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Tearaway sold 14k and it's made me depressed. See why it killed my cynicism inside.

The Lamp

I would buy it. I really would. $20 is so tempting. But I don't own a Vita. It will probably be even cheaper by the time I do lol :C

GUYS IT WOULD NOT WORK ON PS4 STOP ASKING. The entire gameplay is designed around a touch screen and touch panel on the back.


GUYS IT WOULD NOT WORK ON PS4 STOP ASKING. The entire gameplay is designed around a touch screen and touch panel on the back.

And the camera.

Seriously, it adds so much to it even though it doesn't actively affect gameplay. Tearaway only works the way it does because you're holding the game in your hands. Take that away and you lose the magic this game has.

It should never come to PS4, and I don't want a sequel either. it's just perfect the way it is.
$90 for a 32GB memory card.

No. Never.

Vita needs like 10-15 first party games of this quality for me to be convinced to take the plunge. Proselytize all you want, I'd rather save that money on getting a PS4.

Pretty much this. Put your fucking A teams on the Vita Sony. I want Santa Monica and Naughty Dog games on Vita just like I get games from Nintendo's best teams on the 3DS. Get it down to 150$ with the 32GB card and Tearaway packed in.


Ok Amirox, you got me. This shit is gorgeous and creative. Gives me Rayman 2 vibes for some reason too. Only about 45mins in, but this looks like money well spent.

Did I mention this game is fucking gorgeous? Not a single piece of media I've seen does this game justice. It just pops on dat OLED too.


Pretty much this. Put your fucking A teams on the Vita Sony. I want Santa Monica and Naughty Dog games on Vita just like I get games from Nintendo's best teams on the 3DS. Get it down to 150$ with the 32GB card and Tearaway packed in.

Thats like asking for a $50 PS4. You will get that bundle in like 5 years when Vita is dead and no more Sony handhelds are made.

Also Tearaway shows there are no one really buying software. You could have all the major teams on Vita and they would do shit sales, specially now with PS4 out.

What you should look forward is to cheap digital Vita software sales of its current library. For instance last week's Spelunky sale for less than $4 (w/PS+) and this week's Guacamelee for $4. Atleast thats what would make me go full digital and get a bigger MC. Not some wet dream of having major IPs on the dead platform.

I do agree that MC needs to be cheaper but they wont be for a long time. Only possible through second hand means. Sony is not making money off Vita so they will keep the MC prices high so when you need one, they will take a nice profit from that.

One last thing, I bought Tearaway from GS as a gift for my brother.


I'm glad some people are trying it and loving it. From the PMs I got and some of the posts, seems I convinced a few people to give it a shot and that's all I wanted... a few more fellow gamers to try it out and see if it worked for them like it did for me. :D

Daingurse said:
Only about 45mins in, but this looks like money well spent.

The great thing is that if you like it early on, it really is the type of game that gets better as it goes along - the tightest levels are at the end, and the ending ties everything together in a way that leaves you with a silly heartwarming grin on your face.
Done my duty, bought it bundled with my Vita. No clue what to expect but the praise it gets is making me quite excited. This is the kind of game we really need to be supporting.


The great thing is that if you like it early on, it really is the type of game that gets better as it goes along - the tightest levels are at the end, and the ending ties everything together in a way that leaves you with a silly heartwarming grin on your face.

Glad to hear this gets better. It's just so weird to finally play a game that takes advantage of everything the Vita has to offer, everything! It's fucking brilliant, and I can't get past how damn good this game looks. The aesthetics are simply sublime.

Also anyone saying this game can be ported to PS4, yeah . . . they haven't played it, lol.


First month sales in the US:

WW is somewhere between 60-80k I would guess (physical + digital).

i wonder how many sales are needed to make the game break even or profitable. Even with sales being low for such a awesome game, if it is profitable there may be some hope for it having a sequel.

Btw, this games also proves how great vita hardware is. It is the best portable console ever.


Played the demo, it was nice, but not enough for me to pay for it when I know it'll eventually land on PS+. Throw in a massive backlog and this game gets pushed back. Sorry I'm not contributing to the sales numbers :(


Bought it expecting to appreciate it as a good game that doesn't quite suit my tastes(I buy tons of games like this tbh), and I'm utterly blown away by the full experience that this game provides. Never felt like the back touch screen on the vita had much of a gameplay use until now. Shit, every gimmick on the vita is used absolutely perfectly and seamlessly by this game. Normally I'm not into these types of titles, but the world in tearaway feel like one big playground where you can interact with every detail of the world around you.

Came in expecting something like Atelier, where I could tell it wasn't bad but at the same time not for me, walk away 2 hours in with my mind blown.


Bought it expecting to appreciate it as a good game that doesn't quite suit my tastes(I buy tons of games like this tbh), and I'm utterly blown away by the full experience that this game provides. Never felt like the back touch screen on the vita had much of a gameplay use until now. Shit, every gimmick on the vita is used absolutely perfectly and seamlessly by this game. Normally I'm not into these types of titles, but the world in tearaway feel like one big playground where you can interact with every detail of the world around you.

Came in expecting something like Atelier, where I could tell it wasn't bad but at the same time not for me, walk away 2 hours in with my mind blown.

I totally agreed! Only tried because of recommendations but it's been so much fun. I'm curious to know the new sales number in december after neogaf's influence.. :D I hope Amirox can update us on it
They called it a success! Hopefully they were refering to sales and not just success from critics. As long as they are happy with how it's doing

Taken from shinobi602's thread about a vita sales increase
"PS Vita sales wise we are continuing to see strong week-on-week growth since our latest campaign kicked in," said senior product manager Ben Law. "The new TV advert went live this week and we've already seen amazing feedback from PS4 owners on the Remote Play feature, and the success of Tearaway highlights what [a] great proposition PS Vita is, either as a standalone device or as the perfect companion to PS4."

Source: MCV | Issue 769 via Videogamer
They called it a success! Hopefully they were refering to sales and not just success from critics. As long as they are happy with how it's doing

Taken from shinobi602's thread about a vita sales increase

Source: MCV | Issue 769 via Videogamer

Oh how i hope its enough to warrant a sequel...

This game looks so good, IQ is phenomenal... i wish more console games shared the same IQ level. A handheld game putting console games to shame with its image quality is something else, i don't think i've ever seen a vita game look this crisp.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Just picked this up full price on PSN.

Hadn't really followed this game or even knew what it was about aside from "paper". Looking forward to it, and hopefully I did a small part to help out the awesome devs and the Vita itself.


Got 3 Vita games today, Sonic Racing free from ps+, Flow free from previous ps3 purchase, and Tearaway from amazon for 19.99. Can't wait to dig into it.
I like to buy games when I am drunk but this reeks of typical Gaf over-lionization of mediocre niche. Maybe I will get this but so far it looks like a 2D platformer (which I hate) that looks like Animal Crossing (which I hate) with Pokemon Snap elements (which I hate.)
I played the demo, found it charming, but it didn't 'click' for me. Didn't buy it, even when it went on sale.

The weird thing is, I buy pretty much everything half-decent on Vita. I see what the game's doing, and I love that so many people like it, but for me it just wasn't something that incurred me to play it. And I'm sure a lot of people felt the same.

The game's very special indeed, but I don't think it's a 'crime' that it didn't sell. The way it presents itself is something that isn't gonna appeal to a large section of 'hardcore' gamers, myself included.


I like to buy games when I am drunk but this reeks of typical Gaf over-lionization of mediocre niche. Maybe I will get this but so far it looks like a 2D platformer (which I hate) that looks like Animal Crossing (which I hate) with Pokemon Snap elements (which I hate.)

Drunk post? This is a 3D platformer.


Neo Member
I was going to get this game when it was $20 on PSN and ended up seeing Ys: Memories of Celceta on PSN and got that instead.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'd probably not have gotten Ys otherwise.


I played the demo, found it charming, but it didn't 'click' for me. Didn't buy it, even when it went on sale.

The weird thing is, I buy pretty much everything half-decent on Vita. I see what the game's doing, and I love that so many people like it, but for me it just wasn't something that incurred me to play it. And I'm sure a lot of people felt the same.

The game's very special indeed, but I don't think it's a 'crime' that it didn't sell. The way it presents itself is something that isn't gonna appeal to a large section of 'hardcore' gamers, myself included.

the DEMO doesn't really does justice because as you progress in the game, you learn more moves and actions that contributes to the story and gives you those "wow" or "aww" moments. If you buy half-decent games, I'd say this is at least "half-decent". :/
I like to buy games when I am drunk but this reeks of typical Gaf over-lionization of mediocre niche. Maybe I will get this but so far it looks like a 2D platformer (which I hate) that looks like Animal Crossing (which I hate) with Pokemon Snap elements (which I hate.)

Well after playing and completing the game its none of those things or even has elements of it. Its a very enjoyable and charming 3d adventure game. It shows you all the creative things you can do oustide of stop down moments to show you things, if you don't like taking photos or changing character outfits, etc you don't have to.

Being arts and crafts deficient i was happy to realize no matter what i created the game didn't care, it just wanted you to try something and then it'd move on. Thank god they didn't try to gamify those moments. Also not being challenging in a way i think works for the game. Its a sum of all the parts to convey something that works best as you move along and not get bogged down in any area. Its not something everyone will dig, but I loved what i got to experience. The only aspect i didn't like was the back touch moments as they could be a little flakey. Fortunately they are mostly in the early parts and later on are not used much.
the DEMO doesn't really does justice because as you progress in the game, you learn more moves and actions that contributes to the story and gives you those "wow" or "aww" moments. If you buy half-decent games, I'd say this is at least "half-decent". :/

Yeah, I've heard the demo isn't a great representation of the game. Still, if the demo didn't make me wanna play the full version, than I'm not gonna buy the full version on some sort of blind faith.

This is one of those cases where the demo probably caused me not to buy the game. Probably had the same effect on a lot of other people too. Though I'm sure some people loved the demo and bought the game because of it.

People argue all the time whether or not demos hurt final sales of a game. Sometimes I play a demo and immediately buy the game. This time I didn't.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
As Tearaway can't be praised enough, here is another anecdote targeted at people who like to play the very best games of this medium.

I have a 7 years old girl, fan of Kirby, Mario but mostly Animal Crossing. She has been playing on Wii and 3DS for a couple of years, I made her test about 20 games. Plus twice as many on iOS.

So I recently got a Vita (sex) and while I didn't let her touch it for a while (sex is for adults)(probably the main reason why Vita is not selling as much as 3DS BTW), I found Tearaway so good I started building Origamis for my girls (I did a Squirrel, an apple and a flower, it's amazing).

So my eldest girl asked me where I got these from, and I showed her Tearaway. End of the story is, she's now 30% in and told me yesterday it's the best game she has ever played.

Buy a Vita you crazy gamers. And get Tearaway, for you, your girlfriend, your kids, and for the sake of this medium.
As Tearaway can't be praised enough, here is another anecdote targeted at people who like to play the very best games of this medium.

I have a 7 years old girl, fan of Kirby, Mario but mostly Animal Crossing. She has been playing on Wii and 3DS for a couple of years, I made her test about 20 games. Plus twice as many on iOS.

So I recently got a Vita (sex) and while I didn't let her touch it for a while (sex is for adults)(probably the main reason why Vita is not selling as much as 3DS BTW), I found Tearaway so good I started building Origamis for my girls (I did a Squirrel, an apple and a flower, it's amazing).

So my eldest girl asked me where I got these from, and I showed her Tearaway. End of the story is, she's now 30% in and told me yesterday it's the best game she has ever played.

Buy a Vita you crazy gamers. And get Tearaway, for you, your girlfriend, your kids, and for the sake of this medium.

Good to hear! Looking forward to my son playing it when he is old enough and we can swap stories about it.

Did you get protection put on your Vita? Screen protector is a must.


Europe and Usa are unfortunately... playing Fifa, GTA or Call of Duty.
There's sadly no more place for original games these days


One of the most enjoyable games ever created. The fact this thing didn't get marketed as the Vita "killer app" is sad. If this isn't a killer app for a system then there's no such thing anymore.
I'm so glad this game turned out as great as it did. I thought Killzone Mercenary was going to be the game to start the buzz. This game was perfect imo. I absolutely loved it. Made my girlfriend play it and she enjoyed it just as much.

This is one of the best games I played and I'm lucky I was fortunate enough to have a vita to play it. Can't wait to see what other stuff media molecule has up their sleeve

I think it did what it needed to do and they are somewhat happy with the results. Not bad for a 15 man team. I wonder what physical and digital sadness are now


Picked up the soundtrack yesterday. It's amazing but that was already known. Might start some papercraft this weekend. Can't wait for my 17 month old daughter to be older so I can play this with her. It's one of only a few "remember these games years later to show daughter" titles I have so far.


Tearaway is surely fantastic... but like many other new Sony IPs it needs to be more "Game". Gameplay explodes in the last few stages, in the most part of the game Tearaway it's a beautiful travel almost without hazards. Tearaway has the idea, the art, the enviroment, everything a game needs except for the right quantity of challenge. This may not be a problem for some gamers but it is for many. You can't spend 40$ for a game that needs 6-8 hours to be completed and less than 10 hours to plat. The same flaw (but with a minor impact) you can find it in another gorgeous Sony title, Puppeteer, brilliant and gorgeous but with a lack of challenge.
Puppeteer and Tearaway are not games for kids. They're games for adults that loves to be kid in some way... but in other ways they want to be challenged.


Just thought I'd throw this in to the ring, had my girlfriend sit down and try this while watching a hockey game and she couldn't put it down constantly laughing, and saying how much she loved it. She now says it's her favorite game ever.


Just thought I'd throw this in to the ring, had my girlfriend sit down and try this while watching a hockey game and she couldn't put it down constantly laughing, and saying how much she loved it. She now says it's her favorite game ever.

Thats a winner. Mine just played through it (seemingly) mindlessly in a few days and later - during talks of wanting to trade it in at Gamestop for a few dollars - even admitted she played it in the dark most of the time, not even taking pictures of herself.

That said, I enjoyed it and have convinced my roommate to play through it. (Though, admittedly, Dont Starve seems to have him more hooked.)
As Tearaway can't be praised enough, here is another anecdote targeted at people who like to play the very best games of this medium.

I have a 7 years old girl, fan of Kirby, Mario but mostly Animal Crossing. She has been playing on Wii and 3DS for a couple of years, I made her test about 20 games. Plus twice as many on iOS.

So I recently got a Vita (sex) and while I didn't let her touch it for a while (sex is for adults)(probably the main reason why Vita is not selling as much as 3DS BTW), I found Tearaway so good I started building Origamis for my girls (I did a Squirrel, an apple and a flower, it's amazing).

So my eldest girl asked me where I got these from, and I showed her Tearaway. End of the story is, she's now 30% in and told me yesterday it's the best game she has ever played.

Buy a Vita you crazy gamers. And get Tearaway, for you, your girlfriend, your kids, and for the sake of this medium.

My 4 year old daughter really likes Tearaway, but it's just a little too complex for her.

She also really likes Gravity Rush, Men's Room Mayhem, Jacob Jones and a few others. Although I've had to explicitly state that she's not allowed to play Hotline Miami or Soul Sacrifice.


Tearaway is surely fantastic... but like many other new Sony IPs it needs to be more "Game". Gameplay explodes in the last few stages, in the most part of the game Tearaway it's a beautiful travel almost without hazards. Tearaway has the idea, the art, the enviroment, everything a game needs except for the right quantity of challenge. This may not be a problem for some gamers but it is for many. You can't spend 40$ for a game that needs 6-8 hours to be completed and less than 10 hours to plat. The same flaw (but with a minor impact) you can find it in another gorgeous Sony title, Puppeteer, brilliant and gorgeous but with a lack of challenge.
Puppeteer and Tearaway are not games for kids. They're games for adults that loves to be kid in some way... but in other ways they want to be challenged.

Well, I think both Tearaway and Pupeteer are games designed to have a universal appeal. It's a game that it's not too hard, kids can play them since they are little. And adults like it because it's charming and it makes them feel like a kid in some way. And I don't mind it.

They could have done something like the last 3D Marios has done. The main game is easy, but getting every collectible in the game is a little harder. Still, I hope we get a spiritual succesor / sequel to Tearaway. I don't mind the platform, MM is the studio that would make me buy a PSMove / Camera / both if their next games requires it.


isnt it at 50k according to latest NPD numbers.
so its second month is better than first month. and maybe third month will be better than second month


The Vita isn't doing well in the US for certain and is doing slightly but not substantionally better in UK from what I can see.

Is there a chance that Sony could 'relaunch' the console by doing a full release for the Vita Slim? By now there's a good libary of games which a lot of people haven't heard of, Tearaway being great example of which, and the system software is mature.
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