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Racism caught on tape (NSFW) for starting car : White woman +kids vs Black male

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this can't be life


Junior Member
It is REAL. The account was created in the year 2012. You can clearly see her Tweeting a long time ago.

Haha, this is getting better and better. There is no way for her to get out of this hole. Welp. Life ruined. No sympathy from me. He deserves the hate.

I hope social services takes action against her (especially because she has young children).


I'm SO glad we waited to get both sides of the story. Some much needed context.

But seriously, has waiting for a racists' side of a story ever changed or justified their actions? Why do people still bother with that disingenuous 'reasoning'?


erotic butter maelstrom
Terrible scene. But I'm not comfortable with cyberheater's ban after looking over his posts in this thread. It seems to me that he wasn't an apologist for her behavior at any point, and was only cautioning that (1) people in anger will say anything to hurt another person that they are in a confrontation with, and (2) who knows what sort of screwed up circumstances she herself carries into this exchange. I think a little caution of that nature is okay, rather than simply chiming in with the somewhat disturbing enthusiasm here of taking some kind of pleasure in gawking at a person's worst moments put on tape.

Oh, please. He was absolutely an apologist even if he wasn't explicitly promoting her behavior. "Let's wait for the full story" comments are beyond tired at this point. They pop up in every thread like this. It's like some people just refuse to accept that bigotry still exists in this day and age. I'm not trying to promote reactionary behavior, but the dude tried to be contrarian just for the sake of it and got burned.


irresponsible vagina leak
lol It's not a generalization. Did you really not understand how my post was composed? I was using your logic to illustrate a point, but I'm not going to spell it out for you. That woosh was the sound of it going over your head.

Tell me how you really feel. Seriously. Now you gonna be calling me stupid over it because I don't exactly agree 100% with you.


Heh, Buffalo is called the "Queen City" because it's the second largest city in NY. It's basically a city with huge suburban sprawl.
Yeah that was the name it was given how long ago? Buffalo is a great college town, but the city itself has had serious issues since the steelworkers left the area.

nel e nel

Huh? It's a fucking insult to everyone who lives in the rest of NY to be lumped with a few racist shitbags. How do you not understand that?

It's also a fucking insult to assume that all NYCers don't know that there is a rest of the state.

I didn't lump everyone in, I said there are a lot of racist towns - which is probably true - and that there is a lot of racism - which is definitely true. I apologize for getting anyone heated up from my comments, that wasn't my intent.

Unfortunately, once you get out of NYC, the racial demographics gets extremely homogeneous, and also unfortunately, NYC skews the rest of the state democratic politically.

What does that have to do with it? Well, most racists vote conservative/republican. Are ALL republicans/conservatives racist? No, of course not. Do some racists vote Democratic? Probably. Also unfortunate, much of the conservative agenda is couched in codified racism using terms like 'welfare state' and 'entitlements' and 'bootstraps' and what not.

Is NYC free from racism? Most definitely not. Just look up police shooting victims, or school performance in poor black and latino neighborhoods. Now, if racism is alive and well in NYC - the most racially diverse and most liberal leaning part of the state - it doesn't necessarily paint a pretty picture of Bennetton for Cheektowaga.

I like going to visit my in-laws out of the city. It's nice and quiet, there's lots of nature, and people are friendly. But fuck if I can't go one visit without someone dropping 'nigger' in casual conversation, or making veiled comments about 'those people' and how they 'ruined neighborhoods'. Not to mention the shit my brother-in-law puts up with at work, 'because you know how THEY are', or the crap my father-in-law put up with for over 30 years because English wasn't his first language.

Now, does this mean that I think that YOU and the other people from WNY are racists? Of course not, and as anecdotal as my personal experiences are, yours are as well.

Anyways, enough derail, back to the crucifixion!


Its Wikipedia page says it's 2.93% black or African American. Is that incorrect or does Buffalo just not have many black people?

He's saying that of all the suburbs that Buffalo is comprised of, Cheektowaga probably has the biggest African American population. There are the suburbs of Buffalo, and then there is Buffalo city proper...where there is a very large black community.
Her kids were playing around and just walking around...they didn't seem scared.

I feel bad for them for having such a shitty human being as their mother.


Terrible scene. But I'm not comfortable with cyberheater's ban after looking over his posts in this thread. It seems to me that he wasn't an apologist for her behavior at any point, and was only cautioning that (1) people in anger will say anything to hurt another person that they are in a confrontation with, and (2) who knows what sort of screwed up circumstances she herself carries into this exchange. I think a little caution of that nature is okay, rather than simply chiming in with the somewhat disturbing enthusiasm here of taking some kind of pleasure in gawking at a person's worst moments put on tape.

The thing that bothers me is the high incidence of threads of this nature (G/A/F, etc) that seem to just take a little too much enjoyment in finding and mocking individuals who are clearly not very enlightened or who make fools of themselves, even though many of these individuals may have problems with poverty, backgrounds of abuse, or anything else we don't know about. To use such cases to learn or understand problems is one thing, but the threads inevitably feel self-congratulatory and arrogant, as everyone jumps in just to mock and feel superior to all those so hilariously backwards people from backwards parts our world.

This is the same tired argument that rears its ugly head whenever the subject of racism is brought up. Non-minorities are always given some kind of benefit of the doubt. They are either too poor, just angry, unstable and in need of help, victims of abuse, or the minority must have done something. We don't know that she was abused, or any of the things you mentioned. So why bring it up? It's irrelevant. She is not the victim here, so let's stop trying to find all possible angles where her behavior might be ok.

When a non-minority seems to be struggling to unlock a car in public, everyone assumes they own it. If a minority does the same, the police rushes there in less than 5 minutes...in fact, the police may even rush there if they happen to be looking into their own car and shoot them.


He's saying that of all the suburbs that Buffalo is comprised of, Cheektowaga probably has the biggest African American population. There are the suburbs of Buffalo, and then there is Buffalo city proper...where there is a very large black community.

Oh, I see.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Oh, so she had no idea what the word meant! Now she does though!

All is well guys, she's not a racist!



Her kids were playing around and just walking around...they didn't seem scared.

I feel bad for them for having such a shitty human being as their mother.

That is the sad part, they are use to that. Most young kids would be freaking out at mom freaking out. But they seen that shit too many times.


the perfect racist bingo card seems too good to be true

can you change your twitter url

i can't believe this is real


Its Wikipedia page says it's 2.93% black or African American. Is that incorrect or does Buffalo just not have many black people?

A large issue is that Buffalo has a significant black population that has displaced the whites. As time progresses, they move in to the suburbs that were relatively homogenous which makes crazy white people like this lady in the video very nervous. I've found that many of the most racist people in the area (at least that I've encountered) are those who have had populations that were undergoing this transformation to a dreaded multicultural community.


Gold Member
What a vile human being.

There was so much wrong with that.

  • So much spite.
  • Being racist cunt in front of her kids.
  • Looks like a witch.
  • Keeps talking shit on phone like she will do something, but we know she won't.
  • Is a bitch who wants to get her man involved in violent altercations because of her spitefulness and dumbassery. As if her mental illness is worth of his jail time.
  • Talks about stripping for cops in front of her kids (ugly for stripper let alone a low class prostitute).
  • Says racist word because he "scared" her kids? Little shits looked fine to me (well, they will probably turn out to be big shits unfortunately, great parenting I see), my guess is they heard the engine and maybe jumped, she was racist and saw a black guy in the car and the racism kicked in...
  • Is one of those fake emotional douches who acts like talking or referring to her kids is like raping or killing them "DONT TALK TO MY KIDS!", over reaction. I am sorry but I am tired of people like this, unless someone says something.
  • With this we can gather she over reacted about her kids being scared by the car.
I am white BTW, I may sound harsh but I mean this with good intent.


Tagged as I see fit
While I don't condone her disgusting actions in the video at all, a part of me does feel bad for the internet storm that is just starting to descend on her and possibly her kids. The lack of remorse is not so great either :/


Post Count: 9999
So what's the situation now? Is she getting sued? She definitely deserves it, what a cunt. I can't believe people like this exist nowadays, it's simply disgusting.
Not to derail ... but sued for what exactly?

Maybe we need a new thread on the litigiousness of America.
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