after it's demo they said would be used to gauge interest was completed but never put up and just plain cancelled.

Konami in saying they are hiring for a new MGS immediately are basically taunting Kojima before he's even out of the door "We're going to milk this series for every penny it's worth and then leave it as a worthless shell."

At least we're getting one more game and that's not false hope. If people want to move on after that, then I don't really see it being a MML3 situation. I don't think they're teasing anything people will latch onto with Kojima being out of the picture. Unless they put it in the hands of Platinum. lol


I do really wish we knew what the falling out was about exactly. Playing devil's advocate, maybe it was something really, really bad Kojima did. I cannot imagine it was as simple as a disagreement about future Metal Gear games.

Or maybe it was but this was debranding was actually Kojima's decision. i.e. He wanted to leave Konami to escape making MGS but also take his namesake with him?

This rubout of all things Kojima seems too insane otherwise...it doesn't benefit Konami to hurt the KojimaPro brand image, unless they want to shame Kojima himself for something.
They want people to associate MGSV with Konami, not Kojima. It's pretty much that simple.
The Kojima Game branding thing, I mean. But that's just fallout from whatever the real issue is.


Grimløck;156693745 said:
kojima should just kill off all the characters in TPP and bid adieu.
Did you play MGS4?

Looks like marketing is in Konami hands right now. I must be really careful, they will probably try and show as much as possible, probably spoil lot of stuff. They already spoiled enough with previous TPP trailers and videos. It's gonna be hard as shit to avoid for sure.

Konami is going to act like they as a whole made a game, not just Kojima and his team.

It makes lots of sense marketing/business wise for Konami. They will take all the credit for the MGSV, as game will without a doubt be very good. Kojima and most of KJP will probably leave and Konami probably thinks it's smarter to advertise the game and all previous work made by KJP as their own.

It will make people in the future think it's all Konami, not Kojima and the team
...just like the Boss...

And Konami won't be willing to pay for them.
That's the crutch of it, isn't it? In 2008, this would seem like the logical conclusion but we live in a post-Modern Warfare 2 world and all of that is becoming less likely by the year.

I've been really upset about all this since the news broke, but after thinking about it more, you know I'm kind of okay with it. For me the story ended with MGS4. Big Boss' story is pretty cool but I felt like I understood all I needed to with MGS3's ending. Going back and doing another prequel to show us more of the atrocities surrounding Big Boss just seems like a bit... pointless to me. I'm sure it will be a great game and I'm sure that there will be surprising aspects to the story. I'm eager to see what kind of weirdness Kojima has planned for it.

But at the same time, again, I feel like I know all that I needed to know about that character and that's why that ending was profound to me. I've been a fan of MGS because of Solid Snake and his story, and Big Boss' story was always just something unfortunate and dark, but still a part of the background that had been touched upon in the NES titles. I'm a lot more interested in Solid Snake, and since his story seems to be done, I think I am more interested in what new teams and storytellers can bring. I get that Kojima wanted to "close the circle" but I never felt like it was a circle that needed to be closed.

I'm in it for the fun gameplay and whatever crazy twists Kojima might surprise me with, but I've always been less hyped about MGSV simply because I got what I wanted out of MGS3 and MGS4 already concerning these characters, and after MGS4 I personally wanted something that takes place afterwards, not another backpedal. I was willing to see if MGSV would drop something that would set up a future installment much like how MGS3 got into the Patriots and such, but with Kojima leaving it's making MGSV feel a little less important to me. All I can say is that I wish the new teams the best of luck because this is one of those things I feel like only Kojima can really do.
I first thought Big Boss' story was going to be a spin-off going by Peace Walker but maybe it was more of a sign that they couldn't get a console Metal Gear out in time.

And you're right. The way 4 was done, anything that takes place in the past is basically grinding gears of what is inevitable. You could see the details of what led to said conclusion but it's not necessary after the way the player connects the dots at the end of 3. But that's here or there.

A new dawn is rising. Now she can build a new destiny for herself.

You know, when these new bloods take helm, who's going to be in charge: them or Konami? Assuming the devs are in control, are going to hardcore reboot it or just have it take place after 4? I suppose 4 could be the litmus test to determin a dev's viewpoint on what kind of direction to go, to see rather they're ignore all the THE END themes and think of some convoluted way to either bring Snake back or a Snake copy because they have zero confidence in their own imagination or really cave in to crazy fandom or maybe they'll listen to what she was trying to say and be like HEY, we really can do all that without any hardcore rebooting since all of it was tied up anyways, which may as well be rare feat in gaming these days since I do sometimes question the observational and judgmental skills of devs taking over other devs' series. THAT is all assuming Konami won't get super involved in the creative process and that is assuming MGS doesn't become COD.

Metal Gear, after 4, hypothetically, could be almost anything as so long the main series involve stealth being it's core gameplay and that it has a good story but who knows any more in this day & age and environment or that these future devs even have these thoughts or realizations.
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