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Surfer Girl Rumors – What's True, What's False, and What's Unconfirmed



Now it makes sense ;D
Bump, detectives over at Shacknews write the following:
Design director Mark Pacini, art director Todd Keller, and principal technology engineer Jack Mathews were escorted off the premises last Friday. The simultaneous departure of senior staff members is generally indicative of an intention to branch off and form a new development studio.

Contrary to other rumors, Shacknews has also learned that Retro Studios is not in danger of closing.
I guess they were headhunting staff internally and someone ratted them out. Best of luck to them in starting up their own studio. I believe Shacknews' assumption is a fair one.
So shacknews is now confirming those guys were, in fact, escorted off campus.

Surfer Girl commenter vindicated? Oh lord no! Now all commenters will have to be taken seriously. :D

edit: crap, beaten by my own attempt to be pithy.
devildog820 said:
Now all commenters will have to be taken seriously. :D
Hell no, people should be e.mailing Surfer Girl instead of posting anonymously in her comments section. Surfer Girl only mentioned this one because an e.mail from someone else corroborated.

It will however be a massive hit to their current project, the morale of the team and overall structure. I'm sure Nintendo is pissed.


listen to the mad man
So really people could have confirmed this pretty on Monday after I posted Retro's phone number and the names of two of the three people who were shitcanned. :lol
Awww, crap, so it's true uh ?...
Shacknews said:
Contrary to other rumors, Shacknews has also learned that Retro Studios is not in danger of closing.
Except for the jobs of the remaining staff, how does it even matter anymore ? I doubt they'll manage to find people talented and experienced enough to replace these guys, which were probably some of the core of the studio. Call me alarmist, but I'm guessing that, Retro Studios is basically dead inside right now...
Stormbringer said:
Awww, crap, so it's true uh ?...

Except for the jobs of the remaining staff, how does it even matter anymore ? I doubt they'll manage to find people at least as talented and experienced to replace these guys. Call me alarmist, but I'm guessing that, Retro Studios is basically dead inside right now...

So, two people leaving = the downfall of Retro?
Yeah... no.
AceBandage said:
So, two people leaving = the downfall of Retro?
Yeah... no.
I don't know, but "design director", "art director", and "principal technology engineer" doesn't seem like some random staff leaving, to me... In fact, I don't think I made myself understood correctly, because, obviously, I'm not saying that the studio is absolutely done for, thanks to the probably very talented and dedicated remaining staff, but as Visualante mentioned, this really could be a serious hit to the structure of the studio, and I'm simply afraid that the Retro Studios we knew wouldn't be the same as before :( ...
ShockingAlberto said:
You're an alarmist and kind of stupid.
Ouch, that was mean.


Stormbringer said:
I don't know, but "design director", "art director", and "principal technology engineer" doesn't seem like some random staff leaving, to me... In fact, I don't think I made myself well understood correctly, because, obviously, I'm not saying that the studio is absolutely done for, thanks to the probably very talented and dedicated remaining staff, but as Visualante mentioned, this really could be a serious hit to the structure of the studio, and I'm simply afraid that the Retro Studios we knew wouldn't be the same as before :( ...

Yeah... no. Lots of companies have high staff leave and continue to pump out excellent work - Naughty Dog's co-founder left a few years ago, but Uncharted turned out fine. Hell, their art director has also just recently left, but nobody's saying Uncharted 2 is destined to be doomed.

Look on the last page (or page before), Retro's seen huge shake ups even in the midst of the Prime series.
batbeg said:
Yeah... no. Lots of companies have high staff leave and continue to pump out excellent work - Naughty Dog's co-founder left a few years ago, but Uncharted turned out fine. Hell, their art director has also just recently left, but nobody's saying Uncharted 2 is destined to be doomed.
Then again, Rare...


UPDATE FOUR: The proximate Shacknews says that Retro is not closing shop and corroborates the tale from the commenter about senior staff being escorted off premises, but I'm told from a few folks that that there is a general feeling of uneasiness in the Retro offices that could lead to more departures. The quote in the previous update is not meant to imply that relocation is going to happen, just that no Retro employees would relocate if Nintendo asked them to since there is no real incentive for them to so considering Nintendo's previous behavior. Giving extremely little autonomy does not create favorable sentiment.
Guys, this is the videogame insutry. Key people move all the time.

And game design is 10% idea and 90% implimentation. Design guys like them wont kill the company. There are still plenty of talented people left.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
That's a huge loss. Not only was that team extremely talented, they were the foundation for the company. Hurts :(
batbeg said:
Yeah... no. Lots of companies have high staff leave and continue to pump out excellent work - Naughty Dog's co-founder left a few years ago, but Uncharted turned out fine. Hell, their art director has also just recently left, but nobody's saying Uncharted 2 is destined to be doomed.

Look on the last page (or page before), Retro's seen huge shake ups even in the midst of the Prime series.
Yes but Naughty Dog staff said that the people below were more than ready and experienced enough to take on Uncharted, and that staying would in fact stifle the team's structure and perhaps cause people to leave Naughty Dog for more demanding roles.

We don't know much about Retro, they have been around for more than a few years.. there's probably an abundant amount of talent below to take the reigns.


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
batbeg said:
Naughty Dog's co-founder left a few years ago

And now he's banging Sophie Monk! See, this is clearly a good thing for all involved with the Retro business.
batbeg said:
Yeah... no. Lots of companies have high staff leave and continue to pump out excellent work - Naughty Dog's co-founder left a few years ago, but Uncharted turned out fine. Hell, their art director has also just recently left, but nobody's saying Uncharted 2 is destined to be doomed.

Look on the last page (or page before), Retro's seen huge shake ups even in the midst of the Prime series.
Yeah, the context is getting clearer to me now. And in my defence, it's just that I'm such a huge fan of these particular persons work, and I thought their collaboration with their now former studio couldn't be a more perfect one. But I guess they have their own reasons to search for better opportunities. I just hope that Retro will continue to make the games I love, and potentially grow even stronger from this, and that the leaving staff will get to stay in the circuit so we can still get a taste of their talent...
Anyway, on a more positive note :

4) Ancel's studio also has a "kinda epic but kinda expected" Wiixclusive (not named Beyond Good & Evil 2), apparently on track to ship for this holiday season.
YES ! How could I miss that ? Please be true. Whether it's a new Rayman game or a new AAA IP : I'd take it.
...But wait, am I not just turning into a Surfer Girl believer ? Oh God... Shame on me.


I'm kind of surprised it isn't Beyond Good and Evil 2 is all. I mean:

Go-Nintendo Nintendo Power Summary said:
- Mr. Ancel is indeed working on a project right now, but he isn’t giving specific details. All he says is “I am currently working on a game that means a lot to me, where the foundation is immersion and a sense of incredible journey”

- Another Rayman platformer is a definite possibility. Mr. Ancel says he has a ton of ideas, but simply doesn’t have the time. He believes he still has ways to surprise people, even when the platforming genre seems “a little out of breath”.

- The interviewer asks Mr. Ancel to talk about the creation of Jade from Beyond Good and Evil. He goes into the character creation process, and what kind of personality traits and strengths he wanted to instill in her. At the end of his answer, he says “I really hope that Jade will continue to keep her values and her personality”

Link: http://go-nintendo.com/?p=28652 (take out the dash)

Also, I've just heard about this Amano/Ubisoft rumor. What... the fuck?
batbeg said:
I'm kind of surprised it isn't Beyond Good and Evil 2 is all. I mean:

Link: http://go-nintendo.com/?p=28652 (take out the dash)

Also, I've just heard about this Amano/Ubisoft rumor. What... the fuck?

Ooh, thanks for that. That's indeed pretty intriguing. As for the Amano/Ubisoft/Ancel rumour...That would be an interesting team-up, to say the least. I'm kind of hoping to see it confirmed...


batbeg said:
Yeah... no. Lots of companies have high staff leave and continue to pump out excellent work - Naughty Dog's co-founder left a few years ago, but Uncharted turned out fine. Hell, their art director has also just recently left, but nobody's saying Uncharted 2 is destined to be doomed.

Look on the last page (or page before), Retro's seen huge shake ups even in the midst of the Prime series.

Evan Wells directed Jak 2 and was the creative director for Jak 3, Rubin and Gavin didn't leave until after Jak 3 but by then they have already hired Amy Hennig as game director (and now creative director) and Richard Lemarchand (lead designer and now game director), and Wells was already co-president by then, and it seems Wells and Balestra are running a pretty tight ship. Bob Rafei and Bruce Straley were both art directors, so they had two of them, and from the bts video, Straley seems to take a more prominent role with Uncharted and he is still at Naughty Dog, there is kind of a generational change at Naughty Dog, people do move on but the studio is always in extremely capable hands both creatively and management-wise. Even with Insomniac Games you have people moving on like multiplayer lead Mike Stout but other people would step up to the plate.

Retro isn't in the same boat as Naughty Dog or Insomniac, both of which likely have more creative freedom with what they do in terms of creating their own franchises and deciding the direction of those franchises, it just doesn't seem like there's this whole overlord thing at Sony the way that you have with Miyamoto at nintendo.


Kittonwy said:
Retro isn't in the same boat as Naughty Dog or Insomniac, both of which likely have more creative freedom with what they do in terms of creating their own franchises and deciding the direction of those franchises, it just doesn't seem like there's this whole overlord thing at Sony the way that you have with Miyamoto.

I know the history lesson (Naughty Dog are my favorite devs), but my point wasn't so much that they're the same that the departure of staff isn't a doom and gloom situation. I don't think we know as much about Retro to assume they don't have competent members left to take over and pick up the slack. I don't know much about Retro at all (don't like the Prime games, to be honest) but I was just saying it isn't always the end of the world, but I may be wrong of course.

If it is the end of the world for Retro, then oh well :lol But if they are creatively constricted by Nintendo then honestly I don't think key influential members leaving will have as huge of an effect as would otherwise happen.

Edit: Except for the bit about Straley, didn't realize that, I'd thought Rafei was the only art director. But now I do kind of remember hearing that, because didn't he start out somewhere weird like that golf game?

EDIT: Nope. Who the hell am I thinking of...? Ah, character designer!
Not trying to be a jerk, but what if they left because they wanted to work on better hardware? Retro is definitely one of Nintendo's more tech heavy teams, and maybe the top brass just didn't want to be stuck with the limiting hardware Nintendo set up. It sorta makes sense with the comments about them starting their own studio and the engineering lead being one of the ones fired...


batbeg said:
I'm kind of surprised it isn't Beyond Good and Evil 2 is all.
Well, maybe it is, and it just isn't named Beyond Good & Evil 2. Or maybe Wii will get, say, Rayman 4, and BG&E2 will be multi-/ omniplatform.


Surfer Girl said:
Not the mention that sentence stomps all over those journalistic ethics you have heard of before,

Surfer Girl said:
I could care less whether or not you mention this blog, but do not flat out lie, you should have said "earlier this week" instead of "earlier today."

Surfer Girl said:
I can't take anymore of this. So, in conclusion, omit McIGN and the quality of games journalism as a whole goes way up....or McIGN could hire some folks who know how to write or teach the current ones how to write. For these people to receive any sort of respect for their journalistic skills is a slap in the face to any one who majored in Communications Studies, English, Journalism, et cetera.



Here's a rumor from Rayne.S I thought I'd pop out since it's almost May.
* Dualshock 3 - April in EU
Do note that the PM which had this info was sent April 1st. (Note it not because of 4/1, but the fact that it's somewhat recent.) So... this looks to be false, unless SCEE shipped DS3s and I'm just out of the loop. :p

But he did get other, more substantial rumors right, so I'm kinda hoping people aren't going to see this and go "lols so rayne was a fake this whole time lolol."


Duck said:
Here's a rumor from Rayne.S I thought I'd pop out since it's almost May.

Do note that the PM which had this info was sent April 1st. (Note it not because of 4/1, but the fact that it's somewhat recent.) So... this looks to be false, unless SCEE shipped DS3s and I'm just out of the loop. :p

But he did get other, more substantial rumors right, so I'm kinda hoping people aren't going to see this and go "lols so rayne was a fake this whole time lolol."

last thing i heard for dualshock 3 release was may 2nd.


1) Luxoflux is the developer of next year's tie-in for Michael Bay's avant-garde indie film Transformers 2, which is based on Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins. Wouldn't it be ironic if a version of this was Robomodo's project with Activision (unlikely, but they do have an awesome logo with a robot)?

2) Koei Canada's next PS360 (the release for both platforms will be simultaneous this time) title is another racing game. Fatal Inertia EX is coming very soon and is "vastly improved" (hyperbole, I'm sure) from the original release.

3) Contrary to what the EGM section of gossip that was definitely told to them by insiders and that totally was not taken from the buffet of blogs including this one and a smorgasbord of message boards (sorry, had to do it), BioShock is still not coming to PS3 nor is there plans for a PS3 version of its sequel (extremely unlikely, as one in Redmond says they were only joking when they said they were joking that Microsoft paid for exclusivity rights and one in the Bay Area says the amount work it would take to develop a PS3 version is a "distraction" that would put too much stress on an already brief, crunch-filled development cycle).

4) Even though Sega Superstars Tennis is not doing particularly well, Sumo Digital is working away on "a new entry in a venerable Sega sports franchise that draws upon the team's previously-established expertise."

5) Loose Cannon Studios', a Kirkland-based studio founded last year primarily consisting of ex-Sucker Punch folk that were the creative force behind the Sly Cooper series, debut title is "the most hilarious thing to ever come from King County" and features "mesmerizing art direction." Color me interested even though I can't recall anything real hilarious springing out of King County, so this may just the interactive equivalent of New Love, American Style.

6) The release for A2M's Indy [ana Jones] game is currently scheduled to coincide with the Crystal Skull home video release.

In terms of Sumo Digital.. well their other expertise is.. well, Racing games (Outrun, Driver '76 (Car Combat PSP game), TOCA PSP). Hopefully it's a GOOD Kart game then?

Ryo Hazuki in Forklift Kart in Docks level. Sonic Special Stage level. Alex Kidd Power Ring pickup. DO IT


3) Contrary to what the EGM section of gossip that was definitely told to them by insiders and that totally was not taken from the buffet of blogs including this one and a smorgasbord of message boards (sorry, had to do it), BioShock is still not coming to PS3 nor is there plans for a PS3 version of its sequel (extremely unlikely, as one in Redmond says they were only joking when they said they were joking that Microsoft paid for exclusivity rights and one in the Bay Area says the amount work it would take to develop a PS3 version is a "distraction" that would put too much stress on an already brief, crunch-filled development cycle).

What wait...didn't she say bioshock 2 was PS360? And is it true what she said that microsoft is also helping pay bioshock 2?

She did not comment on the other stuff from EGM..


Rlan said:
In terms of Sumo Digital.. well their other expertise is.. well, Racing games (Outrun, Driver '76 (Car Combat PSP game), TOCA PSP). Hopefully it's a GOOD Kart game then?

sega superstars kart racing ~_~
Sadist said:

Pretty please Ubisoft, greenlight it :(
It's greenlit. They fucked him over with Rabbids to make the Wii launch, he threatened to leave and they gave him his own studio to keep him happy. He knows his place.
I really hope the Bioshock thing's wrong. If the sequel's multi and there's already a PC version, I don't see the harm in releasing a PS3 version a year after the fact, unless they really believe the money they'd make isn't worth the bother.


Draft said:
Man, I hate it when a Communications major gets upset. They get all distracted and mess up your latte.


I, for one, am glad to see Surfer Girl making a stand for writing skills and professionalism.


D2M15 said:

I, for one, am glad to see Surfer Girl making a stand for writing skills and professionalism.

Despite the two glaring mistakes in her post? I refuse to believe anybody involved with a Communications degree would honestly say they could care less when they meant to say they couldn't.

I'm on the side of her being a sham, now :D


Rlan said:
In terms of Sumo Digital.. well their other expertise is.. well, Racing games (Outrun, Driver '76 (Car Combat PSP game), TOCA PSP). Hopefully it's a GOOD Kart game then?

Ryo Hazuki in Forklift Kart in Docks level. Sonic Special Stage level. Alex Kidd Power Ring pickup. DO IT
SEGA All Stars Karting. Or something. Not a bad idea. Their tennis game ain't bad though, shame it bombed so hard.
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