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Mighty Thor (Jane Foster) announced for Marvel's Avengers

Jane Foster (Mighty Thor) to arrive in update 2.5; update 2.4 scheduled for sometime in May, so 2.5 is looking to tie-in with Thor: Love and Thunder.

Hi Marvel’s Avengers faithful!

Now that patch 2.3 is behind us, we’d like to update you on what’s coming up in the near future for the game. This includes some great improvements to the event system as well as our next playable hero Jane Foster: The Mighty Thor!
Our next Update, 2.4, is currently targeting a May release. As we mentioned in our last Development Update, 2.4 will continue to focus on systems improvements with an emphasis on in-game events.
Beyond that will be Update 2.5, and while we’ll be coming back with specifics on timing later, we can share that it will introduce a new playable Hero for all platforms: Jane Foster: The Mighty Thor! Our Hero designs are driven first and foremost by their core comic book identities, so, as a fellow wielder of Mjolnir, her suite of abilities will have a lot in common with the Odinson’s, however she will also have elements that are distinctly Jane. More details on how Jane will come to life in our game will be coming in the future.

The last playable character update for non-playstation platforms was Black Panther, nearly a full year ago.
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Are they still pretending there'll be ongoing support for that game? Smart chosing Mighty Thor, as they can basically make it a Thor alternate costume and call it a new character. But they should just pull the plug at this point.
nobody cares bfd GIF

Let it die already and move on. It was fundamentally flawed from the get go. This isn't like NMS where you can add things after the fact to give the player the experiences they want. It needs a complete redesign from the ground up, and no way in hell do they have the resources to do what needs to be done.
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Are they still pretending there'll be ongoing support for that game? Smart chosing Mighty Thor, as they can basically make it a Thor alternate costume and call it a new character. But they should just pull the plug at this point.
Official reply from the dev (Senior Brand Manager Nick Edwards) on reddit:
So, YMMV if this answer is satisfying or not but here goes.

I don't have final or unilateral say on what gets announced when and how, though I probably have more say that most people in the studio, but this is how I, personally, think about it.

My preference is to get you guys information as soon as it is reasonably sure on a decently frequent cadence. Roadmaps were rough since we had to lock down months of announcements way before many of them were ready, and on top of that they were long/difficult to make (in part because we were going so far out on the limb a LOT of folks needed to have a hand in or sign off on the roadmaps).
I think that assumes that a roadmap's existence is a more binary thing than it is. If your definition of 'roadmap' is a solid 6+ month plan we're ready to share with players, then no that doesn't exist, because we've released it if it did. If your definition is 'the current plan of what devs will work on for the next x months' then yes, that's definitely existed, but that's not really baked, especially for distant dates, at the level that we're comfortable sharing it.

That's sort of what's behind the updates we've done recently. If we limit ourselves to a shorter time horizon, more stuff on the internal plan reaches the level of certainty that we can talk about it in public.
Yep, we set up some expectations that we're now having to reset and I have to take the lumps for that.


Movie tie in.

The character has actually been in the marvel comics since the 60s, but didn't wield Mjolnir as "Thor" until about 10 years ago.

For reference around a dozen other characters have picked up or wielded the hammer (or part of it) over the decades including aliens and even a frog.
Also... Cheap reskin.

Probably the same move set as Thor with some smaller modifications.


This game must still have a few massive whales playing it, considering that they are still pouring resources into it despite never hearing that anyone plays this.


Movie tie in.

The character has actually been in the marvel comics since the 60s, but didn't wield Mjolnir as "Thor" until about 10 years ago.

For reference around a dozen other characters have picked up or wielded the hammer (or part of it) over the decades including aliens and even a frog.

I mean I get that, but considering you already have a pretty similar (to not say identical) character in the game, they could have went for something more unique.

I kind of wish they went with Moon Knight to be honest.
Movie tie in.

The character has actually been in the marvel comics since the 60s, but didn't wield Mjolnir as "Thor" until about 10 years ago.

For reference around a dozen other characters have picked up or wielded the hammer (or part of it) over the decades including aliens and even a frog.
Don't forget the horse.

If it has too much hair, the devs won't design it. It's why everyone has hair in either ponytails, buns, braids, or to shoulder length only. It's partly why Hawkeye is bald and why Widow and Kate's movie skins have short hair when some of them shouldn't. It's been a known complaint amongst the few fans the game has left. The game's engine is terrible with long hair and they've just accepted it.

To give even more context for everyone, they've pushed back the 2022 roadmap announcement twice(this is the first legit announcement they've made and it was probably due to publisher pressure), they keep breaking the raids with every update, the regular multiplayer still has quite a few bugs, the trophies/achievements are still broken(the ones with large amounts needed reset to zero after you close the game), and they keep releasing more skins while people wait to squeeze every little bit of more money out of their customers. If it's ever on sale and one of you decides to pick it up for 5-10 bucks I'll say this: The game actually has a fun single player campaign and multiplayer(when it works), but don't bother with endgame or raids. Do yourself a favor and just have fun playing the campaign along with side quests and then drop it. If you want to have the most fun, I recommend playing on the third hardest difficulty and using everyone else but Hulk(he's still way too slow and weak).


I'm assuming either Disney is making them do this or at least 200k people still play this game online daily.

Otherwise, this game seems dead. But hey, people say the same of TF2 and Fall Guys so...
Sounds like the wrong Hulk
Star Wars 80S GIF
In an attempt to not make him feel too OP, they've made him weaker but do AOE damage with most of his attacks. However, Thor(who is arguably 1st place in DPS) also does AOE lightning damage on almost all of his attacks too(and can fly on top of that), and is much faster and stronger. Add Hulk being super slow in attack speed on top of that, and it makes Hulk absolutely worthless on most missions and raids. Thor even tanks damage way better too, making him an essential insta-pick late game.

For most of the raids I've played, if you didn't have Iron Man and Thor in the group people would just leave. You may not understand at first, but once you get to the boss, you will.

Edit: If Jane's kit is anywhere close to being as good as Thor's, you're going to see a lot more Thor, Iron Man, Jane groups being essential picks. Also if anyone wants to know, Spiderman sucks at raids. His entire kit is around comboing light attacks and dodging to keep the combo going. It isn't helpful for raid boss damage but it's really fun for everything else.
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I know this game was massively screwed up and still is but I have to say I loved the single player campaign and I had fun with multi-player but never bothered with end game. I put 7x hours into it and got it on launch day and I feel it was worth it. Grab it on sale for the campaign, Ms Marvel is really likeable imo


Gold Member
I'm assuming either Disney is making them do this or at least 200k people still play this game online daily.

Otherwise, this game seems dead. But hey, people say the same of TF2 and Fall Guys so...

Except TF2 is consistantly in the Steam top 10 and has been for 15 years. People make this joke because it never gets updates now.

As for Avengers... yeah I don't think it has that staying power.
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Fun beat-em-up honestly, but man the loot game is really boring. Finished the campaign, played for a bit until after the Spiderman release. Then the game got stale.
I know this game was massively screwed up and still is but I have to say I loved the single player campaign and I had fun with multi-player but never bothered with end game. I put 7x hours into it and got it on launch day and I feel it was worth it. Grab it on sale for the campaign, Ms Marvel is really likeable imo
i enjoy all the campaign and any type of story content. And genuinely enjoy playing as almost everyone they've released with Hulk being the only exception. As i just die too easily with him. He can't pick-up vehicles and his moveset is way smaller than everyone elses.

Avengers has some great things going for it. But unfortunately the content droughts are long. The bugs have gotten even worse. And the loots pretty bleh for the most part


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
So they bring Jane Foster.....and decide to make her a Thor clone?
Shes could have been such an interesting character if they used her Valkyrie form.....they could even lock her weapon in its flail form and she would be more interesting than a Thor skin.

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