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Protesting the Inauguration of Donald Trump

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I know I'm out of step with the general opinion, but I think methods of protests need to evolve with time.

Imagine if a million Americans just didn't buy anything this month to protest Trump. (besides basics and food).

Get a cute non-threatening spokesperson out there to say they just don't feel safe and are hoarding their money until they see what happens to their rights and healthcare, etc. Keep it light, but be firm. "You know, if they take our healthcare we're going to have a lot less money to spend..." Get a grandma out there saying "my grandson's gay and I think I better save my money in case I need to protect him". Get some folks saying "we need to save incase mean old Paul Ryan steals our social security"

Hit people in the pocketbook.


never left the stone age
Protesting is an outdated tactic in the modern world. Everyone is now equipped with the means to get an idea into circulation without it.

Yes, great plan, especially with how easily supressed information will be now that net neutrality is all but dead for you guys. Let's sit still and write essays, people. Protesting doesn't work, you heard it here first.


well you got me there

I did. You should read a history book. It'll help you gel together why you may wear that uniform and why the people who wore it before you took pride in it. To be so woefully ignorant of our own history and actually prideful about it is disgraceful, especially for someone in the military.
Trying to imagine (the cowardish part of) GAF in 1773: would shit their pants and cry how they can't enjoy their tea tonight wah wah wah.

A coward is one who attacks the weak and defenseless. A coward hides in a mob mentality. A coward believes their own desires are more important than the greater good. A coward acts with emotion and does not have a plan.

Trump has been president for 3 hours and enacted nothing. Its perfectly fine to protest him however you want, but once you step into violence, especially against innocent targets, you are no longer a brave protester but just a coward who has decided that the rules of society no longer apply to you, and you reap the brutal results of leaving society.

Really want to protest the American people for voting for Trump? Organize with others and withdraw from the economy. March and demand your elected representatives work for you, otherwise you will not do anything for them. If every democrat tomorrow decided not to go to work or buy/pay for anything then the country would change overnight. That requires sacrifice and facing the unknown, so nobody will do that of course. The easiest, dumbest act of a child is to throw stuff at things and hope someone notices you.


Pathetic. These people love to act like intellectual superiors to republicans and just descend into violence when they don't get what they want. Way to show how you're the better individuals people.

Is this the part where you run back to Gaming GAF after a drive-by?


I agree that people should protest if that is what they believe is the right thing to do, but rioting and destroying peoples property is a scummy thing to do, they should be ashamed of themselves.


As the poster below you said to my comments, don't paint everyone with the same brush. Plenty of republicans didn't do that and plenty intellectually superior to you

if somebody voted for trump they aren't intellectually superior to me, because imo in order to be worth anything to this world you have to have empathy

trump voters have no empathy, thus they are lesser. easy math for me!


Sick of people whining about the "whining of protestors". At the end of the day, this orange, underwear shitstain is on Twitter whining about what some celebrity or some comedy skit said about him. People have the audacity to call protesters 'whiners' when their new president is one of the biggest fucking crybabies that ever ascended office. Yeah, keep doing mental backflips and fall flat on your face every time.
Imagine if a million Americans just didn't buy anything this month to protest Trump. (besides basics and food).
Consumer spending is 2/3rds of the economy, it'd be wonderful but might start convincing the world we don't want to buy things all the time like little perfect consumers and then they'll raise the prices and disrupt trade agreements and start questioning is America really number one and maybe we don't want them to ask that because the answer isn't very nice.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
A few desultory chants of "Let Us Through" but doesn't really catch on except for a few people at a time.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!

am i right or wrong?!

how the hell gaf can manage to get up in arms over this is ridiculous.
What do you consider the boston tea party to be? A protest or a riot? Because you've basically established that you don't know jack shit about 2nd grade history and/or consider our founding founders to be criminals or a combination of both.


You'll only see the violent/smashing/looting shit on TV because it is more "entertaining" for news. The majority that are peaceful protesting are doing great work.

Don't paint everyone with a broad brush.

Funny that, everyone who voted Trump or Brexit has been painted as a racist\facist\nazi by the left.
"Won't someone think about the private property"
Protesting is an outdated tactic in the modern world. Everyone is now equipped with the means to get an idea into circulation without it.

Protesting is a symbolic gesture meant to bring people together and circulate those ideas together. Yes we do not need it now that the dissemination of information and organization can easily be done online, but it's useful to gather and motivate.

The act of actually going out and protesting isn't supposed to change any laws. It's what comes after.
Sick of people whining about the "whining of protestors". At the end of the day, this orange, underwear shitstain is on Twitter whining about what some celebrity or some comedy skit said about him. People have the audacity to call protesters 'whiners' when their new president is one of the biggest fucking crybabies that ever ascended office. Yeah, keep doing mental backflips and fall flat on your face every time.

TRUTH. Btw, this is my mom right now. She's basically calling us Democrats "sad losers" and acting like everyone in the country just accepted Obama when he was elected. Meanwhile Trump throws a tirade when some actors in a play express some concern with his rhetoric.


The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.

So you are literally calling for bloodshed, based on you calling the election invalid because of conjecture that without russian interference he wouldn't have won. We're not living in barbaric times, so I fand that stance to be quite shocking.


Protesting is a symbolic gesture meant to bring people together and circulate those ideas together. Yes we do not need it now that the dissemination of information and organization can easily be done online, but it's useful to gather and motivate.

The act of actually going out and protesting isn't supposed to change any laws. It's what comes after.

Perhaps you're right.
So you are literally calling for bloodshed, based on you calling the election invalid because of conjecture that without russian interference he wouldn't have won. We're not living in barbaric times, so I fand that stance to be quite shocking.

Once the entire country went to war because a bunch of Southerners didn't believe a "nigger" had the right to be free the Constitution and the will of the people be damned.


This protest seems too disjointed...they are just shouting out random things every 10 seconds. Others seem to just be trying to record stuff with their phones to be like "Hey, I was here that day!".



am i right or wrong?!

how the hell gaf can manage to get up in arms over this is ridiculous.

Well, you have to ask why are they rioting.

Rodney King Riots and Watts Riots were justified in my mind, that doesn't mean I think everything that happened during them is great and peachy. But in no way can I say all rioters are bad during those times.

You have a man getting elected who has said awful things about women, hispanics, and blacks. Of course violence will happen.
A coward is one who attacks the weak and defenseless. A coward hides in a mob mentality. A coward believes their own desires are more important than the greater good. A coward acts with emotion and does not have a plan.

Trump has been president for 3 hours and enacted nothing. Its perfectly fine to protest him however you want, but once you step into violence, especially against innocent targets, you are no longer a brave protester but just a coward who has decided that the rules of society no longer apply to you, and you reap the brutal results of leaving society.

Really want to protest the American people for voting for Trump? Organize with others and withdraw from the economy. March and demand your elected representatives work for you, otherwise you will not do anything for them. If every democrat tomorrow decided not to go to work or buy/pay for anything then the country would change overnight. That requires sacrifice and facing the unknown, so nobody will do that of course. The easiest, dumbest act of a child is to throw stuff at things and hope someone notices you.

He just deleted any mention of climate change on the white house webpage and replaced with bullshit like "clean coal" and lifting restrictions.

Get of your fucking high horse.


I did. You should read a history book. It'll help you gel together why you may wear that uniform and why the people who wore it before you took pride in it. To be so woefully ignorant of our own history and actually prideful about it is disgraceful, especially for someone in the military.

dude get off your high horse. i know why i serve. you served, and thank you. seriously. im not here to dog on anyone and talk shit. all i did was point out these rioters are commiting pointless crimes because they can get away with it. i dont need history books to know that destroying a random starbucks is fucking pointless and wrong.


dude get off your high horse. i know why i serve. you served, and thank you. seriously. im not here to dog on anyone and talk shit. all i did was point out these rioters are commiting pointless crimes because they can get away with it. i dont need history books to know that destroying a random starbucks is fucking pointless and wrong.

I knew you would just double down on your ignorance. predictable.


Protest as much as you wish just PLEASE remember to vote in 2018! Yes public expression is important, but if some these protesters stay home in 2018 it'll all be for nothing and may possibly hurt the cause.


Unconfirmed Member
Coworker1: "What do you think of all of these protests?"
Coworker2: "I think they're ridiculous. Why?"
Coworker1: "I agree. I don't know why. Why are they so bitter? Deal with it."
Coworker2: "We have to unify. Obama says unify. Let's stop this."
Coworker1: "Yup. Unify."
Coworker2: "What do you think of Obamacare? Trump is getting rid of it. Why does Obama care? He should be happy to be out of office. He should get over it."
Coworker1: "I agree. He's out. Move on."

Spoken like two white guys from Long Island in their early 20s. They're liberal, to booth.

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