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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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With every death comes honour.

With honor, redemption.



Got into a game where both teams were just cracking jokes all match long while playing heroes that make sense and going for the objective 24/7. That lasted 5 games before the lobby died.

RIP fun.

Please add dedicated private servers eventually.

Hmm I wonder if we were in the same matches, wasn't by chance a double Bastion the last round was there?
Is competitive actually supposed to be a ranking of personal skill? That is laughable. It doesn't make a damn bit of difference if I have four gold medals and it's a loss. Why is it not possible to not lose/gain rank on a loss?


You're fucked either way because they aren't resetting skill rating so you'll just start placements with your S1 rank as the starting point

quickplay hanzo mains that want a gold bow

Actually this makes no sense, whats the point of seasons then? Especially when its realeased as a buggy mess?
if i wanna play with you guys but i haven't done Ranked at all, does it do the whole placement thing anyway?
People won't mind.

I did my placement matches last night with GAF crew. One other fellow in the group was doing his matches too, so it was only 4 who had placed.


Jesus christ playing competitive is gonna make me break the screen. My teammates are a bunch of idiots. I had to turn on my mic and tell them why the fuck do we need two hanzos and two lucios (I was lucio first and then one of them picked him in the second round) on a control map. This is on PS4.

We did win though. So far I have 2 losses and 3 wins with those 3 being a streak.


Hmm I wonder if we were in the same matches, wasn't by chance a double Bastion the last round was there?

I don't recall a double Bastion but maybe that happened near the end of the last round and I just didn't notice. If there was a "terrible" in the lobby there's an ok chance it was me if you're playing on PC.
My top contribution as Mercy.

Spontaneous art will always be my favorite.
It is pretty entertaining reading all these ranked stories. Would love to know more about your guys background when it comes to team based multiplayer games, mainly MOBAs. Just feels similar to when I first started playing ranked LoL years ago. Now I still play but don't get too upset when these DC's or questionable teammates happen.

All you can do is play to the best of your skills and learn and get better and hope to carry.

Long story short, welcome to elo hell.
I love MOBAs. Played both League and Dota 2.

I don't know if this is just because this is the new state of consoles, but there's just a lack of communication that seems new.

For all the shit that online games get for toxic communities and conversations, I managed to have some good experiences over the years. When I was starting League and Dota, strangers helped me make and learn my picks. When I played Planetside 2, I met a nice group, became part of an outfit and got tons of great feedback and such. I remember playing Battlefield Bad Company 1 and 2 and hearing fairly regular and fairly helpful communication/updates over the audio chat.

Here? Radio silence. Everywhere. It's awful. No one talks, and everyone seems to ignore me if I bother to say anything.

Ever since Lockdown was fixed I've been on a massive Capture defense losing streak. Every game mode I'm fine but when I get maps with that objective everything goes south real quick.


Experienced a bunch of toxic players today, usually things are pretty civil. It's kind of funny when the guy complaining the team sucks did nothing remarkable the whole game, and I know at least on person other than him wasn't totally useless because I'm sitting on gold medals and POTM. Actually, that game in particular it was actually pretty close in the end. We lost in sudden death.

Had another game where a guy got pissed at us for "not going on the point" that had 2 turrets and a Bastion on inside corners, as well as a good Zenyata and Reinhardt locking down the defense, and a Pharah on the prowl for anyone getting close. I felt like our team was playing pretty good overall, all things considered, we were just struggling to push past a strong defensive team. We won in the end, after a last strong push that wiped most of their team.

Had a few cases of players swearing back and forth in chat. Usually it's not like this, from my experience. First time I've reported somebody, kept calling people "fucking retards".

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
If it takes Blizzard a few seasons to work the kinks out of competitive, how much of the player base will have moved on by then I wonder. Even in mid to late June, there were plenty of folks here saying that they were getting bored and putting OW on the back burner until competitive. If competitive takes 2-3 seasons to get to the point where things are pretty okay, I wonder how the player base will look by then. As it stands now, it seems to be leaving a bad taste in most people's mouths. Is Blizzard running the risk of irreparably damaging the game's reputation with the state of competitive / people's opinions of it?
I kinda wish this game had more modes. Now that Comp is out, I really enjoy playing Comp maps and modes. But when I go back to fluff around in Quick Play, it all feels wrong.

I want Capture the Flag. And Team Doubles. Make it happen, Blizzbois.


Ranked coin flip has got to be one of the worst designs in competitive gaming history, holy shit

who on earth thought this was a good idea?


I kinda wish this game had more modes. Now that Comp is out, I really enjoy playing Comp maps and modes. But when I go back to fluff around in Quick Play, it all feels wrong.

I want Capture the Flag. And Team Doubles. Make it happen, Blizzbois.

I almost think a capture the Doomfist could work. One player carries the doomfist giving them a new set of abilities and a fixed hp. Then you have to escort that player back or some shit like that.


Playing these placement rounds with ransoms-good god are my teammates stupid. If you don't kill that Junkrat on the roof outside our spawn-he will keep killing you!!!!!


If it takes Blizzard a few seasons to work the kinks out of competitive, how much of the player base will have moved on by then I wonder. Even in mid to late June, there were plenty of folks here saying that they were getting bored and putting OW on the back burner until competitive. If competitive takes 2-3 seasons to get to the point where things are pretty okay, I wonder how the player base will look by then. As it stands now, it seems to be leaving a bad taste in most people's mouths. Is Blizzard running the risk of irreparably damaging the game's reputation with the state of competitive / people's opinions of it?

Depends, with holiday games if there's still major issues for season 2, I think thats it. I know personally with DQ7 FF15 and some others games, I most likely will get fed up with this if they dont knuckle down on things.

Its not like Destiny where you actually get new weapons and raids as bait. The only thing that cones close would be new characters. We'll see if they realease characters as a reaction to players leaving by how buggy or messy they are on release I guess.


If it takes Blizzard a few seasons to work the kinks out of competitive, how much of the player base will have moved on by then I wonder. Even in mid to late June, there were plenty of folks here saying that they were getting bored and putting OW on the back burner until competitive. If competitive takes 2-3 seasons to get to the point where things are pretty okay, I wonder how the player base will look by then. As it stands now, it seems to be leaving a bad taste in most people's mouths. Is Blizzard running the risk of irreparably damaging the game's reputation with the state of competitive / people's opinions of it?

The faithful will be there like all games however they really need to get a grip on alot of this before fall. Idk PC but on console they are up against a BF1 Titanfall 2 and a new CoD. That's just shooters. Some of the talk about what's coming down the pipeline isn't reassuring.
We had a GAF vs GAF competitive match, we held them to almost a 2 minute Overtime

We beat you with 2.5 minutes left

Real cheap to run double Bastion
We still owned you with the loss

Stupid Coin Flip, Defend has it easy on Gibraltar
Both teams delivered the payload. Defense was the weaker position. Further evidenced by the fact we got it within a few feet of the destination in overtime. We would not have fared better on defense.

All these Genjis trying to reflect Symmetra's beams
It always pleases me when they try (along with D. Va's defense matrix)


This games matchmaking is gonna give me an aneurysm. Leave ranked to do some quickplay so we can stress less, we get matched up with some team that, when looking at their ratings, clearly outmatches us. And when we lose to them twice in a row what happens? We get put against them for two more attempts. Here's a hint for matchmaking: If the team that's supposed to win does so on offense and defense, it's time to reinstance the losing team. Not subject them to some Pharah aimbot that is making them regret they were ever born.

Edit: I'll try and upload the ranked GAF v GAF match tomorrow. I apologize beforehand that my gameplay is not very good.


I'll say grouping up with GAF members always makes the experience better win or lose. Though, with competitive solo, I'll keep my daily dose to a few matches for my own sake.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
If it takes Blizzard a few seasons to work the kinks out of competitive, how much of the player base will have moved on by then I wonder. Even in mid to late June, there were plenty of folks here saying that they were getting bored and putting OW on the back burner until competitive. If competitive takes 2-3 seasons to get to the point where things are pretty okay, I wonder how the player base will look by then. As it stands now, it seems to be leaving a bad taste in most people's mouths. Is Blizzard running the risk of irreparably damaging the game's reputation with the state of competitive / people's opinions of it?

I've never used Battle.net except to meet up with a friend in Diablo 3. So all the friends on the list are IRL and online peeps that I've played OW.

10 friends. 8 of them have been offline for more than a week.

Me, personally? I was singing this game's praises from the rooftops on week one and two. I was having so much damn fun.

But like I've bitched about earlier - the community and matchmaking, mixed with the lack of content and shit progression system - has definitely soured my opinion.

I can see myself keeping it installed and hopping on for an hour or so every week or two. But if you had asked me a few weeks ago, I would have told you I could see myself playing OW almost exclusively for the rest of the year.

So yes, I think the population is going to drop pretty severely - and that's a surprise to me, because I didn't feel that way at all just a short while ago.
I seriously don't understand why people get so heated with this game. Maybe it's because I've only had like 3 hours of sleep in the last 24 hours, but playing tonight I just couldn't bring myself to get legitimately upset at a video game while the rest of my team was rapidly losing their sanity.

I think this sums up my feelings.

Like, maybe play something else if you're getting that angry? Raging usually only makes you play worse, and at best just makes the rest of the team uncomfortable.



Finally met some good people in a PUG, grouped up, and we fucking steamrolled everything. Went from 36 to 40 in 1.5 hours. What a fucking difference it makes playing with players who are, for the most part, not retarded (we were running a 4-man group).



I seriously don't understand why people get so heated with this game. Maybe it's because I've only had like 3 hours of sleep in the last 24 hours, but playing tonight I just couldn't bring myself to get legitimately upset at a video game while the rest of my team was rapidly losing their sanity.

I think this sums up my feelings.

Like, maybe play something else if you're getting that angry? Raging usually only makes you play worse, and at best just makes the rest of the team uncomfortable.

I rage at the game a fair amount, but never with a headset or anything that goes to other people. I don't really have the right to shit on someone else's day, regardless of how much I hate their useless Genji play. I vent into the OT winds and that's a solid system. It's pretty gross to rage at people in the game.
How do I git gud? Currently getting smashed all the time.

I'd just recommend looking up some character/map tutorials. That was what helped me get a bit better. The game really doesn't do a great job of teaching you how to play.

But also, just play a lot and you'll likely get better.
omg. didn't want to go into suddent death on route 66. had to switch from soldier to tracer at the final point. got that rank baby.


got a 48 after placement matches. went down to 42 soon after. fought all the way back up-to 51. maybe I should retire now.


Hanzo is my most played character...does that make me a bad person?

Depends, are you playing competitive and entirely incompetent with him/unwilling to change when you're not contributing at all to your team?


Do you play a good Hanzo and if he's not working out you switch?



What heroes are you using? :\
I like playing Roadhog and Reaper mostly. Today I got into Zenyatta and I enjoyed him too.
Play Lucio
Is that the fucker who can throw me off the edge? Fuck that guy.
I'd just recommend looking up some character/map tutorials. That was what helped me get a bit better. The game really doesn't do a great job of teaching you how to play.

But also, just play a lot and you'll likely get better.
I don't mind sucking as much as losing. Just hate seeing "Defeat" come across my screen all the time. Seems like most of the people don't want to actually play the objectives and just run around like chickens with their heads cut off.


I almost think a capture the Doomfist could work. One player carries the doomfist giving them a new set of abilities and a fixed hp. Then you have to escort that player back or some shit like that.

Considering the announcement trailer, I'm surprised this isn't a thing yet.


I like playing Roadhog and Reaper mostly. Today I got into Zenyatta and I enjoyed him too.

Both extremely useful and almost always a good fit for any comp. Focus on getting good at them. I run Hog or Reaper 90% of the time unless the team needs something else.
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