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Michael Arnt no longer writing Star Wars VII - now Lawrence Kasdan and JJ Abrams

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Because I am 100% confident that given the giant universe they have to play with, they don't need to reuse those old characters, who have all had their stories wrapped up any way.

You call the new Jedi temple The Skywalker School for Gifted Youngsters. That's it. We all get it.

If you're deliberately cutting out as many connections to the original films as you could, then there's really no sense in calling it Episode VII, except as a cynical attempt at appealing to fans of the OT, who will just be disappointed that the original characters don't even have cameos. If there aren't any connections to the OT, then it won't feel like the next "episode" of a single story. It would be more like a reboot.


To me it seems that with all the expanded universe stories, Abrams and co. are probably having a hard time separating the new story from those existing ones. Literally every angle has been explored already - return of the Empire, Palpatine, new Jedi order, Luke falling in love, Solo kids, etc.

Given that the new trilogy is supposed to be its own thing not derived from EU, that's a pretty small corner into which they've painted themselves.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
You make a compelling argument but I'm not getting any younger and I want a good Star Wars movie now. I don't think a Luke/Han/Leia movie today has much chance of being good.

Action is an old man's game. You know it to be true.
And if you go with something entirely new, then why even call it Star Wars?


I want to think this is the nail in the coffin for Luke, Han, and Leia being in the film in any major capacity (or Palpatine Sith Ghost blech).

But then Abrams leans on unearned nostalgic callbacks/homages like nobody else, so I don't know what to think.
Action is an old man's game. You know it to be true.

Stallone, Schwarzie and Willis all gave deathly boring performances in their recent action movies... so I'm not so sure about that.

TAJ said:
And if you go with something entirely new, then why even call it Star Wars?

There has been plenty of good Star Wars stories focusing on new characters in other media.
Gotta love at the amount of salt over Abrams directing.

He's the perfect man for the job and you got people complaining like it's the worst thing ever. Meanwhile I still remember people clamoring for fucking Joss Whedon to direct the thing.
Fire Abrams, hire Brad Bird to write and direct, Abrams can go back to doing mediocre Spielberg homages and bad Star Wars movies with his boys Orci and Kurtzman

Fire Abrams, hire Brad Bird to write and direct, Abrams can go back to doing mediocre Spielberg homages and bad Star Wars movies with his boys Orci and Kurtzman


Will wait for Tomorrowland to hit before I'm decided on how well Bird handles live-action. He was essentially a gun-for-hire on MI4. I'd love to see him write and direct a live-action feature. He was involved in the writing process of Tomorrowland, so that's something. But then again, Lindelof is also one of the 3 writers on it so..
I don't know what to think.
I don't know if saying he was a "gun for hire" completely wipes away the fact he still actually DIRECTED Mission Impossible 4. That's a decent gauge that he knows how to direct actors, frame shots, and move things in that frame in a way that looks/feels visually interesting.

I mean, Die Hard was pretty much a "gun-for-hire" job, too. And McTiernan managed to show off that he has a decent handle on action and storytelling :)
I don't know if saying he was a "gun for hire" completely wipes away the fact he still actually DIRECTED Mission Impossible 4. That's a decent gauge that he knows how to direct actors, frame shots, and move things in that frame in a way that looks/feels visually interesting.

I mean, Die Hard was pretty much a "gun-for-hire" job, too. And McTiernan managed to show off that he has a decent handle on action and storytelling :)

I'm not taking anything away from Bird, I'm saying MI4 could have been so much more if the film started with him, rather than him hopping aboard a moving train.
Gotta love at the amount of salt over Abrams directing.

He's the perfect man for the job and you got people complaining like it's the worst thing ever. Meanwhile I still remember people clamoring for fucking Joss Whedon to direct the thing.

He's perfect as a director, but I doubt his ability to recognize a good script.


Yes, let's ditch the Oscar-winning writer. It's only a matter of time before Abrams brings in his trio of super shitty friends.
Yes, let's ditch the Oscar-winning writer. It's only a matter of time before Abrams brings in his trio of super shitty friends.

Bro, John G. Avildson has an Oscar for directing Rocky in the same year that Taxi Driver and Network came out. Let's not pull out the Oscar creds as if they mean something.
To me it seems that with all the expanded universe stories, Abrams and co. are probably having a hard time separating the new story from those existing ones. Literally every angle has been explored already - return of the Empire, Palpatine, new Jedi order, Luke falling in love, Solo kids, etc.

Given that the new trilogy is supposed to be its own thing not derived from EU, that's a pretty small corner into which they've painted themselves.

I don't see why the movie story can't be based on books or games?


I cannot wait to watch a documentary on the making of this film.

I don't see why the movie story can't be based on books or games?

Kennedy and Abrams want to avoid any comparisons. Plus I think it was all but confirmed that Lucas wanted the new trilogy to be its own canon, rather than borrowing characters from the EU.

Like I said, they're in a tough spot. Comparisons to EU will be inevitable. There will be Solo kids. There will be Jedi Master Luke. There will be a new Sith threat. All these themes and arcs have already been explored heavily in the EU.


He's perfect as a director, but I doubt his ability to recognize a good script.

Abrams most definitely does not have good taste.

Bro, John G. Avildson has an Oscar for directing Rocky in the same year that Taxi Driver and Network came out. Let's not pull out the Oscar creds as if they mean something.

Let's not pretend like Rocky is shit now or something. That's neither here nor there anyway. I have zero doubt Arndt is 200 times a more capable writer than Abrams.
I'm not taking anything away from Bird, I'm saying MI4 could have been so much more if the film started with him, rather than him hopping aboard a moving train.

Naw, you said you were withholding judgment on Bird's ability to do live-action. That's different from saying he's so competent with live-action that the only thing holding MI4 back was that he wasn't with the production from jump.

I don't see why the movie story can't be based on books or games?

most of those stories aren't the greatest, and frankly, egos are probably in play.

I doubt Abrams wants people being able to say "Well, it wasn't really HIM - it was the Zahn trilogy. Anyone could have done it."
Naw, you said you were withholding judgment on Bird's ability to do live-action. That's different from saying he's so competent with live-action that the only thing holding MI4 back was that he wasn't with the production from jump.

most of those stories aren't the greatest, and frankly, egos are probably in play.

I doubt Abrams wants people being able to say "Well, it wasn't really HIM - it was the Zahn trilogy. Anyone could have done it."

Yes. But I wasn't saying he was incapable. I was saying I don't want to say he's 'This good' or 'That good' until I've seen Tomorrowland - which I feel will be more representative of his talents given he's been on it from its inception.


Gotta love at the amount of salt over Abrams directing.

He's the perfect man for the job and you got people complaining like it's the worst thing ever. Meanwhile I still remember people clamoring for fucking Joss Whedon to direct the thing.

measuring against Joss Whedon would make anyone's directing credentials look good.

I'd put Abrams on about the same tier as Transformers-era Michael Bay. Barely competent, easy to blame Orci/Kurtzman for failings, etc.
measuring against Joss Whedon would make anyone's directing credentials look good.

I'd put Abrams on about the same tier as Transformers-era Michael Bay. Barely competent, easy to blame Orci/Kurtzman for failings, etc.

STID is leaps and bounds better than every one of Bay's Transdongers films. I think you're nuts.


Because the director of the film is proving that he's not beholden to the decisions the studio made and is taking control over what he feels could be improved - like a good director should.

Well, I think the problem is that it feels like the whole genesis of this trilogy is fucked. We were initially sold on a premise that Lucas and an Oscar-winning writer had some story that they just had to tell for three movies.

Now the director* they hire who was brought on-board to direct said story disagrees with it, throws it out an airlock, and starts his own story. We've ended up a long way from where we though we were going with this and it's hard to feel like we're on a path towards a story worth telling.

*A director with an admittedly good eye for visuals and actor chemistry but never known for his storytelling beyond aggravating "Mystery Box" techniques.
There have been lots of movies in much worse shape 6 months before the start of shooting.

You just don't hear about them.

Mostly because when people hear news like this, the first thing they think is "OH SHIT EVERYTHING'S FUCKED!"

Kinda makes you wonder what people would have been posting before the release of the original star wars. I mean it's not like it was just a smooth ride from start to finish so i'm not going to start panicking now.
Yeah, but that starts that story with the partnership of Lawrence Kasdan, who helped provide legitimate emotional depth to the 2nd and 3rd movie of the original trilogy.

The pictures that surfaced earlier, along with Jett Lucas saying that George had been talking with JJ quite a bit is now seen in a bit of a different light.

At the time, people were worried that Lucas had a lot more input into how the story would go beyond however it was Arndt had translated those notes into the outline that got him the job.

Now, it reads more to me like JJ and Kasdan already know how they wanna break this thing - and they're talking to George to basically see whether what they've got planned can fit with what's left of his "vision."

Kinda makes you wonder what people would have been posting before the release of the original star wars. I mean it's not like it was just a smooth ride from start to finish so i'm not going to start panicking now.

You guys, I heard Lucas stole the negatives, holed up in a room and didn't come out until he cut Empire Strikes Back into 90 minutes tops. I also heard there's a fucking MUPPET in it.
Well, I think the problem is that it feels like the whole genesis of this trilogy is fucked. We were initially sold on a premise that

Stop right there. Let's be serious. We were initially sold on the premise that it's fucking Star Wars sequels to the OT.

We have a perfect director for the film. A good writer helping him hatch out a new script. I'm of the opinion that making Ep7 the best film it can be, regardless of how it impact an overarching plan for sequels, ought to be the top priority of everybody - not just Abrams. Worry about the sequels later.
A muppets star wars movie doesn't sound half bad!

Oh yeah, well I guess the writer they got? He's never written a movie before. He's like, 20-something. And I guess he put ALL THE ACTION in the first half-hour. The rebels fight metal elephants or something?

Oh, and the director is the guy who made LOVING.

It's gonna be a fucking trainwreck. I guess there's some sort of big surprise at the end, too.




Kasdan being involved can only be good news.
OK, quick, as a Star Wars fan, what is Arnt known for? Is this good or bad news? I know J.J.'s Trek movies are more Star Wars movies then Trek movies, but I need a bead on Arnt. Is he a Lucas confidant? Why doesn't Abrams like him?

Ep. VII is make or break for me. If it sucks, I'm done with the franchise. It has to be OT quality level or I'm done.


So JJ Abrams has gone from being Internets'/Nerds' favortie golden child to, after Into Darkness dared copy Wrath of Kahn, a lens flare wrath inducing hack?
Is my understanding correct? Or are these detractors a new breed of old and out of touch Star Wars fans who are having a hard time wrapping their heads around sequel episodes?


So JJ Abrams has gone from being Internets'/Nerds' favortie golden child to, after Into Darkness dared copy Wrath of Kahn, a lens flare wrath inducing hack?
Is my understanding correct? Or are these detractors a new breed of old and out of touch Star Wars fans who are having a hard time wrapping their heads around sequel episodes?

Most likely the latter. As far as the old die hards are concerned, Stars Wars ended at Episode VI and never came back.

That won't stop them from forking out the 20 bucks to go see Abrams sequels though.
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