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Swordman attacks people at school in Sweden

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The political climate in Europe is getting pretty disturbing now, if the rhetoric on the internet is any indication of people's views. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. This is terrible news, RIP to the victims.


Reading in an article now about how the police handled this thing. What they did was to engage the suspect almost immediately - the first 2 patrols that arrived went inside.

They say it's the result of learning from earlier school attacks in the US and Finland (there was a really bad one in 2007) - where police officers would stay outside the schools and wait for specially trained ones to show up and somehow engage - wasting time and having more people getting attacked. Apparently the police have been training for situations like this since 2009 with the aforementioned in mind. Good on them.


Reading in an article now about how the police handled this thing. What they did was to engage the suspect almost immediately - the first 2 patrols that arrived went inside.

They say it's the result of learning from earlier school attacks in the US and Finland (there was a really bad one in 2007) - where police officers would stay outside the schools and wait for specially trained ones to show up and somehow engage - wasting time and having more people getting attacked. Apparently the police have been training for situations like this since 2009 with the aforementioned in mind. Good on them.

Can you link this article? I'd be interested to read it.

EDIT: Nvm, found it (it's in Swedish) http://www.svt.se/nyheter/regionalt/vast/ny-polistaktik-stoppade-mordaren


The political climate in Europe is getting pretty disturbing now, if the rhetoric on the internet is any indication of people's views. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. This is terrible news, RIP to the victims.

I think the modern internet is making all this a lot worse. When people seek constant gratification through echo chambers, easy access to "alternative" news outlets that makes you think any other source is part of some agenda or conspiracy, and when people flock to hateful anti-immigrant cliques and get all information filtered through that to reinforce warped world views, you end up with people like this. You could see the same pattern with Elliot Rodger and all the MRA shit.


He also appears to be atheist, but if anyone claimed that what he did was due to a lack of moral guidance through the one true lord and savior Jesus Christ they would rightly be treated like a fucking idiot.

Let's not make assumptions about what drives people to do depraved things in the moment, information will come out in time. The only concern should be how to stop it from happening in the future.

Although there are multiple variables that go into something like this, i.e. vioent behaviour, there is one varibale that most best familiarize themselves with as it strongly predicts this kind of behaviour outside of mental illnesses like paranoid schizophrenia, and that is psychopathy. I actually did one of my masters assignments with a colleague of Dr. Hare, who has developed all the violence scales outside psychopathy, but psychopathy is a good place for the lay person to start, as I am fairly sure if we prevented these poeple from entering top fortune 500 companies and banks etc. we would not have many of the problems we do today. (for further reading on that topic read snakes in suits by Dr. Hare.)


Reading in an article now about how the police handled this thing. What they did was to engage the suspect almost immediately - the first 2 patrols that arrived went inside.

They say it's the result of learning from earlier school attacks in the US and Finland (there was a really bad one in 2007) - where police officers would stay outside the schools and wait for specially trained ones to show up and somehow engage - wasting time and having more people getting attacked. Apparently the police have been training for situations like this since 2009 with the aforementioned in mind. Good on them.

Wow. Bravo. This is a country that works. I hope mine follows.
Reminds me of our school shootings here in Finland in 2007 and 2008. 2007 was already shocking but just year later another and even more victims... Luckily this guy didn't have a gun. Still of course even one victim is one too many. Truly sad.


Not really, Vader was influenced by a lot of things, like Kurosawas samurai movies, old hollywood B-movies and some old tech from the 19th century.

come on, although Im sure he drew from other sources as well, Lucas admittd he was going for the nazi feel with the "Empire" I dont have a direct quote but what he said was along the lines of, "I was trying to think of the worst most evil theme imaginable and the holocaust was it." I am not saying anything else, just that Lucas admitted he was going for the nazi theme.....stormtroopers also come to mind [roll eyes.]

It is a logical point to assume that people might get star wars and nazi germany war attire confused.

On another note, the perpetrators facebook was taken down but not before it got 36 likes or so to a comment that he was "defending his country"

some people have already started trying to make collage videos etc on you tube:



Damn, this is getting a bit too close for comfort..

Threat towards Umeå University on social media

[2015-10-26] On Sunday 25 September, Umeå University submitted a report to the police concerning a threat towards the university alluding on the events in Trollhättan last week and published on the forum Jodel. The police has made the assessment that activities at Umeå University are not affected by the threat, which means research and education carries on as usual.

“It is important to take threats towards the university seriously and make the police aware of them so that any necessary precautions can be made. The message on Jodel might have reached many students, in particular students, which is also why we choose to go public as reassurance and to avoid rumours,” says Jörgen Sandström, security coordinator at Umeå University.

According to the police, this threat is only one out of several published on social media across the country since the tragic incident in Trollhättan.
“It is not surprising that Umeå University also receives a threat of this kind. We have a continuous dialogue with the police concerning the matter and will inform students and staff if and when more information becomes available,” says Jörgen Sandström.


I think the modern internet is making all this a lot worse. When people seek constant gratification through echo chambers, easy access to "alternative" news outlets that makes you think any other source is part of some agenda or conspiracy, and when people flock to hateful anti-immigrant cliques and get all information filtered through that to reinforce warped world views, you end up with people like this. You could see the same pattern with Elliot Rodger and all the MRA shit.

Do you feel there is more of this sort of violence than pre-internet? It's pretty clear giving that Internet shapes our lives in infinite number of ways but I wonder if in ages past there was just as much or even more of this sort of hateful violence aimed at specific groups of people.

I am more prone to the idea that the internet is just the relay of information, but not really the source of the corruption. In earlier periods it would have been through forums of dialogue, speeches, radio broadcasts, books, and so on?


That's unfortunate. You'd think surviving as long as he did after the attack that the injury must have healed.


That's unfortunate. You'd think surviving as long as he did after the attack that the injury must have healed.

Stomach and any damage from blades, bullets etc. that rupture abdominal internals are a very unpleasant way to die, fairly slowly, in a lot of pain and hard to fix in time.

Poor guy.


Police investigator Thord Haraldsson said the assailant, Anton Lundin-Pettersson, 21, targeted “those with dark complexions”, with the investigation so far “pointing to Nazism”, he said at the time of the attack.

The killer went from classroom to classroom, wearing black clothes, a Darth Vader-like mask and a German World War II helmet.

Fuck sake.


That's unfortunate. You'd think surviving as long as he did after the attack that the injury must have healed.

Article said that he seemed to start getting better and just this week the police interrogated him about the attack (nothing new came from it though). Sadly I think the wounds were too complicated to heal completely. :(


Stomach and any damage from blades, bullets etc. that rupture abdominal internals are a very unpleasant way to die, fairly slowly, in a lot of pain and hard to fix in time.

Poor guy.

Yeah, but I thought death from those happened within a few days at most. Guess I underestimated how much damage they do and how long it can last.

Article said that he seemed to start getting better and just this week the police interrogated him about the attack (nothing new came from it though). Sadly I think the wounds were too complicated to heal completely. :(

Must be heartbreaking to friends and relatives.
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