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Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014

Woah, I just watched the video for the first time (didn't bother to watch it before as I rarely watch videos right away if there's text available), and it's actually pretty awesome!
And yeah.. that Zelda music..

While I'm still inclined to think that a traditional press conference might be better for Nintendo overall, personally I'm really excited about this. Their last year kind of sucked to be honest in terms of execution. It sounds like they're actually putting some more effort to it this year and it could be really good.

I can understand that people miss the "epic" feel a big press conference has. It's undeniable that last year's Nintendo Direct felt pretty barebones in its presentation compared to the huge press offerings other companies have had. However, I don't think that this means that recorded streams necessarily have to be bad -- but it does mean that the super low-budget approach of the Nintendo Directs is the wrong way to handle an E3 conference. When everyone else shoots for the stars, you pale in comparions when you just put one guy in front a white background.

However, with this year's event not being called a "Direct", I'm hopeful that Nintendo realized this too. It might not actually be the case, but by calling it "Nintendo Digital Event" instead they seem to differentiate the event from the usual Directs -- and if the announcement video is any indication for the amount of effort they're putting into the Digital Event, then I'm sure that it'll be an awesome and entertaining ride.
This too, good point.


How long do we think the Digital Event will be? Could it go greater than 40 minutes?

Why not? I don't think they have said they have a limit like that. That's rather standard Direct length. Even Smash Direct was 40 minutes and that was just 1
games. Although I kind of doubt they will spend a lot of time with each game (Treehouse coverage will handle that) so it depends on the amount of games they have to show.


Unlikely, I imagine it being about 30-45 minutes, given they have the various other livestreams with the Nintendo Treehouse live. I predict about 40-45 minutes, about the same as last year, maybe more.

Good point there with Treehouse. Yet I can imagine there being a lot of pessimisticism if it does clock in at 30ish minutes.

After watching the GameXplain video today, having their 'Smash news' before the start of the Smash Bros Invitational might be a good way of freeing up time within the Digital Event for whatever announcements they have between 3DS/Wii U.


For a minute I thought the title of this thread was their branding for E3. As if they were going strong with lots of announcements and repositioning what Nintendo does.

Though it is interesting the e3 event isn't branded as a direct.
While I still think a prerecorded show instead of a live press conference is a mistake, there are ways to mitigate it.

If it's a fun show with interesting reveals, enthusiastic presenters, exciting trailers and a bit of visual and audio dynamism, then it could be excellent.

If it's Iwata bumbling his way through a stilted script in a white room again, then it'd be a total misfire.


I don't know if this has been mentioned, but the Yoshi egg in this scene might be a hint for Yoshi's Epic Yarn:

Nah, dont think its nothing special... "Product development" -> egg hatching... i think its something that is always there.

I watched the video again looking for hints, but there´s nothing to be found.

Nothing except the Zelda-only music. But we always knew theyre going to show Zelda U this time


Play Nintendo video on YT, at 07:49 GMT, almost 18 hlurs after the release

402,439 views - 15,000 likes / 283 dislikes

This is totally hitting the million soon, if it goes on like this.

Good stuff.

Although at least 40 of those are just me trying to spot clues...to no avail :(


I don't understand why Nintendo doesn't bring the E3 demos to the eshop with limited usage. I think it would be a good way to promote new IPs and allow fans to comfortably try out new titles without waiting on lines at specific best buys only to try for a few minutes. It makes sense for people without the console but people with the console shouldn't have to make to lines longer and keep potential new customers away because they want to bring an E3 experience to fans.

One thing I remember from the first E3 after xbox 360 launched was the announcement of lost planet with an actual playable demo released on live around the time of announcement. By the time the game came out the hype was there because people had already had a small taste and wanted more.At least that's how I remember it, but I might be wrong. I'm surprised that tactic wasn't used again considering how sucessful lost planet was for a new franchise last gen.


So I take it you missed the part where Sony directly took MS to task for thheir anti-consumerist policies, received several standing ovations from the audience, and was plastered all over gaming and general media because of this?

This idea that Sony was on some sort of crusade for the good of consumers is straight up fiction. They cancelled their DRM plans, MS didn't, MS looked like dicks, and Sony came out looking like the saviours of gaming to anyone who wanted them to, and they're riding that goodwill wave like their lives depend on it (which it kind of does). That's all. They've almost always had a gift for saying or doing the right thing at the right time, but defenders of equality and justice they aren't.


I don't understand why Nintendo doesn't bring the E3 demos to the eshop with limited usage. I think it would be a good way to promote new IPs and allow fans to comfortably try out new titles without waiting on lines at specific best buys only to try for a few minutes. It makes sense for people without the console but people with the console shouldn't have to make to lines longer and keep potential new customers away because they want to bring an E3 experience to fans.

One thing I remember from the first E3 after xbox 360 launched was the announcement of lost planet with an actual playable demo released on live around the time of announcement. By the time the game came out the hype was there because people had already had a small taste and wanted more.At least that's how I remember it, but I might be wrong. I'm surprised that tactic wasn't used again considering how sucessful lost planet was for a new franchise last gen.

It's because E3 demos are typically not viable for download use. They'd be too buggy.


This idea that Sony was on some sort of crusade for the good of consumers is straight up fiction. They cancelled their DRM plans, MS didn't, MS looked like dicks, and Sony came out looking like the saviours of gaming to anyone who wanted them to, and they're riding that goodwill wave like their lives depend on it (which it kind of does). That's all. They've almost always had a gift for saying or doing the right thing at the right time, but defenders of equality and justice they aren't.
Agreed that they were just in the right place at the right time. It was something they weren't doing anyway, they just took the opportunity for good PR.

That didn't make it any less enjoyable or funny though when they took their little jabs at Microsoft. The whole thing was ridiculous; we needed someone (preferably with a stage and importance) to make fun of Microsoft.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but the Yoshi egg in this scene might be a hint for Yoshi's Epic Yarn:

That's just part of the Nintendo Corporate Building. Like how conference rooms are named after Nintendo characters and there's decor everywhere. The entire building is soaked and seeped in Ninty.

EDIT: Greninja'd. But I share your longing for Yoshi.





And these are "simple" Directs.
I wonder if the Digital Event will be ever better...if they'll put such effort in the quality of the video, to me it will be great.
Of course, if CONTENTS (aka games, and to me especially Wii U games) will be worth it.

Hahaha, the Tomodachi one is crazy! Makes even LSD: Dream Emulator look ordinary in comparison :D
I personally don't care how they present their reveals to the public, as they're going to excite me no matter what, but there's no denying that a public presentation on a stage would be much more exciting for myself & others. They aren't exactly getting great press with their decision to have another Direct-esque E3 show. That said, I'm hoping they do something to make it interesting & exciting to watch aside from the games. Would it even be possible for them to collaborate with Mega64 again? If they made another video like this one I think that would be awesome.


^^ GAF >>> Internet >>> GAF? :p

I personally don't care how they present their reveals to the public, as they're going to excite me no matter what, but there's no denying that a public presentation on a stage would be much more exciting for myself & others. They aren't exactly getting great press with their decision to have another Direct-esque E3 show.That said, I'm hoping they do something to make it interesting & exciting to watch aside from the games. Would it even be possible for them to collaborate with Mega64 again? If they made another video like this one I think that would be awesome.
This is not particular meant for you, but this line of thinking just strikes me as odd.

During the thread I've seen more folks trying to explain that a pressconference/public presentation would be more exciting and generating more buzz because of reasons. But the thing is, this entire Nintendo Digital Event is as public as it can be. There's no sign telling people to go away because "it's preachin' to the choir!" or another argument similar to that one. Just like the inevitable MS and Sony pressers, it throws out information they choose to share with us. All three of them, regardless of how they present it to us, regulate the information flow in their favour. And the thing is; for the majority of viewers here on GAF, it's extremely easy to access because we all have a internet connection. And more importantly: it has every tidbit of information you need as a (possible) customer of Nintendo products.

To be perfectly honest, I'm still amazed that so many posters here can't embrace this type of presentation. Last year's execution of the idea was certainly flawed because the normal Direct approach doesn't fit the "bombastic" character of E3. And the horrible quality of the stream. But the basic idea is great. And I really wish MS or Sony would pick up the same idea as well.

After watching E3 for seven years, after the conferences end I always ask myself "what the hell did I just watch" in most cases. I see uncharismatic guys like Don Mattick (sorry dude, no hard feelings) giving these really subpar presentations. Live demo's where developers try to play their games, sweating their asses off and it's quite clear they aren't cut out for these kind of things. I see lame game demo's like Star Wars Kinect. Jack Tretton mentioning the "Playstation eco system" so many times it's not even funny. Or you know, the terrible fireworks display at the end of the Nintendo conference. That's just a few things that bothered me over the years. In the end I only remember the bad/hilarious parts and I know a lot of GAF live for these kinds of moments, but that's not what I want from E3. Maybe I'm just yapping on about nothing, but I find the traditional pressconference becoming more boring and predictable every passing year.

Eh, I hope Nintendo will really give the Digital Event a non-Direct angle. I'd love some crazy and at the same time professional video giving the info I want.
Indeed. When comparing Nintendo in 2013 and Nintendo in 2014 you are going to notice one big difference. In 2013 Nintendo rushed to reveal as many games as possible for Wii U. Even games that were very far away. Monolith Soft's next game, Pokémon X/Y, Yarn Yoshi, Sonic Lost World, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, Mario Golf: World Tour, Super Luigi U, SMT X FE and Wind Waker HD were all revealed before E3. In addition to that they also mentioned that Mario Kart and next Mario platformer by EAD Tokyo would be playable at E3. Everyone also knew about Smash. That's a crazy amount of games to reveal in the span of 6 months. What I'm getting at is that they didn't really leave a lot of room for surprises at E3. The material was there but they decided to show it earlier.

This year is the complete opposite. The only Nintendo announcement this year is NES Remix 2 I guess? I think they want to have a bit more surprises at E3 this year. Nintendo is one to surprise.

YEP! Nintendo unloaded EVERYTHING before E3, BIG mistake IMO.

Let's see, here are all the retail 1st-party games, in no particular order:


Pokemon XY
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Mario Golf: World Tour
Yoshi's New Island
Mario Party Island Tour
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team

Wii U:

Wind Waker HD
Yarn Yoshi
Mario & Sonic Sochi
New Super Luigi U
3D Mario confirmed for E3
Mario Kart confirmed for E3
Smash confirmed for E3

ALL from Jan to before E3.

Really Nintendo? No wonder E3 was dull as fuck aside from the stream crapping out. DKCTF was the ONLY new game across both platforms at E3.

So the silence during the same period this year better be worth it Nintendo!

They do sprinkle some bits out of nowhere, like:

Wii U:

Fatal Frame


Pokemon Art Academy

To my knowledge.

And those were just the past couple of weeks.

Appetizers. :)


That could be true, sure. My wish of seeing footage of that game might be too big :/

Haha yeah. All the rooms at Nintendo HQ are named after Nintendo IP and Characters from Mario and DK etc so I think Treehouse (that room) is named after a Yoshi Egg or something. It's the most secure room in the whole of Nintendo HQ. The whole building is Nintendo themed as you'd expect :p


Haha yeah. All the rooms at Nintendo HQ are named after Nintendo IP and Characters from Mario and DK etc so I think Treehouse (that room) is named after a Yoshi Egg or something. It's the most secure room in the whole of Nintendo HQ. The whole building is Nintendo themed as you'd expect :p
Seems to be a theme within Nintendo in general. Nintendo Benelux's interior for instance has glass doors with Nintendo themes (characters, items) and other Nintendo related decorations plastered over the place. When I asked where the bathroom was, I should go left from the Yoshi-door. Hehe.


Neo Member
If... If the digital event is ANYTHING close! To the tomodachi and MK8 direct. nintendo have won E3. And I suspect it will.. oh boy :)

Im also excited about the Tree House Project. Describing and showing in depth coverage of their games live on the show floor. Its like we all become journalists from the comfort of home.

Nintendo is bringing e3 to us directly digitally, as well as bringing it physically. The future of e3?


what if it's really fucking good though- like two times the size and length of albw

I'd probably have the reaction I do to most recent Nintendo titles:

1) Feel immediately disappointed.
2) Get over it eventually but not really pay attention to it pre-release.
3) Play it and be pleasantly amused with its quality.


I saw all those amazing Direct, then I saw the disappointing Disney Infinity 2 reveal today, this seriously give me hope for a good E3 with Nintendo.
Please shower us with good games and release dates!


Unconfirmed Member
They do sprinkle some bits out of nowhere, like:

Wii U:

Fatal Frame


Pokemon Art Academy

To my knowledge.

And those were just the past couple of weeks.

Appetizers. :)

Pokemon Art Academy feels like a given to be localized. I'd rather have a big 3DS Dragon Quest push.
At the end of the day, it's just more entertaining to watch something be performed in front of a live audience instead of on a small computer screen. It's why the movie theatre experience has value to it vs watching at home on a laptop, or why it's more exciting to go to a baseball game at Yankee Stadium than by watching it at home. I know you get the same information at perhaps a greater pace and more... "directly," but there's a certain level of theatrical flair when you get to kind of join in on the excitement of what's being presented to you with dozens if not hundreds of other people. No, you're not there, but you can relate to the emotions and excitement of those you see witnessing the same product, game, or event when you see their reactions emulate yours.

It's just really cool to see something you love presented to large groups of people, and seeing their reaction to it. It's hard to explain for someone who doesn't "get it," but that's the jist of it.


what if it's really fucking good though- like two times the size and length of albw

What if it's simultaneously 3D on TV and 2D on the gamepad and they incorporate puzzles that take this into account with the different advantages inherent in each viewpoint?
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