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Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov assassinated in Ankara

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That when people stray so far from dictionary definitions they are being ignorant and/or purposely deceitful, not that we need a post-modernist take that everything in life is now "subjective" and we don't really have any "truths".

There are some things about the world that are cut-and-dry where any (more or less) objective observer will come to the same conclusion. Politically-charged language and social sciences terminology are not among those things. Enough people have pointed out to you by now that there isn't a single, generally agreed-upon dictionary definition of terrorism in the first place, so if you want to simply continue to pretend that there is, I'm gonna have to bow out of this thread.
Are drone attacks, acts of terrorism?
In most every case they probably should be labeled as such.
''A definition proposed by Carsten Bockstette at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, underlines the psychological and tactical aspects of terrorism:

Terrorism is defined as political violence in an asymmetrical conflict that is designed to induce terror and psychic fear (sometimes indiscriminate) through the violent victimization and destruction of noncombatant targets (sometimes iconic symbols). Such acts are meant to send a message from an illicit clandestine organization. The purpose of terrorism is to exploit the media in order to achieve maximum attainable publicity as an amplifying force multiplier in order to influence the targeted audience(s) in order to reach short- and midterm political goals and/or desired long-term end states.''

there's no consensus on definition of terrorism
This attack fits that definition.



Fail out bailed
no. he wants to be squeamish that up to him. The world isn't set up to cater to just him. some of us understand the importance events like these and the images that sometimes they produce. Sorry you didn't get that

I was joking.

I guess to me that the distinction between
People direct linking images and going "wassamatter, can't take real life, lol" really need an effing reality check.
I can understand you not wanting to see dead bodies, cool.
is one seemingly reserved entirely for people screaming at each other on a video game forum and it seemed funny to me. Like without all the needless hyperbole it''s just a polite conversation with a slight difference of opinion. Sorry. Guess I have a weird sense of humor.


What difference does it make if it's labeled terrorism or not

According to some, the secret to defeating ISIS is the words 'Radical Islamic Terrorism '

On topic, this is frightening. Tensions are so fucking high right now, all it would take is a spark to push everything to exploding.



This is probably just the beginning. Russia could end up in a world of hurt for its support of Assad.
More like the opposition is in for a world of hurt after this!


Dude fucked up.

Assassinating diplomats will not bring an end to the crisis in Syria.
"This murder is clearly a provocation aimed at undermining the improvement and normalization of Russian-Turkish relations, as well as undermining the peace process in Syria promoted by Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries interested in settling the conflict in Syria," Putin said in a statement on Monday evening.

Level-headed response.

Russia is mature enough to not overreact to these provocations.
"This murder is clearly a provocation aimed at undermining the improvement and normalization of Russian-Turkish relations, as well as undermining the peace process in Syria promoted by Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries interested in settling the conflict in Syria," Putin said in a statement on Monday evening.


I like this response. Let's hope it's not just talk though.
Can't help but think that this photographer will be nominated for a pulizter. The act is terrible, but if there's something positive that can be gleaned from it, it's the dedication that many journalists have to their craft.


Dude fucked up.

Assassinating diplomats will not bring an end to the crisis in Syria.

Level-headed response.

Russia is mature enough to not overreact to these provocations.

Of course Putin understand it's logical to determine who directed the assassin. Now, which groups are interested in undermining Russian-Turkish relations?
"This murder is clearly a provocation aimed at undermining the improvement and normalization of Russian-Turkish relations, as well as undermining the peace process in Syria promoted by Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries interested in settling the conflict in Syria," Putin said in a statement on Monday evening.


Well, that's a good response.

It's interesting when you view the world through an alternate lens, what Russia is enabling in Syria is diabolical, but I won't pretend the US hasn't done some obscene shit in the pursuit of our own interests either.

Just goes to show when you're a big kid unfortunately it seems you can get away with bullying.



Insane Metal

Gold Member
"This murder is clearly a provocation aimed at undermining the improvement and normalization of Russian-Turkish relations, as well as undermining the peace process in Syria promoted by Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries interested in settling the conflict in Syria," Putin said in a statement on Monday evening.


Whew. Good response. Let's hope it doesn't turn into anything worse.


Russia doesn't fuck around when it comes to retaliation, this is going to end up in a lot of bloodshed in Syria, including the blood of many innocents


Oh wow! Cannot believe that happened live on TV! (CNN aired the shooting)

I was at work and briefly saw pictures of what happened, and I mistook the assassin for an undercover policeman!
Yeah, that was my only post. Good job, good effort.

I do enjoy how I'm your target even though multiple others said the same thing, but then I went back and gave context. Whatever.
:lol That's literally all you posted in between putting me down but keep digging that hole. Instead of defending your point you're mad I'm somehow "singling you out". No substance, just insults.

Good response from Putin, looks like it won't be WW3 after all.

koji kabuto

I don't think the gunman is a member of any terrorist group.
You don't need to say anything to explain absolutely how wrong and unacceptable this act, But alot of people are been blinded by hatred and rage right now and it seems everyone lost the ability to think reasonably.
Something of this relatively minor severity could never be a catalyst for war, especially not when there's no profit to be made. Russia is about to get paid bigly when Orange Berlusconi and his pals lift sanctions, they wouldn't risk that over the death of a diplomat which can be easily hand-waved as a sad consequence of their "noble" fight against extremism in Syria.


Crazy shit. That picture of the embassador in first plane with the killer behind him is fucking incredible.


Ottoman Empire was a disease over Turkish culture. Our culture prevailed against it, now we have Erdogan who wants to do the same thing. We will restore it again when he is gone.

Just out of curiousity. What was Turkish culture prior to the Ottoman Empire?


How vould anyone expect another response from Russia, let alone starting WW3? It was said immediately after the attack that this was an attack against Turkey and Russia's relations, as it obviously is. It might potentially fuel some extremists to continue carrying such attacks but overall Turkey and Russia are getting closer to one another and this was an attack against both.
Probably, but for now the Russians seem to continue to pay the price:

On same night its ambassador to Turkey killed, employee of Russian foreign ministry found dead of gunshots in Moscow

Also people affiliated with the Gülen movement or those who are suspected of it or just people whom Erdogan doesn't like:
Turkish official links Russian envoy killer to exiled cleric | Reuters
ISIS also claimed responsibility for a shooting in Grozny, Chechnya in which 11 militants were killed. There's a video of Chechen police dumping full auto fire in the middle of the street.
It always amazes me how much Grozny has been rebuilt since the early 2000s when it was claimed to be the most destroyed city on earth during the Chechen Wars

Also, is there any substantive evidence that Gulen has the following and influence in Turkey that the Turkish government claims he has, or is he just their default scapegoat for any internal problems? I'm genuinely curious
Putin likes to swing his dick around at every opportunity though. Who knows what repercussions will unfold.

I think it's more likely it will be an excuse for another Turkish purge, but the mind does wander.

So I have to scour through 11 pages? OK.

This is your only post between telling me to learn to read and incorrectly saying this is the same as WWI. Thanks for talking down when you still can't explain your viewpoint.

This isn't difficult. If it continues to be so, I can be reached via PM.
Quite surprising that this happened to an ambassador; I know I heard that a Russian ambassador hadn't been killed in decades, but it is extremely rare for an ambassador to be assassinated in any country.

It looks like still this is the cost of getting involved in a war like this.Both Turkey and Russia is going get consequences, especially after Aleppo which regardless on whatever side was pretty brutal. I suspect more type of this stuff to keep happening to both nations.
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