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Revolution Controller Revealed

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The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Pellham said:
It looks interesting, and sure a lot of people are laughing at it, but Nintendo wasn't thinking about traditional games to begin with. I don't think the world needs three versions of Madden anyway.

We already knew Nintendo was going to cater to a niche, so I don't think there's any reason to get all worked up about this.

Anyway, I just hope that SNES/N64 games will be playable with the Gamecube controller. The remote may be fitted for NES games, but it's certainly incapable of SNES games and I don't know if I want to play N64 games with it.

Yeah the first thing that came to my mind is how would SNES games be played? But then I saw somewhere in this forum just a little while ago that Nintendo might redo old games so that they will be compatible with the Rev controller. I still can't see how it will work, but hell I'm sure they'll figure something out.


Nintendo has come through once againg. I can't believe you all can't see it.

UNIQUE AND NON-TRADITIONAL GAMES are most definitely covered.

TRADITIONAL GAMES are enhanced even more by immersing you into the gameplay.

- BOXING... 2 remotes for both arms (think MIke Tyson Punchout)

- FOOTBALL...use remote for passing the ball (soft throw/fling...floater; hard throw/fling...zipper)

- BASKETBALL...use remote to shoot baskets (foul shots and 3ptrs)

- RPGS...use remote to swing sword and other weapons (Zelda)

...and the list goes on.

If arm gets tired or whatever, then there would be a button to switch to normal functionality.

I am interested in playing games again.

Teachers will buy this to teach their class and conduct presentations. Say buy to MS Office Suite. (J/K)


Still Tagged Accordingly
Infinitemadness said:
Thats it,

I'm out.

Enjoy gaming guys.

I'm done.

this thing makes me not even wanna buy a PS3, it makes me wanna quit gaming.
look everyone, he's over reacting. awww, isn't that cute.


I don't understand why all the hate... Anything Nintendo puts out have to suffer all this?

This is one of the most revolutionary controller out there. It will bring tons of possibilities.

For all those people who is thinking this is tiring to hold. You DON'T have to hold it like that for all the games. Turn it side ways you have a traditional controller.

I feel happy, very happy Nintendo has taken this step forward.

For all the others, stick with your typical boring controllers. In PS/PS2/PS3's case, stick with that D-pad that cause you pain for the past and future 10 years.

At least this is something different, and I am all for playing with this controller and all the new types of games that will come out for it.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
Geek said:
PS3 and X360 for my regular gaming, Rev for my fun, wackball, show-it-off-to-friends gaming.


Amen brother :D I feel sorry for the fanboys, part-time gamers and poor folk that will miss out on having all three. Next gen makes me feel all tingly inside :) So many hot games. I'm going to lose my job!!!!!!


FiRez said:
Maybe I'm getting bad the dimensions of the control but it seems that it will be awkard to reach every button specially the front buttons.


In that positon the lower buttons seems very hard to reach
The lower buttons are still A & B, which are also alternatively located. "A" is once again the huge button near the top and "B" is in the trigger position on the underside.

To put it simply, you aren't supposed to be using them in that position anyway.

Seth C

blahness said:

imagine playing zelda with this thing... swinging the controller like a sword, moving the controller back towards you to pull back a bow, flicking your wrist to throw a boomerang, casting it like a fishing pole.

Playing for 15 minutes and having your wrist hurt...

Seriously, this is nothing new. I OWN a tilt sensitive joystick for NES and Genesis, and moving it forward, back, left, and right to move a character on a screen absolutely sucks. It's horrible, and just not useful for extended periods of play.
Nerevar said:
wow, just wow.

Nintendo is definitely not a player in the same market as Sony / MS anymore.

even if they released a regular controller instead of this wand thing, they woulnd't be. Honestly, if the Rev just had some sort of upgraded GC controller, do you think it would sell any better. "They're gonna lose 3rd party support" WHAT fucking 3rd party support? The 25K copies of Madden EA sells every year (compared to millions on Sony/MS)? The 2-3 exclusive, relatively hi profile japanese games (1-2 of which bomb) that they get on Gamecube every year? This is Nintendo EMBRACING the fact that they aren't going to compete with Sony and Microsoft, which is a good thing because nothing they could do, not DVD/BluRay playback, not a hard disk drive, not a "regular" controller was going to put them back in the game.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Seriously, I hope people explain why games won't work. Thye seem to just be saying it.

Even fighters will work, with the right add on. A 4 or even 6 button add on with a shoulder button or a trigger and da-daa!


Sony and Microsoft should go third party and make unique games on the Revolution.

I bet a lot of second/first party developers owned by Sony and MS are dissapointed that they'll never get to work on the Revolution.


At first I was like WTF?!

Then I thought about it and thought WTF?!

After reading the positive info on the controller and reading thru the info on IGN I am starting to get the feel for this groove and it is starting to sound pretty cool.

Then I read this.

"At E3, Nintendo announced that the next version of its popular first-person shooting series, Metroid Prime 3, would appear on the Revolution. That game isn't yet ready to show, but Nintendo had mocked up a level of the latest GameCube version, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, that used the Revolution controller.

The analog-stick pod, which Miyamoto playfully referred to as the "nunchuck controller" due to its shape, was used to move around while the standard controller was used to point, aim, look in all directions and shoot. Within seconds, I was running down corridors and blasting enemies with pinpoint precision. "



Still Tagged Accordingly
Seth C said:
Seriously, this is nothing new. I OWN a tilt sensitive joystick for NES and Genesis, and moving it forward, back, left, and right to move a character on a screen absolutely sucks.
nintendo have already stated months ago that the technology wasn't anything new.


suikodan said:
Kudos for Nintendo for trying something different...

except that it feels like Nintendo DS all over again.

I have both PSP and DS and the PSP gets all my portable playtime.

Tell me that Nintendo AND 3rd party will do something Revolutionnary about it and then I'll join the bandwagon.

Now where's MGS4 trailer???

DS is getting all my game time.

Trying importing games from Japan, you'll understand why.
Wow... there are a lot of adjectives that come to mind -- some positive, some negative-- but I can't deny how exciting this controller is. Wow. This should make things interesting next-gen.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Oh yeah, as for those worried about their arms getting tired as I was at first, 1up says:

Nintendo saved the best for last. This was the first section of the GameCube game Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, retrofitted to be compatible with the Revolution controller and its analog add-on piece (the "Nunchaku" set-up mentioned earlier). As on the Cube the analog stick controls movement, but instead of holding down a button to look around, you simply point the other controller in the direction you want to aim.
IMPRESSIONS: At first, I was standing up and swinging my hand all around to aim - and my arms got really tired really quick. But once I sat down and relaxed, resting my hands on my legs as I would with a normal controller, everything clicked.
A lot of gamers here are expressing their disappointment because of the possible lack of communication this controller will have with fighting games and certain sports games. To those people, I have a question: Who’s to say that this controller scheme won’t help to cultivate a new breed of games, perhaps even a new genre altogether? What if this controller helps to open new doors to pre-exiting genres that might not be as easily accessible for more conventional controllers?

Is that not worth it?
bow and arrow. pull controller back, press button to let go of wire.

Shutter Glasses, IO Glasses. Turns it into a big BR headset with a motion sensing device to replicate the feeling of the virtual "glove".


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Woo, if there are some sweet first person shooters on this thing, I'll be all over it. This controller could definitely get me back into that genre in a big way. I can't stand using a mouse or two analogs for them. Honestly, it's not very intuitive for me.

Seth C

Scrow said:
nintendo have already stated months ago that the technology wasn't anything new.

That's not my point.

This is: I don't need to SPECULATE about how it will be moving the thing around to control a character's movements. I've already been there, and it sucked.
heavenly said:
Nintendo has come through once againg. I can't believe you all can't see it.

UNIQUE AND NON-TRADITIONAL GAMES are most definitely covered.

TRADITIONAL GAMES are enhanced even more by immersing you into the gameplay.

- BOXING... 2 remotes for both arms (think MIke Tyson Punchout)

- FOOTBALL...use remote for passing the ball (soft throw/fling...floater; hard throw/fling...zipper)

- BASKETBALL...use remote to shoot baskets (foul shots and 3ptrs)

- RPGS...use remote to swing sword and other weapons (Zelda)

...and the list goes on.

If arm gets tired or whatever, then there would be a button to switch to normal functionality.

I am interested in playing games again.

Teachers will buy this to teach their class and conduct presentations. Say buy to MS Office Suite. (J/K)

Lol, it's almost customizable :lol
It's time to make my first post, so as to straighten out all the dipshits. If you would actually consider the possibilities of this controller you would realize it is ingenious. I take comfort in knowing that once we get our hands on the controller you will be ashamed of what you have said. This will change the way we play games FOREVER.


Seth C said:
Playing for 15 minutes and having your wrist hurt...

Seriously, this is nothing new. I OWN a tilt sensitive joystick for NES and Genesis, and moving it forward, back, left, and right to move a character on a screen absolutely sucks. It's horrible, and just not useful for extended periods of play.
I wouldn't doubt it sucked back then but in this case the analog stick attachment is still supposed to be used for character control. If anything, you'd have to tilt the remote part of the controller for camera control.


Just use a little imagination and think of the new possibilities. It's a interactive virtual 3D wand.

Finally someone has the balls to make hardware to give me new games!!! It'll be like going into arcades in the golden years searching for the neatest hardware and games!

If you wanna continue buying the same generic EA Madden year after year go ahead. I'm soooo interested in this... something I need to get my hand on. E3 2006 cannot come any sooner.


Wasn't World of Mana announced for Revolution? Real time co-operative rpgs such as Mana were begging for this.

B + Gesture casts spell.
Mama Smurf said:
Even fighters will work, with the right add on.


Dev scenario # 1 => Creat add on for Rev = less money
Dev scenario # 2 => Don't creat add-on for rev, rake in more money AND sell to two consoles = $$$

You decide. =)


This controller is pretty close to what I was expecting. I did anticipate more face buttons, but a lot of stuff can now be done as gestures. The only group of gamers that I can see who would be truly pissed off about this controller is fighting fans, which is kind of ridiculous since I suspect most serious fighting fans don't even bother with the standard controller in the first place.

It would have been nice that to see some kind of demonstration for consumers, but the quotes from 3rd party and gamer journalists seem reasuring. As a matter of fact, it seems like the reception is going more smoothly than the DS's.
Hmmm...not sure what to think really. I'm a big Nintendo fan, but this just looks too odd. That tilt thing could've easily been incorporated into a Wavebird. I don't care about multi-platform games coming to the Revolution, Nintendo has been shrinking away from that since the N64 (and who wouldn't want a PS3/X360 anyway?). I just more worried that their traditonal games will die as they have been on the DS. But if they can keep making regular Zeldas, Marios, Pikmins, etc. and make them play intuitively, then sign me up.


i'm personaly very excited by this thing and totally pleased. i was hoping it would be something totally crazy and i couldn't be happier.

It won't be able to play every existing genre, but it will spawn new genres to replace them, and it will be the best system for playing FPS games. Games like will wrights spore, where you use a mouse to create creatures, would work very well with this system.


Fark it, why not. I'm up for something new, Microsoft and Sony have their end pursuing greater realism and simulation. Nintendo is trying something new, those crazy bastards. I do hope developers will make creative use of this control scheme unlike the DS. I hope we see some full game demos soon.
What some of the criticism-givers don't seem to get when they post :lol emoticons at this stuff is that Nintendo KNOWS it's different. This isn't you guys laughing at the poor geeky kid with acne and braces that can't keep up in gym class anymore, this is you laughing at the college-know-it-all hippie... yeah he's different, and you might still laugh at him, but he doesn't give a shit that he's different, and actually EMBRACES this fact.

I am really getting excited now that my mind's had time to wrap around this. This truly does represent a revolution in gaming. Am I gonna cancel my 360 preorder? Hell no, but I really am excited at the sheer possibility right now.


I think this controller is pure Miyamoto. Pure awesomness.

Remember the old stories Miyamoto used to tell about the origins of Zelda - stories about how when he was a young child he would explore the caves near his home and pretend he was on a grand adventure? Remember how Miyamoto always said that one of the reasons Link was never given a speaking role was because in his mind the player was Link, and he didn't want to kill that illusion? This controller makes the Zelda adventures of Miyamoto's youth finally possible.

The analog attatchment allows you to control link as you normally would in any 3D Zelda adventure (with the added benefits of the main unit's free look mouse pointer system), but the second you see an enemy on the horizion, you can switch into a first person mode that allows you to use the primary controller as a bow, sniping enemies from a distance. Suddenly an Iron Knuckle appears, and you pull your Mastersword. This controller gives you ultimate control as you parry, swing, and block as you would if you actually wielded an actual sword.

This setup allows for the ultimate combination of first person and third person control. Need I even mention the possibilities this will bring in a game like Metroid?

This is going to bee so freaking cool.


man i'm having trouble accessing GAF and keep getting blank pages, lotta people accessing.

i had a similar reaction. "Huh? wtf?!!? whu!!?" looks interesting nontheless. they were definitely right when they said it'd be different.


I was shocked and horrified at it first, but now I reckon it's awesome...entire new genres can be born with it. New and inventive ways can be discovered to make games new and unique again. Someone above described it as a wand, and it clicked...just imagine how good a Harry Potter or Magic game could be on the revolution where you actually have to remember the hand gestures to cast spells. Kind of like in Black and White only better implemented.


As for segmenting the user base, given Rev's capablities, there's already going to be multiple userbases if you think in terms of what games people will be playing. Some might buy the console strictly to play SNES games, even tho they can buy Rev games. So what percentage of those are going to care whether it comes with a GC controller or not?

That's one of my concerns about the lack of buttons, the SNES part. It doesn't have enough buttons to accurately represent the SNES controller. You could use the GC controller for SNES games, but that's assuming there will still be GC controllers available or that people will already have them. If you hadd a couple more buttons maybe it would be fine. Hell, four face buttons and it might be a better controller for 2d fighters than the GC was.

It is true that there was no way Nintendo would please GAF or the media, but that's one thing I like having Nintendo around for. They go with their imagination at times where other companies would just do market research and regurgitate.


Seriously, this is nothing new. I OWN a tilt sensitive joystick for NES and Genesis, and moving it forward, back, left, and right to move a character on a screen absolutely sucks. It's horrible, and just not useful for extended periods of play.

Are you really this dense? You cannot compare a 3d space to a 2d space.


My only issue is how they'll handle the third party pap like madden.


Fps will be great. You can move closer for a sniper zoom. Pump for a shot gun or reload.


Golf, baseball, tennis...

Seth C

Hey, it will be great for games that are very specifically designed for it, but I see a lot of people imagining it will be great for conventional games (shooting 3 pointers in basketball games...haha). It won't be, and it wasn't designed to be.


littlewig said:
Sony and Microsoft should go third party and make unique games on the Revolution.

I bet a lot of second/first party developers owned by Sony and MS are dissapointed that they'll never get to work on the Revolution.

You post on GameFAQs don't you? This doesn't sound like a native GAF Nintendo fan.


I'm not a Nintendo fan, I just think it's a much more practical concept than something like Eyetoy. Giving console gamers a device that can precisely sense gestures with pinpoint accuracy of a mouse is ideal for many already existing game genres. Eyetoy hasn't been very practical for traditional genres, but I think that this device could be extremely practical for many shooters, RTS, and weapons based games. In addition to playing most Eyetoy games with this you could probably also play most peripheral based games with this one device. In many respects this device completely blows EyeToy out of the water. We've already heard it used as a fishing rod and a lightgun, in addition to flight sims and first person shooters.

It's pretty impressive to me that with this one device all these different game genres are possible:

Metroid Prime
Samba De Amigo
Sega Bass Fishing
House of the Dead/Duck Hunt
Jet Grind Radio/Getting UP
Virtua Tennis/Mario Tennis
Tiger Woods Golf
Pilot Wings
Super Mario Bros./Kid Icarus
Mario Kart

That's just off the top of my head. And has been said, for anything more traditional there is still the Gamecube controller option.


Keep in mind teh expansion port is used for all sorts of peripherals. possibly even a SNES style controller.... ;)

If they stick with GC controllers for BC and traditional games, that will certainly bare some development cost.
Mama Smurf said:
Even fighters will work, with the right add on.


Dev scenario # 1 => Creat add on for Rev = less money
Dev scenario # 2 => Don't creat add-on for rev, rake in more money AND sell to two consoles = $$$

You decide. =)


I'd say I can't believe the lack of imagination on GAF, but...this is GAF.

Personally I think it looks interesting, and there do seem to be some new experiences that open up with this thing, and that's all I care about.

I think Nintendo is a little crazy thinking they'll somehow sway the masses with this, but I could care less. If their combined worldwide sales of Revolution is 1, its fine w/ me, I'd be the one owning it. I just want to play different games, and try new things. It's not like I can't get all the "normal" games on PS3 if I want them as well.

I think it's a great potential alternative to the norm.


dynamitejim said:
Hmmm...not sure what to think really. I'm a big Nintendo fan, but this just looks too odd. That tilt thing could've easily been incorporated into a Wavebird. I don't care about multi-platform games coming to the Revolution, Nintendo has been shrinking away from that since the N64 (and who wouldn't want a PS3/X360 anyway?). I just more worried that their traditonal games will die as they have been on the DS. But if they can keep making regular Zeldas, Marios, Pikmins, etc. and make them play intuitively, then sign me up.

i mean pikmin 3 with this thing is enough to sell me on it really.
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