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Kotaku UK Rumor: Xbox One, Windows 10, Halo 5, & Minecraft notably below expectations

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Microsoft shouldn't have tried to screw people over with it's half-baked budget console.
Indeed even tho the i own the xbox one they lost massively due to hardware and the whole cant sell 2nd games thing they should have nailed this generation
I'm sorry. I meant the gameplay on today's time. Not Halo 3 just coming out in 2015

On the other hand, Doom has been a big success and that was a clear throwback to its predecessors. Maybe they should think about doing the same for Halo? Even if it's with a spin-off instalment to test the water first.
On the other hand, Doom has been a big success and that was a clear throwback to its predecessors. Maybe they should think about doing the same for Halo? Even if it's with a spin-off instalment to test the water first.

Doom has also been out of the picture for a very long time. A new Doom release was guaranteed to do well.


I think it's amazing that Win10 has seen as much adoption as it has.

Microsoft's biggest problem is that they've been competing with themselves. The biggest reason NOT to upgrade Windows/Office is because the version of Windows/Office you already have works fine, and you're familiar with it, and you don't need/want the new functionality provided by new versions. The biggest reason NOT to subscribe to Office365 is the same.

If they didn't realize this before, the fact that less than 100% of Win7/8 users want to upgrade at the price of FREE! should have told them this. At this point, there's nothing that they can say or do to make this problem go away.

The slow adoption of the Windows Store is also a problem they created. Poor curation isn't the only problem. They have actually paid developers to create as many apps as possible over a short period of time.


Maybe if they did NOT do things like this, and instead removed some of the clone/scam/garbage apps up there, the overall quality would be higher and folks might seek it out more often...

I think Scorpio as a successor of XB1 is a mistake, they should just brand it a Win10 machine and completely merge the two ecosystems together.

I disagree. I don't think the Xbox brand is damaged beyond repair. I think they should call it "Xbox Two" and treat it as a new console, not a "1.5" like the Neo. A special, inexpensive trade/upgrade offer would do wonders.
Yeah, I can't imagine MS thought they would have 600 million Windows 10 devices by this point in time.

But perhaps they thought that from those 300 millions there would be more insterest in the store.

Either way, I'm not buying that a random Lionhead employee would know sales projections and financial status for the whole company. It's probably they talked that, but mostly speculation/guesses from other employess.


Free upgrade period is ending in July. They won't be able to keep adoption rate at this level for next two years.

If we use steam stats only around half of upgrades happened in first month after that it slowed to crawl.

Steam isn't a good judge of the Windows market as a whole. 40% of Steam users are on Windows 10, that does not match the market as a whole where it is something like 20%. If they sell the usual 20 million Windows licenses per month over the next 2 years, they will be around 780 million devices on Windows 10. And that is assuming they dont release any other devices or do some sort of free upgrade promo again.


I don't buy Windows 10 performing below expectations, unless they mean engagement with the Windows 10 store and not OS adoption in general. It's well over 300 million users at this point, and Windows 10 is the most used OS on Steam.


Unconfirmed Member
It's a month old graph from Hexus but considering win 10 has been free for a year I wasn't that impressed. Win8 and 8.1 nearly match win10.

if you're talking about gaming the Steam hardware survey is a pretty good indicator. W10 is the most used OS with about 40%.

1 billion devices is meaningless metric if you're rolling all those corporate license and such into it. They aren't downloading Fable.


wow expecting to have sold 2x the amount of consoles by now is quite a risky assumption they did, i would have expected the top management to calculate with some more realistic figures
2x would literally mean they expected to be the market leader right from the launch onwards with a sales-over-time-rate in the regions of the Wii

I believe the technical term is called "We're the kings! We're shitting gold right now! We're going to the moon!!!"- syndrome.

Probably the same estimates that Sony made when they were coming off the PS2 high.


Gold Member
It's a month old graph from Hexus but considering win 10 has been free for a year I wasn't that impressed. Win8 and 8.1 nearly match win10.


Whoa. The way pro-10 users on here push the narrative, they paint a picture that 7 users are a straggling minority more often than not.

Of course this can all change in 3-4 years time, but right now, it is not even close to what is spun on here in some threads.
I'm gonna copy the person who mentioned don mattrick...so right. He killed the Xbox brand. Everything that MS worked for, the 7 billion they lost on OG Xbox and all the good will and foundation they gained from X360 all down the drain thx to Don Mattrick leading the Kinect TV TV TV brigade and churning out an underpowered TURD of a console that somehow cost $100 more than the competition.

Microsoft is so screwed. This hole they've dug themselves into is almost to earths core.

P.S. While true that Minecraft could be selling 50k copies a day remember that it's only $6 on phones and is always at the top of android and iOS chart


Indeed even tho the i own the xbox one they lost massively due to hardware and the whole cant sell 2nd games thing they should have nailed this generation

Indeed. This gen should have been about consolidating the US/UK and trying to expand elsewhere.. What an amazing fuck up it turned out instead.
I know 343 can't be removed from Halo at this point, but MS really needs to do something to shake up the franchise.

They already have two big misses at this point with Halo 4 and 5, I don't think they could take another.

MCC was even bigger. The most hilarious moment was when the producer for MCC started hiding on twitter and everywhere until Halo Wars 2 was announced...

Have the balls and admit that you fucked it up. More hilarious is that MCC never was fully fixd (as promised) and we never got that indepth explanation on what went wrong (as promised by Frankie)...

Dont have much faith in HW2...Will be probably full of Microtransactions etc...
They will never gain any traction with windows store whilst all the games are available elsewhere. Steam has upwards of 70% market share acording to Wiki, along with the other already established stores. People aren't just going to jump to the windows store for the lols.

It remains to be seen how much a really good windows store exclusive (with no performance issues) can perform.

Xbox One has obviously severely underperformed, especially compared to what the pre launch projections will have been.

It seems obvious to me that the Scorpio will very much be a "let's move on" product, forming a clean break from the disasters of the last few years.

We shall see.


Who? Or do you mean sales in the west when it comes to EA?
Do you want names???

Square Enix

Just to say the big ones... everybody guess MS will be sales leader after 360... every market analyst... even Sony got surprised with PS4 success.


That blame rest entirely upon Don Matrick. I hope he is happy having basically destroyed all the progress Microsoft made with the 360. I would have never expected myself to go Sony, and I'm still bitter at them about the Dreamcast. But Sony simply has the best videogame consoles on the market right now.

Not only did he fuck up the XO but if you look at it he took over in 2010, his decisions would have taken about 2 or 3 years to come to pass and those were the years of shit that turned me off Xbox.
I can believe Windows 10 STORE as being a gigantic miss.

And they have that same crap store on xbox. Then they wonder why adptation rates are lower than expected?

Should have never removed the arcade section, the indie section and the main games sections. Games are not all games, some are indie, some are arcade, etc

I dont like the vision theyve had for their UI in general.


Unconfirmed Member
I can believe Windows 10 STORE as being a gigantic miss.

no doubt. thankfully they're unbundling the better parts of the store from itself. So you can now (or soon) distribute UWP apps outside it like you would a win32 exe for example which is good.


I agree with innovating on the campaign. 343 put all their eggs in the MP basket and it shows. Halo would benefit by going open world-ish for one. Kinda like ODST was.

This model 343 are using, its whats been done since the very beginning and thats fine, but they need to grow a pair and start innovating. How much cooler would a Halo game be if you just gave someone a map and tell them ok, pick the mission you want in this open world and go. Create an open world type game for the SP. Stop doing everything exactly the same. This isnt 2001. Games that are popular now are games that have an addictive progression system, like destiny, Division, Overwatch, etc. Theyre all addictive. They all give you loot that you strive for.

Im not saying Halo needs to become a loot based game, but some of those aspects would only benefit the game greatly.

Everything 343 has done, theyve had some good ideas but screwed it up on its execution. Every single time.
Yes so much

I Mix of ODST, Deus ex, and Halo-3 I want big environments but also a taste of those nice hubs we had in 5. I don't think a traditional shooter campaign can do halo lore justice.
Halo5 MP is probably the best its ever been. If that doesnt suck people in, i dunno what they need to do at this point. All the DLC is free even though a lot of it is somewhat disappointing with the extensive reuse of assets in all the MP maps, its still all free.

I think they could have done more to get people to "replay" the campaign. As it is now, theres no reason to go back to it. Like maybe daily and weekly campaign bounties that gets you reqs.

This is what worries me about 343. They dont think outside the box enough. They just tend to follow what other people are doing. Theres very little actual innovation, at least not the way people want. Like Forge, its great tech, but then you go in a forge map and it just has a "forge" look to it thats disappointing.

Microsoft needs to innovate more and stop following what everyone else is doing. Especially when it comes to Halo. They need to hire really creative people, people that think outside the box and much better MP map designers.

Edit: Also, i feel like Halo needs to get to the point that it needs to be visually jaw dropping. It needs to blow people away when you look at it.

I just went back to it and had fun, but there are still issues.

Folks want casual modes where they don't need to feel competitive or play against premades. Warzone for me is rubbish, every game I played consisted of us getting farmed. I had one that was close and it was the first bit of fun I had. BTB should have been in from the start. Not to mention, it feels like an afterthought with all of the forge maps. I personally still enjoy it though, but it's a bit disconcerting to see so many low budget looking maps (even if well made) in a franchise game and I think it's a bad look in the view of most consumers.

Not to mention, the e-sports focus has made me sick since they first started mentioning it. The original games were great games, with great mechanics and the competitive community grew around that. I didn't care for every aspect of the game to be created around it and it led to some very uninspired maps in my opinion.
Honestly Halo 5 deserves the L in sales. My friends and I abandoned it after beating the disapointing campaign on legendary. There was no local splitscreen so we couldn't do LAN stuff like we used to with Halo 1-4 and we were all colossally unhappy with the way multiplayer was super e-sports focused and BTB was half-assed with lame forge maps. That's ignoring my own personal issues with the game including potato graphics and weird controls. For all the hate Halo 4 gets at least it felt like a whole package.
The Win 10 store just got bunch of base level features this year. How they thought Fable Legends would be anything other than a Tsar Bomb flop is a mystery.


Whoa. The way pro-10 users on here push the narrative, they paint a picture that 7 users are a straggling minority more often than not.

Of course this can all change in 3-4 years time, but right now, it is not even close to what is spun on here in some threads.

Windows 7 is the new Windows XP.
Yes so much

I Mix of ODST, Deus ex, and Halo-3 I want big environments but also a taste of those nice hubs we had in 5. I don't think a traditional shooter campaign can do halo lore justice.

Just think about the possibilities. They could even have some audio feeds that MC could find kinda like that find the truth podcast they had, youd listen to them, find out where it came from and visit that planet/city yourself to see whats going on.

They dont have enough creativity when it comes to making the actual game.

I just went back to it and had fun, but there are still issues.

Folks want casual modes where they don't need to feel competitive or play against premades. Warzone for me is rubbish, every game I played consisted of us getting farmed. I had one that was close and it was the first bit of fun I had. BTB should have been in from the start. Not to mention, it feels like an afterthought with all of the forge maps. I personally still enjoy it though, but it's a bit disconcerting to see so many low budget looking maps (even if well made) in a franchise game and I think it's a bad look in the view of most consumers.

Not to mention, the e-sports focus has made me sick since they first started mentioning it. The original games were great games, with great mechanics and the competitive community grew around that. I didn't care for every aspect of the game to be created around it and it led to some very uninspired maps in my opinion.

BTB was and is a complete joke now. I agree, casuals are gonna go into that mode and look at those blocky looking maps and think: this is the graphics? Looks ugly. Stupid move by 343 and even more proof that they just dont get it.
Next Windows 10 update prompt:

"Windows 10 is coming. You can't stop it. Accept it. Welcome Windows 10 into your PC. Your files are right where you left them." x*

(Ok) (Yes)

*Clicking the x welcomes Windows 10 into your hard drive.

i laughed way too much at this

on a side note, a couple of weeks ago i purchased a brand new laptop, it came with windows 10 and it was a fucking shit show because that apparent built had a bug that wouldnt let me update it.

tried everything but didnt work so i had to use MS Media creation tool and did a clean install solving the issue (because the build for it was a newer one)

if that's the experience for anybody else or is very likely to happen to the average joe no wonder people dont feel confident upgrading.


I'm sure we can make many speculations as to the below expectation sales of Halo 5.

Halo arguably hasn't been big since Halo 3. There is just so much more competition, both on the Xbox and other platforms since Halo 3. Soon after H3, Call of Duty became a massive juggernaut (no pun intended) multiplatform franchise. Then this generation, the PS4 became the market leader and took mindshare and players away from the Xbox. Not to mention the rise of MOBAs and other games on PC. There's Call of Duty, Battlefield, League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter-Strike, Hearthstone, Destiny, etc. There's just too much competition these days. The Xbox's days of dominance are over and with that, Halo's dominance. Maybe that might change, but Microsoft has a huge uphill battle.
Good that we recently got the Scorpio stuff, even though not yet official because otherwise you'd almost think MS was gonna quit Xbox.

Probably a bit hyperbole.....

It's too bad because I really enjoy my Xbox One. I find it a great system, many cool features, it's just that they didn't have power in mind back then. Which is unfortunate.


Having spent 20-30 hours with the Fable Legends beta I can confidently say it was doomed. It was fun, but there wasn't enough to do and it got repetitive very quickly.

They should have gone with the AA route, getting it out much earlier and releasing new content faster.

I don't buy Windows 10 performing below expectations, unless they mean engagement with the Windows 10 store and not OS adoption in general. It's well over 300 million users at this point, and Windows 10 is the most used OS on Steam.

Consider they want 1 billion active Win 10 installs by mid 2018 and they just crossed the 300 million mark a month or two ago. That seems like a ton of ground to make up.
I just went back to it and had fun, but there are still issues.

Folks want casual modes where they don't need to feel competitive or play against premades. Warzone for me is rubbish, every game I played consisted of us getting farmed. I had one that was close and it was the first bit of fun I had. BTB should have been in from the start. Not to mention, it feels like an afterthought with all of the forge maps. I personally still enjoy it though, but it's a bit disconcerting to see so many low budget looking maps (even if well made) in a franchise game and I think it's a bad look in the view of most consumers.

Not to mention, the e-sports focus has made me sick since they first started mentioning it. The original games were great games, with great mechanics and the competitive community grew around that. I didn't care for every aspect of the game to be created around it and it led to some very uninspired maps in my opinion.
The esports focus hurts absolutely nothing about the game. As a result, we have the most balanced weapon sandbox in the series to date. Maps are also for the most part good, lacking any gimmicky shielf doors or lifts you could camp that were found in Halo 3 and Reach. Though they did screw up with playlist management, there needs to be a permanent social slayer and social arena playlist, but that has nothing to do with esports. Why we have a permanent Griffball social playlist and no social slayer is beyond me.

On the other hand, Doom has been a big success and that was a clear throwback to its predecessors. Maybe they should think about doing the same for Halo? Even if it's with a spin-off instalment to test the water first.

Campaign wise, I agree. Halo needs to change up the formula, Halo 5 was good in the moment to moment areas, but it missed out on larger areas. I'd either like to see it go back to Assault on the Control Room/ Silent Cartographer level design or change up the formula drastically and do an ODST type deal.


Shame about Halo 5, best MP the series has ever seen, and aside from Overwatch, easily the best MP this gen.

I guess Halo 4 & MCC being steaming piles of shit didn't help.


MCC was even bigger. The most hilarious moment was when the producer for MCC started hiding on twitter and everywhere until Halo Wars 2 was announced...

Have the balls and admit that you fucked it up. More hilarious is that MCC never was fully fixd (as promised) and we never got that indepth explanation on what went wrong (as promised by Frankie)...

Dont have much faith in HW2...Will be probably full of Microtransactions etc...

To be fair to Frankie I am sure he asked permission to give a postmortem on MCC and was told fuck no.


A large part of the Xbones failures are of course related to the marketing and PR disaster that surrounded it. However, the underlying problem was the decision making executives who though releasing a underpowered and anti consumer piece of hardware would be accepted by gamers.

The Scorpio can of course change things but it won't be easy since Sony is in a great place to counter them and maintain momentum through the games themselves.
The esports focus hurts absolutely nothing about the game. As a result, we have the most balanced weapon sandbox in the series to date. Maps are also for the most part good, lacking any gimmicky shielf doors or lifts you could camp that were found in Halo 3 and Reach. Though they did screw up with playlist management, there needs to be a permanent social slayer and social arena playlist, but that has nothing to do with esports. Why we have a permanent Griffball social playlist and no social slayer is beyond me.

I personally disagree. I don't mind it in regards to weapon balance, but I 100% feel that the maps feel too sterile and suffered because of it.

I do agree with the playlist management though, which I consider part of that esports focus. My first month was full of people quitting as soon as things looked bad and other nonsense. I know people who quit and never returned because of it.


A large part of the Xbones failures are of course related to the marketing and PR disaster that surrounded it. However, the underlying problem was the decision making executives who though releasing a underpowered and anti consumer piece of hardware would be accepted by gamers.

The Scorpio can of course change things but it won't be easy since Sony is in a great place to counter them and maintain momentum through the games themselves.

The only way it's going to improve upon the current situation is if they do something highly disruptive and extremely consumer friendly, while not fucking up on price or message.

It's a very tall order.


So the worst Halo did below expectations...Surprise Surprise. I am surprised that W10 is below expectations though.
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