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Sneaky cops net $18k in fines posing as squeegee guys to nab drivers using mobile phones

Bullet Club

They also made some nice change by washing windshields.

Undercover squeegee cops nab dozens of drivers on phones

Undercover police have conducted a sting operation posing as squeegee guys to nab drivers using mobile phones.
An officer in a high-vis shirt and appearing to wear an ear piece was captured by an eagle-eyed photographer yesterday.

Victoria Police say the traffic operation, which took place at a major intersection in Nunawading in Melbourne’s east, targeted “distracted’’ drivers.

“Part of the operation involved covert observations of drivers in stationary vehicles. Police issued 38 infringement notices to drivers for using their mobile phone while driving,’’ a Victoria Police statement said.


The operation ran on Springvale Road and Maroondah Highway.

It is claimed the undercover officers approached cars under the guise of cleaning windows but instead monitored if motorists were using their phones while driving.

The undercover officers would then radio uniformed officers parked roughly 200m down the road, who would pull the driver over and issue the fine.

Those caught using a mobile phone while driving are usually fined $484 and have four demerit points deducted from their licence.

It is estimated the sting operation netted $18,392 in fines.

However, what is not known is how much the undercover cops made in tips from cleaning car windows.

Herald Sun


checking your phone while stopped is not the same as looking at your phone while driving.

Come to Northern Virginia and look out your window at any point while driving. At any point while performing this action, you'll see a driver with their eyes down looking at their phone while going 50 mph or above.


Hipster Princess
checking your phone while stopped is not the same as looking at your phone while driving.

Tell that to anyone who rides motorcycles and has been ass ended while stopped at lights because some dumbass on their phone not paying attention and either a) rolling into them or b) just accelerating because a horn was sounded or they saw cars in their periphery move.

Stop touching your fucking phone while driving.


Count of Concision
It actually is.

Dickheads on phones are the biggest danger on the road.

100% in support of this and phone detection cameras

Whether or not it is the "biggest danger on the road," the fact remains that these are law enforcement agents with a wide bailiwick - they were not hired strictly for the purpose of enforcing traffic laws. There are literally a MILLION other things they could be doing, both overtly and covertly. So no, it is not imo a wise use of resources. It's makes ton of money for the city, sure, which is actually why things like this are done. It has little to do with safety, because in the grand scheme of things the number of people killed as a result of cell-phone using drivers is very low.
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I'm torn. On one hand I think these kind of ticketing traps are bullshit tactics designed to milk some easy revenue from the populace, but on the other hand I have no sympathy for people doing 80 on the highway on their fucking phones.


Yeah, I hate the traps as well, but people are so fucking stupid that they think it's ok to use their phone while driving.

A fine? Fuck that. First offense should be 30 days loss of driving privileges and 6 months if you're dumb enough to rack up a 2nd. The problem isn't that you'll hurt yourself when you stare at your idiotphone, it's that you'll hurt innocent people. If every moron who texts and drives could end up in a massive accident that didn't harm anyone else, that would be the best case scenario.


Using your phone while stopped is not the same as on the move. Not saying it’s right, but it’s just not the same risk level. The whole operation is bullshit and these officers should be embarrassed for wasting everyone’s time and money.


Gold Member
at first it seems like entrapment and somewhat unfair since people using their phones during a red light isn't really the problem.

but thought about it a bit more and my guess is that because the undercover cop is radioing ahead to another cop it's probably only the most egregious that he's pointing out like those who are still using their phone as they're driving past the light.
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checking your phone while stopped is not the same as looking at your phone while driving.

Come to Northern Virginia and look out your window at any point while driving. At any point while performing this action, you'll see a driver with their eyes down looking at their phone while going 50 mph or above.

Not sure about the US, but in Canada it is the same thing. Not even allowed to have our phones at arms reach.

And people checking their phones while stopped are most likely checking their phones while moving.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Not sure about the US, but in Canada it is the same thing. Not even allowed to have our phones at arms reach.

And people checking their phones while stopped are most likely checking their phones while moving.

How much more dangerous would it be if you are reaching for your radio volume or station?


Good. Get those fuckers. 90% of all idiots on the road doing idiot shit are idiots with cell phones in their hands when I pull up along side of them.

Fine 'em like hell. 👍


How much more dangerous would it be if you are reaching for your radio volume or station?

Got controls on my steering wheel for that LOL.

Its just part of the zero tolerance so people don't try and bullshit there way out of a ticket.

I wont lie I use my phone while I am driving but if I get a ticket I know its all on me and my fault. I also believe that using your phone and driving is dangerous so I have no problem with cracking down hard on it.


And people checking their phones while stopped are most likely checking their phones while moving.

False. At least for me personally. The traffic where I live is horrible and there are ample opportunities when stopped at lights to idly scroll through fb. There's honestly nothing else to do.

I do NOT play with my phone while moving.

I do however see people doing it constantly.


False. At least for me personally. The traffic where I live is horrible and there are ample opportunities when stopped at lights to idly scroll through fb. There's honestly nothing else to do.

I do NOT play with my phone while moving.

I do however see people doing it constantly.

You just said false, but then said you see people doing it constantly.

Maybe you are the exception to the rule, but with your own eyes you see other people doing it.

And I do the same thing, but I acknowledge its wrong and realize that its a danger and would prefer that not everyone else on the road is doing the same.


100% in support of this and phone detection cameras

Lets also force install a breathalyzer on everything that can reach a speed of 25 mph or is over a certain weight. Install cameras at every street corner that track your face and detect if you look too sleepy or not. Don’t stop there! Food detection cameras, FOV detection cameras to make sure your eyes are always on the road, make-up applying detection, odor sensors for anyone smoking up, 10 and 2 sensors, mandatory vehicle inspections every month, mandatory health check ups every 6 months, mandatory drivers education course every year.


Golden Boy
Not sure about the US, but in Canada it is the same thing. Not even allowed to have our phones at arms reach.

And people checking their phones while stopped are most likely checking their phones while moving.
Where I live its also forbidden to use the phone while driving, however, you may use it while stopped.
I often quickly cleck the display for the name of the caller for example while stopped, but i never use the phone while driving.
Ripping of people using phones while stopped is cheap and wrong in my opinion.
They should find a different tactic to catch people who are actually driving with their phones out.
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Good, every corner, people who drive and use their phone are the worst... Where do I donate to their operation? More money!


Count of Concision
BS. You just made that up.

Reality is different:
1 in 4 accidents.
6 times more likely to cause an accident than even DUI.


It's not BS. Read what I wrote again. I'm not talking about the percentage of accidents which involve the use of a cell phone, I'm talking absolute numbers. The FACTS are that there are ~3500 deaths annually across the entire US due to "distracted driving." Even assuming that ALL of that "distraction" is cell phone use (which it is not), you're talking 3500 deaths among literally 250+ million cars and trucks on the road. Sorry, but that is a VANISHINGLY small risk. I'm NOT saying we shouldn't take steps to reduce cell phone use by drivers, which is why we have laws; what I'm saying is that these law enforcement resources could be put to a lot better use on larger concerns than this.

It reminds me of this ludicrous "Vision Zero" initiative that they have in NYC, which was in response to 250 auto-related civilian deaths in 2015 across the city. 250 deaths (and at least some percentage of those were NOT the fault of the driver) across a city with 9 million people, ~2 million cars, literally hundreds of thousands of intersections, a huge geographic footprint, and ridiculous population density. Sorry, but I view 250 civilian deaths in those conditions as absolutely nothing to be alarmed about (it's < 1 death per day across all the five boroughs of NYC). Again, that does NOT mean that you don't take REALISTIC and APPROPRIATE measures to reduce that number and make things safer, but it DOES mean that you see it for what it is and don't cling to some quixotic notion that there can ever be "Zero" (the "Zero" in "Vision Zero") deaths in a dense city of 9 million people. It's absurd and flies in the face of reason. And the immense amount of money and law enforcement effort that has been directed towards this initiative, which could have been put to MUCH better use elsewhere, is likewise absurd. I'm calling a spade a spade.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Terrific use of law enforcement resources! </sarcasm> <roll eyes>
They punish dangerous behaviour and make more money for the state than they earn this way, what is not to love?


Hipster Princess
Lets also force install a breathalyzer on everything that can reach a speed of 25 mph or is over a certain weight. Install cameras at every street corner that track your face and detect if you look too sleepy or not. Don’t stop there! Food detection cameras, FOV detection cameras to make sure your eyes are always on the road, make-up applying detection, odor sensors for anyone smoking up, 10 and 2 sensors, mandatory vehicle inspections every month, mandatory health check ups every 6 months, mandatory drivers education course every year.

Argumentum ad Absurdum.

How quaint.


Unconfirmed Member
They punish dangerous behaviour and make more money for the state than they earn this way, what is not to love?
Ya'll acting like cops don't have a quota and from time to time punish people for going like 2 over the speedlimit. Said people that pay taxes, work, vote and follow the rules everyday end up with a bs fine and their mandatory auto insurance (land of the free my ass) also soars. Terry Crews for President.


As far as I'm concerned, if you choose to use your phone will driving the penalty should be forfeiture of your right to drive. A lot of people think their driving skills are impermeable and using a phone behind the wheel detracts nothing from their performance as a safe and competent driver, until either themselves or someone else is turned into a statistic.


Gold Member
$484 is a pretty hefty fine.

Better than someone killing another person because they just can't wait to not text while driving.

Tell that to anyone who rides motorcycles and has been ass ended while stopped at lights because some dumbass on their phone not paying attention and either a) rolling into them or b) just accelerating because a horn was sounded or they saw cars in their periphery move.

Stop touching your fucking phone while driving.

I see this happen almost once a day if not more. Not so much rolling into someone, but almost hitting someone because of this. And the latter part happens all day everyday.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Lets also force install a breathalyzer on everything that can reach a speed of 25 mph or is over a certain weight. Install cameras at every street corner that track your face and detect if you look too sleepy or not. Don’t stop there! Food detection cameras, FOV detection cameras to make sure your eyes are always on the road, make-up applying detection, odor sensors for anyone smoking up, 10 and 2 sensors, mandatory vehicle inspections every month, mandatory health check ups every 6 months, mandatory drivers education course every year.

People are getting pretty crazy with this stuff right? Like come on people.

lil puff

I wish they could do this to pedestrians - People get in my way all the time because they are on their phones. Then they get mad when you bump into them. They are dumbasses.

In all seriousness, I'm also a bit torn on this. It's a bit overkill, and a slippery slope to what else could be monitored out there fishing for fines. Where is the line between looking for fines and protecting the public.

But I find it hard to find too much sympathy for idiots that don't pay attention to their surroundings in general while on their phones. F it. I am for the fines on this one.
I usually don't approve of these tactics, but in this case I hope they do it here. I support all motorists having the same penalties as commercial drivers for phone usage. In some states it's a $2500 fine, bet that'll learn ya.
Using your phone while stopped is not the same as on the move. Not saying it’s right, but it’s just not the same risk level. The whole operation is bullshit and these officers should be embarrassed for wasting everyone’s time and money.

Yeah because we all know it's literally impossible to not touch your phone while driving, especially if you're momentarily stopped. It's been known to cause assholes to explode.


Cell phone driving laws are pathetic. People can multitask, those that can't should have their licence taken away. I shouldn't be penalized just because other people can't drive...

lil puff

Cell phone driving laws are pathetic. People can multitask, those that can't should have their licence taken away. I shouldn't be penalized just because other people can't drive...
Most people can't even walk and talk at the same time without looking distracted!

You are suggesting to let everyone use their handhelds and drive, but be penalized only after they kill a pedestrian.


Gold Member
Cell phone driving laws are pathetic. People can multitask, those that can't should have their licence taken away. I shouldn't be penalized just because other people can't drive...
Yep. You're the only good driver and nothing like all the other idiots that cause crashes or kill people because you were staring at your fucking cell phone instead of the road while driving a piece of metal that weighs thousands of pounds.


Hipster Princess
Cell phone driving laws are pathetic. People can multitask, those that can't should have their licence taken away. I shouldn't be penalized just because other people can't drive...

The overwhelming majority of people can barely drive a car at the best of times.

How well do you think they fair when their faces are glued to a screen?

Basic tip, the guy who hit me when I was riding my motorcycle leaving me with permanent injuries wasn't driving recklessly. He was an inattentive fuckwit not paying attention to the road.


If you (or anyone) causes a near miss while I'm riding because you think your phone is more important than driving, be assured I will de mirror your fucking car cunt.

Totally a safe practice :pie_eyeroll::pie_eyeroll::pie_eyeroll:


Most people can't even walk and talk at the same time without looking distracted!

You are suggesting to let everyone use their handhelds and drive, but be penalized only after they kill a pedestrian.
Yes, I am suggesting that unless a driver actually exhibits detracted driving, you shouldn't get a ticket just for using your phone in general. Using your phone while driving is no different than playing with your car's radio or windshield wiper, or even a cop using his laptop in a cruiser... I shouldn't be penalized because other people don't know how to keep their eyes on the road...

Yep. You're the only good driver and nothing like all the other idiots that cause crashes or kill people because you were staring at your fucking cell phone instead of the road while driving a piece of metal that weighs thousands of pounds.
That's the thing, I'm not the only one. Plenty of people are perfectly capable of using their phones while driving, considering it's really not that hard and so long as you keep your full attention on the road, you won't have any problems...

The overwhelming majority of people can barely drive a car at the best of times.

How well do you think they fair when their faces are glued to a screen?

Basic tip, the guy who hit me when I was riding my motorcycle leaving me with permanent injuries wasn't driving recklessly. He was an inattentive fuckwit not paying attention to the road.


If you (or anyone) causes a near miss while I'm riding because you think your phone is more important than driving, be assured I will de mirror your fucking car cunt.

Totally a safe practice :pie_eyeroll::pie_eyeroll::pie_eyeroll:

First of all, play with your toys in the back yard where they belong. The roads aren't playgrounds meant for your goofy joyrides. Don't be surprised when people who have to go to work don't see your little scooter doing wheelies between traffic...

That said, again, fuck people who can't drive and keep their faces glued to their phones. THOSE PEOPLE should get tickets or worse, have their licence taken away. But if I'm texting my boss that I'm running late at a red light and get a ticket for it, that's just insanity and I'm paying for other people's stupidity at that point...


Get rekt! I wish my town would do this. I love to jog and I think a good 80% of people that drive by are looking down. I make sure to run against traffic so I can see when a car hits the curb and comes at me. Self-driving cars can't come soon enough.


Gold Member
That's the thing, I'm not the only one. Plenty of people are perfectly capable of using their phones while driving, considering it's really not that hard and so long as you keep your full attention on the road, you won't have any problems...

It is impossible to say that you have your full attention on the road and also say that you were looking at your cell phone.


It is impossible to say that you have your full attention on the road and also say that you were looking at your cell phone.
Bullshit. I usually hold my cell phone up by the steering wheel and give it quick glances to proofread while I put all my actual focus and attention to driving. It's no different than changing the radio station...
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