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So, turns out that I'm HIV+

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I don't know your history like some of these GAFfers claim to. I hope you aren't lying or bullshitting any of this. I truly hope you get yourself sorted out and maintain a healthy life.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
There are many variants of skinhead gangs; and there's a whole subset of skinhead that are open to gay relationship, and not buying into the whole white supremacy thing at all. In the '90 there was a lot of skinhead vs skinhead gang fights in Montreal; and it was super violent stuff.
I remember there was a group back in the 90's called NTS (Nazi Termination Squad). They were skinheads who were opposed to racism. There was even a black member of the group in this city that got killed by the more recognized, average racist skinheads.


HIV is extremely hard to contract. If you aren't into drugs and haven't had unprotected sex, i can't see how it is possible to contract it. The only other way is if you had an open wound and came into direct contact with an infected persons open wound.


Don't fully understand everything that's going on in this thread; but I will echo what others have said. HIV isn't a death sentence; you can still live a rich fulfilling life, so don't freak out too much about it. You definitely need to get retested to make sure; and tell others you have been with sexually to also get tested just in case.

Sounds like you may have a lot of worry or stress. You say you're not anxious anymore, but fear of death is also a type of anxiety. Also feelings of restlessness or needing to engage in dangerous activities (BDSM/biker clubs etc.) could become a problem for you in the future. See a psychologist; someone to talk to and let it out, who will listen and advise. Also this is super important, if you feel the first one you talk to isn't connecting with you or you have any reservations about talking to him - look for another one. Find one who you are most comfortable and can have a good relationship with.

Sorry you are having a bad time recently and that maybe some Gaf members are giving you a hard time over this and your past posting history. Try not to let others get to you; especially anonymous people on the internet. Try to connect more with people irl and form more personal friendships rather than 'gangs' who are only defined by what they do.
HIV is extremely hard to contract. If you aren't into drugs and haven't had unprotected sex, i can't see how it is possible to contract it. The only other way is if you had an open wound and came into direct contact with an infected persons open wound.

The guy is a tier 3 troll. He's bullshitting just look at his post history.
HIV is extremely hard to contract. If you aren't into drugs and haven't had unprotected sex, i can't see how it is possible to contract it. The only other way is if you had an open wound and came into direct contact with an infected persons open wound.

hemophiliacs got hiv very easy back in the day. There are still scandals where it has been shown that blood banks would pool all the blood together. The last time I heard this happening was in China.


The guy is a tier 3 troll. He's bullshitting just look at his post history.

Yeah, i didn't want to say it, but the thread does seem a bit suspect. I don't even understand what OP is trying to say tbh.

A mod should investigate his other posts and decide whether or not he is trolling. If he is trolling he needs to be banned straight away. HIV is no joke.

This thread is just...really weird


hemophiliacs got hiv very easy back in the day. There are still scandals where it has been shown that blood banks would pool all the blood together. The last time I heard this happening was in China.

That still happens in 2013?

I have heard about transplant patients contracting HIV.


Authorized Fister
Actually, I find it interesting that people think I'm bs-ing them. What kind of proof do you want? I can takes pictures right now. Tattoos, empty bottles? I remember people also saying that I couldn't certainly live in my loft, pictures of that. Doctor's appointment for my next eye surgery due to my bike accident?

I will only say something, I don't think I live a miserable life.


Is it weird that I am picturing the OP as the Apprentice from The Forced Unleashed? Don't ruin it with pictures, I am already writing the fanfic.


Authorized Fister
So here's a quite recent pic of myself.



I've discussed this on the forum before, but here it is again since someone is going through this.

I've been HIV+ since September of 2007, and like others have said, it's a very manageable illness nowadays so long as you have access to the drugs - which admittedly are not cheap if you're paying out of pocket for them.


I liked your leather get up better. Anyway, I'm very sad to hear about this turn of events. Definitely get some follow up tests done, and pray it was a false positive or something. I'm also glad to hear you say you're not living a miserable life. Stay positive! [:
I liked your leather get up better. Anyway, I'm very sad to hear about this turn of events. Definitely get some follow up tests done, and pray it was a false positive or something. I'm also glad to hear you say you're not living a miserable life. Stay positive! [:

You have a way with words.


Authorized Fister
I've been HIV+ since September of 2007, and like others have said, it's a very manageable illness nowadays so long as you have access to the drugs - which admittedly are not cheap if you're paying out of pocket for them.

Thank you for your feedback, I didn't understand most of your results, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it pretty fast. We have good insurance here so it won't be an issue. I doubt I'll have to start medication soon, but I'm fine with it. I certainly don't see it as a death sentence, but I don't know what to think really. It's great to see that things are positive to you (no pun intended).


Authorized Fister
I liked your leather get up better. Anyway, I'm very sad to hear about this turn of events. Definitely get some follow up tests done, and pray it was a false positive or something. I'm also glad to hear you say you're not living a miserable life. Stay positive! [:

Ha! Well I lost about 30 pounds since that pic. It's just frustrating to see that everyone seems to think I'm someone's creation or something.

I'm ok now, no worries, I got rid of the septum too!


Ha! Well I lost about 30 pounds since that pic. It's just frustrating to see that everyone seems to think I'm someone's creation or something.

I'm ok now, no worries, I got rid of the septum too!
Before testing positive, what did you think about the weight loss? Was there any reason to explain it other than being ill?


Before testing positive, what did you think about the weight loss? Was there any reason to explain it other than being ill?

I'm sorry, but this is entirely baseless. I wish I could lose weight as easily as people seem to think it is to become skeleton-skinny just from being HIV+.

Back in the 80s the stereotypical "skinny" HIV look was, I believe, more a side effect of the drugs available at the time, and the fact that people did get very serious complicating illnesses as they progressed through the disease.

However, there are cases of "fat redistribution" being a thing with HIV patients - getting accumulations in the face or in the upper back. I haven't read enough about it to know whether it's from drugs or from the disease itself. I'd like to be able to blame my love handles on it and get lyposuction covered by insurance!!! No matter how much cardio I do or how much I lift I can't get rid of them, I just eat too much I guess.


Oh man, sorry to hear OP.

I remember the one time I got really drunk and had unprotected sex with a random woman (stupidest thing I've ever done). The anxiety afterwards was almost too much. Luckily I got tested and was in the clear, but damn. Not sure what I would have done if it was positive.

Hope it works out.


Yes, I'm on a strict diet with a personal trainer.
Not that I don't believe what you're saying, but you already look pretty fit in that pic. I'd think losing 30 pounds from that would be a red flag.
I'm sorry, but this is entirely baseless. I wish I could lose weight as easily as people seem to think it is to become skeleton-skinny just from being HIV+.

Back in the 80s the stereotypical "skinny" HIV look was, I believe, more a side effect of the drugs available at the time, and the fact that people did get very serious complicating illnesses as they progressed through the disease.

However, there are cases of "fat redistribution" being a thing with HIV patients - getting accumulations in the face or in the upper back. I haven't read enough about it to know whether it's from drugs or from the disease itself. I'd like to be able to blame my love handles on it and get lyposuction covered by insurance!!! No matter how much cardio I do or how much I lift I can't get rid of them, I just eat too much I guess.
It was just an honest question. I'm not trying to accuse him of anything.


Authorized Fister
Not that I don't believe what you're saying, but you already look pretty fit in that pic. I'd think losing 30 pounds from that would be a red flag.

No, it's with about 25lbs loss. I'm doing a boot camp regimen.

The pic that I was referring to was an old pic I posted on a thread and not this pic I just posted. Hence why I said I lost 30lbs since then.


What the fuck dude... you want to see a doctor to confirm and if you are indeed HIV+, get on medication asap. The sooner you get medication, the sooner you can get the virus under control. I have a friend who is positive and he got on medication very early, his viral load is undetectable and he is extremely healthy. If you don't get on medication, your health is only going to get worse over time. Why risk it when all it takes is a pill or two a day? It's not like you don't have the money or health insurance.

you shouldn't give medical advice on something you have no clue about


No, it's with about 25lbs loss. I'm doing a boot camp regimen.

The pic that I was referring to was an old pic I posted on a thread and not this pic I just posted. Hence why I said I lost 30lbs since then.
Oh, whatever "leather" pic the other guy was talking about. Got it.
you shouldn't give medical advice on something you have no clue about

I'm giving him what I thought was sound advice based on my experience of a friend who is positive. Not sure why you're being a dick about it. His post I was responding to lead me to believe he wasn't going to get on medication.

If you are qualified to give medical advice, then by all means go ahead and give it. Otherwise negative responses aren't really needed... enough of that is going around in this thread. Bye. Go flop somewhere else.


I know we've butted heads in the past, OP, but nonetheless wishing you the best of luck and health.

I still don't get why there wasn't a separate thread. In the end I was kinda proven right with all the nasty things you guys were saying about me and that I didn't belong. So much with an "all inclusive gay gaf".
I was fine with your being there, despite the differences of opinion.


Authorized Fister
I know we've butted heads in the past, OP, but nonetheless wishing you the best of luck and health.

I was fine with your being there, despite the differences of opinion.

Just read all the mean things people said about me in that thread, and how awful I felt afterwards. Not because of the things i said, but of the hate that went towards me. How is that for a "community"?


Authorized Fister
I'm giving him what I thought was sound advice based on my experience of a friend who is positive. Not sure why you're being a dick about it. His post I was responding to lead me to believe he wasn't going to get on medication.

If you are qualified to give medical advice, then by all means go ahead and give it. Otherwise negative responses aren't really needed... enough of that is going around in this thread. Bye. Go flop somewhere else.

Thank you for your advice :) Like I said, all advice is good to get, you just need to filter it properly afterwards. Don't get mad at another poster.


I'm giving him what I thought was sound advice based on my experience of a friend who is positive. Not sure why you're being a dick about it. His post I was responding to lead me to believe he wasn't going to get on medication.

If you are qualified to give medical advice, then by all means go ahead and give it. Otherwise negative responses aren't really needed... enough of that is going around in this thread. Bye. Go flop somewhere else.

I'm saying you have no idea what his situation is and are in no way qualified to give medical advice. No one here should be suggesting anything other to see a doctor and get in touch with support groups.


Just read all the mean things people said about me in that thread, and how awful I felt afterwards. Not because of the things i said, but of the hate that went towards me. How is that for a "community"?
People were loudly (and colourfully) disagreeing with you, I didn't see much in the way of hate. That you left so quickly more or less just cemented that notion.
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