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No Man's Sky "Path Finder" Content Update announced


I am kind of tired by those kneejerk/circle jerk haters that don't even care about the game.
Looking forward to the update, the last one was pretty good, but made the game crash sometimes on PC, hope this fixes it.
Awesome. I still pop it in for some exploration during downtime. But I have barely even touched base building... at all.

I look forward to the new vehicle.
The post-launch updates to this game are genuinely interesting, but I too can't quite get over that Murray talked about something as significant as multiplayer on talk shows, then did not so much as acknowledge it when the game released without supporting it.

The funny part is, I don't even want multiplayer in the game. I'd play solo anyway, and that never affected my purchase decision. I just can't get over the combination of lying and then being silent about it.
He said you could see other players...that was it. Technically, yes, that would be described as multiplayer, but he goes on record clearly explaining that it's the worst way to make a multiplayer game. To me, the ability to see other players is like the power to control Tom Hanks at a distance of 10m...completely pointless, because it's very unlikely to happen. If it ever gets put in, it will make no difference to most of the people who will ever play it.

Handy Fake

He said you could see other players...that was it. Technically, yes, that would be described as multiplayer, but he goes on record clearly explaining that it's the worst way to make a multiplayer game. To me, the ability to see other players is like the power to control Tom Hanks at a distance of 10m...completely pointless, because it's very unlikely to happen. If it ever gets put in, it will make no difference to most of the people who will ever play it.

I'd buy this game.


Whoops lol
I know, right? :lol I picked my planet based on look and feel, and having a waterside property, near a beach. Doesn't sound so great now.

On the flipside, if it is amphibious, Rigogen farming will no longer be the bane of my existence. Run through every resource you own to keep from drowning for 1,000 units over a half hour, if you're lucky... yay!
That was part of the reason I chose the place I'm at. The beach is literally 15 meters from my house! I got the rigogen I need for all quest items in 5 short swimming sessions probably.

I'm hoping for something like Jinpei's buggy from Gatchaman, which was amphibious, and could also hover.
That would be cool. Gameplay wise, that makes a lot of sense. Would be neat if the vehicle isn't restricted to the one planet either. What if you have your home base on a ship?? I wonder how they'll deal with that and planets having so much foliage you can bump into. Just randomly dropping a car onto a planet sounds like a disaster to me given how the game operates at the moment.
It's pretty well done, imho, and it gives you a lot more flexibility to explore.
I'm sure it is. I just happen to still play it the same way I did since launch (and the reason I've enjoyed it and wasn't a hater) I just look to 100% the wild life and then move on in my path. I'm an astrozoologist. Though maybe I should set up a fieldbase to further that role-playing lol.


I hope, for no other reason than comedic value, the "vehicles" are just the same ships we've been flying around in but now they gallop along the ground like animals.


Been hoping for another update. Lurking the past month for anything. I appreciate the short announcement to release, but I also dislike the long stretch of no communication.

Need me dem patch notes.
Guessing not many people saw the findings someone posted on the reddit after data mining the game a few months ago, so for anybody curious about what the new vehicle most likely is and how it looks, watch this video.


Looking forward to messing around with this once I'm done with Horizon.

I hope there are some environment updates too.
Just reads like marketing bs for the next sale to me.

Call me skeptical but it's been 7 months and they've got a shit lot of work to go if they want to deliver on the game's promise, which I don't believe they intend to.

Any mention of the multiplayer "issues" either? Nope.

still faster than capcom's attempt on trying to add more content and fix SFV...it's been a year since launch and arcade mode is still MIA, the announced special versus mode is still MIA, etc.
Do people still care about the game?

I shelved the game indefinitely so I could get to actually finishing the plethora of games I have in my backlog. I have that steel book/art book edition. I told myself a couple of times I should sell it, but I'd never get a decent price for it. Not at this particular juncture.

Anyway, ultimately I decided I'm really curious to see what they've done with it, and I definitely care enough to go back when the time is right and I've got less in my backlog to finish.

I DID enjoy the massive, addictive rush I felt during the first few weeks.


Obliterating everything that's not your friend
I've always loved this game, just haven't had the time to play it. Another update is awesome news!


If Foundation was expanding the game for those who stay in one spot, Pathfinder must be a buff for exploration.


Skipped the Foundation Update, this might be the right time to jump back in, also considering to double-dip due to the march PSN sale.
Yup, and I am seriously debating whether it would be a good oportunity to try it out. Thank god I was not taken by the hype on release, but I always wanted to eventually try it.

For that price it's a good time to jump in imo. With the foundation update and what was just announced it's a good package.


Do people still care about the game?

I was carefully interested, but decided to hold off as I couldn't really see the Game part in the videos. Getting interested again with he Foundation update and now this. I think this will end up a pretty interesting game, it it can move beyond the "grinding for materials is everything there is" stage.


I didn't let the hype hit me.
I didn't buy it at launch.
I bought it used shortly after the foundation update.
I played for a few hours until I realized the game needs moar.
I put it on the shelf waiting for the "moar".

I wont be trying it again with this update. I'll wait instead when they put something serious to break the monotony, like "Build Anywhere" or "Have faction battles" or "Clear Dungeons" n stuff...


Do people still care about the game?

of course.
the game & it's premise still show so much promise & potential. if they continue to make improvements on this game like they have been, then this title will turn into quite a treasure for this generation of games.

i can't believe the amount of people that shit on this title. the developers are still trying to improve this game long after their hype & 15minutes of fame has elapsed & people by and large stopped caring.
that's fairly commendable.

I didn't let the hype hit me.
I didn't buy it at launch.
I bought it used shortly after the foundation update.
I played for a few hours until I realized the game needs moar.
I put it on the shelf waiting for the "moar".

I wont be trying it again with this update. I'll wait instead when they put something serious to break the monotony, like "Build Anywhere" or "Have faction battles" or "Clear Dungeons" n stuff...

that's not what this game is though, man.
exploration/simulation is the main theme of this game. not space opera combat or a bioware rpg.
it's like playing sim city and being disappointed because there's no platforming...
The macro-level problems are definitely not "unfixable". The game needs a dynamic job system to give players short-term goals; tasks like cargo hauling (illegal and otherwise), bounty hunting, item recovery, etc. Also restoring factions to what they were supposed to be -- ongoing conflicts that you take sides -- would provide political motivations. Now that we have freighters, they could add NPC ships for hire, to help protect you or automate farming tasks. All these things are doable, with time, should they choose to.

I definitely agree though that if they're going to double-down on planetary bases and local exploration, they need to really overhaul the creatures, both in diversity, AI, and animations. Sean said during GDC that they've been continuing to work on the proc gen algorithms, so maybe that'll be part of that.

Don't know why, but I still really want this game to be great.

You could do so many good things with the solid foundation they built. Too bad they had to release it too early..


Played the game for about a month before becoming bored with it, maybe this will get me to try it again. If there is one thing I would like to see though, is that the home system would stay the same no matter where you go in the galaxy. I don't know if this is within the capabilities of the game but teleporting back to my base to find the planet looked nothing like before was quite disappointing. I choose the planet because there was a huge outpost within walking distance of my base. To come back and find it gone pissed me off. I get the technical for randomizing everything, but shouldn't my planet stay my planet?


It only seemed substantial because of how barebones the game shipped. Who knows how much of that they were working on but couldn't finish before release too.

"A new vehicle" is not what I want to read in an announcement for the next update.

I guess I'll wait to see the actual list but I don't have patience for teases from them.

Regardless of how the game shipped, they still put a lot of work and support into it. I don't think that's relevant. The game is what it is for whatever reason: and they built on it.

Agree that teasing is probably a bad move - it would have been fine if they said "it's coming on Friday" or something.

Yup, and I am seriously debating whether it would be a good oportunity to try it out. Thank god I was not taken by the hype on release, but I always wanted to eventually try it.

For that price it's really, really worth it. It's a very cool game even if it does get stale (and they're doing a good job supporting it).


Absolutely. I havent played in quite a while, but I am VERY looking forward to them expanding it. The peaceful exploration is still a super unique aspect.
I must admit, I vehemently held on to the fact that NMS isn't a bad game, it's just severely underbaked, but even I had my limit and swore off of it.

Now, I'm kinda tempted to jump back in... See what's what.


Hmm, together with the current EU discount to 15.99€ with PS+ such long term support is tempting me to finally buy this game. If only I would have enough time to play those games nowadays. :/


that's not what this game is though, man.
exploration/simulation is the main theme of this game. not space opera combat or a bioware rpg.
it's like playing sim city and being disappointed because there's no platforming...

Yeah, but even Minecraft has some thingsimilar to this to become enjoyable. That game, even if it has shitty combat and it's just for resources, it does send you on enclosed, dungeon like environments to test your new gear and even had two endgame areas. Also faction wars was among the many NMS unfulfilled promises. Since most offensive and defensive gears you build/find are randomised, there should be something more than the occasional wildlife to let you put them to good use.

As for a "build Anywhere" future. I believe it's obvious if you want to make the game 10 times more playable. The pre-set pieces for the random creatures and planets are clearly not enough to make the planet exploration enjoyable on it's own. They could always add more variety on those pieces, but if with all the development time they had all they managed to do was about 4-5 friendly races and about 20 basic pieces for each creature body type, I don't think they'll manage to patch up much.

IMO there should be some indication of progression when moving up closser to the center of the universe in terms of gameplay. Like introducing a new mechanic (like dungeon-like missions) or finding upgraded versions of existing resources to make better gear to deal with an increased difficulty.
Hmm, together with the current EU discount to 15.99€ with PS+ such long term support is tempting me to finally buy this game. If only I would have enough time to play those games nowadays. :/

I find it's not the kind of game I can commit hours and hours at a time to. It's far too repetitive for that. But in small doses, as a game that thrives on the pure joy of exploration and discovery with practically no boundaries to where you can go... there's nothing like NMS.

So ultimately it depends what you're expecting from the game. But if you're the kind of guy who enjoyed gazing at sunsets in Skyrim more than delving in dungeons, then this is probably a safe bet at that price.

Yeah, but even Minecraft has some thingsimilar to this to become enjoyable. That game, even if it has shitty combat and it's just for resources, it does send you on enclosed, dungeon like environments to test your new gear and even had two endgame areas. Also faction wars was among the many NMS unfulfilled promises. Since most offensive and defensive gears you build/find are randomised, there should be something more than the occasional wildlife to let you put them to good use.

Isn't that what the Sentinels are for? There are various buildings that require you to shoot your way into, alerting aggressive Sentinels to your presence who send more advanced war machines after you the more you kill. On some planets they'll also defend the luxury high-priced trade items and hunt you down if you start harvesting them, for a really nice risk/reward mechanic.

I agree that faction wars would be great one day, but let's not pretend wildlife is the only (or even primary) threat on the planets.


This game needs more substance and I am glad to see it is finally slowly coming around... I might give this game a try in a few months if they keeps these updates coming like this..


im glad to hear another update is rolling around, but i dont think im going to be interested unless theyve made more improvements to the procedural generation, as well. the foundation update brought it a whole lot closer to the extreme NMS that we originally envisioned, but theres still a lot of work to be done to eliminate exeedingly similar environments. the terrain could still use a little bit of work to make planets more varied in the rockyness of their surfaces, but the creatures and plantlife are what need a major overhaul right now

im also still waiting for ringed planets

i would like to point out, however, that the update says the vehicles are to "aid home planet exploration". i dont think its going to work unless you have a base set up on the planet in question. thats my big worry, i honestly dont know what id do with that, i can only look at pretty things so much; individual planets dont have enough value to constitute another mode of transportation imo. i suppose its novel and welcome content, but i really wanna know what else is coming with this patch

im really hoping that they have the willpower to really bolster the procedural generation and include some of the dynamics and features that they advertised but ultimately left out, as soon as theyre done with some of this side content stuff. i know ground vehicles were an in-progress thing before now, so maybe theyre just prioritizing already in-progress side content. i see the immense capacity to make great looking new stuff with the bases and freighters, and i know they can do far more with the what planets can be built with. thats what i really wanna see, and i honestly feel like thats what should be on their minds. i guess well see what happens, i want HG to redeem themselves
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