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NX will launch in March 2017 globally, won't be at E3 (focusing on Zelda instead)

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People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
So when they say E3 2016 will be E3 2015, who will now have the megatons?

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I feel like, reading this thread, that I slipped into an alternate reality:

WiiU: Paper Mario, Mother 3, Zelda U, maybe some other small project.

3DS: Pokemon, *N-Stars leaked game*, late localizations: Dragon Quest VII/VIII and anything else they may yet choose to localize, Monster Hunter, potentially more YW, potentially Monster Hunter Stories.

They still have a lot of stuff left over to make into an event if they choose when you stop pretending that the 3DS doesn't exist.

Of course. But my point was the E3 digital events/stage shows, were always mostly for revealing new games and not just showing off already announced (and shown in many of those examples) games.

Why spend the money on a bigger E3 digital event for things mostly already shown in past directs and b/c level games/ports that are fine to reveal in a future direct? And the bigger question is why not have those games playable? Rather than a Wii U version of a game they hope most people buy an NX for?

I still don't see the amazing of Sony 2015 E3...

It was just very well done fan service that really satisfied their base with revealing long wanted, but largely unexpected titles like FFVII remake, Shenmue 3, The Last Guardian not being dead etc. I wasn't blown away as I'm only mildly interested in FFR and don't care at all about the others (hated Shenmue on DC, didn't like Ico or Shadow of the Collossus), but it was super hype for their fanbase.

It would be like Nintendo revealing the NX along with Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy 3 and a new F-Zero or something. It would blow away Nintendo fans, but be less exciting to non-fans.


This creates a scenario where Nintendo is pretty much gearing up for one if the worst holiday seasons they have ever had by announcing the NX won't release until March. Why would anyone buy a Wii U or 3DS this holiday when you have a new platform launching just a few months later? Kinda crazy.
This creates a scenario where Nintendo is pretty much gearing up for one if the worst holiday seasons they have ever had by announcing the NX won't release until March. Why would anyone buy a Wii U or 3DS this holiday when you have a new platform launching just a few months later? Kinda crazy.

I would have to imagine they're having to plan on software that can only be on the Wii U. But if NX gets SOME way of BC, then it'd be moot point.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I would have to imagine they're having to plan on software that can only be on the Wii U. But if NX gets SOME way of BC, then it'd be moot point.

The briefing only noted, IIRC, six Wii U games for 2016. I guess they're banking on Pokemon and mobile to make revenue between now and NX launch. And Amiibo.


I still also can't over the fact they have announced the only playable game at E3 for them this year will be the Wii U version of Zelda. I mean holy shit.


This creates a scenario where Nintendo is pretty much gearing up for one if the worst holiday seasons they have ever had by announcing the NX won't release until March. Why would anyone buy a Wii U or 3DS this holiday when you have a new platform launching just a few months later? Kinda crazy.

This year will likely be better than last year for their holiday. This year is Pokemon vs. last year's Xenoblade X, YW, and Mario... Tennis.

One of these things is not like the others by orders of magnitude.
I can't believe the amount of posts I read that ignore Nintendo's events because they aren't press conferences. THEY HAVE THE EXACT SAME CONTENT EXCEPT THEY ARE BETTER PRODUCED AND NOT AS BLOATED AS A DIABETIC MAN ONE CHEESEBURGER AWAY FROM A HEART ATTACK. I will admit the claymation and puppets were lame as fuck but they weren't worse than what they were doing or what the other conferences do; cut that and they would be perfection. Once in a while, we get a great conference but the vast majority of them suck despite having good stuff to show.

I'm less angry than I was earlier so I've come to understand the thinking behind they delay to 2017. Launching in March should theoretically give them a better launch lineup (even though they should have had a good launch in 2016 judging by the pathetic Wii U release schedule these last two years) and unveiling it on their own time after E3 will let them get headlines without dealing with the PS4K, PSVR, and Xbox Two. I still think releasing it this year would have been better because (judging by Sony last year) as long as you show proof of games existing, people will go crazy.

The Zelda thing will never make sense even though the some of Nintendo's releases this year will sell less the more they are shown. And who the hell wants to watch someone play Zelda for 3 days? Watching some person play the game is just going to ruin your own experience. Nintendo should have just saved their money and had no presence at E3.


I don't think you quite appreciate just how expensive, and how drastic a change with respect to Western development, the bolded part would be.

There has to be creative things they can do. There are some properties that Nintendo doesn't seem to keen in making anymore, that I bet some third parties would love to. Share the development cost. This of course would require Nintendo to not micro manage the project.


Unconfirmed Member
It was just very well done fan service that really satisfied their base with revealing long wanted, but largely unexpected titles like FFVII remake, Shenmue 3, The Last Guardian not being dead etc. I wasn't blown away as I'm only mildly interested in FFR and don't care at all about the others (hated Shenmue on DC, didn't like Ico or Shadow of the Collossus), but it was super hype for their fanbase.

It would be like Nintendo revealing the NX along with Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy 3 and a new F-Zero or something. It would blow away Nintendo fans, but be less exciting to non-fans.
But those game were on early per-production, if at that. :/


Are we sure its the Wii U version?


E3: Nintendo changes its approach to the show every year. This June, Nintendo will focus its attentions on the upcoming game in The Legend of Zelda franchise. The Wii U version of the game will be playable for the first time on the E3 show floor, and it will be the only playable game Nintendo presents at the show, in order to provide attendees a complete immersion. Additional information about Nintendo’s E3 plans will be announced in the future.



what's the likelihood that iwata announced nx off the cuff last year, and they had to suddenly start making the thing.

I'm sure the NX was already in development in some regard but I don't think it was a firm concept yet. Remember it was publicly revealed along side the announcement of the DeNA partnership almost solely to prove that they weren't abandoning their gaming-specific hardware.


Everything you say is spot on. Right now I see Nintendo's true value in diversifying the other 3 plattforms games-wise. Now that iterative consoles become a thing there's even less room for a Nintendo console, because people like me -PS4, PC, WiiU owner- will hit their financial limits and eventually continue with supporting one or two plattforms at best. I don't regret buying a WiiU, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to buy the next Nintendo console without setting up some severe obligations.

Yeah this is where I am at. I am one of the gamers who love Metroid and Zelda with 3D Mario a close third. I bought Wii U primarily because of their hooting that third parties will be supporting it and I was thinking "OK, I can get one machine this gen and be happy". Then of course shortly after launch it became clear it was a clusterfuck of epic proportions. In the end I bought a PS4. I bought the odd Nintendo game that I enjoyed (Mario Kart and Splatoon) but I didn't buy into the digital stuff much because I didn't want to switch between machines all the time. So I basically buy all my digital stuff on my PS4 and don't even bother with my Wii U. It is literally collecting dust.

If the thing was $99 which is what it was really worth to me, then sure I wouldn't be as upset but overall it was as expensive as a PS4 once you added an external HDD, which you really have to do if you want any decent digital content.

So I feel majorly burnt and made a vow not to get another Nintendo console until they are a completely different company and can get back in the third party game. Somehow I don't think I'll be getting a Nintendo console again :)

I'm sure this has been pointed out already, but it's incredibly amusing that the reason Zelda Wii U wasn't shown at past E3's was because they wanted to focus on games coming out that year. Now, Zelda Wii U is one of the only games being shown, and it's not coming out till next year. Heh.

That's Nintendo. They are completely full of shit regarding most things they say publicly.


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Nintendo is just a mess of a company. I never understand how they always seem to be profitable because their pr is total garbage. So you have a new console coming early next year and skip the biggest gaming show in the world? Does not make sense.


Nintendo is just a mess of a company. I never understand how they always seem to be profitable because their pr is total garbage. So you have a new console coming early next year and skip the biggest gaming show in the world? Does not make sense.

I know. It's so hard to understand that maybe Nintendo wants there own event where all eyes will be on them.


I know. It's so hard to understand that maybe Nintendo wants there own event where all eyes will be on them.

Who the fuck knows with those guys really. They'll say one thing but it'll be because of another. No-one can copy a "hook" so quickly so it can't really be the "We want to wait until last minute". I doubt that all the games they had lined up got into trouble and had to be delayed. The holiday period is an insane revenue time so they wouldn't want to give that up. Third parties can't be delayed because, well, "third parties, lol".

I am guessing it's something hardware related. Maybe they want something like Polaris in the system, maybe what they have has got issues and they don't want to do a "CLOCK IT DOWN! CLOCK IT DOWN" Wii U repeat.


Who the fuck knows with those guys really. They'll say one thing but it'll be because of another. No-one can copy a "hook" so quickly so it can't really be the "We want to wait until last minute". I doubt that all the games they had lined up got into trouble and had to be delayed. The holiday period is an insane revenue time so they wouldn't want to give that up. Third parties can't be delayed because, well, "third parties, lol".

I am guessing it's something hardware related. Maybe they want something like Polaris in the system, maybe what they have has got issues and they don't want to do a "CLOCK IT DOWN! CLOCK IT DOWN" Wii U repeat.

I mean I haven't a clue what happened. It's insane to me that they are choosing to miss the holiday season. I think it's faulty but I'm open-minded. It could workout in the end for them.
I'm sure this has been pointed out already, but it's incredibly amusing that the reason Zelda Wii U wasn't shown at past E3's was because they wanted to focus on games coming out that year. Now, Zelda Wii U is one of the only games being shown, and it's not coming out till next year. Heh.

Nintendo covered themselves with that.

E3: Nintendo changes its approach to the show every year. This June, Nintendo will focus its attentions on the upcoming game in The Legend of Zelda franchise. The Wii U version of the game will be playable for the first time on the E3 show floor, and it will be the only playable game Nintendo presents at the show, in order to provide attendees a complete immersion. Additional information about Nintendo’s E3 plans will be announced in the future.

Sounds completely crazy, tbh. I'm intrigue with how they can make that work. Zelda must really be something..

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I mean I haven't a clue what happened. It's insane to me that they are choosing to miss the holiday season. I think it's faulty but I'm open-minded. It could workout in the end for them.

I doubt they "choose" to miss the holiday. They just realized they couldn't get the hardware and launch software ready in time for a successful launch this year.


So do we expect Nintendo to somehow milk 3 days of Treehouse livestreams out of one game? And what about 3rd parties? I think other devs and publishers really benefited from being highlighted hands-on during the Treehouse during E3 last year.


Is anybody shocked by them pushing Zelda back though? I can understand the reasoning behind the push for NX IN 2017 but I can't see how any one could possibly buy a Wii U right now.

It definitely has to be a struggle being a Nintendo fan right now...and this comes from a former 3ds owner.
Not showing off the NX to some degree at E3 is a bad sign, and it really makes me worried for Nintendo. How can a company be so out of touch?

Nintendo ultimately wants to introduce the NX at their own time and setting. The Wii U's introduction was bluntly screwed up, so this may end up being a good decision. Likewise for the launch if those few extra months are used wisely.


What eyes ? Most of consumers will have a new console and games from Christmas. Few will get NX after a holiday season

Yup, everyone else will be satisfied with their PS4Ks and XBone2s, leaving Nintendo with the same 10 million people who bought a WiiU minus the people they alienated last gen. NX better have one hell of a gimmick.


they have basically announced the WiiU is dead and they have nothing to show till next year, really quite poor stuff from Nintendo here.
Maybe they have a Nintendo Direct immediately following E3 that they'd rather show it off at?

If they could do that, why couldn't they have NX devkits or something available for the press and a conference or E3 Digital Event to talk about it? It doesn't add up.

Nintendo ultimately wants to introduce the NX at their own time and setting. The Wii U's introduction was bluntly screwed up, so this may end up being a good decision. Likewise for the launch if those few extra months are used wisely.

E3 is still the biggest gaming event of the year, especially when it comes to mainstream media coverage. I have a hard time believing that a console that presumably was meant to launch this holiday is in such a state of uncertainty that Nintendo couldn't still involve it in a E3 Digital Event and have some devkit or temporary units available (even if it's only for press). Maybe Nintendo wants to wait to unveil the NX at Gamescon or TGS, but that doesn't account for missing the biggest chance for exposure of the year.


I mean I haven't a clue what happened. It's insane to me that they are choosing to miss the holiday season. I think it's faulty but I'm open-minded. It could workout in the end for them.

As much as I think Nintendo are a bunch of fuck-knuckles there will be a serious reason for missing the biggest time of the year to sell a new console. For me, some missed launch games won't be it (it's never bothered them in the past), but some hardware issues would be. I am assuming at this stage they needed that time to either wait until Polaris was ready in decent yields (or they switched to it and needed time to integrate) or there's some issues with the hardware like there was with Wii U. Wii U resulted in a gimped system to keep it from exploding. Maybe they didn't want to do it again this time.


1) Nintendo sucks arse
2) They're probably doing the right thing
they have basically announced the WiiU is dead and they have nothing to show till next year, really quite poor stuff from Nintendo here.

Nintendo is in a precarious situation. They don't know where they fit in the industry anymore.
Kids don't care about Mario and most of their fans are adults.
Yet they still want to be for kids and chasing some non-existent, family-friendly audience. This isn't the 80's or 90's anymore where Tipper Gore was trying to "save" the children from Rap music with bad words. Society has grown passed that. Nintendo refuses to.
Nintendo is in a precarious situation. They don't know where they fit in the industry anymore.
Kids don't care about Mario and most of their fans are adults.
Yet they still want to be for kids and chasing some non-existent, family-friendly audience. This isn't the 80's or 90's anymore where Tipper Gore was trying to "save" the children from Rap music with bad words. Society has grown passed that. Nintendo refuses to.

I think you underestimate the brand awareness of Nintendo among kids.
Nintendo is in a precarious situation. They don't know where they fit in the industry anymore.

Hence why they're making changes, setting up a proper account system, releasing mobile apps, etc. They're also making some huge expansions for brand awareness.

Also I'd love for you to dig up some non-anecdotal evidence that kids don't care about Mario.
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