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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT| Gwent Player, Monster Slayer, EVEN RACISM

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Yes, and it's one of two.

1. Valen (Novegrad + Dead Man's Land)
2. Skellige Islands

White Ochard, Vizima, and Kaer Morhen are mini worlds. And there may be others.

Thank you! Also, good god my post is horrendous. I blame mobile keyboards and 4 hours of sleep.


Is there anyway to cook your own food? I'm always running out and I'm always low on currency.
There's a general skill that gives you slow vitality regen when its daytime. Try using that. I've also found that I run out of food quickly, so having the skill is super helpful when I need to heal up.

I'm not enjoying the combat so far. But i have to admit i don't fully understand it yet.
I'm just rolling a lot and spamming light attack. I know sidestep is better in some situations but i instinctively use roll.

Is there a stamina pool like in the souls games?
It's on the left side of your health. Shares the same pool as spells. And please try to not roll so much. The problem with rolling is when you do it you separate yourself from the enemy and miss out on free hits. The only time you should roll is if a group is surrounding your or if the enemy has some charging attack.


I'm not enjoying the combat so far. But i have to admit i don't fully understand it yet.
I'm just rolling a lot and spamming light attack. I know sidestep is better in some situations but i instinctively use roll.

Is there a stamina pool like in the souls games?


Loading times after dying are unforgiveable on PS4, as well as random loading for seconds-long cutscenes, loading through fast-travel, etc. So bad that I would rather quit the game than sit through them.

Stuttering in cutscenes, framerate drops all over the place, popping - it all just feels horribly unoptimised. If they already had to delay it and this was deemed acceptable to release, then I dread to think how the game was pre-delay.

- loot system needs to be improved, wandering around a corpse to find the specific area to get the "Loot X" prompt to appear is not fun
- same with mounting Roach, walking around him in circles pressing/holding X is frustrating
- NPCs saying "follow me/I'll lead the way" and then just loitering around is terrible, I may as well just run ahead because they're so slow, and then they speed up
- checkpoint/auto-save during missions is awful; dying, sitting through a 30 second loading screen to find you're miles behind is an instant mood killer
- parrying/dodging sometimes simply doesn't work
- audio sometimes doesn't play even though you've hit an enemy and health was taken off
- loads more

I hope they patch all of this because as of now I'm really disappointed. Hype deflated.

You just have to get better! I can dodge and parry everything with ease. Could be because of all the years of Souls games and Bloodborne recently but it is definitly working like a charm.

All this complaints about the PS4 version are strange... I had a little fps problems at the beginning, but everything is fine now. Loading times after a death a horrible that is true, but everything else is fine so far. How can it be that so many people have problems with their games? Digital version? I have the retail version and version 1.01 and only had the Gwent crashes back then. I am also 28 hours into the game now. D:


Please tell me the voice during the recaps at load isn't Dandelion.

Holy fuck that voice is so bad. It's beyond bad.

Really hoping it isn't as well (pretty sure it is though). It really sticks out from the rest of the voice work I've heard so far. Geralt himself has come a long way from TW1.
Is there anyway to cook your own food? I'm always running out and I'm always low on currency.

You should replace using food with using potions pretty quickly. In the early game at least (I'm not sure if there's a better health potion you get later) you should make a swallow potion. That's going to be your go-to health potion. You can carry 3 at once and they should give you close to a full heal each time.

Once you craft a potion, you keep auto replenishing it each time you meditate as long as you have any alcohol in your inventory. So it's more cost effective than food.


Seems like quests are really engaging so far. Just really only did the
, but I liked how Geralt is talking to himself in a way of explaining what he is doing and it acts as a way to inform the player. Most games would just put it in text, nice touch.


Combat isn't clicking with me or feeling as reliable as Witcher 2's so far. I like that dodging feels like it has i-frames, but group fights feel super messy and I'm not quite getting it. I also don't care for the potion system, where you basically have to go into inventory mid-fight. Or maybe I don't understand things too well yet. I started Witcher 2 on dark, and I eventually got it.

But I agree totally on the sentiments with the general controls. Game feels either sluggish and too quick. General amount of super-clunk holding me back from enjoying it too much.


Difficulties seem bugged too. I ended up dying, having to redo a previous nest fight and after I was at pretty low health. Since this was the second time I had done this, and just rushed my way through it from impatience, I lowered the difficulty to normal to see if I could regain health from meditating.

Nope. Seems like if you start a game on a harder difficulty, you're locked out of the benefits of the lower difficulties, even when selecting them later and that it's a one way progression. You can go up, but not down.

Combat isn't clicking with me or feeling as reliable as Witcher 2's so far. I like that dodging feels like it has i-frames, but group fights feel super messy and I'm not quite getting it. I also don't care for the potion system, where you basically have to go into inventory mid-fight. Or maybe I don't understand things too well yet. I started Witcher 2 on dark, and I eventually got it.

But I agree totally on the sentiments with the general controls. Game feels either sluggish and too quick. General amount of super-clunk holding me back from enjoying it too much.

Yeah, the combat is pretty awful in this. In many ways worse than the already not-so-good combat from TW2. It doesn't feel right at all, and group fights are stupid thanks to the camera.


I'm not enjoying the combat so far. But i have to admit i don't fully understand it yet.
I'm just rolling a lot and spamming light attack. I know sidestep is better in some situations but i instinctively use roll.

Is there a stamina pool like in the souls games?

There is, actually find myself playing more like bloodborne and it isn't too bad on higher difficulties on what little I have played (a lot of dodging - not rolling and it is easier to parry comparatively). Your stamina usage is more generous compared to souls games. As far as I can tell, it only depletes for spells, blocking, sprinting and rolling I think...but I haven't played much to give too much insight (snicker) yet.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

This is probably going to wind up as one of my favourite games ever. It's almost perfectly, exactly the kind of game I've wanted for a very long time.


Lol, my ps4 cant even seem to handle the menu. It's skipping and stuttering and speeding up and what not.

I think this does not bode well.


Also found turning the sensitivity helped a bunch too for combat and movement in general...was way too quick at the default setting (playing on PS4). Just wish you could pull the camera back a bit more away from Geralt.


Despite the fact that we now have a horse, I still find myself traversing the world on-foot 99% of the time lol

Same, haha. I'm too used to it in the Witcher series!


This is probably going to wind up as one of my favourite games ever. It's almost perfectly, exactly the kind of game I've wanted for a very long time.

I want to hold judgement, but I'm finding difficulties thus far (though still in the beginning, mind you). I'm really enjoying my newest venture into the Witcher universe. I don't want it to end!


Combat isn't clicking with me or feeling as reliable as Witcher 2's so far. I like that dodging feels like it has i-frames, but group fights feel super messy and I'm not quite getting it. I also don't care for the potion system, where you basically have to go into inventory mid-fight. Or maybe I don't understand things too well yet. I started Witcher 2 on dark, and I eventually got it.

But I agree totally on the sentiments with the general controls. Game feels either sluggish and too quick. General amount of super-clunk holding me back from enjoying it too much.

Equip your potions to the quickslot menue?


Loading times after dying are unforgiveable on PS4, as well as random loading for seconds-long cutscenes, loading through fast-travel, etc. So bad that I would rather quit the game than sit through them.

Stuttering in cutscenes, framerate drops all over the place, popping - it all just feels horribly unoptimised. If they already had to delay it and this was deemed acceptable to release, then I dread to think how the game was pre-delay.

- loot system needs to be improved, wandering around a corpse to find the specific area to get the "Loot X" prompt to appear is not fun
- same with mounting Roach, walking around him in circles pressing/holding X is frustrating
- NPCs saying "follow me/I'll lead the way" and then just loitering around is terrible, I may as well just run ahead because they're so slow, and then they speed up
- checkpoint/auto-save during missions is awful; dying, sitting through a 30 second loading screen to find you're miles behind is an instant mood killer
- parrying/dodging sometimes simply doesn't work
- audio sometimes doesn't play even though you've hit an enemy and health was taken off
- loads more

I hope they patch all of this because as of now I'm really disappointed. Hype deflated.
This is a very good post and excellent points.

P.S. Finding the "sweet spot" for loot X prompt is very annoying indeed


Control in this game is so weird. Playing the PC version, I've never had a game where I switched between control schemes so much. General movement through towns, looting, conversations, horse riding, and menu stuff I use KB/M, and it's just fine, no complaints. Combat, though? Ugh, KB/M is the worst for combat, even after I changed some key binds, I just could not get use to it. I was getting destroyed by some Drowners early in the game, I was really getting annoyed, about to put the game down. Then I decided to try combat with a game pad and it was night and day. I killed the drowners with ease. It was great, I started to really like the combat. After killing stuff, it's time to loot, which is SO clunky with a game pad. It feels like there is some massive input lag or something, it's so.... not precise. Just trying to position Geralt to pick something up is a pain in the ass using the game pad.

Kinda disappointed with the lack of sneaking. I don't want something like most games, where sneaking = practically invisible, but there have definitely been a couple times where I wish I could do some sneaking. I came upon a group of bandits in the woods, was hoping I could sneak up to them, to at least close the distance, since some of them had bows, but nope, they spotted me from at least 50 yards away, despite being in a thick forest and I got pelted with arrows. My only option was to bum rush the group, hit em with ignii and slash like a mad man. In the end, they all died, but I didn't play at all in a way which reflects my play style, or Geralts. I thought Geralt was supposed to be calculated and prepared, it doesn't seem like his style to just sprint towards a group of 7-8 bandits, take a few arrows to the chest, then haphazardly and frantically swing a sword around until everyone is dead.


Unlimited Capacity
I wish I was able to attack and kill anyone whenever I want and have consequences for such actions.

This simply is something that Geralt would not do.

This game needs more of that. Side quests that lead to more side quests. Some just kinda end there.

Keep playing, lol

There's actually loads of stuff that isn't highlighted on the map which means there's actually a reason to explore, great!

I believe that notice board posting add points of interest on the map. So it is possible you ran across an area before running across the posting for it.
Despite the fact that we now have a horse, I still find myself traversing the world on-foot 99% of the time lol
Same here. The game is really picking up. I just love that nothing is locked regarding the map. Going to see if I can get the money together and travel to Skellige prematurely...

I am a bit disappointed with hair dlc. Some cool new ones but no original Witcher look. Beard stuff is cool. But does it really remove dynamic growth if you use them? I did and then went back to clean shaven, hoping that resets it but it doesn't seem like it. Granted not much time has passed since.


Any place that I can get a summary of the books? I can't start to read through all of them before the weekend when I have time to start playing.


I really like the combat in this, it feels way better than Witcher 2. Throw a dragon's dream, use Igni on the gas, watch everything burn to death.
Difficulties seem bugged too. I ended up dying, having to redo a previous nest fight and after I was at pretty low health. Since this was the second time I had done this, and just rushed my way through it from impatience, I lowered the difficulty to normal to see if I could regain health from meditating.

Nope. Seems like if you start a game on a harder difficulty, you're locked out of the benefits of the lower difficulties, even when selecting them later and that it's a one way progression. You can go up, but not down..

I swapped from hard to normal last night and was able to meditate and recover HP just fine.
Any place that I can get a summary of the books? I can't start to read through all of them before the weekend when I have time to start playing.

Honestly, don't worry about it. The game is designed for new players, even more so than in the previous games, they make the relevant backstory bits really clear. There's also a large in-game glossary that will give you more details on each character if you're curious.


Pro-tip: Explore as much as you can. Climb ladders, jump on house roofs. There's plenty of stuff hidden away, eg.
in the buildings surrounding Bloody Baron's courtyard. One tower alone has like 4 chests with stuff including formulas.


Does anyone know how one could go about doing the following?

So, playing on the PC with a controller, I'd like to be able to cast signs via shortcut buttons on the controller rather than opening the radial menu every time. Do you know how one could map buttons to cast various signs? For example, R2+X = Igni, R2+O = Aard, etc.?


Did many reviews pick up on the bad load times on PS4? Mine are worse than Bloodborne when I'm reloading a save but not a lot seems to have been said


is there a way to switch targets "z" without hitting z to detarget and then looking towards a closer enemy and retargeting?


I love this game. It looks great (dat ultra), the combat is fun and I love collecting ingredients for potions. I've only played about 3-4 hours so far but I'm really enjoying it. I liked Witcher 2 a lot, but this is so much better. The story is interesting so far as well, cant wait to see what happens next. I'm playing with keyboard and mouse as I absolutely cant stand controllers, and it feels great, very smooth. I've encountered some bugs here and there, some random crashing but overall it's been okay. A patch might fix things up, but for now it's playable at least.



This is probably going to wind up as one of my favourite games ever. It's almost perfectly, exactly the kind of game I've wanted for a very long time.

I will hold judgement, but everything so far has been exactly what I had been hoping for too. I wasn't sure CDPR could pull it off, but they just might have.


Loading times after dying are unforgiveable on PS4, as well as random loading for seconds-long cutscenes, loading through fast-travel, etc. So bad that I would rather quit the game than sit through them.

Stuttering in cutscenes, framerate drops all over the place, popping - it all just feels horribly unoptimised. If they already had to delay it and this was deemed acceptable to release, then I dread to think how the game was pre-delay.

- loot system needs to be improved, wandering around a corpse to find the specific area to get the "Loot X" prompt to appear is not fun
- same with mounting Roach, walking around him in circles pressing/holding X is frustrating
- NPCs saying "follow me/I'll lead the way" and then just loitering around is terrible, I may as well just run ahead because they're so slow, and then they speed up
- checkpoint/auto-save during missions is awful; dying, sitting through a 30 second loading screen to find you're miles behind is an instant mood killer
- parrying/dodging sometimes simply doesn't work
- audio sometimes doesn't play even though you've hit an enemy and health was taken off
- loads more

I hope they patch all of this because as of now I'm really disappointed. Hype deflated.

Spot on here, i think this game have some serious issue to be consider "one of the best RPG ever". Also the UI when we have a lot of items is atrocious


Is it normal to not have a crossbow yet...? level 3,ready to bait the griffon in the tutorial region,and doing all the sidequests and exploration question marks...could of swore I saw some trailers and lets play where they had a crossbow for the Griffon fight...
Is it normal to not have a crossbow yet...? level 3,ready to bait the griffon in the tutorial region,and doing all the sidequests and exploration question marks...could of swore I saw some trailers and lets play where they had a crossbow for the Griffon fight...
........Do the mission lol
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