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Lost in life? Here are some people who didn't become successful until they were old

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Capitalism still defining success :/

Laura Ingalls Wilder became a journalist in her forties, and didn't start writing Little House on the Prairie until she was 65.

Julia Child was 49 when she published her first cookbook.

Roget finished his Thesaurus when he was 73 (to be fair, he had a career as a doctor prior to that).

Harlan David Sanders was in his sixties when he started Kentucky Fried Chicken

Frank McCourt (writer of Angela's Ashes) didn't start writing until 65.

Daniel Defoe wrote his first novel, Robinson Crusoe, at 60.

Way better list.
30 is old? Way to make me feel ancient. Guess I should check myself into a nursing home now.

Jon Hamm and Stan Lee are some decent ones (first role, Spider-Man). Think they were around or over 40.

Lol at Mark Cuban though. Man had his own bar at 25.

Stan Lee had actually been writing for Marvel (known as Timely at the time) since the 40's. He didn't become the name of the company until the Fantastic Four's creation in 1961.


What the shit is this? That makes me feel horrible. I'm 34 so most of these people were massively successful by my age.


Wow, Mark Cuban only owned his own bar at 25. What a loser.

Seriously, this image just depresses the shit out of me. I'm assuming the person who made it was a teenager, because who else would consider 30 "old"?


I'm feeling encouraged by this, maybe I'll be the first 40 year old in this fucking list. I only have 5 years to make lol!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Laura Ingalls Wilder became a journalist in her forties, and didn't start writing Little House on the Prairie until she was 65.

Julia Child was 49 when she published her first cookbook.

Roget finished his Thesaurus when he was 73 (to be fair, he had a career as a doctor prior to that).

Harlan David Sanders was in his sixties when he started Kentucky Fried Chicken

Frank McCourt (writer of Angela's Ashes) didn't start writing until 65.

Daniel Defoe wrote his first novel, Robinson Crusoe, at 60.

This is better than the one in the op, but the problem in general with this sort of thing is that even if these people found great success very late in life, they've wasted most of their life up until that point.

Would I want to come up with a hit T.V. show at 65? Sure! But it'd be pretty difficult for me to enjoy that fame and fortune at such an age.

I'm currently 32 (going on 33 in October) and I feel like I have roughly 7 good years left. Maybe 13 at the very most. I'm already suffering from joint problems and perhaps even major nerve damage in certain limbs, and I can't imagine things would be much better when I get into the 50s and beyond.

Thanks! I really needed this kind or reasdurance today...

Now think of the millions of people who never became successful

... and it's gone!
Laura Ingalls Wilder became a journalist in her forties, and didn't start writing Little House on the Prairie until she was 65.

Julia Child was 49 when she published her first cookbook.

Roget finished his Thesaurus when he was 73 (to be fair, he had a career as a doctor prior to that).

Harlan David Sanders was in his sixties when he started Kentucky Fried Chicken

Frank McCourt (writer of Angela's Ashes) didn't start writing until 65.

Daniel Defoe wrote his first novel, Robinson Crusoe, at 60.

I still feel behind because those dudes who wrote their first books were already good at writing.


Son of a bitch. I turn 29 in two weeks.

I have a year to get successful. Thanks for making me feel bad OP, you dickhead.


That and I think people have a distorted definition of success. You don't need to own a company or invent shit to be successful.

Success is relative. Is money success? Is lots of money success? Who the fuck knows.

I'd like to be a stay at home dad and take care of my kids and house all day. Can that be success, or only if I found the stay at home dads magazine?

This chart has weird definitions of success. Lots of people want to be famous, but that's not necessarily what everyone wants.

Lots of people work steady jobs, spend time with people they care about, and do what they want. I'd call that successful.

all this. if you enjoy your life, you're successful as far as i'm concerned. no other metric is important.
This is better than the one in the op, but the problem in general with this sort of thing is that even if these people found great success very late in life, they've wasted most of their life up until that point.

Would I want to come up with a hit T.V. show at 65? Sure! But it'd be pretty difficult for me to enjoy that fame and fortune at such an age.

I'm currently 32 (going on 33 in October) and I feel like I have roughly 7 good years left. Maybe 13 at the very most. I'm already suffering from joint problems and perhaps even major nerve damage in certain limbs, and I can't imagine things would be much better when I get into the 50s and beyond.

Strange way of looking at it. They still were still living their life. It's not like they "wasted" it because they weren't successful.

Also, being such terrible pain that you can't enjoy life by 50 is definately not normal.


Maybe to counteract success memes (this is seriously old), people here on the board should talk about *how* they became successful, be it money or family or happiness or whatever.

No riches per se, but help give some other people some goalposts to look to in the future


Bukowski didn't start writing poetry until his 50s.

Just about to post this. The guy's life basically began in his 50's lol.

....that's old? I turned 40 yesterday and only two people on the chart are older than me. That did not give me hope.
I just turned 30 a few days ago and I was surprised how hard it me. Put me in an unexpected depression for a bit. I've been binge watching elderly people on youtube (lol) talking about how they still are happy and feel young inside so that gives me a lot of hope that I just wont be miserable as I get older. I guess it's really about a positive mindset...
Again, the chart isn't about people who found their success when they were "old." That's OP editorializing.

Chart is about people who had different paths to success. You people are a bunch of drama queens who don't seem to actually READ the infographic in the OP.
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