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Nintendo Spotlight Presentation (their E3 conference) to be 30 Minutes in length

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BTW, here's my Bingo card. Have you guys made yours yet?


Made it a few weeks ago so I should probably change FEW release to October and swap VC launch after the Spotlight with something else.

Why is Smash there twice?


If there's a dev that could do that type of Metroid right, it's Platinum. Would love to see a different kind of 3D Metroid from them in that kind of style. (Maybe slowed down & with more exploration elements)

Metroid is such an open question even if it does show...

Is it Prime 4? Is it a "new" 3D Metroid? What kind of "new" 3D Metroid could there be (beyond Other M)? Is it a 2D Metroid?

And then, where in the series does it draw from?

A more streamlined, linear Fusion-like design?

A more classic design?

More streamlined than Fusion?

And even, is it such a radical departure as Federation Force, in game structure?


Oh god, if Nintendo spends any time at all on Skyrim other than a quick clip in a sizzle reel, I'm going to throw something at my TV.


Oh god, if Nintendo spends any time at all on Skyrim other than a quick clip in a sizzle reel, I'm going to throw something at my TV.
Idk I'm thinking they will. It was a highlight in their original ad. I think they see it as something special for them to have.


Gotta love /v/ making even more fake leaks than usual now that they know those will always get attention :p


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Oh god, if Nintendo spends any time at all on Skyrim other than a quick clip in a sizzle reel, I'm going to throw something at my TV.
I know you said "something" so it could be a teddy bear, but am I foolish for expecting something?
Coincidentally, I just went back to Tokyo Mirage Sessions this week, after initially putting it down because I couldn't take the unskippable Session animations. It's not something I'd buy again on Switch, but it's a great little JRPG for all the non-Wii-U-owners. I just really hope they include an option to skip or fast-forward Sessions in the port; shit is ridiculous in the late game when every attack kicks off a chain of seven animations.


Coincidentally, I just went back to Tokyo Mirage Sessions this week, after initially putting it down because I couldn't take the unskippable Session animations. It's not something I'd buy again on Switch, but it's a great little JRPG for all the non-Wii-U-owners. I just really hope they include an option to skip or fast-forward Sessions in the port; shit is ridiculous in the late game when every attack kicks off a chain of seven animations.
Yeah doesn't help that as it becomes rote, automatic, and super long, it also becomes more boring. No more group management considerations and limited links.
Other than what's allready been announced all I want is a new 2D Mario, Donkey Kong, Kid Icarus and Animal Crossing for the switch.

And a 2d metroid pls


Nintendo decided against this when designing the switch, as the didn't bother to include analog triggers.
Don't underestimate the modular architecture of the Switch, control-wise.

I can easily see Nintendo releasing different sets of joycons: with a proper dpad for example... but also VC-targeted ones with whatever certain emulated platforms might require, who knows, maybe bundled with a download code.


Don't underestimate the modular architecture of the Switch, control-wise.

I can easily see Nintendo releasing different sets of joycons: with a proper dpad for example... but also VC-targeted ones with whatever certain emulated platforms might require, who knows, maybe bundled with a download code.

That sounds a lot like the gamecube games that used gbas as controllers for multiplayer. And by that i mean that you needed extra hardware to play the game, meaning that no one got to enjoy it.

Selling vc related joycons as something optional would make sense. By optional i mean that, for example, a gamecube-like joycon would have the button configuration an buttons shape of a gamecube controller, but the regular joycons would have to offer, by default, all the same funtions as the "optional" joycons, that's why they would be optional. However, that's not the case, as the regular joycons don't have analog triggers, and the gamecube controller does.

I don't think that nintendo is going to sell games that can only be played by buing extra hardware (in this case, gamecube remasters/gamecube vc that require you to buy a pair of joycons with actual analog triggers). They have learned from the past that it greatly limits the number of people that get to play it.


...hate me...
Nintendo already decided against this when designing the switch, as the didn't bother to include analog triggers.
Well, that's why straight up GC VC is harder, but remakes can always be possible, even if something gets a bit lost in translation. Not all games were heavily reliant on analog triggers, and they don't need to be 1:1 with how they were.

And this is the company that remade the poster child game for the analog stick, Mario 64, in a console without analog stick (Nintendo DS).

Also we've already had 1st party GC games released on later consoles without analog triggers, from Metroid Prime to Pikmin to Zelda - I guess Super Mario Sunshine is the main taboo here.
I cannot possibly see how you could fit in more than that, and would be extremely surprised if they even did that much. Excluding perhaps a tiny teaser for a big 2018 title, I wouldn't expect more than two new games (Rabbids incl) to be announced.

Friendly reminder that the April Direct had 26 game announcements in the span of 22 minutes. And some of those were 3DS focused. The Spotlight is ~30 minutes of Switch only.

The biggest issue with this type of leak for me is, why would anything actually be set up now? Why would they have signage all set up 5 days before the actual event, when it could easily be saved for the day before the event?

I still believe metroid is coming.

As do I but let's not get our hopes up. In the off chance we get a Metroid we still need to get really lucky and have it not be a terribly travesty of a game.


I think those expecting a Metroid game are in for a disappointment. It will probably happen just not this E3. Even if it did happen the chances of it being something similar to Federation Force are higher than id like. I mean this is the same Nintendo that though making a sequel to Sticker Star was a good idea. So them making Federation Force 2 seems about as likely.


If Nintendo dropped the Switch VC next week, I'd be happy as a lark even if there are no other surprises.

Please Nintendo, grant this old fool his one simple wish!


Well, that's why straight up GC VC is harder, but remakes can always be possible, even if something gets a bit lost in translation. Not all games were heavily reliant on analog triggers, and they don't need to be 1:1 with how they were.

And this is the company that remade the poster child game for the analog stick, Mario 64, in a console without analog stick (Nintendo DS).

Also we've already had 1st party GC games released on later consoles without analog triggers, from Metroid Prime to Pikmin to Zelda - I guess Super Mario Sunshine is the main taboo here.

I think that sunshine only differenciated between analog and digital press, if i'm remebering it correctly. With analog press you could still move mario while spraying water. With digital press mario would stand still, and you could change were you were aiming. That could be replicated without analog triggers, by adding a new funtion to another button.

But there were some games that, instead of simply differenciating between analog and digital, used the full range of the analog triggers. There's no way around those games, without analog triggers.

Super smash bros melee used the full range of the analog trigger for the shield. By pressing the trigger as slighty as possible, you would get the light shield (you could algo get it by pressing and holding the z, grab, button). By pressing the trigger all the way down, you would get the regular shield that most peolple used (this one is smaller and has a stronger color). So, the harder you press the trigger, the smaller it gets, and it goes from a lighter to a stronger color. Obviously, the properties of the shield itself are differentent, how much push back your oponent gets when hitting your shield and also the frame advantage change.

L-cancels, a manouver in melee that allows you to cut lag upon landing, can be done with a digital or an analog press of R or L. For obvious reasons, the method of choice for everyone is an analog press, as you barely need to touch the button that way. In melee, players can L-cancel many times in a coulple of seconds. Having to do a digital press, instead of an analog press, for each L-cancel, would completely f*ck up the game. There's a huge difference between balery having to touch a button, to having to press a trigger all the way down, specially if you're going to do it hundreds of times in a mater of minutes.

So, melee without analog trigger wouldn't be practical for someone who wants to get some use of the advanced tecniques (you don't need to go to tournaments for that, please).

The worst of all would be F-Zero GX. Absolutely no way around it. Remember how i said that melee's shield uses the full range of the analog triggers? Well, GX does that, but not for just a particular mechanic that goes unnoticed for the most part, the whole game is build around it, and you're pressing the triggers all the f*cking time.

Assuming nintendo wants to respect the original game (GX), it simply can't be released if there's no analog triggers. That doesn't mean that you wouldn't be able to beat the game anyway, even without analog trigger, but still.
I think those expecting a Metroid game are in for a disappointment. It will probably happen just not this E3. Even if it did happen the chances of it being something similar to Federation Force are higher than id like. I mean this is the same Nintendo that though making a sequel to Sticker Star was a good idea. So them making Federation Force 2 seems about as likely.

To be fair to Nintendo here Sticker Star was the best selling Paper Mario game. So they gave the fans what they wanted.

But yeah, whatever Metroid game we're getting (which I think will likely be at E3 but who knows) might be a bit of a monkey paw situation. Hoping for the best though.

If Nintendo dropped the Switch VC next week, I'd be happy as a lark even if there are no other surprises.

Please Nintendo, grant this old fool his one simple wish!

I agree with this and think there's certainly a chance of it happening. I really don't know why they'd be holding it back, when the VC is essentially just a way for them to get more money out of us sooner. But with Nintendo who knows.


Tokyo Mirage Sessions Switch would be amazing if it had new content and an japanese VA this time.

Fixed = D

I'd buy in a heartbeat. I loved Tokyo Mirage Session. Sadly this game not let me romance anyone like persona = (

My predictions:

Oh, wait, that's my wishlist. Here are my actual predictions.

- A barren wasteland of third-party support.
- Well-made but uninspiring mobile games.
- Crushing disappointment.

I don't want this to happen but.....I can see this coming.
My predictions:

- Metroid title for Switch developed by From Software.
- F-Zero SX coming in Spring 2018, preorder now to receive F-Zero GX HD!
- Animal Crossing Switch announced.
- Pokemon Horizons for Switch announced, mainline entry with extensive online features.
- New Retro Studios IP.
- Final Fantasy Tactics 2 Switch exclusive.
- SNES, N64 and GCN Virtual Console announced.
- Reggie highlighting Switch's online features and voice chat, then saying "Ha ha, j/k" and revealing a brand new online platform.

Oh, wait, that's my wishlist. Here are my actual predictions.

- A barren wasteland of third-party support.
- Well-made but uninspiring mobile games.
- Crushing disappointment.
"We released Federation Force, and you weren't too eager about it. We heard you. We understand. That's why we're really proud to present to you the next installment in the Metroid franchise. It's a 2D sequel to the Metroid Prime games, coming exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, Holiday 2018. Oh, what about Switch owners you ask? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Federation Force HD will come to Switch in Spring 2018!"

I would cry big fat man tears. These would not be tears of happiness let me tell you.



- New Advance Wars
- Pikmin 4
- Animal Crossing
- New Retro IP
- Proper Metroid
- F-Zero
- Rocket League
- Xcom
- More strategy games


- Mario Odyssey
- Pokken
- Splatoon 2
- Xenoblade 2
- Mario Maker Deluxe
- Lots of indie games that have been out for ages on Steam
Since everyone else is doing it...

Confirmed/Basically confirmed:

-Mario Odyssey
-Xenoblade 2
-Mario x Rabbids
-FE Warriors
-BotW DLC tease
-Probably a short recap of ARMS/Splatoon 2

Very possible/likely:

-Pokken DX
-Other deluxe title announced (Mario Maker or Smash)
-Tease of Fire Emblem Switch
-MH XX western release date/info
-DQXI info
-Third party/indies sizzle reel, more info about games like Octopath
-Retro's game
-Animal Crossing?
-Very random third party game/collab (a la Payday 2)


-Metroid by outside (UK?) developer
-Virtual Console (probably rebranded) including Gamecube games
-CoD WWII port
-Platinum's "interesting" Switch game
-Rockstar's LA Noire remaster


-From's Switch game (Dark Souls trilogy would destroy my productivity forever)
-Internally developed Metroid/Metroid Prime
-FIFA 18 being competent
-Anything to do with F-Zero
-Pokemon Stars Ultra Troll by TPC
-No More Heroes 3


-Mario + Rabbids trailer (full presentation earlier at Ubi conference to save time)
-Some unexpected 3rd party announcement
-Indie games trailer
-VC announced, has GC games, Summer
-FE Warriors trailer, Fall 2017
-FE 2018 reveal
-Animal Crossing Mobile announced
-Animal Crossing Switch announced, coming October, compatibility with mobile game
-Monster Hunter XX coming to West in November
-Mario Odyssey presentation, coming Early December
-Xenoblade 2 trailer, delayed to Early 2018 (imho)

Less likely
-Pikmin 4 announced for 2018
-Metroid CGI teaser at the end, Retro, no title, 2018

Fever dream wishlist
-"We know fans were disappointed with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, so we brought an apology", Pokémon Star announced for Switch, basically Ultra S/M for Switch in a single package, release same day as 3DS version


I'd like to think Sakurai was getting a holiday too. His dedication to work got me concerned with the comments he made about his health. Can imagine a Smash port wouldn't really need much effort from him aside from supervision. Unless he wishes to add a few more characters and stages.

As for Metroid, could go either way. Would want to believe one is getting made at some point due to the increased demand for one.
Hopefully a holiday.

I'd like to think Sakurai was getting a holiday too. His dedication to work got me concerned with the comments he made about his health. Can imagine a Smash port wouldn't really need much effort from him aside from supervision. Unless he wishes to add a few more characters and stages.

Sakurai did say that his next project was decided back in 2016.


I want to enjoy every day like it’s Sunday. However, that doesn’t mean the next job hasn’t been decided.

Sakurai also said that he was working on a new game back in November 2016.


So yes, he's working on something.


- Lots of indie games that have been out for ages on Steam

Well if it's the likes of Oceanhorn (just announced) then I'm in. It's one of the many iOS / PS4 / Steam games I've skipped because I can't play lengthy games in non portable form nowadays (and I rarely play games on my phone anymore).
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