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Michael Arnt no longer writing Star Wars VII - now Lawrence Kasdan and JJ Abrams

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Honestly this Kasdan news is awesome! I don't think Arndt has the chops to write an epic Star Wars script.. the only negative thing from all this is them still trying to stick to the schedule.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
That seems like a dangerous assumption
That's more of a Lindelof thing, I think.


Kirk strides like a motherfucker as a sweet-ass LENS FLARE comes across the frame. As he plants that beautiful ass into the captain's chair, another sick LENS FLARE appears, as if to show how much of a sexy badass this man is!"


Mixed reaction from me: on one hand, I was really interested in Arndt's treatment (and I hope the script leaks one day so we can finally read it) and I don't really trust Abrams as a screenwriter. On the other hand, it's Kasdan. Dude wrote Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Ark.



Because Arndt took Toy Story to new places when he regurgitated the story from Toy Story 2?

he borrowed heavily from it structurally, sure, but i thought the bookendings with andy really elevated the material and showed a clever understanding of how to return to an established world and make it relevant in a new way.

i also feel like the themes tackled in toy story and little miss sunshine demonstrate a different set of interests as a writer that i'd like to see brought to star wars.


What is it about Star Wars news that just seems to bring out the worst of the basement dwelling shut-ins who pompously think they with their warped minds know exactly what's best for this movie? Oh right, its star wars
What is it about Star Wars news that just seems to bring out the worst of the basement dwelling shut-ins who pompously think they with their warped minds know exactly what's best for this movie? Oh right, its star wars

The only thing I am worried about personally is the possibility of conflicting wishes between the director and the studio mixed with the 2015 date. If this gets pushed to 2016 and has time to shine I'll feel much more comfortable.
Return sucked.

True. But that's because Lucas rejected and scrapped the initial story that Kasdan and co pushed for.

“We had an outline and George changed everything in it,” Kurtz said. “Instead of bittersweet and poignant he wanted a euphoric ending with everybody happy. The original idea was that they would recover [the kidnapped] Han Solo in the early part of the story and that he would then die in the middle part of the film in a raid on an Imperial base. George then decided he didn’t want any of the principals killed. By that time there were really big toy sales and that was a reason.”

The discussed ending of the film that Kurtz favored presented the rebel forces in tatters, Leia grappling with her new duties as queen and Luke walking off alone “like Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti westerns,” as Kurtz put it.

Kurtz said that ending would have been a more emotionally nuanced finale to an epic adventure than the forest celebration of the Ewoks that essentially ended the trilogy with a teddy bear luau.
What is it about Star Wars news that just seems to bring out the worst of the basement dwelling shut-ins who pompously think they with their warped minds know exactly what's best for this movie? Oh right, its star wars
It doesn't take a genius to know there is a 101 ways they can screw this up.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What is it about Star Wars news that just seems to bring out the worst of the basement dwelling shut-ins who pompously think they with their warped minds know exactly what's best for this movie? Oh right, its star wars

George, is that you?



“We had an outline and George changed everything in it,” Kurtz said. “Instead of bittersweet and poignant he wanted a euphoric ending with everybody happy. The original idea was that they would recover [the kidnapped] Han Solo in the early part of the story and that he would then die in the middle part of the film in a raid on an Imperial base. George then decided he didn’t want any of the principals killed. By that time there were really big toy sales and that was a reason.”

The discussed ending of the film that Kurtz favored presented the rebel forces in tatters, Leia grappling with her new duties as queen and Luke walking off alone “like Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti westerns,” as Kurtz put it.

Wow that should have been return of the jedi's plot


What is it about Star Wars news that just seems to bring out the worst of the basement dwelling shut-ins who pompously think they with their warped minds know exactly what's best for this movie? Oh right, its star wars
I know, right? I mean, people acting here like Lucas' scripts in the prequel trilogy were like poison and the worst things ever and such and such...look, I'm willing to admit that the first two movies wern't good (except Ep. III, because reasons), but all the hyperbole they spew out is just unfathomable.

And yeah, I'm still not confident on Episode VII's production.

Return sucked.
Indeed it did, my friend.
Kasdan's output in recent(ish) times is not comforting.
His recent directorial efforts have sucked, it seems. Maybe he's better in a more controlled framework, since most of the films he's directed share a lot of traits otherwise.

Probably won't matter, though, if we're talking about Star Wars.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Do you think If I write JJ a strongly worded letter he will drop out also?
Not that I really care because there are only 2 good Star Wars movies
Do you think If I write JJ a strongly worded letter he will drop out also?
Not that I really care because there are only 2 good Star Wars movies

I agree. Abrams' Trek movies are the only good Star Wars movies we've gotten since the OT.

Unless we include John Carter. John Carter was a good SW movie too.
Sounds good Star Wars isn't all about the Skywalker's a supporting role would be perfect for them in this trilogy let's get some new blood in there Star Wars has a amazing universe to draw from.


So does this mean that Lucas' outline for the trilogy is in the garbage too?

I don't know how to take this news. The script was the weak link in Super 8.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Please, please let this be focused almost entirely on existing characters. We have a couple lifetimes worth of milking ahead of us to spend doing other things.
Please, please let this be focused almost entirely on existing characters. We have a couple lifetimes worth of milking ahead of us to spend doing other things.

You make a compelling argument but I'm not getting any younger and I want a good Star Wars movie now. I don't think a Luke/Han/Leia movie today has much chance of being good.
Also, it's worth noting that Arndt was working on script under Lucas's direction before Lucas sold Star Wars.

Welp. This all sounds like good news to me. Now I just hope they don't force the summer 2015 release and force them to rush production. Christmas 2015 would be pretty awesome. Movie could rule the box office from December to May, Titanic style.

I don't think a Luke/Han/Leia movie today has much chance of being good.

I'd really prefer no Luke, Han, Leia, or their offspring. And no spirit-Palpatine either, please.
I'd really prefer no Luke, Han, Leia, or their offspring. And no spirit-Palpatine either, please.

Why even make an Episode VII if the original characters have no involvement in the story? They shouldn't be front and center at all times, but I would at least expect Luke Skywalker to have some kind of mentor role.
Why even make an Episode VII if the original characters have no involvement in the story? They shouldn't be front and center at all times, but I would at least expect Luke Skywalker to have some kind of mentor role.

Because I am 100% confident that given the giant universe they have to play with, they don't need to reuse those old characters, who have all had their stories wrapped up any way.

You call the new Jedi temple The Skywalker School for Gifted Youngsters. That's it. We all get it.
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