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Polyphony's Kazunori Yamauchi thinks Gran Turismo Sport can run at 8K on PS5


At this point Kaz statements feels so silly.
I wish he could just be involved into "cinematic and replay mode" - wich seems to be the only thing he still does right - and give the game to someone actually intersted on doing a game.
PD feels like an studio that has stopped on time around 2005 and learnt nothing with the PS3 errors while all other Sony studios and hardware division did it.
What does he mean by :

Does he mean that even the PS4 PRO isn't enough for his cars and game and he needs a more powerful next-gen console? he has been seeing this in every generation. Yet his GTS cars and whole game doesn't look as good as Driveclub or pack any of ist advanced techs which is a launch PS4 game.
Too over pretentious to be believed.

yeah, they should focus on delivering a game for the console consumers have today, not in 20 years :D

that resolution horsepower can also be used for VR, it's a real shame they could only get 2 cars running there in a handful of tracks. Meanwhile the folks who made Driveclub and Dirt VR are laughing.


This is literally what he says about every GT. GT5 models were supposedly "built for PS4".

That turned out well.


Then he said the following: "It takes six months to create a single car. It’s over-specced for PS4 Pro. So we are building for future versions of the console rather than the one we see today".

LOL he said the exact same thing last generation about GT5's cars. They ended up ditching all those car models anyway.



He is trying to say is that the models are very high resolution, and can be used for future Gran Turismo installments (which will be on PS5, PS6, ect)

Haven't they said that about past games as well? I won't hold my breath.


Every game so far is just a prelude towards GT7

Seriously I don't get what the fuck they do when they release games every 4 years with less gameplay features than the last. It feels like they invest a lot in the whole "infrastructure" when most folks just want a gt2 story mode again


And yet Turn10 can pump out new iterations every two years. With even having started from scratch with FM5 which launched with more cars than GTS while releasing just two years after FM4.

Something is seriously wrong with Polyphony. (Not that Turn10 is perfection)
You have to understand that Kaz said his studio don't play other people's games.


He said the same shit in the past. All those premium "future-proofed" cars are now nowhere to be seen.

I'll give him a bit of credit since he considers GTS a new generation of Gran Turismo, so like a reboot I suppose for the new gen.
Wouldn't surprise me if they did create assets that would last for a potential PS5, that's thinking forward no?
All paving way for the eventual Gran Turismo 7, at least looking at GTS beta thread it seems to look like that.


"It takes six months to create a single car. It’s over-specced for PS4 Pro. So we are building for future versions of the console rather than the one we see today".



I heard the same tale of future proofing the car models since GT5 on PS3.

Just release one complete game now Kaz.


What does a reboot has to do with existing modeled cars?

Anyone that knows GT for some time has heard this story before, it's all bullshit.
That just maybe they laid the ground work for the next GT game since GTS isn't really a full fledged one.
You chose not to believe it that's fine, I'll give him the benefit of a doubt in this case.


Honestly I barely care about 4K... they need to chill and aim for a steady frame-rate first. These pixel upgrades are no longer interesting



I'm not taking these to a Cinema. Stop giving me useless resolutions that the entire majority of your users can't even use.

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
8k is the last stop on the resolution train I think? There is no 12k or 16k just multiple variations of 8k technology. I read somewhere about Glasses free 8k 3D being the "it'. I dont care, 1080p/60 is just fine.


Ah, the glorious 8K/30 (with dips to 25) fps future.

I wish the was a frame rate war instead, the by product would be better CPU's, and better CPU's make better games, with better systems, better player counts, better everything.

Most people would be quite pleased with 1080p / Ultra settings @144hz

Edit - Oh, these guys have been future proofing every game they ever made too, starting to feel like this is their excuse for the long cycles, and nothing more. BUT if 8K is the end of the road for resolution, then maybe they can see the end of the tunnel now...my god there can be no reason to go beyond 8K unless you want to view a 90 inch screen from 1 foot away.
Where does the diminishing returns on resolution kick in? 4K is already hard enough to run, I can't imagine the insane resources that will be need to keep pushing forward to 8K or 16K, at some point it stops becoming worth it and they can focus on improving other graphical effects and physics instead right?

Most people would be quite pleased with 1080p / Ultra settings @144hz

Almost no one has a display that can benefit from this though, especially on consoles. Of course, no one has an 8K display either.


Think the thread makes it sound worse than it is. He just said he thought it could be done, not that it's in the pipeline. 4K will be a fine resolution, combined with better and better HDR and colour reproduction and higher framerates. That what we should focus on for the home TV market. 8K is a far off dream and more useful if you're getting into home cinema territory. It will be niche for a long time. 4K could sustain as long as the old pre HD TV standards did.


I remember when I said we are going to get 4k 120fps and 8k 30-60fps next gen, people said that was a pipe dream.....

Happy to hear Kaz confirm such resolutions......Zen 3 at 7nm + Navi will be a no brainer....


I remember when I said we are going to get 4k 120fps and 8k 30-60fps next gen, people said that was a pipe dream.....

Happy to hear Kaz confirm such resolutions......Zen 3 at 7nm + Navi will be a no brainer....
I'd expect that to be a thing if PSVR2 happens but at 2560x1440, though that's pc specs based on a 1st generation Zen (1700) at 90fps.
Isn't what he's trying to say simply that the models would be good enough to use them at 8k?

That's how I'm reading this. Sounds like future proof the cars so that they can reuse them for the next installments. Maybe the next GT will come out quicker.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Lol, if they bring a potential PS5 out with 14 to 16 tflops with 24 GB of RAM at 1TB/s bandwidth maybe. Otherwise, come on my dude.


I remember when I said we are going to get 4k 120fps and 8k 30-60fps next gen, people said that was a pipe dream.....

Happy to hear Kaz confirm such resolutions......Zen 3 at 7nm + Navi will be a no brainer....
You think we'll get 8k 60fps games on a base ps5?


Gold Member
He said this bullshit when they were making GT6 about how they were building for the future and the PS4. So why are we still waiting for what looks like a half arsed game?

At this rate there will be no GT on the PS5.
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