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Revolution Controller Revealed

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No additional functions
I can't believe I actually said WOW when I saw this thing. :lol The only way I can ever see this having a chance at becoming mainstream is if a visor is released too. I really hope this isn't all there is to Revolution. If it is, then count me out.


ToyMachine228 said:
So now publically, THQ, Activision, EA, Ubisoft, Square Enix, and Kojima Productions have all praised the Revolution controller. Very interesting.

Because they've actually used it, unlike some of the ignorant jackoffs who are so quick to think something different and weird as fuck is automatically bad.

People seem to forget there are 4 controller ports. We'll see multi-console ports for those and original games for the new controller. That's one possibility.

The IGN impressions sound very cool.

I'm not going to go OMFG IT'S AWESOME. Because I'm fucking worried about it. But instead of childishly going OMG ROFL D00MEDZ WHUT A BUNCH OF FAGZ, how come most of us can't realize this could be COOL?

And I bet you anything the general public thinks this looks cooler than the majority of internet nerds like us. Something new, different, weird. They could eat it up if it has the games.


paul777 said:

The rev controller sounds exactly like I imagined it would be. Very cool.

I had this mouse man.. it worked like utter crap.. so bad in fact i got it because on the day my dad bought it he didnt want it anymore and went out to buy a real mouse...

unless the technology has greatly improved it just isnt ready yet for the precise movements some games require


Steroid Distributor

You've got to be freakin kidding me. That looks like some cheapass third party Dreamcast controller.
There are no words to describe how disappointing that is. Wow.


I think its fantastic but it needs more buttons! Just stick some more buttons under the dpad and then it can handle many more games.

I really hope they revise it or they will lose a lot of support.

Used in conjunction with the analouge attatchment it would be fine for all games as long as they give it more buttons.


Like I said before:

I think it will be good for FPS and maybe RPGs, but really shitty for a host of other genres.

Not diggin' it, Nintendo.


Der Kommisar said:


How much is Iwata paying you
Mashing said:
Typical. The reaction here is so predictable.

At first I was also like: WTF IS THAT THING??

But after reading IGN's, 1-Up's and Gamespot's impressions I'm really exicted to play games. The possiblities really are astounding.

Of course everone likes to jump to conclusions without even playing games on it.

Smartest post on here so far.

And everyone seems to have missed that quote (from 1up, I think) about this controller hooking together with more traditional controller types llike a regular pad, dance pad, etc. That seems like it would solve the multiplatform game problem almost instantly. Perhaps a Wavebird 2.0 type thing that this slides into so it can use SOME of the features? Like tilt sensor?


Initially I was taken aback by the design, but after reading the impressions I'm pretty hyped.

THIS is the daring Nintendo we all love deep down inside. They are taking such a huge risk here, you really can't say they are a conservative company. This could either redefine videogames, or go down in flames.. We will see =)

One things for sure, there will be competely new types of games possible with this controller. Here's hoping that developers will actually put their minds to it and utilize the capabilities of the controller rather than thinking "current-gen".

The onus is on Nintendo to show developers how this can be used effectively-- much like Mario 64 with the analog stick, Nintendo needs to develop something mindblowing to show off the capabilities. Without clear guidance, this will just be another DS at launch with half-assed implementations.


Worships the porcelain goddess
---- said:
The most important thing to understand is for traditional 3rd party games the Gamecube controllers will be used. The Revolution has 4 ports for Gamecube controllers.


And what if you don't have a GC controller handy? What if you never got a GC? Will Nintendo be packaging a normal controller with this console? Why would they do that? Just undermines this controller... Etc etc.

I like the idea of this, and I personally can't wait to try this out...

That said, I can't help but think...and this shit ain't gonna fly in any of sort of mainstream market (i.e. US).. shit, was any actual GAMES shown?

Edit: Japan is going to eat this mother fucker UP. I know this much, but I dunno bout the US...
DSN2K said:
Nintendo now have an excuse for short games... surely you cant play for more then 5mins at a time with this controller ?

as of now I hate it, that could change down the line maybe..... :(

There's nowhere in the impressions that says you are going to hold the controller up like a remote control for your TV. Just bc it looks like one doesnt mean that it will act like one. In fact, you will probably just hold both in your hands on your lap while pressing buttons and moving the seperate left analog stick.

In fact, it seems that only in certain circumstances would you even need to pick it up.I dont need to hold up my GC or PS2 controller for a long period of time and I dont see why you would need to do that with Rev's either. If you are holding it up for a long period of time, then you must be using it incorrectly.

Certainly, the controller is not what people expected in terms of conventional means, but looks alone doesnt determine how well the controller reacts with the games. It's going to be how well and popular it becomes with the masses, not people that go around saying "Xbox 1.5" or "PS3 boomerang controller".

If the controller plays great with the games, then it doesnt matter how it looks. It'll just become an afterthought in a few years after it's been on the market. Just like everything else in the videogame market, including Microsoft's Xbox. Get over it.


Imagine playng agame like SSX Tricky with this. It would rock. Being able to twist and turn your character. Nintendo said they'd chalenge developers. This will bring new kinds of gameplay, new kinds of games. XBox and PS3 and play all the regular games.

I'm on board if they get it working right, and I'm sure they will.


I think this is awesome.
FUCK "normal" games. You can use the cube controller for that.
Give me games that uses this awesome controller, we'll probably get some great\fun games from creative devs.
Can't wait to see what Nintendo is cooking up. where are the game funkdamniht show us your next gen games Nintendo!


1up.com said:
A firing-range-like contest where two players compete to see who can shoot randomly appearing squares first. Aiming is done by pointing the controller itself at different points on screen, pulling the B trigger to fire.
IMPRESSIONS: A great demonstration of how intuitive the controller can be-pointing it to aim felt perfectly natural, right from the very first second, just like with a light gun. It always shot exactly where it felt like I was aiming, and was incredibly responsive to even slight wrist movements-I barely had to move my hand at all.

so I'm guessing that if you don't have an actual crt television this won't work?


I would have been TERRIBLY disappointed to see Wavebird2.
This gives me things to be excited about and things to be unsure of.
Uncertainty is necessary for surprise.

The frustrating thing for me after seeing PS3 and XBOx360 is that I know EXACTLY what they'll be like. There is zero aspect of novelty apart from marginally prettier graphics.

Finally, something DIFFERENT!
All I can say is I'm really excited about the possibilities and changes Nintendo is taking a risk for. I know they're threading on dangerous ground, but I'm happy to see a chance for so many new gaming possibilities opening up with something like this.

I'm really excited about the PS3, but I have felt just a tad disappointed that it looks to be the same old, same old, even if it's still a great thing. I really want to try something new and different and this could be it.


show some balls, man
omg super monkey revolution ball!

What are you h8trz all pooing your pants about, you can still use the gamecube controller for conventional games i am sure.
methodman said:
"Game control is essential - it's the area where perhaps the most game-play improvement can be made," said John Schappert, Sr. Vice President and General Manager of Electronic Arts Canada. "While our portfolio represents a full array of titles across all genres, I think our sports titles might be the first to immediately take advantage of what this novel 'freehand' type of control has to offer."
-Ign.com (forgot the link heh)

Woah..., it seems as if Nintendo isn't THAT doomed ;)
(Pre-requisite) wow. . .

I'm not going to play the market share game that everyone else is so fond of. This is sooo fucking cool. I doubted that the Revolution would live up to it's name in the end, but I never expected this. I am very happy with this design. I think that this can and will completely change the way that we play games.

Limited possibilities? I'd say it's more like unlimited. Let's see, it let's you control an object/view/god knows what else in 3d space. Hmmm, what's that similar to? Oh yeah, REAL LIFE. Attach an analog extension for walking and you've got the power to interact with objects in the game world similarly to how you would in real life. The fact that you can make it into an NES controller is neat in a geeky sort of way, but what about the SNES (oh well, Wavebird's got me covered)? Anyway, I'm more hyped for Revolution now than I ever was. I wanted change and I got it. The only people who are dissapointed are those who planned to buy only the Revolution and nothing else and didn't get the regular game experience that they expected. I personally think this provides a far greater level of depth and possibilities. :)


Looks comfy, actually. It's pretty much a controller without the bridging inbetween the left and right sides, so you can play the games while your hands are at your sides... I like it, but a lot of people are probably going to just say "gay."

EDIT: Whoa, it's totally different than just looking at the pics cuz I was completely wrong... wow, this thing sounds pretty cool.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Ya know..... honestly....

If they just added some more buttons to it, instead of just the big A button.....

It would be pretty fuckin interesting.

I really like the style... but it just seems too limiting as far as input is concerned.

I'm loving the tilt funtions (no more tlit-resistance?) and wireless rumble, and motion sensative and the like...

LOVING that you can turn it sideways (its just a glorifed NES controller, really),

but we need more button input!
I"m willing to bet they change it before its finalized.

But lets try not to be so negative!
Lets judge after we see some complex game footage.
Maybe I'm an alien or something, but I'm pretty excited about this. I'm excited for all the new gameplay possibilities this type of controller will allow for and I can't wait to try it. The fact it is going to be less expensive than the PS3/XB360 makes it a lot easier for me to justify the purchase as well.

I am kind of worried about the "sore arms factor", but in one of the impressions (I think it was 1UP), the staffer said that when playing the Metroid demo, he flailed his arms all over the place and they were getting very sore. However, as soon as he sat down and rested his arms on his legs like you normally would, it all "clicked" and it worked pretty well. If this is true, then it's not a big deal, but everyone who is worried about that has a right to be. When I play games, I like to sit back and relax. If I want exercise, I'll play DDR for an hour (and I do, twice a week, actually) but I'm not sure if I want it in all the games on the system.

Barring some sort of horrible disaster when I actually play it for the first time, I think I'm going to end up with this for new original games and either PS3/XB360 for standard games. Who am I kidding, I've got all 3 right now, I'm sure I'll end up with all 3 next time as well :/ My wallet weeps


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Have people read this?

Goes over the possiblities for a lot of major game genres.
People have already mentioned it, but if third party developers wanted to port over a conventional ps2 or 360 game, the wavebird is in all likelihood going to be able to take over as the controller. Think about it, is the ps3 controller significantly different than the ps2 one? Traditional game control setups are not really an issue.


Alright...upon first seeing the thing, I had the usual 'nintendo is doomed' 'rev is doomed' thoughts, but after reading several hands on impressions I feel much better.

Looking forward to the games.


In addition, incorporated technology will easily allow games from the NES®, SNES®, N64® and Nintendo GameCube™ generations to be controlled in familiar fashion.

Sounds awesome, gyro control for older consoles. Something good to do with the controller at least :)


I just plain don't get it. i actually, after loking closely to examine how exactly it was supopsed to work, am intrigues by the overall design. What I don't understand is why nitendo would shoot themselves in the foot by having so few buttons. I mean the big A button design on the gamecube was silly enoug, this is just going too far.

And correct me if I am wrong, but wasn;t the revolution suppoed to be backwards compatable with GC games? How the hell do you play gc games with this crazy contraption.

I don't like it.


I doubt any of you would be sticking up for it if it had Sony or Microsoft on it. Blind faith for the win.

And for everyone saying third party games can "use a Gamecube controller", unless it ships with one you're segmenting the user base. Not everyone is going to have one.


raYne said:
I've been reading IGN's possible uses/controls for the Rev controller over the different genres and unsurprisingly the vast majority of them look stupid. :/

The only thing remotely "good" is the posible driving game controls. Hold the controller nes style and tilt to turn etc.

What you lovers of the controller fail to understand is that the biggest problem with it, other than the "wtf?", is the lack of buttons. Older controller support or not the GC controller still had less buttons than the other controllers this gen and that already caused all sorts of problems with 3rd party games. And the Rev controller has less than that!

What you fail to realize is the Nintendo can easily pack the new console with the new remote AND a wavebird 2 (that has more buttons) or an attachment that gives you more buttons.


ChaseGuy (11:36:20 PM): alright, im looking at this new nintendo stuff, and for the first time since n64 came out, im pretty sure nintendo is finally going to dominate with the new system launches. they finally have something good
ChaseGuy (11:37:32 PM): i think this new controller thing is the best idea
ChaseGuy (11:37:41 PM): cause the controller with the n64 was so revolutionary
ChaseGuy (11:37:50 PM): and the system actually looks really cool

I just linked the IGN stuff to my friend there. He doesn't know a damn thing about the internet and the only games he plays are Madden and GTA. He's the generic casual mainstream gamer.

So my question to you guys: do you think his response will be the majority of opinions? Personally I think where as we're so critical of gaming, we don't see something like this from the eyes of some casual gamer who might just look at it and go "dude that's fucking cool".

Quote on GamesAreFun btw:

John Schappert, Sr. Vice President and General Manager of Electronic Arts Canada: "Game control is essential – it's the area where perhaps the most game-play improvement can be made. While our portfolio represents a full array of titles across all genres, I think our sports titles might be the first to immediately take advantage of what this novel 'freehand' type of control has to offer."


This is gonna be awesome with the right games. True 3d movement (depth). And it's not infrared, there is a wireless antenna that goes near the tv.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
I know a lot of the responses will be negative and scathing (cant be arsed reading them since the board is so slow) but I actually like what I'm reading about this. It sounds like it is going to give us some really new fun gaming experiences. If we want "traditional" games like PS3 and Xbox 360 then surely they could be controlled with the Gamecube controller? It works with the Revolution right? RIGHT? Either way I will have an Xbox 360 and PS3 for those kinds of games.

I hate Nintendo for a lot of things but I love them for this. Right now I plan on getting one for sure. THREE CONSOLE FUTURE!
Der Kommisar said:



:lol :lol

This was your idea wasn't it?

Frankfurter said:
Woah..., it seems as if Nintendo isn't THAT doomed ;)

For a developer this controller is going to be just as easy to use as any other. Just a bunch of axes and buttons to sample like any other controller.

Developers are going to love this thing.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Nintendo saved the best for last. This was the first section of the GameCube game Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, retrofitted to be compatible with the Revolution controller and its analog add-on piece (the "Nunchaku" set-up mentioned earlier). As on the Cube the analog stick controls movement, but instead of holding down a button to look around, you simply point the other controller in the direction you want to aim.
IMPRESSIONS: At first, I was standing up and swinging my hand all around to aim - and my arms got really tired really quick. But once I sat down and relaxed, resting my hands on my legs as I would with a normal controller, everything clicked. It wasn't perfect yet - the Revolution controller functionality had just been added recently and wasn't bug tested or polished, so every so often the view would "spaz out" for a couple seconds - but it was enough to get me excited. As odd as it may look holding the two separate controller pieces, one in each hand, looking around felt incredibly natural, even more than my preferred PC-style keyboard-and-mouse setup. I have to wonder about precision and speed in multiplayer games, but for a more deliberate single-player game like Metroid Prime - and the series is already confirmed for an appearance on the Revolution - this setup already has huge potential.

reading is good :)


Unconfirmed Member
Mashing said:
Typical. The reaction here is so predictable.

At first I was also like: WTF IS THAT THING??

But after reading IGN's, 1-Up's and Gamespot's impressions I'm really exicted to play games. The possiblities really are astounding.

Of course everone likes to jump to conclusions without even playing games on it.
I agree. Or, well, I don't know if I'd say I'm "excited," but I am intrigued.

There is also a lot about the controller and it's functionality that everybody kneejerking either doesn't know about or is overlooking. Now that the initial shock is over and I am reading more, the better the idea is sounding.

I'm certainly not convinced that this is any better than any conventional controller, though. But I imagine you can't really know until you give it a whirl.


...and once again fighting fans are fucked over by the nintendo controller.

I think the revolution controller is great for just about every game... except fighters like tekken and street fighter.

Virtua fighter can work on it though

I really do wonder what the games will be like... because of that laser pointer thingy the games should be more immersive.

what abou camera control? has nintendo perfected the camera to allow games like mario to be played well?

and even though it could do wonders for certain third party titles... is it worth taking the risk on their system? it's not port friendly thanks the controller so many titles wont be playable... like devil may cry.

meh... i havent seen everything... but here's 2 ultimate pro's and cons

+ it brings a new experience by being even more immersed in games that people will love it (DDR is so popular because of the interaction)

- Leaving traditional games behind... and fucking over fighting gamers.
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