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Microsoft's Unorthodox "Inclusive unexclusive" Strategy in Gaming Jeopardizes Exclusive Games.

Dear gaf, this is not a console war thread. Keep it professional.

Hear me out for a moment. Exclusive titles from 1st and 2nd party studios have always been what defines a generation. Sure, there have been many good 3rd party exclusives but it is 1st and 2nd party that has defined the console it is on. This has been the pedigree for Sony and Nintendo. Nintendo's withered hardware philosophy specifically has gone on to challenge studios to make compelling stories and gameplay over graphical fidelity. On the other hand, Sony has gone the opposite to set the graphical standards for each generation with their hardware to allow their studios to produce cinematic games that could go on to become films and TV.

Microsoft with Xbox, as we all know, struggled in the beginning. To stand out in the early days, they tried exclusive content in multiplatform titles. With Microsoft aiming to make the entire company cloud (Azure) base, Xbox shifted from exclusive games on a single hardware to inclusive access to everything Xbox.

This current gen, Xbox went on a buying spree to capture big titles like Diablo and Call of Duty. Even though these were titles and IPs Xbox didn't help build by producing 1st and 2nd party studios, acquiring them would give them an exclusive edge nonetheless. However, their wishy-washy / will they or will they not messaging in if these (now 1st party) will produce exclusive titles, comes off as unconventional when gaming and even the streaming service industry they are trying to emulate, whole appeal is in exclusive content.

Exclusive titles in general are good for gaming. Though games can be played on any hardware (sure batman could be a superhero for Marvel or spiderman for DC), games from a 1st or 2nd party studio help shape the public image of the company today more than the hardware it's played on.

UPDATE: Microsoft helped shifted (for better or worst) the industry from the need for exclusive hardware to content. They made this a race for quantity over quality (for better or worst)
The point in all this is you still need exclusive content regardless. Gaming needs 1st and 2nd party studios just like Film studios need a director that brings in his/her favorite actor/actress.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Here We Go Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Hold my hands DeepEnigma DeepEnigma
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We need more BRAND NEW IPS exclusive to each console.

The gaming industry is watered down to fuck at the moment with every box being able to play every game. Hell, Halo infinite runs on FOUR!! different microsoft consoles. Fuck that noise.

Give me Ps3 Sony when they shat their pants and made new IPs (TLoU + Uncharted)
Give me hungry Microsoft during the OG/Early 360 days making alsorts of fucking mental games. (Advent rising, deathrow, Too Human and a bajillion others)

Give me a new IP that's at best a B tier average game, over a rehashed, remastered, remade AAA title anyday


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
What a dumb take. I replied with a applicable gif, but it was deleted so I will verbalize. You failed to argue to any degree of satisfaction, why exclusives are good for gamers.


I like the console I support to have the best exclusives, won't deny that, but to be honest the whole Activision deal doesn't matter to me, since I'm not a fan of their portfolio.

Anyway, Sony just needs to buy some developers in order to fight back against Microsoft.

Is Microsoft's strategy a clean one? No it isn't, but in the business industry nothing is clean so...

It's either eat or be eaten.
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Op, I see you tried to come at this in an enlighten way and have a good faith discussion. But the thing is, a lot of xbox posters don't care about the consequences of Microsoft actions. All they care about is feeling like they won, or sticking it to Sony, who they feel has taken so many games from them.

You can't use logic to dissuade someone who didn't use logic to reach their viewpoint in the first place. Its seems like most people would rather live free in their day dreams.
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What a dumb take. I replied with a applicable gif, but it was deleted so I will verbalize. You failed to argue to any degree of satisfaction, why exclusives are good for gamers.

i'll use Disney as for analogy and benchmark here:

Disney acquired both Marvel and 21st-century established content, locked all of their Films and series behind a streaming service removing them from other competitors, and fueled more money into those IPs to produce original exclusive content. They also have an entire legacy of Disney content all under the same service.

Microsoft has done the same yet only has acquisition and a bare service to show. Im not saying Gamepass is bad, im saying exclusive IPs, games, is needed on all fronts.


i'll use Disney as for analogy and benchmark here:

Disney acquired both Marvel and 21st-century established content, locked all of their Films and series behind a streaming service removing them from other competitors, and fueled more money into those IPs to produce original exclusive content. They also have an entire legacy of Disney content all under the same service.

Microsoft has done the same yet only has acquisition and a bare service to show. Im not saying Gamepass is bad, im saying exclusive IPs, games, is needed on all fronts.
so remakes and new content locked behind a paywall is a good thing how?


Exclusive titles from 1st and 2nd party studios have always been what defines a generation. Sure, there have been many good 3rd party exclusives but it is 1st and 2nd party that has defined the console it is on.
Didn't playstation literally built itself on 3rd party exclusives? Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Ace Combat, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, Resident Evil.... heck, one of the major drivers behind ps2's success was GTA 3's temporary exclusivity.
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I just want good high quality games. That's it. What platform they are on and whether they are exclusive means fuck all to me. I have my own money and i can buy what I please. I'm not tied to one console like so many are. Mainly kids, because they don't have their own money.
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A million threads all about the same thing, people crying because Microsoft are finally flexing their spending muscles, it was always going to happen at some point or another.

Jinzo Prime

Gold Member
Alright OP, here me out: console exclusives existed partially because of differences in hardware and devs trying to use that unique hardware to achieve a specific vision. With most consoles being x86-64 chips in different colored plastic boxes, what difference does it make that the game is on Playstation or Xbox or PC? Even Sony has shown just how inconsequential the differences are by releasing their x86-64 games on PC.

With such strikingly similar hardware, game engines, and APIs across the industry, exclusives don't make as much sense as they once did, especially with the rise of ultra casual, platform agnostic games that rake in cash: see Fall Guys, Rocket League, Fortnite, Minecraft, etc.
Long story short, Microsoft as a means of competing better with their counterparts in a given business are, in fact, allowed to have exclusives to both their platforms as well as any services they offer. What's more, gaming doesn't only mean videogame consoles. Gaming is so much more vast and more competitive than Xbox or Playstation consoles. Tencent has no videogame console and yet is #1 in gaming. Nintendo who is one of the most successful gaming companies out there, and who is constantly outselling both Xbox and Playstation, is not considered in the top 3 biggest videogame businesses.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Nintendo and Sony pretty much own their exclusives.
Dear gaf, this is not a console war thread. Keep it professional.

Hear me out for a moment. Exclusive titles from 1st and 2nd party studios have always been what defines a generation. Sure, there have been many good 3rd party exclusives but it is 1st and 2nd party that has defined the console it is on.

Exclusive titles in general are good for gaming. Though games can be played on any hardware (sure batman could be a superhero for Marvel or spiderman for DC), games from a 1st or 2nd party studio help shape the public image of the company today more than the hardware it's played on.
Microsoft is using one strategy.
Sony is using another strategy
Nintendo is using their own strategy.

Sony have enough good will and internal studios to perpetually keep making Playstation exclusives, they dont even "need" to make PC ports.
Theyll get along just fine.
If MS feels like being a third party publisher who just so happens to also have their own box, thats their own take, its not going to make Sony or Nintendo stop making exclusives.

MS might have not be follow the idea of 1st party meaning only on one box, but that doesnt mean the other two will follow suit.

If anything their tactic should be embraced by single platform owners from the other camps (PC, Switch, PS).....cuz there is a chance(guaranteed if on PC) that the game will still come to your platform.

Op, I see you tried to come at this in an enlighten way and have a good faith discussion. But the thing is, a lot of xbox posters don't care about the consequences of Microsoft actions. All they care about is feeling like they won, or sticking it to Sony, who they feel has taken so many games from them.

You can't use logic to dissuade someone who didn't use logic to reach their viewpoint in the first place. Its seems like most people would rather live free in their day dreams.
This post literally added nothing to the discussion.

Whether you agree with the OP or not, atleast let your post express that view point so we can have discourse.
All you have said is OP dont bother talking to dem damn green rats.
But this isnt even a thread targetting green rats, its meant to be a thread where we look at what OP is expressing and discuss.
Its an interesting thread that doesnt need to devolve into a console war.


Exclusive titles from 1st and 2nd party studios have always been what defines a generation. Sure, there have been many good 3rd party exclusives but it is 1st and 2nd party that has defined the console it is on
I enjoy playing good games. The fact that consoles are being "defined" sounds incredibly stupid to me. Who cares ? Does it make the games any better ? Answer is no.

In my opinion, third parties is where the good games are. Third Parties are competing against each other. This is where video-games shine. When there is an honest battle without any first party throwing money at them.

Why would Capcom take any risk when making Street Fighter V if everything has been paid in advance ? They can release a turd, who cares anyway ? Of course Capcom will try harder with a truly multiplatform game that will have to compete with all others in the same genre.

First parties make endless iterations of the same shit to make the same people buy the new iteration of the same hardware. This is, by far, where the games are the least interesting and least risky.

I have been playing only third party games, with a few very rare exceptions, for something like 10 or 15 years. MS, Sony and Nintendo simply aren't doing much with their First Party studios. Sames games over and over again.
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Exclusives sell consoles. Microsoft isn't selling consoles. They're selling services and trying to get people used the idea of not owning games.

mad max GIF

Calling all console war soldiers lol

What is your actual point? I don't see any real conclusion drawn or logic to support the thread title.

The point is exclusive games still matter even when the industry has shifted from selling hardware to a services / digital platform, thank you Microsoft.
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Wow, someone give OP gold, that title, such a cluster fuck of nonsense.

The wall of text at least was mixed with italics and bold, that was at least pleasant on the eyes, but the rest of OP's post was pretty bad.


This post literally added nothing to the discussion.

Whether you agree with the OP or not, atleast let your post express that view point so we can have discourse.
All you have said is OP dont bother talking to dem damn green rats.
But this isnt even a thread targetting green rats, its meant to be a thread where we look at what OP is expressing and discuss.
Its an interesting thread that doesnt need to devolve into a console war.

Who do you think are going to be the most outspoken group in this thread?


It's easy to say that today Sony produces its fist parties, when you ignore that it bought several Devs at the beginning, Naughty Dog is one of them. And not only that bankrupted the Sega console by buying exclusives.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
The point is exclusive games still matter even when the industry has shifted from selling hardware to a services / digital platform, thank you Microsoft.
Microsoft is to blame for that, why?

What MS does is their business, if companies are following suit it's because they think it's good business.

And MS still has loads of exclusives (ignoring PC.)... so the whole point is just strange.
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