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Satoru Iwata Has Passed Away

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EarthBound creator Shigesato Itoi on Iwata’s passing

OK this got me. Fuck!

Beautiful words by Itoi.


My respects to the man.
My passion to his vision.
My admiration to his work.
My sadness and tears to our loss.

RIP Iwata, you've certainly given us peace, happiness and fun.


Well, I just downloaded Earthbound on the Wii U VC. Haven't played it before. I will not be able to play without feeling sad, but it does feel appropriate.


This has surely been posted already, but this is one anecdote that really makes me respect the man.


Can you imagine if Iwata took all the decisions he said as "short term"? Like laying off people to cut costs, jumping into the mobile game without thinking much, implementing gacha-type F2P, microtransaction-based Animal Crossing...

Nintendo would probably profit, but heading into a very dangerous situation---even more dangerous now that he's passed away.

Dude knew Nintendo had to outlive him so he took the harder way, as uncomfortable as it is.


Gold Member
Such a sad news to wake up to. I couldn't believe it when i saw it earlier today, and sadly didn't have the chance to post until now. I wasn't aware of Iwata having Cancer, too many valuable lives lost have been lost because of it.

Rest In Peace.


There is nothing I could say that others haven't said already, and even that couldn't do justice to Mr. Iwata.

For us in particular, us here, us gamers, we beg and plead and cry out for corporate heads, the businessmen up to, to hear us, to treat us fairly, to respect us, to value us... and 99% of the time, they never do. They don't care about us, about their games... they're just a means to an end, a means to make money. We're so used to be taken advantage of, exploited, and disrespected time and time again by powerful people in charge of the things we all love and adore.

... But not Iwata.

He loved games. He loved making games. He loved promoting games. He loved gamers. Games weren't a means to an end; games were everything. They brought everyone - of all ages, all races, all genders - joy, laughter, and pure fun. That's what he was about, and took pride in it.

Through the highs and the lows, he cared deeply. He wasn't some business suit up top telling others what to do; he was in the trenches of gaming, always pushing, always innovating. He interviewed other developers to share their secrets and their creativity. He was always cheerful, even when it had to hurt, and he was always humble...

... My last memory of Iwata was him publicly apologizing for letting anyone down during Nintendo Direct E3 2015... That is my final, tragic memory of him.

... But it's also a testament to him. Because in an age where Randy Pitchford openly ridicules and dismisses those that complained about Aliens: Colonial Marines, where Bobby Kotick once claimed he sought to remove the fun in game making, where corporate giants talk up games-as-a-service, Mr. Iwata forever remained humble, sincere, and did his best to actually serve us.

We lost a gaming pioneer. The whole industry, from top to bottom, lost a man who helped shape the whole entire gaming landscape.

Nothing I wrote could do him justice. He'll be sorely missed... but because of his love and passion for gaming and gamers, he shall never, ever be forgotten.

Rest in peace, Mr. Iwata. We'll see you again one day over that Rainbow Road.

Well said.


"Even if we come from different sides of the world"
"Speak Different Languages"
"Eat too many chips or riceballs"
"Even if we have different tastes in games"
"Everyone of us here today is identical In the most important way"
"Each one of use has the heart of a gamer"
-Satoru Iwata



New York Times Obituary

In one interview posted to “Iwata Asks,” Mr. Iwata explained that his drive to expand Nintendo’s game offerings and user base was motivated by more than the lure of making money or beating competitors. While those things mattered, he said, he was also driven in part by a desire to improve “the position of video games in society.”

“I believe that if we don’t make moves to get people who don’t play games to understand them, then the position of video games in society will never improve,” Mr. Iwata said. “Society’s image of games will remain largely negative, including that stuff about playing games all the time badly damaging you or rotting your brain or whatever. If that happens, then even people who enjoy games will start to feel a strange guilt when they play them.”
You know yesterday after reading the news I slept with all the memories I had when I used to play Pokemon. Today when I woke up it hit me harder than when I read the news yesterday, shit sucks and I didn't even know the guy but it speaks volumes of how much of an affect he had on me and pretty much most gamers. I am not looking forward to the day when my other gaming heroes pass away, I hope they live a long and fruitful life. That's what hurts the most about Satoru Iwata is that he went young and I'm sure he had shit tons more to give to us. What a shame, fucking cancer.

God dammit. I'd been holding it together okay for most of the day, but this...

I can't even read that, or at this point listen to Earthbound music or a bunch of other stuff, without nearly breaking down.

Iwata is going to be missed forever. We were lucky to have seen his like; we should strive to live up to his example.

Rest in peace, Iwata-san. We'll try to do better.


I think Monster Hunter 4's Director, Kaname Fujioka, will understand if I put his Signed Monster Hunter Faceplate on the shelf for a bit and use my Nintendo Ambassador one due to the recent news.


It's the least I could do.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know if already posted, but NoA updated its press site with a more recent image of Mr. Iwata (this photo was taken on June 23 this year):



Rösti;171758630 said:
I don't know if already posted, but NoA updated its press site with a more recent image of Mr. Iwata (this photo was taken on June 23 this year):


Looking good and proper in his suit as always.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Rösti;171758630 said:
I don't know if already posted, but NoA updated its press site with a more recent image of Mr. Iwata (this photo was taken on June 23 this year):

Oh wow, he looks really different here. I wonder if he was okay (as can be) at this point and what took him was recent and rapid. I hope he didn't suffer.


There is nothing I could say that others haven't said already, and even that couldn't do justice to Mr. Iwata.

For us in particular, us here, us gamers, we beg and plead and cry out for corporate heads, the businessmen up to, to hear us, to treat us fairly, to respect us, to value us... and 99% of the time, they never do. They don't care about us, about their games... they're just a means to an end, a means to make money. We're so used to be taken advantage of, exploited, and disrespected time and time again by powerful people in charge of the things we all love and adore.

... But not Iwata.

He loved games. He loved making games. He loved promoting games. He loved gamers. Games weren't a means to an end; games were everything. They brought everyone - of all ages, all races, all genders - joy, laughter, and pure fun. That's what he was about, and took pride in it.

Through the highs and the lows, he cared deeply. He wasn't some business suit up top telling others what to do; he was in the trenches of gaming, always pushing, always innovating. He interviewed other developers to share their secrets and their creativity. He was always cheerful, even when it had to hurt, and he was always humble...

... My last memory of Iwata was him publicly apologizing for letting anyone down during Nintendo Direct E3 2015... That is my final, tragic memory of him.

... But it's also a testament to him. Because in an age where Randy Pitchford openly ridicules and dismisses those that complained about Aliens: Colonial Marines, where Bobby Kotick once claimed he sought to remove the fun in game making, where corporate giants talk up games-as-a-service, Mr. Iwata forever remained humble, sincere, and did his best to actually serve us.

We lost a gaming pioneer. The whole industry, from top to bottom, lost a man who helped shape the whole entire gaming landscape.

Nothing I wrote could do him justice. He'll be sorely missed... but because of his love and passion for gaming and gamers, he shall never, ever be forgotten.

Rest in peace, Mr. Iwata. We'll see you again one day over that Rainbow Road.

Excellent post. No, nothing we can write can do him justice, but your post is excellent, as it articulates how unique Iwata was among other corporate leader. He did care; he was a gamer himself.


I keep coming back to this thread, maybe it's therapeutic. Sad day, we just lost a leader, programming prodigy, father, goofball, and a gamer. I remember when GAF sent that get well card after the bile duct surgery. It was a great card and I hope he liked it. I remember seeing an interview or statement that he received it and was thankful. I just hope he felt a connection through the card with the fans, the same as when we connect to him through his games. He deserved more time, and we wont be the same without him. On my segment, I had to include "Lucky". I thought that maybe it would be endearing to him since Lucky is always injured. And it played into the little "Leave luck to Heaven" bit. But if there is a heaven, Iwata certainly went "directly" there.

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