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Microsoft's Windows Store games to limit standard PC user control options (PcPer)


Between the limitations involved in using the store, and the forced streaming of pre-renders for QB, I am losing interest pretty quickly.

Hoping they get this stuff sorted, but i'm not expecting much.


Winstore is an outsider in the PC world. If they want to attract gamers, they need offer similar and better options, like gog did. Otherwise they will fail.

GFWL has many problems but it helped some japanese devs to switch to PC by giving some unified tools. Now, with everything on steam and API being mature, there is no excuse for the mess that is the winapp situation.
I'm not too worried about this. MS Store is doomed to a horibble failure. Even if they fixed everything and pandered to PC interests, Steam is just too big and gamers too invested.
I fully agree.
I said in another thread, the response of trying to make their popular product (Windows) more like their unpopular product (Windows Phone) is almost baffling.
If they did the reverse - and just made a phone with understandable min spec requirements that runs standard win32 executables, they might actually have a market niche to appeal to.

I'd buy a phone with native x86-64 support. Although I'd imagine battery life wouldn't be all that long.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
When the Rhineland was remilitarized, well, that was mildly concerning, but ultimately the incident didn't warrant any stern condemnation. And sure, no one was pleased with the Anschluss but in light of the particular circumstances, the response was understandably muted. And of course, while the recent annexation of the Sudetenland was deeply troubling, the Munich Agreement is now in full force and it's clear that any immediate danger has passed.

Now, I know that some alarmists are pointing out that, even as we speak, troops are amassing along the Polish corridor, but in spite of the somewhat checkered past of the principals, I am very confident that a corner has been turned and that all parties involved are sincerely invested in working together to resolve any issues that might arise.

Let's not rush to any hasty judgements, is all I'm suggesting.

Quote worthy for a variety of occasions, smart and concise :).


I'm not too worried about this. MS Store is doomed to a horibble failure. Even if they fixed everything and pandered to PC interests, Steam is just too big and gamers too invested.

No. If MS begins to lock their first party titles behind the Win10 store, and they're games that people actually want the Win10 store will do just fine--proven they listen to all this kickback. EA does fine with Origin, Blizzard does just fine etc.

The great thing about the PC is that it's not locked to any one ecosystem.

I'm all for DX12 and Microsoft truly consolidating console and PC, but not at the expense of what makes the PC platform great--And being able to mix and match a million different input methods is one big reason.


No. If MS begins to lock their first party titles behind the Win10 store, and they're games that people actually want the Win10 store will do just fine--proven they listen to all this kickback. EA does fine with Origin, Blizzard does just fine etc.

The great thing about the PC is that it's not locked to any one ecosystem.

I'm all for DX12 and Microsoft truly consolidating console and PC, but not at the expense of what makes the PC platform great--And being able to mix and match a million different input methods is one big reason.

We saw GFWL fail despite the fact people did want the games. If their service, features and usability are shit, they will fail again where other competitors are easily able to compete. Pretty important to point out how different the PC market is vs consoles. People can happily be dissuaded from games and accept other competing games since there are just so many games available that are excellent and can supersede others.

As for EA, whether they are doing as well as they like isn't so clear. They have changed their metrics for reporting Origin engagement repeatedly in a form that indicates they are may have issues - going from concurrent users, to monthly, to number of installs.

Blizzard are certainly doing very well and their service is excellent, as are many other distributors. There is no reason MS can't do the same if they can actually challenge issues that UWA presents vs what PC gamers expect. However the fact they are taking this route on PC right now, shows a fundamental lack of understanding of PC gaming communities and what they do with their applications. The UWP itself is something designed for control and Microsoft to be the primary vendor. I would be amazed and happy to see MS support user choice on the PC side, for the applications they use in conjunction with UWA, overlays, peripheral, injection, modding and modding providers etc etc.
When the Rhineland was remilitarized, well, that was mildly concerning, but ultimately the incident didn't warrant any stern condemnation. And sure, no one was pleased with the Anschluss but in light of the particular circumstances, the response was understandably muted. And of course, while the recent annexation of the Sudetenland was deeply troubling, the Munich Agreement is now in full force and it's clear that any immediate danger has passed.

Now, I know that some alarmists are pointing out that, even as we speak, troops are amassing along the Polish corridor, but in spite of the somewhat checkered past of the principals, I am very confident that a corner has been turned and that all parties involved are sincerely invested in working together to resolve any issues that might arise.

Let's not rush to any hasty judgements, is all I'm suggesting.

I don't know whether you were aiming for offensive and inappropriate, but if you were, you nailed it.


No. If MS begins to lock their first party titles behind the Win10 store, and they're games that people actually want the Win10 store will do just fine--proven they listen to all this kickback. EA does fine with Origin, Blizzard does just fine etc.

The great thing about the PC is that it's not locked to any one ecosystem.

I'm all for DX12 and Microsoft truly consolidating console and PC, but not at the expense of what makes the PC platform great--And being able to mix and match a million different input methods is one big reason.
I don't think he was disagreeing with you. Just that the Win 10 store is worthless outside of the only place to get ms games. I am a bit worried about the dx12 stuff though. I'm guessing many games will be sticking to dx11 now.


Starts with vsync, ends with Jewish people.

what the fuck.

Weird that quote wasn't there in the beginning.

Anyways I will use it for exclusive games or cross platform play ones. I don't mind having a few games not in my steam library.


Microsoft's reaction after spectacular failure in the phone market is to turn pcs into phones. It's insane and desperate.
That's it pretty much.

Except it's try to turn PCs into phones. I hope it fails as spectacularly as their mobile ventures, and I think the chances are pretty good.


what the fuck.

Weird that quote wasn't there in the beginning.

Anyways I will use it for exclusive games or cross platform play ones. I don't mind having a few games not in my steam library.

I first thought people would obviously know which post I was referring to. However, given your response, I guess it wasn't obvious and I made a good choice to edit in the post I was replying to.


I first thought people would obviously know which post I was referring to. However, given your response, I guess it wasn't obvious and I made a good choice to edit in the post I was replying to.

I'm just glad I wasn't going crazy.


I fully agree.
I said in another thread, the response of trying to make their popular product (Windows) more like their unpopular product (Windows Phone) is almost baffling.
If they did the reverse - and just made a phone with understandable min spec requirements that runs standard win32 executables, they might actually have a market niche to appeal to.

Some people in high places just can't admit that they were wrong, so they keep pushing the same old flawed ideas?

IMHO their current policy with the store is in line with Microsoft's apparent strategy since ~Vista: offer consumers less and less options, disable legacy features even if there is no benefit to the OS or users, add new executable and UI paradigms to the desktop OS even if there's no benefit for users, etc.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I tried to warn you guys back when Windows 8.0 was in development but you wouldn't listen.



I don't want a unified platform if the platform is shit

vulkan please save us from this hell

Edit: I can easily live without every windows store game, but if scalebound comes to the store I dunno what I'll do. :(



I don't want a unified platform if the platform is shit

vulkan please save us from this hell

Edit: I can easily live without every windows store game, but if scalebound comes to the store I dunno what I'll do. :(

You will buy it and play it if you have no problems, then after some years at windows 11 or windows 12 release they will have a different plan, the store will close to open a new different one and you will lose your games.

Its not like it hasnt happened before.



I don't want a unified platform if the platform is shit

vulkan please save us from this hell

Edit: I can easily live without every windows store game, but if scalebound comes to the store I dunno what I'll do. :(

You feel like you should boycott these games but you don't have the conviction for such a tiny sacrifice. The hell is your own and it's already here.

Vulkan save us? Let's save ourselves.


Winstore is an outsider in the PC world. If they want to attract gamers, they need offer similar and better options, like gog did. Otherwise they will fail.....

Probably the most reasonable response I have seen and true of anybody trying to either start a new business or break into an existing one. Do it better, do it cheaper, or don't do it....


Tim Sweeneys viewpoint:

Why We Fight
As the founder of a major Windows game developer and technology supplier, this is an op-ed I hoped I would never feel compelled to write. But Epic has prided itself on providing software directly to customers ever since I started mailing floppy disks in 1991. We wouldn’t let Microsoft close down the PC platform overnight without a fight, and therefore we won’t sit silently by while Microsoft embarks on a series of sneaky manoeuvres aimed at achieving this over a period of several years.

This day has been approaching for over 18 months, and I need to give credit to Microsoft folks, especially Phil Spencer, for always being willing to listen to Epic’s concerns with UWP’s paradigm, and to proposed solutions. Because they listened very patiently, I hoped and believed that Microsoft would do the right thing, but here we are. Microsoft’s consumer launch and PR around UWP are in full swing, and this side of the story must be told.

Microsoft’s intentions must be judged by Microsoft’s actions, not Microsoft’s words. Their actions speak plainly enough: they are working to turn today’s open PC ecosystem into a closed, Microsoft-controlled distribution and commerce monopoly, over time, in a series of steps of which we’re seeing the very first. Unless Microsoft changes course, all of the independent companies comprising the PC ecosystem have a decision to make: to oppose this, or cede control of their existing customer relationships and commerce to Microsoft’s exclusive control.
Got to say its why I invariably tune out when reading comments to what Phil Spencers said, judge by their actions and not their PR.

At least there seems to be some traction in getting this out there - though Im not sure I subscribe to his viewpoint regards this being the first step to a closed PC system run by MS, I think a lot of soldiers have to be knocked down to get there and I just cant see what carrot MS could dangle just to get third parties to solely publish on UWP (EDIT: Ah its a neglecting/degrading win32 performance stick)

ps3ud0 8)


Tim Sweeneys viewpoint:


Got to say its why I invariably tune out when reading comments to what Phil Spencers said, judge by their actions and not their PR.

At least there seems to be some traction in getting this out there - though Im not sure I subscribe to his viewpoint regards this being the first step to a closed PC system run by MS, I think a lot of soldiers have to be knocked down to get there and I just cant see what carrot MS could dangle just to get third parties to solely publish on UWP (EDIT: Ah its a neglecting/degrading win32 performance stick)

ps3ud0 8)

Wow, eye opening. Hearing it from arm chair analysts on a forum is one thing, but this is coming from a guy who has in the past had a tight relationship with MS, and one of their games just released on "the store". I totally cant believe he would do that knowing there was some from of NDA in place. Good on them.

Guess I need to go see how I can side boot steam OS in the even of the apocalypse. :(
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