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Russian-bought Black Lives Matter ad on Facebook targeted Baltimore and Ferguson

this week:

How russia:
Bought ads to game social media
Bought fake news stories to game big news networks
Gamed various internet sites

-all against Hilary, and push positive news for Trump.
-push fake news stories to attempt further strife amongst dems to lesson votes.

weeks end:

Explain how they did it:
RNC data
Trump Data
Stolen voter data bases (russia hacks states)

--Run through alfa bank servers after being washed by Devos companies
--Data transfered to Houston, where Kushner "lead"(more like watched)
a team of 100+ working (people from surprising places ((what are the odds a large % of this team was Russian intel and chinese intel agents?)))

in the coming weeks:

Show how voter rolls were altered and how states voter registers were altered and effected:

-voter rolls
-machines bugging out in dem locatons

explain what happens with voter rolls

after this:
detailed to the local level of how this effected localities and states


all of this, to me, reads out that these are timed releases designed to let out information and explain it. Giving time for the average American to digest what happened.


Going by the comments on Jill Stein in the previous thread this clearly means that Black Lives Matter are Russian agents

Have BLM leaders sat at the same table as Putin at a Russia Today gala, and parroted Russian talking points during the 2016 election?
Conservatives have been groomed to align with Russian values, and it didn't take long at all. Even when confronted with this fact, conservatives will side with Russia when push comes to shove. Trump's use was to accelerate this grooming, to move this effort along- get Americans comfortable with praising Putin and Russian values, exacerbate resentment of each other and sow distrust of the free press which provided our only defense.
Nobody seems to be answering the question of how to prevent this in the future.

The biggest issue that this has presented is not the fact they got Donald elected but that they Cleary have managed to erode confidence in democracy


Our hawkish party of extreme patriotism benefited from it and doesn’t want to admit it yet.

I doubt they'll admit it until they feel they've found a way to wriggle free of the boot that's going to drop. It's career suicide to outright admit "I, and my team of like minded individuals, were pushed into office on a wave of conflict generated by our country's collective enemies because they thought we'd be the most damaging or easiest for them to control." Hell, even if you had hard proof that was the case, it'd still be hard enough to admit that to yourself (assuming you had any kind of integrity whatsoever.)
Nobody seems to be answering the question of how to prevent this in the future.

The biggest issue that this has presented is not the fact they got Donald elected but that they Cleary have managed to erode confidence in democracy

It's obvious FARA needs to be expanded to things like this.

Extreme punishments for companies like twitter/facebook others for allowing these types of foreign money injections.

it's very difficult to say what to do exactly, I'd certainly establish a media black out on politics across the spectrum within 1-2 weeks of the election day

We gotta play 20 years of catch up in about 9 months frankly.
Nobody seems to be answering the question of how to prevent this in the future.

The biggest issue that this has presented is not the fact they got Donald elected but that they Cleary have managed to erode confidence in democracy

I think it's over. They did it. The newspapers all joined together to tell the country, to create a clear, unified statement that America cannot go down this path, and it did nothing to stop it. TV news is a joke. People turn to the internet, and Russia is right there waiting for us.


Nobody seems to be answering the question of how to prevent this in the future.

Going to take a hell of a lot of reputation rebuilding for the press. Getting a news source that isn't an obvious front for a political party and shows principled handling of stories is a requirement for a democracy facing a propaganda war.

Only for idiots/racists

Sadly, we're in no short supply of either lately.


Gold Member
Nobody seems to be answering the question of how to prevent this in the future.

The biggest issue that this has presented is not the fact they got Donald elected but that they Cleary have managed to erode confidence in democracy


And its working. Donald is a gift to Putin the likes of which an enemy of the West has truly not ever been given.


Not ready to hate they already hate black people. They only want us for entertainment only.

Entertainment and sports, especially in Olympics.

And black people should be eternally grateful when they are paid accordingly via market demand.

You didn't earned the money, it was charity given by white folks in their eyes.
So why are learning all this this week? This is alot of info fast, Facebook clearly knew some shit for a long time. That's why Trump's scared and blaming Facebook being anti trump, I won't be surprised if they have direct links to the campaign.
You snark but this news legitimises some of Louise Mench's crazy when she claimed BLM was a Russian endeavour.

I more snark at HilGAF's tendency to assume that anyone who didn't back Hillary strongly enough was stupid and/or evil and work backward from that, than any particular judgement on either of these things.


Have any of the ads been posted yet (BLM, Stein, sanders, trump, etc)? Curious to see what they look like -- have only read descriptions.


You snark but this news legitimises some of Louise Mench's crazy when she claimed BLM was a Russian endeavour.

No it doesn't. And fuck Mensch, she spouts whatever gets her the most views/retweets. BLM was unwittingly used in an ad by Russia, and how could it not be? Same with Sanders, and any group or person that gets big enough.

Stein is awful because this isn't the first time she's been around Putin and benefited from him, and not just because there was a Facebook ad about her.
So why are learning all this this week? This is alot of info fast, Facebook clearly knew some shit for a long time. That's why Trump's scared and blaming Facebook being anti trump, I won't be surprised if they have direct links to the campaign.

They do have direct links to the campaign, Peter Thiel.
They do have direct links to the campaign, Peter Thiel.

This is beautiful.
They have no accountability.... At least Facebook is trying to do something about it. Twitter can use as many users as it can get. So don't expect anything from them.

I'll believe that Facebook is doing something after 2018 and 2020 have passed and it's clear that BS news and targeted ads from foreign adversaries aren't running rampant on their platform.


No it's not. The rest of the word is over exposed to American culture. I'd say a lot of people know more American culture than their own

I live in Australia for example. I'd bet my left foot the average Aussie could name more American Presidents than Australian Prine Ministers

You could name more than Americans could.

This country is so fucking dumb.

D i Z

Why are all these Russia/Facebook stories suddenly everywhere?

Real answer? Nobody is pressed to get into the weeds until they are mandated. People see something fishy, but aren't compelled to uncover it. Half of the news on the networks is old because the populous has sussed it out before they ever decide to give a damn.

D i Z

The Russians really were playing 4D chess. In all fairness, they just exposed America for what it truly is.

You don't need 4d chess against idiots. This shit wasn't chess at all. The sooner we get back to people being so goddamned stupid, the sooner we can get back to educating.


but the soviets probably had plans to destabilize the US since the start of the cold war.
Operation INFEKTION was a KGB disinformation campaign to spread information that the United States invented HIV/AIDS as part of a biological weapons research project at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The Soviet Union used it to undermine the United States’ credibility, foster anti-Americanism, isolate America abroad, and create tensions between host countries and the U.S. over the presence of American military bases (which were often portrayed as the cause of AIDS outbreaks in local populations).
Dissemination was usually along a recognized pattern: propaganda and disinformation would first appear in a country outside of the USSR and only then be picked up by a Soviet news agency, which attributed it to others' investigative journalism. That the story came from a foreign source (not widely known to be Soviet controlled or influenced) added credibility to the allegations, especially in impoverished and less educated countries which generally could not afford access to Western news satellite feeds. To aid in media placement, Soviet propaganda was provided free of charge, and many stories came with cash benefits. This was particularly the case in India and Ghana, where the Soviet Union maintained a large propaganda and disinformation apparatus for covert media placement.
In 1992, KGB Director Yevgeny Primakov admitted that the KGB was behind the newspaper articles claiming that AIDS was created by the U.S. government. Segal's role was exposed by KGB defector Vasili Mitrokhin in the Mitrokhin Archive. The 1999 book Stasi: The Untold Story of the East German Secret Police describes how the Stasi cooperated with the KGB to spread the story.
Tovarichi please, this is clearly fake news.

I am not a bot, I am hu-

*reads thread*

Fuck people made the joke already.

I think Zuckerberg might be in for some:

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