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Larry Wilmore explains why he used N-word at White House Correspondents’ Dinner

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Funny shit.

I've enjoyed the last few WHC dinner hosts, they've been on a roll lately. Always funny to see a roomful of people not used to getting roasted, getting fucking roasted.
The last part lacked conviction too, I think the "my nigga" joke would have played better if it was delivered better. Another comedian could have made it more effective.

I don't think it was suppose to be a joke or anything that needed comedic timing, nor could saying "nigga" at the WHCD been anymore effective than it already was, just by being said period
It was an OKAY roast, whatever you want to call it. His delivery was off. Didnt start to build momentum untul Obama white hair bits

the dickhead who kpt booing him at every CNN joke only justifies why they should be made fun of.

Obama: “Even reporters have left me.[...]Jake Tapper left journalism to join CNN.

was my favorite joke

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Other than the Zodiac Killer joke being dragged out way too long, I thought his routine was hilarious and think the press needs to get that stick removed asap,
Yep. Mostly decent to good jokes, a few duds.

Nothing offensive and it was more amusing to see old white people be all :| than anything else.

Not quite as good as Colbert's roast a few years ago, but still solid. And there's nothing remotely offensive about his "you did it my nigga" comment, anyone saying otherwise is probably a white douchebag concern trolling.


Yep. Mostly decent to good jokes, a few duds.

Nothing offensive and it was more amusing to see old white people be all :| than anything else.

Not quite as good as Colbert's roast a few years ago, but still solid. And there's nothing remotely offensive about his "you did it my nigga" comment, anyone saying otherwise is probably a white douchebag concern trolling.

Not to you freak you out, but that was a decade ago.


Kills Photobucket
Yep. Mostly decent to good jokes, a few duds.

Nothing offensive and it was more amusing to see old white people be all :| than anything else.

Not quite as good as Colbert's roast a few years ago, but still solid. And there's nothing remotely offensive about his "you did it my nigga" comment, anyone saying otherwise is probably a white douchebag concern trolling.

Nothing will top Colbert. Wilmore roasted the press. And it was all the more funny the few times the press was groaning and Obama was cracking up.

But Colbert roasted the President to his face.
Yeah, from what I've seen of Larry Wilmore's show it hasn't really grabbed me, but his roast during the Dinner was pretty funny.

Most of the ones that didn't hit seemed to just come from people who were too prudish to laugh at the jokes he was making about CNN. Wolf Blitzer was stone-faced.
I'm not shocked that the audience wasn't receptive to being called out. Most of them lack any kind of self awareness, Blitzer especially.

He should have gone in harder, but I understand and respect what he tried to do.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The roasting is the only part of this event that's even acceptable. There's no good aspect to politicians, journalists and celebrities patting each other on the backs.


It was OK, but a lot of the jokes were really low-hanging fruit.

And sadly the bad jokes were the ones the audience responded too the most. These dinners have the most humorless crowds.

Colbert and Wilmore have been two of the best correspondents in a generation and both have gotten lukewarm receptions.

For a industry that loves to finger point and tear down, Washington politicians and the media are the most thin skinned people generally speaking.


Aftershock LA
I honestly have no idea who Larry is, but I thought he killed it.

That room, in my opinion, reinforced what many people think of politicians. That they are humorless, joyless, and take themselves way too seriously. If egos were bruised that night, it says more about them than the humor of Larry Wilmore. He was savage, but in the way the best roasts are savage. I really liked it. I do t watch late night television, so I'm not familiar with him or his style.

As for closing with "Nigga," I'm not a fan of using the word in any of its forms casually, I don't have any issues with others using it if they're comfortable using it. My family addresses one another that way all the time. My mom too. I just don't use it myself.

I think the most amusing and hilarious part of his speech wasn't as much the quality of the jokes themselves, which were pretty solid to good, but how absolutely stone faced and furious the room was getting over harmless jokes. I can't even imagine if a Carlin, Lenny Bruce, or Pryor and prime Murphy had been going all in. I think gunshots would have been ringing out.
Is it still pretty bad?

After this I have been interested in giving it another chance. I just have always hated the format and the jokes have been way more hit then miss.

His bits are hit and miss, but the panel segment at the end is consistently the most unfunny and irritating thing on television.


good credit (by proxy)
"I'm glad I'm not on C-Span's rival network...No Input, HDMI 1."

I lost it.

omg need to watch this speech

Anyways, everyone that does this comes off flat, and the president always comes off funnier. It's because the crowd has to laugh at the president. The president will always have a better room.

E92 M3

I honestly have no idea who Larry is, but I thought he killed it.

That room, in my opinion, reinforced what many people think of politicians. That they are humorless, joyless, and take themselves way too seriously. If egos were bruised that night, it says more about them than the humor of Larry Wilmore. He was savage, but in the way the best roasts are savage. I really liked it. I do t watch late night television, so I'm not familiar with him or his style.

As for closing with "Nigga," I'm not a fan of using the word in any of its forms casually, I don't have any issues with others using it if they're comfortable using it. My family addresses one another that way all the time. My mom too. I just don't use it myself.

I think the most amusing and hilarious part of his speech wasn't as much the quality of the jokes themselves, which were pretty solid to good, but how absolutely stone faced and furious the room was getting over harmless jokes. I can't even imagine if a Carlin, Lenny Bruce, or Pryor and prime Murphy had been going all in. I think gunshots would have been ringing out.

Yeah, it just shows how bad the room was when the President could laugh at himself, but everyone else had a stick up their ass.
i thought his set kinda sucked but i loved how mad he made everybody. sometimes that's worth a lot in comedy too (if it's not a result of vitriol of course) imo.
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