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Resident Evil Revelations 1+2 confirmed for Switch


Look at the part of the wall lit up by the flashlight in this gif. The walls usually look better, but the HD upgrade didn't catch everything.


We're all looking at the wall, right?


RER1 still looks great despite its 3DS origins, imo, except for the occasionally weak wall texture.

Look at the part of the wall lit up by the flashlight in this gif. The walls usually look better, but the HD upgrade didn't catch everything.


I see the wall, and yeah, you're right about that and you show it well.

But there's something about that gif that makes me think that there's more to it.

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I mean, it's not really. It has a grumpy old man helping a little girl and has some parts where stealth is ideal, but I promise you aren't going to walk away from thinking it's all that much like TLOU.
The game an unabashed TLOU clone, just as RE6 lifted set pieces from Uncharted 2/3. Although in some senses it's basically TLOU+Alan Wake. They even borrowed Alan Wake's dodging system, plus the flashlight burning system.


Yes, it is. How is it not?

Borrowing some elements from other games doesn't make it an "unabashed clone" of another game. The two games have what I said in common and little else. Games existed before Naughty Dog. Naughty Dog even has their own influences
Borrowing some elements from other games doesn't make it an "unabashed clone" of another game.
It doesn't borrow "some" elements. It borrows a whole lot of elements to the point the game looks like TLOU, and plays like TLOU. It's a TLOU clone. There's nothing wrong with a game being a clone of another game. I know some people get defensive when a game is called a clone of another game, but that's what is it. We're talking about a game where a grizzled older man creeps around throwing bottles and stabbing enemies in the neck. Oh, and you can see enemies through walls. It couldn't be more transparent if it tried. And we know Capcom studied Naughty Dog's work because Resident Evil 6 is a game where they basically cut and pasted set pieces from Uncharted 2. Where do you think the helicopter boss battle on a rooftop with a grenade launcher came from? Or the tank chase in china?

It's like playing the first Resident Evil and saying, "Nope, this totally isn't an Alone in the Dark clone." Or playing Turok 3/Area 51 and saying, "This isn't a Half-Life 1/2 clone."


My post wasn't meant to completely disregard your question but I don't know the answer and that honestly I really disliked Moira at first but she seriously became one of my series favorites.

I hate her very inclusion since im not a fan of incorporating needless family members in to the story. I didnt like it with Claire and I certainly dont like it with Barry's daughter of all people. The fact that i cant stand her design doesnt help matters. Regardless, seeing enemies through walls makes the game a non-starter for me anyway.
I hate her very inclusion since im not a fan of incorporating needless family members in to the story. I didnt like it with Claire and I certainly dont like it with Barry's daughter of all people. The fact that i cant stand her design doesnt help matters.
Barry Burton is going to die eventually. All the RE characters age in real time. Introducing new characters is tricky, and making them family members of existing ones helps smooth over the transition. That's why Jake Muller is Wesker's son, for example.

Regardless, seeing enemies through walls makes the game a non-starter for me anyway.
Why? It's Natalia's ability, and integral to the Barry/Natalia gameplay loop, where you identify enemy positions with Natalia and kill them stealthily with Barry. Would you rather the game made you fight invisible enemies without a character who can see heat signatures/whatever it is she's seeing? When playing as Claire/Moira, you have no such ability.
The game an unabashed TLOU clone, just as RE6 lifted set pieces from Uncharted 2/3. Although in some senses it's basically TLOU+Alan Wake. They even borrowed Alan Wake's dodging system, plus the flashlight burning system.

Haha, fuck no it isn't. The biggest difference is Revelaitons 2 is actually fun.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I think constant comparisons is unneeded. I mean, Last of Us took a lot from Resident Evil 4, the directors even admit it, so it is what it is? Games take stuff from each other, big whoop. I wouldn't say Revelations 2 is Last of Us clone though it obviously took some things from it, because in actuality it plays quite a bit different, and though this is a weird way to describe it, I always have thought Revelations 2 was kind of more 'game-like' than most other games of its type, which fits because its that same sort of 'game-like' that the older Resident Evil games had that contrast their more 'realistic' environments, but to me has always been decidedly Resident Evil. They just roll with the game design like it's part of their natural world.

You can say it's a clone, but I feel that's actually disingenuous and not very productive. Comparisons can be drawn and there's certainly links, but the medium of games, and all creative works, grow by building off each other.
Compelling argument. Care to explain how the game is not influenced by TLOU to the point of being a clone? "No it isn't" is not an argument.

That's like saying Duke Nukem 3D isn't a Doom clone because it's "actually fun".

Almost as compelling as your argument of calling it a TLOU clone without providing any further explanation.


Barry Burton is going to die eventually. All the RE characters age in real time. Introducing new characters is tricky, and making them family members of existing ones helps smooth over the transition. That's why Jake Muller is Wesker's son, for example.

It's lazy, cowardly, and it makes the world smaller and more contrived. I'm just not a fan of the approach.

Why? It's Natalia's ability, and integral to the Barry/Natalia gameplay loop, where you identify enemy positions with Natalia and kill them stealthily with Barry. Would you rather the game made you fight invisible enemies without a character who can see heat signatures/whatever it is she's seeing? When playing as Claire/Moira, you have no such ability.

I thought it was some garbage detective vision. That implementation isn't so bad but still more outlandish than I would like.
I think constant comparisons is unneeded. I mean, Last of Us took a lot from Resident Evil 4, the directors even admit it, so it is what it is? Games take stuff from each other, big whoop.
I pointed out that skipping the cutscenes in Revelations 2 is silly because it's a story-driven game -- basically Capcom's version of TLOU, and someone argued that Revelations 2 is not actually like TLOU. Which is wrong because the game is a blatant TLOU clone. I know the word "clone" makes some people antsy, but Revelations 2 is a game that clearly wants to be TLOU. The gameplay changes between RE6 and Revelations 2 all serve to make the game more TLOU-esque, while the changes between RE5 and RE6 were largely making the game more Uncharted-esque. Revelations 2 looks like TLOU, plays like TLOU, and is overtly styled after TLOU. It's a fantastic game, but that doesn't change what is blindly obvious.

I'm not sure why this makes people so defensive. We're talking about a series here that has basically never had an original bone in its body. It's a great series. I love Resident Evil. But it is derivative as hell.

Almost as compelling as your argument of calling it a TLOU clone without providing any further explanation.
What are you talking about? The game has TLOU's stealth system, mimics its HUD/inventory, borrows its aesthetics, and mimics its approach to AI companions. Even the character movement and camera was changed from RE6's Uncharted-style movement to be more like TLOU's movement and camera. They even slapped on overly heavy ambient occlusion that mimics TLOU's.


It doesn't borrow "some" elements. It borrows a whole lot of elements to the point the game looks like TLOU, and plays like TLOU. It's a TLOU clone. There's nothing wrong with a game being a clone of another game. I know some people get defensive when a game is called a clone of another game, but that's what is it. We're talking about a game where a grizzled older man creeps around throwing bottles and stabbing enemies in the neck. Oh, and you can see enemies through walls. It couldn't be more transparent if it tried. And we know Capcom studied Naughty Dog's work because Resident Evil 6 is a game where they basically cut and pasted set pieces from Uncharted 2. Where do you think the helicopter boss battle on a rooftop with a grenade launcher came from? Or the tank chase in china?

It's like playing the first Resident Evil and saying, "Nope, this totally isn't an Alone in the Dark clone." Or playing Turok 3/Area 51 and saying, "This isn't a Half-Life 1/2 clone."

You've either never played Rev2, TLOU, or both, since none of those examples are even close to what we're talking about here. Or don't realize that games existed before Naughty Dog. It's true, Google it.

Edit: And the above shows the latter may very well be true. TLOU invented stealth apparently, or maybe it's just an obvious MGS clone and I never knew. Or did Naughty Dog create a time paradox and the stealth in TLOU actually influenced MGS?


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
TLOU is not the 1st stealth 3rd person shooter, just the one with the highest production values

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I pointed out that skipping the cutscenes in Revelations 2 is silly because it's a story-driven game -- basically Capcom's version of TLOU, and someone argued that Revelations 2 is not actually like TLOU. Which is wrong because the game is a blatant TLOU clone. I know the word "clone" makes some people antsy, but Revelations 2 is a game that clearly wants to be TLOU. The gameplay changes between RE6 and Revelations 2 all serve to make the game more TLOU-esque, while the changes between RE5 and RE6 were largely making the game more Uncharted-esque. Revelations 2 looks like TLOU, plays like TLOU, and is overtly styled after TLOU. It's a fantastic game, but that doesn't change what is blindly obvious.

I'm not sure why this makes people so defensive. We're talking about a series here that has basically never had an original bone in its body. It's a great series. I love Resident Evil. But it is derivative as hell.

But that's not quite true either, I mean if you've played Alone in the Dark and Resident Evil there's a very clear reason why RE succeeded to hit popular culture and Alone in the Dark is more a cult title,RE brought enough interesting things to the table and had a much better idea of pacing/design, and introduced several systems that benefited the design, like the limited inventory/resource management aspect and a more interesting background story, especially back when it came out when games with deeper stories still weren't incredibly common.

The reason why it gets a raised eyebrow out of me is because what you're saying can be held up against the very series you're comparing it too, like Last of Us and Uncharted you mentioned both but they're both in the same boat of not having an 'original bone in their body' if we're going to express it like that?

But it doesn't matter, and I would say actually is an untrue statement for all three, but a generalization. Also Resident Evil 5 wasn't making the game more Uncharted, RE5 was announced and showed what it looked like even before the first Uncharted game released. We saw our first gameplay trailers of RE5 which were pretty close to the final game's gameplay before Uncharted 1 was even out.

I think you played Uncharted and TLOU before you played Resident Evil so you think those came first for some reason, though frankly speaking the leads at Naughty Dog don't hide they're massive Mikami fanboys and Resident Evil 4 is among one of their favorite games of all time and both Uncharted and TLOU was inspired by RE4. And RE5 was inspired by RE4, not Uncharted. Like, it just to me like you're giving Uncharted and TLOU more originality points than they actually deserve. But then 'originality points' really don't matter at all.

You can see the leads of Naughty Dog geeking out over the creators of Ico and Resident Evil here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBV9xAR9imQ

And they go into depth how Resident Evil, ICO, & Shadow of the Colossus greatly inspired Uncharted and Last of Us. It's not bad for games to take stuff from other stuff, it's how the medium progresses, and Naughty Dog made a company of taking stuff from other stuff but executing it well. Crash Bandicoot riffed stuff from a lot of other platformers, Uncharted riffed stuff from games that came before, so did Last of Us. It's okay, it's not a big deal, but it's just kind of ironic you're holding these two series as being the height of originality that Resident Evil riffs from when both Uncharted and Last of Us literally riff off of Resident Evil back.


TLOU is not the 1st stealth 3rd person shooter, just the one with the highest production values

Naughty Dog has retroactively invented every genre and trope in video games and possibly fiction.

Edit: I didn't even see the quoted above about RE5 and 6 being made to be more Uncharted-esque. Lol as fuck.


I'd say TLoU borrows more from RE4, than RER2 borrows from TLoU.

I'd also say it's very misleading to say RER2 is a "clone" of TLoU, since that implies a direct copy.

It's more accurate to say that certain elements of RER2 are partially inspired by TLoU.

And even those elements that are inspired are thoroughly different.

For example: The two character setup.

- In TLoU, you can't switch between the two characters. In RER2, you can.
- In TLoU, the playable characters are the same. In RER2, they have different abilities.
- In TLoU, the gameplay is built around one character. In RER2, it's built around two.
- In TLoU, there is one pair of characters. In RER2, there are two pair of characters.

RER2 is built around asymmetric gameplay, where you switch between two characters to make full use of their abilities. Claire and Barry can wield firearms and other weapons. Moira and Natalia can only defend themselves with crowbars and bricks, but they have other abilities like the ability to stun enemies and reveal hidden items with the flashlight (Moira) or the ability to see enemies through walls, reveal invisible enemies or identify enemy weakpoints (Natalia).

This leads to tense moments where, say, an invisible enemy is slowly approaching Barry and will kill him in one hit, and you must switch to Natalia to locate the enemy, and then switch back to Barry and use reference points in the environment to shoot the enemy that Natalia saw.

Not to mention, the two characters in each pair will split up in situations and take different paths. They must manipulate switches to open doors for one another while providing intel or cover fire. In TLoU, when Joel is separated from Ellie, the game continues to follow him; the player is unable to freely switch between the two.

Really, the only meaningful similarity between TLoU and RER2 is the inclusion of the crafting system, where you scavenge for resources to craft healing items, smoke bombs, etc. And such a crafting system is hardly original to TLoU.
You've either never played Rev2, TLOU, or both, since none of those examples are even close to what we're talking about here.
I've played them both. I played TLOU after Rev2, though. Where do you think Capcom got Revelation 2's stealth, combat, character movement, weapon quick selection system, enemy detection system, and general aesthetic? They sure as heck didn't get them from any of the other RE titles.

Or don't realize that games existed before Naughty Dog. It's true, Google it.
What on earth are you talking about?



I feel it requires a certain level of denial to play Rev2/TLOU back to back and not recognise how much Rev2 took from the former.


Also Resident Evil 5 wasn't making the game more Uncharted
Never said it was. If you'll read carefully, you'll see I said that the changes made between RE5 and RE6 drove the series towards an Uncharted 2-style of game design. Heavy use of set pieces, some of which are basically lifted verbatim from one of the Uncharted games, and elements such as constantly boosting the other character up or holding things up for them to pass through -- the notorious "co-op doors" in RE6 are basically an Uncharted design element made more blatant. Also character movement was drastically altered between RE5 and RE6.

It's not bad for games to take stuff from other stuff, it's how the medium progresses
Which is exactly what I said. There's nothing wrong with games being clones of other games.

and Naughty Dog made a company of taking stuff from other stuff but executing it well.
So did Ubisoft. But we call games Far Cry 3 clones for a reason. I never said Uncharted was particularly original, BTW. It stole a lot from Tomb Raider. It's pretty crazy, actually, how much Uncharted's more iconic set pieces resemble the ones from Tomb Raider: Underworld.

Edit: I didn't even see the quoted above about RE5 and 6 being made to be more Uncharted-esque. Lol as fuck.
I never said RE5 was anything like Uncharted. Secondly, where exactly do you think RE6's focus on set piece design came from? The set pieces that were identical to ones from Uncharted 2 or 3 -- are you saying after the release of Uncharted 2, Capcom made a game that played like Uncharted 2 by sheer coincidence? And you also saying that 2 years after TLOU was released, Capcom releasing a game that looked like TLOU and played like TLOU was coincidence?

Are you saying that Capcom turning Barry Burton into a gruff older man wearing a backpack and stealth-stabbing dudes in the neck and crafting stuff was just a total coincidence and not at all driven by Capcom trying to make their own version of TLOU?

Incidentally, I find it absolutely bizarre how Resident Evil 6 is accused of being like Call of Duty when it's far more like an Uncharted title.

I'd also say it's very misleading to say RER2 is a "clone" of TLoU, since that implies a direct copy.
No it doesn't. Turok 3 is a clone of Half-Life because it blatantly wants to be Half-Life and has a long list of things ripped from Half-Life. It doesn't mean the game is literally a "direct copy" of Half-Life. Homefront: The Revolution is a Far Cry 3 clone because its core formula is taken directly from Far Cry 3. All the things it does different don't matter.

Gamers are way too sensitive about games they like being called "clones", I've found.


Moving on from this ridiculous conversation:

I wonder if they'll be so bold as to release this in October to capitalize on Halloween. October is already jam-packed with releases including Mario Odyssey, Evil Within 2, Wolfenstein II, Assassin's Creed Origins, etc.

They said "Late 2017," right? I'm thinking November might be more realistic.
Moving on from this ridiculous conversation:

I wonder if they'll be so bold as to release this in October to capitalize on Halloween. October is already jam-packed with releases including Mario Odyssey, Evil Within 2, Wolfenstein II, Assassin's Creed Origins, etc.

They said "Late 2017," right? I'm thinking November might be more realistic.

October was such a darn good release for Resident Evil 6, Halloween mood and then Walking Dead S3 started like a week later and they ran advertisements with it for weeks.
Apparently The Last of Us was the first over-the-shoulder third person action game. I wasn't aware.

I would say that Revelations 2 was most influenced by.....Resident Evil 4.
Apparently The Last of Us was the first over-the-shoulder third person action game. I wasn't aware.

I would say that Revelations 2 was most influenced by.....Resident Evil 4.

RER2 definitely gave me a TLOU + RE4 vibe. It's like...a slower, more human RE4, in that respect?


RER2 definitely gave me a TLOU + RE4 vibe. It's like...a slower, more human RE4, in that respect?

It definitely borrowed some stuff from TLOU, and I think the director even acknowledged it, but calling it a clone in any sense is just nonsense.

Apparently The Last of Us was the first over-the-shoulder third person action game. I wasn't aware.

I would say that Revelations 2 was most influenced by.....Resident Evil 4.

Oh man, first over the shoulder shooter, first game to utilize stealth, wouldn't be surprised if it was the first game to ever utilize melee in combat. Truly, it is the pinnacle of all gaming, maybe all entertainment.
Apparently The Last of Us was the first over-the-shoulder third person action game.
Who said it was? Half-Life wasn't the first FPS game, but it had key design elements that turned up in other games -- games that could reasonably be called Half-Life clones.

Far Cry 3 wasn't the first open world FPS game where you captured bases and climbed towers to unlock more information about the map and gain rewards. But the games that followed it were recognised as "Far Cry clones" even though most of its design elements came from other games, some tragically unrecognised. Heck, the entire "turn the map blue" thing that is associated with the Ubisoft Formula is actually from GTA: San Andreas.

It definitely borrowed some stuff from TLOU, and I think the director even acknowledged it, but calling it a clone in any sense is just nonsense.
Dying Light is a Far Cry 3 clone. The fact it's also a successor to Dead Island is beside the point. Homefront: The Revolution is also a Far Cry 3 clone. The mechanical differences and the fact it's actually a spiritual successor to Half-Life 2 is beside the point. I love Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine, which is a Tomb Raider clone that surpasses the old Tomb Raider games in pretty much every way. Still a Tomb Raider clone. That Tomb Raider was a ripoff of Indiana Jones in the first place is beside the point.

I guess I forgot how protective some people can be about games. They see a game being called a clone of another game as somehow smiting its honour. But it's how things work, have always worked, and will work for the foreseeable future. Popular game is released. Other developers make their own version, with a few twists. Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is one of the best games in the series, and it is a clone of The Last of Us. This isn't a bad thing. Some people view it as some kind of insult, and that's silly.
You're not really using the term "clone" correctly, Dr. Carroll. Most of the games you listed are not clones. BotW, for example, definitely shares some Ubisoft open-world elements and influences. It is not, however, a "Far Cry clone". A good example of a clone (a Gears of War clone, in this case) would be IRONFALL: Invasion.
You're not using the term "clone" correctly.
Yes, I am. Or do you disagree that something like Homefront: The Revolution is a Far Cry 3 clone?

BotW, for example, definitely shares some Ubisoft open-world elements and influences. It is not, however, a "Far Cry clone".
BotW is more of a take on the overall Ubisoft Formula. It draws from Ubisoft's collective body of work. It just so happens that Ubisoft use the same design tropes in pretty much every game. The strongest source of influence is Far Cry 2/3/4, though. Same with Metal Gear Solid V.
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