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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
What the fuck has happened to this game in the past week, performance wise?

Haven't played but a short bit.

But up until recently, I was ALWAYS maintaining 60-100fps, less than 40ms ping, and perfect performance.

I'm just getting lag spikes everywhere. Characters jumping all over the place. My frames are dropping into the 40s.

But most of all, what the fuck is wrong with my mouse? It works perfectly in everything: on desktop, in other games, etc. But in OW, it's going slow as fuck. Tracking is all kinds of fucked. And nothing I do will adjust it.

Seriously, it's unplayable in the sense I feel like I'm fighting the controls. 60 hours, and I've never had this issue until today.
Overtime can last too long and leads to tracer spam, which is super annoying. Overtime should be a last ditch effort. Last ditch efforts don't last 5-10 minutes. There should be a limit as to how long overtime lasts.


Why is sudden death 2:15 it's way to short for attack

def easier for D but I did ti on O today one the one time I had to on Gibraltar

again so dumb this tournament, one side was 3 d.vas a lucio and a widow vs 3 winstons and 2 lucios that they switched to 3 tracers.


Overtime can last too long and leads to tracer spam, which is super annoying. Overtime should be a last ditch effort. Last ditch efforts don't last 5-10 minutes. There should be a limit as to how long overtime lasts.

Has tracer overtime spam ever worked? I see teams do that but they seem to still lose.
Has tracer overtime spam ever worked? I see teams do that but they seem to still lose.
Most of the time, no, but it's annoying to deal with and can make the match WAY longer. If they don't put a time limit on overtime, then eliminate hero stacking (at least in comp) so multiple tracers can't cause near unlimited overtime.


Has tracer overtime spam ever worked? I see teams do that but they seem to still lose.

I've turned lots of games in OT with Tracer. Switch over to Tracer, run back, shoot/blink/shoot long enough for my team to get back. It works well against uncoordinated teams, coordinated teams can easily shut you down.


Dude in here that said he went from 63 to 48 in ranking is crazy. I honestly don't blame you for wanting to be done with the competitive stuff for the rest of season 1 or just the game for awhile

you already know the MM will fuck you over after getting down to a lower level

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Play Lucio and rank up until you're rank 60

nacl is science for salt
We complaining about losing so much lol

What is with lvl 40 and above? Are the people below level 40 the scum of overwatch or what?

I mostly play mercy over Lucio.

What situations is Lucio good for? (serious/ I don't really play him)

my tip for playing competitive:


I just did 2 matches and it has been going good so far. Competitive is a lot more demanding but fun. It reminds me of when I used to play Counter Strike in Cal-Leagues back in 05.

If you can, join a group.

ok thanks.
Don't get rated 40 or below, RIP in Pieces

why lol?

From my very very limited experience Competitive does not seem to be as broken as people are making it out to be. I feel that the Heroes are balanced and there are many counters and situations to various heroes.

Compared to Dota and CS competitive modes it seems more balanced here. The ability to switch heroes is relly nice. Overwatch is still new and the toxicity that exists in Dota2 has not infiltrated it yet.

So far it is a nice experience.
I finally found time to finish up my placement matches. I finished 7-3 in placement and got ranked 52; then won my first game after placement and bumped to 53. Mostly playing Soldier or Roadhog, with the occasional Symmetra/Torbjorn on defense or Reinhardt or Winston if the situation calls for it. Hooray! I'm slightly above average! Right where I hoped I would be! :lol

I find myself jumping between Competitive and Quick Play still. Competitive is when I want to play hard, and Quick Play is when I want to screw around and play Tracer or Hanzo or something. It's great to be able to swap between queues based on my mood.


Has tracer overtime spam ever worked? I see teams do that but they seem to still lose.
Doesn't work every time but it definitely works enough to be worth a try. Seen it work in pug play several times.

In competitive can work too. Nubris just beat Gale Force with Tracer spam on route 66 at the end tonight actually. Outside of outright winning it from actually reversing/capping, it can give you enough time to win or gain advantage from stop watch/timebank style systems.

J Range

Is anybody elses stats not recording halfway through the match? I was stuck at 6 kills and 2 deaths since yhe first control map...


Another thread eh, I think I have to take a few days off from the game because of comp. Lol.

Before dinner I tried to play a match and we did well in defense, then on attack 2 people quit and we just couldn't win so basically we were forced to lose. Fu Blizzard.
What is with lvl 40 and above? Are the people below level 40 the scum of overwatch or what?

I mostly play mercy over Lucio.

What situations is Lucio good for? (serious/ I don't really play him)

I just did 2 matches and it has been going good so far. Competitive is a lot more demanding but fun. It reminds me of when I used to play Counter Strike in Cal-Leagues back in 05.

ok thanks.

why lol?

From my very very limited experience Competitive does not seem to be as broken as people are making it out to be. I feel that the Heroes are balanced and there are many counters and situations to various heroes.

Compared to Dota and CS competitive modes it seems more balanced here. The ability to switch heroes is relly nice. Overwatch is still new and the toxicity that exists in Dota2 has not infiltrated it yet.

So far it is a nice experience.

They are not human. Blizzard put bots there to que them up with people who got screwed over in placement tests. Why do they think below 40 is 1% of the overall playerbase? Because unlucky people+some bots from Blizzard.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
We had a GAF vs GAF competitive match, we held them to almost a 2 minute Overtime

We beat you with 2.5 minutes left

Real cheap to run double Bastion
We still owned you with the loss

Stupid Coin Flip, Defend has it easy on Gibraltar
Sub-40 seems to be where the people that have no idea how to make a decent or situational team comp land. It also seems to be where people (like myself) that take one for the team to play Mercy or Lucio to try to provide some support for the previously mentioned bad comps land. It's difficult to crawl out of because of the people you'll be matched up with. EDIT: Wow, I re-read the tone of my post, I'm really average at this game, I didn't mean to sound like someone who was entitled to a higher ranking.

Anyways, I'm so torn. I'm tempted on double-dipping and grabbing Overwatch on PC since I want to get in on some of these GAF groups. But I'm shit with KB/M. I picked up the game on Xbox One primarily to play it with a friend who doesn't seem to be digging it so much.
Is anybody elses stats not recording halfway through the match? I was stuck at 6 kills and 2 deaths since yhe first control map...

This happened to me just now as Tracer on Ilios. I had a reasonable but not great first point, then had some really sweet plays on the second point - but nothing was recording. POTG was super lame on the first point. I think something's currently screwed up in the stats recorder.


I'd just be happy if they can get a decent competitive mode made but I don't expect that to happen for at least another 2-3 seasons. I have no problems with the matchmaking etc but the actual systems that power the competitive mode and rankings are shit.
Yeah this is how i feel about it i think
I find the matchmaking to be mostly fine, even if i lose a lot. the problems i have with it come from things like enemy leavers reducing xp gain when i win and the current implementation of sudden death. some of the things about the ranked system feel like they exist just to make u feel shitty lol

Probably a few other bothersome things but most of those have to do with the nature of the playerbase

Tbh I only play it because i want the golden rocket launcher for the anubis pharah skin. I have 69 of the little coin things now :(


As a rank 56, level 90 why was I put in a game with unranked level 25s on my team? The other team had 3 ranked players, all with higher levels than our team. What the absolute fuck? I had the gold for kills in the first round with two on Mercy. I was pocket boosting the only other ranked person on my team, a Pharah, just to see if they could do anything and it took her over a dozen rockets to take out a lone turret. Of course, we got obliterated.


I just dont get how anyone could make sense of this mess.

Went into quick play and got a great group that seemed to do really good, they were a bunch of disgruntled ex comp players that hated the system. Working together we got the lock down acheivement in that match. Group split and I was thrown on the other team and bailed lol.


Now this... this is some shit. Currently matched against a six person group as six individuals and our skill rating is lower.


Matchmaking in this game is complete fucking horseshit.

Also, I'm pretty sure your placement matches only count win/loss, not what actually happened in those games.

God dammit.


The simple fact is the MM is too sketch for Competitive to be really enjoyable. There philosophy for alot of shit right now is sketch tbh when it comes to this game.

It's very apparent this is their first shooter MP. Better make that in house call to treyarch for advice or something right now.

edit: hell now bungie is apart of the Activision house too so that is another number to call at this point


Now this... this is some shit. Currently matched against a six person group as six individuals and our skill rating is lower.

Now we can't have you gaining levels can we? Enjoy losing an entire level you hopefully can get back in 4-5 wins if the planets line up and you end up with a good team.
Ran a new account to play solo since I had 2 of my roommates playing on my old one and couldn't handle the stats being all fucky.

Placed 64 going solo. Which feels kind of gross considering I was placed 56 with a group of 5.


Matchmaking in this game is complete fucking horseshit.

Also, I'm pretty sure your placement matches only count win/loss, not what actually happened in those games.

God dammit.

Doesn't every season do new placements? I'm never playing without HANDPICKED teamembers, going to make sure my teams are well rounded, gonna pump up my Rein game, everything. I'm not going to OW hell again.


Now we can't have you gaining levels can we? Enjoy losing an entire level you hopefully can get back in 4-5 wins if the planets line up and you end up with a good team.
I did, indeed, lose a level for losing a game as the underdog against a full party.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
This Surefour Assault Bastion is GLORIOUS


KDA of about half a point higher in competitive, but my win rate 12% lower. No snipers.

I hate this game.

Fun games with GAF group tonight though.


5000 healing and 8 resurrects in five minutes of offense and we stil got shut out. This is getting extreme.
Slowly crawling out of the hell ranks.

As you know I got placed 38 after placements but scrapped my way up 42.

Should of ended the night there but decided to go one more game and got deranked in that game oddly enough against 2 3 man premades.

What scared me was my team of solo queues came close to besting these guys. Lost on time bank believed they had a minute more or so.

Personally my own personal experience, I only ran into some issues with abusive teammates who didn't know English? By the way they were typing it seemed like they weren't native speakers.


WOW, played one Comp game and...won! Fucking amazing, I forgot what that felt like.

I didn't even do a great job though.


I don't believe Blizzard when they say that individual performance affects rating change. In fact, I don't believe Blizzard when they say that much thought at all has been put into designing this.
I've long since scrapped the idea I'll get high ranked in competitive and stopped caring about losses just as much as quick play.

Only reason why I go into competitive now is just to get the points for gold skins, but it's kinda hard when you get gold elims/damage and it's still not making a dent due to bad teams.


I don't believe Blizzard when they say that individual performance affects rating change.

I think it does but it looks and feels like the rating change is 80% win/loss and 20% performance. Win/loss still makes up a significant majority when it comes to rating change I reckon. I'd like to see it be the complete opposite of that.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Welp, between Hanamura and two teammates quitting on Anubis I can see my rank trending into 49 and down territory. Both 3 gold medal games, :[
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